All DHR Documents by Control Number

Control #: 00-07 Revised
Subject: Comprehensive Program Review System Modification
Issue Date: 11/1/1999
Effective Date: 11/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Family Investment Programs
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The Comprehensive Program Review System's (CPRS) primary purpose is to ensure program accuracy by assessing case manager's adherence to laws and regulations through the identification and correction of errors. Additionally, the system provides an effective management tool for evaluation, performance appraisals, and determining training needs.

Control #: 00-09
Subject: Informal Child Care Changes
Issue Date: 8/1/1999
Effective Date: 9/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) consolidated all Federal child care funding. The legislation includes health and safety requirements for all types of child care and requires that states allow parental choice in the selection of all types of child care and requires that states allow parental choice in the selection of a child care provider. Parental choice has increased the use of informal care. To provide protection for children in informal care, the Child Care Administration has amended its regulations, policy and procedures to require Child Protective Services (CPS) clearances for informal providers and any adult regularly present in the provider's home during child care hours and limit to six the number of children in an informal provider's care.

Control #: 00-10
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamp Mass Change - October 1999
Issue Date: 9/1/1999
Effective Date: 10/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
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Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. The net and gross monthly income standards increase effective October 1, 1999. The maximum food stamp allotments also increase. The excess shelter deduction, standard deduction and homeless shelter allowance are unchanged.

Control #: 00-12
Subject: Pickle Amendement
Issue Date: 9/9/1999
Effective Date: 9/9/1999
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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The Federal Law known as the Pickle Amendment establishes Medical Assistance Eligibility for former Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who received both SSI and Social Security Benefits (SSB) and would have maintained eligibility for SSI payment if their income were reduced by the total amount of the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA).

Control #: 00-13
Subject: Allowable MCO Disenrollments
Issue Date: 10/1/1999
Effective Date: 10/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA)
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In April of 1996, the Maryland legislature passed Senate Bill 750. This bill directed the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) to employ managed care principles to promote patient-focused, accessible services to Medicaid customers and to create a "medical home" for Medicaid recipients through which all medical care will be delivered. DHMH created HealthChoice.

Control #: 00-14 Addendum
Subject: TCA Quality Control-Correction to Error Definitions
Issue Date: 5/12/2000
Effective Date: 10/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
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The chart of error definitions that was attached to AT 00-14 (Temporary Cash Assistance Quality Control) issued in October, 1999 contained an error. Under the error condition of Assistance Unit Composition, the chart stated that a potential error would be cited if the Assistance Unit contained a Kinship Care Child. This is incorrect. Only Subsidized Guardianship children are excluded from being part of an assistance unit. A corrected page of the error condition chart is attached.

Control #: 00-15
Subject: Medical Assistance Retrospective Relief
Issue Date: 10/15/1999
Effective Date: 10/15/1999
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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Federal welfare reform legislation signed into law in August 1996 required that we determine eligibility for Medicaid separately from welfare. Unfortunately, as an unintended consequence of welfare reform, Medicaid eligibility was not always considered when denying or closing a TCA case. As a result, some families may not have received Medicaid benefits to which they're entitled. DHR and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) developed strategies to ensure that families who may have been incorrectly denied or closed have eligibility for Medicaid continued.

Control #: 00-16
Subject: Medical Assistance De-Linking and Corrective Actions
Issue Date: 10/15/1999
Effective Date: 10/15/1999
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) required many significant changes to the way in which states administered welfare programs. The most significant change was the elimination of AFDC replacing it with Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). TANF provided for welfare grants to be fully administered by the states. A corollary to this change was the elimination of automatic or "categorical" eligibility for Medicaid to those families who receive welfare. Before PRWORA, all AFDC recipients were certified for Medicaid upon approval for AFDC, with no additional application or testing required. PRWORA eliminated the requirement that state grant Medicaid to all welfare recipients, but did permit sates the option of offering automatic eligibility for Medicaid to welfare recipients which is sometimes referred to as "de-linking," since it broke the link between receipt of welfare and receipt for Medicaid.

Control #: 00-17
Subject: Work Registration Exemption for Parents with A Child Under Age One
Issue Date: 11/17/1999
Effective Date: 11/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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When Maryland crafted the Family Investment Program, Maryland's Welfare Reform initiative, we tried to make the Food Stamp Program match Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA). One of the TCA initiatives lowered the age that a child exempts a caretaker from work requirements from age six to age one. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 let us do this for the Food Stamp Program for only three years. Maryland's 3-year period ended October 1, 1999.

Control #: 00-20
Subject: Waivers for Reporting Changes
Issue Date: 11/19/1999
Effective Date: 10/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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In an effort to simplify policy for case managers and customers, we requested two food stamp waivers that modify change reporting. This transmittal describes a new waiver and modifies an existing waiver. The new waiver defines the date that a household knows about a new source of earned income as the date the new employment begins. The modified waiver increases the change reporting threshold for households who receive earnings on a piecework basis from $80 to $100.;

Control #: 00-21
Subject: Treatment of Condominium Fees
Issue Date: 11/19/1999
Effective Date: 11/19/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
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Recently, the Food and Nutrition service reinterpreted policy about how to treat condominium fees. This action transmittal provides this new information.

Control #: 00-23
Subject: Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) FY 2000 Operations
Issue Date: 11/10/1999
Effective Date: 10/25/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) began taking applications for its program year on October 25, 1999. MEAP will continue to take applications for heating assistance through March 31, 2000.

Control #: 00-24
Subject: Sixty-Month Time Limits Compliance for Customers From Out of State
Issue Date: 11/29/1999
Effective Date: 11/29/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
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In May 1999, a Supreme Court decision on a California case concluded that residency requirements violated the individual's right to travel. As a result of this decision, Maryland rescinded the residency requirements for families moving from other states. However, the local departments must continue to apply the sixty-month time limit on all cases. The time limit includes any month that TANF benefits were received from other states. Case managers must take the following steps to ensure proper application.

Control #: 00-26
Issue Date: 11/24/1999
Effective Date: 1/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
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Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take thes0026.pdfe changes into account for grant, food stamp and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 00-27
Subject: Family Self-Sufficiency Program and Welfare-to-Work Rental Vouchers
Issue Date: 12/13/1999
Effective Date: 1/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps and Medical Assistance
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This Action Transmittal provides guidance on the treatment of funds placed in the Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program and the Welfare-to-Work Voucher Program.

Control #: 00-31
Subject: Excluded Income for Short-Term, Temporary Census Enumerators
Issue Date: 12/15/1999
Effective Date: 12/15/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Purchase of Care (POC)
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Information Memo FIA/OPRS #99-23 dated 12/14/98 gave instructions to local departments to consider all earnings from Census employment as countable earned income when determining benefits for cash assistance, food stamps or medical assistance. Customers were to report Census employment and income, as with any other job.

Control #: 00-34
Subject: Case Transfer Process
Issue Date: 1/20/2000
Effective Date: 1/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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The procedure for transferring cases within the CARES system when a household moves from one jurisdiction to another is being updated in order to ensure an efficient process that will provide high quality service to the customer.

Control #: 00-34 Addendum
Subject: Case Transfer Process
Issue Date: 2/23/2000
Effective Date: 4/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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On January 20, 2000, FIA issued Action Transmittal 00-34 outlining the procedures for transferring case records between jurisdictions. The transmittal state that staff must attach a Case Transfer Form to the front of the paper record. The AT does not include a copy of this form.

Control #: 00-35
Subject: Modification of SSI/SDX Accretion, Deletion and Change Processing
Issue Date: 2/23/2000
Effective Date: 4/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: SSI Medical Assistance
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Since 1974, the local Departments of Social Services have used Form DHR/DDP950, Supplemental Security Income, to process SSI and SDX additions, deletions and changes of information to the Maryland MEDICAID Information System (MMIS). Effective April 1, 2000, FIA will replace Form 950 with automated processing via the on line State Date Exchange (SDX) system. The 950 forms will not be sent to the local department offices after April 30, 2000.

Control #: 00-39
Subject: Work Requirements Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (Federal Welfare Reform)-Temporary Cash Assistance
Issue Date: 3/20/2000
Effective Date: 3/20/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
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The Administration has established policies in Action Transmittal 97-66 Revised and Action Transmittal 97-67 that require the local departments to collect timely and accurate data on work activities. Local departments are not currently required to enter attendance data into the Work Opportunities Management Information System (WOMIS) for all cases. They may use the system for managing their single parent family caseload. However, attendance data must be entered for all two-parent cases.

Control #: 00-42
Subject: Failure to Comply with Federal, State or Local Assistance Program Requirements
Issue Date: 3/24/2000
Effective Date: 4/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-80, issued March 1, 1997 contained information about the section of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 that prohibits an increase in food stamps when a household's benefit from a means-tested program is decreased for failure to perform a required action. Action Transmittal FIA/OPRS 99-28, issued February 16, 1999, Conciliation and Sanction Procedures Guide, includes information about how Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Sanctions affect food stamps. This action transmittal provides policy that clarifies and expands the application of the policy.

Control #: 00-43
Subject: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)-Change in Exempt Counties
Issue Date: 3/24/2000
Effective Date: 3/24/2000
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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The waivers that allow us to certain jurisdictions from the ABAWD work requirements are approved for one year at a time. Each year we submit a new waiver request to the Food and Nutrition Service along with our justification for exempting counties. We were informed that effective March 1, 2000 all jurisdictions that were approved for 1999 except Wicomico County were approved for the next year.

Control #: 00-45
Issue Date: 4/5/2000
Effective Date: 4/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) eliminated the requirement that states grant Medicaid to all welfare recipients. This is sometimes referred to as "se-linking" because it separated Medicaid eligibility from welfare eligibility. States were given an option to continue to provide automatic Medicaid eligibility to cash assistance recipients, and Maryland has taken this option. The de-linking also required that states make separate Medicaid eligibility determinations for those who are ineligible for cash assistance, and that applicants be tested for eligibility in all categories for which they may qualify. Action Transmittal 99-45 addressed the short term steps taken to ensure that applicants were appropriately tested for Medical Assistance and Temporary Cash Assistance is denied or closed, and whenever eligibility in any Medical Assistance category is denied or closed.

Control #: 00-46
Subject: Excluded Income for Temporary Census Employees
Issue Date: 3/15/2000
Effective Date: 4/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: TCA, Food Stamps (FS), Medical Assistance (MA) and POC
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Action Transmittal FIA/OPRS #00-31 dated 12/15/99 gave instructions to local departments to exclude the earnings for TCA and POC customers who are employed for 90 days or less as short-term, temporary enumerators during the year 2000. Census employment was considered countable earned income when determining benefits for food stamps or Medical Assistance.

Control #: 00-49
Subject: Purchase of CAre (POC) Provider Payment Changes
Issue Date: 4/28/2000
Effective Date: 5/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care (POC)
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Effective May 1, 2000, the Child Care Administration is making regulatory and/or procedural changes to the Purchase of Care (POC) program. This action transmittal provides information on changes associated with provider payment.

Control #: 00-50
Subject: Child Immunization Elgibility Requirement
Issue Date: 4/28/2000
Effective Date: 5/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
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Federal regulations (45 CFR Part 98) for subsidized child care funding through the Child Care and Development Fun (CCDF) require states to establish immunization requirements to assure that children receiving services under the CCDF are age-appropriate immunized according to the latest recommendation of the state public health agency.

Control #: 00-51
Subject: Purchase of Chile Care Policy Changes-Gaps In Employment, Study, Children Enrolled in Head Start Programs
Issue Date: 4/28/2000
Effective Date: 5/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
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Effective May 1, 2000, the Child Care Administration is making regulatory and/or procedural changes to the Purchase of Child Care (POC) program to provide support to families moving from welfare to work. This action transmittal provides information on changes associated with authorization for POC services.

Control #: 00-52
Subject: Provider of Care (POC) Income Changes
Issue Date: 4/28/2000
Effective Date: 5/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care (POC)
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Effective May 1, 2000, the Child Care Administration is making regulatory and/or procedural changes to the Purchase of Care (POC) program. This action transmittal provides information about four of the changes.

Control #: 00-54
Subject: Elimination of the 14-Day Delay for TCA Applications
Issue Date: 7/15/2000
Effective Date: 7/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
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The 14-day delay provision was introduced as a cash assistance requirement in November 1995. As part of the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) application process, the initial TCA benefit received was prorated from the 14th day after the date of application. The only exceptions to the 14-day delay were cases closed in error by the local department or the application is to cure a TCA sanction in the first non-pay month.

Control #: 00-55
Subject: End of Medial Assitance in Lieu of Temporary Cash Assistance Option
Issue Date: 6/22/2000
Effective Date: 6/22/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance
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The waiver allowing Medical Assistance in lieu of Temporary Cash Assistance ended December 31, 1999.

Control #: 00-56
Subject: Vehicle Exclusion As An Inaccessible Resource
Issue Date: 6/26/2000
Effective Date: 7/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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The Food and Nutrition Service granted approval of a waiver so that we can exclude a vehicle as an inaccessible resource if the estimated amount of return from its sale is less than half the applicable resource standard.

Control #: 00-57
Subject: Eligibility for Custodial Parents Convicted of a Drug-Related Felony
Issue Date: 6/30/2000
Effective Date: 7/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Emergency Assistance, Welfare Avoidance Grants and Food Stamps
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Action Transmittal 97-56 described penalties and disqualifications resulting from provisions of Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 amended the section of PRWORA that denied benefits to individuals convicted of drug-related convictions for crimes committed since August 22, 1996 are permanently ineligible to receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA, Emergency Assistance (EA) or Food Stamps (FS).

Control #: 01-01
Issue Date: 7/11/2000
Effective Date: 7/11/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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The Office of Policy Research and Systems (OPRS) answers policy and procedures questions from local departments statewide on a daily basis. When providing clarification, the caller is often referred to a specific Action Transmittal (AT) or Information Memo (IM) that outlines the policy or procedure in question.

Control #: 01-02
Issue Date: 8/7/2000
Effective Date: 8/7/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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In April 1997, the Department of Health and Human Services awarded the Social Services Administration approval to conduct a five-year demonstration project to test the feasibility of subsidized guardianship for children who are court-committed to a local department of social services and living with non-parent relatives. The demonstration project is designed to provide a more permanent family living arrangement for children in the custody of the local departments of social services. Participation in the demonstration project is voluntary. Families are randomly selected and asked if they would like to participate in the pilot project. Under this demonstration project SSA pays a subsidy of $300 per month per child to the non-parent caretaker relative for care of the child if the caretaker relative agrees to become the child's court appointed guardian. When the relative becomes the legal guardian, the State is no longer legally responsible for the child's care and the Foster Care/Kinship Care case is closed.

Control #: 01-03
Issue Date: 8/16/2000
Effective Date: 8/16/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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A new district office has been designated for Baltimore City. The Harford Heights DSS has been divided into two offices. One office will remain Harford Heights D.O. #337 and the other office will be named "Northwood DSS" D.O. #360.

Control #: 01-04
Subject: Withdrawl of Request for Hearing Form (DHR/OS 87)-Revision and Instructions
Issue Date: 8/10/2000
Effective Date: 8/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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Applicants or customers have the right to file an appeal and request a hearing if a local department's decision adversely affects their benefits or other services. Use the Withdrawal of Request for Hearing (DHR/OS 87) form when an applicant or customer withdraws the request for hearing.

Control #: 01-05
Issue Date: 8/11/2000
Effective Date: 10/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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At the request of another State, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has reconsidered the treatment of attendant care payments made by an outside source to a disabled household member for attendant care when the person providing the care is also a household member. This action transmittal provides the new policy about treatment of income in this situation.

Control #: 01-06
Issue Date: 8/16/2000
Effective Date: 8/16/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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Applicants or customers have the right to file an appeal and request a hearing if a local department's decision adversely affects their Family Investment Program benefits. Use the Request For Hearing (DHR/FIA 334) form when an applicant or customer requests a hearing. This form must be readily available in local department reception areas and given to the applicant/customer upon demand.

Control #: 01-07
Issue Date: 8/28/2000
Effective Date: 8/28/2000
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA) State Data Exchange System (SDX)
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The attached pages contain responses to questions raised by staff regarding the implementation of the SDX On-Line system and the associated Action Transmittal #00-35. The questions were voiced during the March 2000 Quarterly Policy Briefings, and at the FIA Medical Assistance Eligibility Conference held on Wednesday, May 5, 2000.

Control #: 01-08
Issue Date: 8/29/2000
Effective Date: 8/29/2000
Program(s) Affected: LTC Medical Assistance
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In August of 1995, DHMH issued a Request for Clarification of Medical Assistance Eligibility Policy and/or Procedure (CR-720 & 728) to clarify the procedures for instances when non-institutionalized persons make a request for coverage of LTC. This procedure is still in effect. In order to accommodate the applicant and the LTC facility with the least amount of time and effort on the part of the local department, please use the following procedure whenever a non-institutionalized person makes a request for LTC coverage.

Control #: 01-09
Issue Date: 8/31/2000
Effective Date: 8/31/2000
Program(s) Affected: Refugee Cash Assistance
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The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has announced that, effective June 15, 2000 asylees are eligible for refugee assistance and services beginning on the date that they are granted asylum. This is a substantial policy change, since previously asylees were deemed eligible for refugee cash assistance benefits for 8 months from the date they arrived in the United States. Since the process of applying for asylum and having the case heard and decided often exceeded 8 months, many asylees were ineligible by the time they arrived at the local Department of Social Services Office to apply for benefits. Effective immediately under ORR's new policy, an asylee's entry date will be the date that the individual is granted asylum in the United States. This policy change is particularly important for asylees who need to access refugee cash and medical assistance (RCA and RMA). For example, an individual enters United States on December 1, 2000 as a tourist. He or she applies for asylum on April 1, 2001. The asylum office interviews the individual on June 1, 2001 and grants asylum on August 1, 2001. This individual's date of entry would be August 1, 2001, the date asylum was granted. The asylee would be eligible to access refugee cash and medical assistance from August 1, 2001, through March 31, 2002. Under the old rule, the 8-month eligibility period would have begun December 1, 2000 and would have ended just before asylum was granted.

Control #: 01-10
Issue Date: 9/6/2000
Effective Date: 9/6/2000
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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Effective October 1, 1999 the Food and Nutrition Service changed the way they distribute funds from the Treasury Offset Program (TOP). This change has caused some confusion about how to record payments on the FNS-209 report.

Control #: 01-11
Issue Date: 9/1/2000
Effective Date: 10/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance Food Stamps
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Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. The net and gross monthly income standards increase effective October 1, 2000. The maximum food stamp allotments and excess shelter deduction also increase. The standard deduction and homeless shelter allowance are unchanged. The Welfare Innovation Act of 1996 requires that the total of Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps be at least 61percent of the established Minimum Living Level. The established minimum living level for Federal Fiscal Year 2001 is $1,278 for a family of three. On October 1, 2000 a 5.276 percent payment increase for Temporary Cash Assistance applicants and recipients is in effect. The key dates for actions related to the benefit increase for this program are noted below.

Control #: 01-12
Issue Date: 9/14/2000
Effective Date: 10/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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On August 22, 1997, DHR implemented the state Verification Exchange System (SVES) statewide. SVES is an automated data exchange system with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verifying social security numbers, Title II Social Security benefits, Title XVI Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, and Quarters of Coverage History (QCHS).

Control #: 01-13
Issue Date: 9/19/2000
Effective Date: 9/19/2000
Program(s) Affected: TCA, FS AND MA
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FIA Policy and Training staff conducted Quarterly Briefings in March 2000 to provide local staff with information concerning newly released policy. Questions surfaced during the briefings and other training sessions conducted since that time. The following is a compilation of program questions with the answers and clarifications related to those questions. This transmittal also clarifies and expands on answers given in FIA Information Memo 00-41.

Control #: 01-14
Issue Date: 9/26/2000
Effective Date: 8/14/2000
Program(s) Affected: Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
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The Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review (AELR Committee) approved the Department's request for emergency adoption of regulations (COMAR . to increase the medical examination fee and laboratory work fee for TEMHA (Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance) applicants. This change will bring physician and laboratory test fees into conformity with fees paid under Medical Assistance (Medicaid) schedules. The increase is effective August 14, 2000.

Control #: 01-15
Issue Date: 10/16/2000
Effective Date: 10/16/2000
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
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The procedures for transferring cases within the CARES system for FIA programs was outlined in Action Transmittal 00-34 and–34 Addendum. This action transmittal aligns POC's case transfer process with the FIA process to the extent possible.

Control #: 01-16
Issue Date: 10/17/2000
Effective Date: 10/17/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
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FIA Policy and Training staff conducted the Baltimore City Appeals and Conciliation Training in May and Consent Order training in August. Both training sessions provided BCDSS staff with information concerning new policy and procedures. The following is a compilation of questions resulting from the sessions with answers and clarifications related to those questions.

Control #: 01-17
Issue Date: 11/6/2000
Effective Date: 11/6/2000
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) eliminated the requirement that states grant Medicaid eligibility to all welfare recipients. This is sometimes referred to as "de-linking" because it separated Medicaid eligibility from welfare eligibility. States were given an option to continue to provide automatic Medicaid eligibility to cash assistance recipients, and Maryland has taken this option. The de-linking also required that states make separate Medicaid eligibility determinations for those who are ineligible for cash assistance, and that applicants be tested for eligibility in all categories for which they may qualify. Action Transmittal 99-45 addressed the short term steps taken to ensure that applicants were appropriately tested for Medical Assistance when Temporary Cash Assistance is denied or closed, and whenever eligibility in any Medical Assistance category is denied or closed.

Control #: 01-18
Subject: CIS SERVICES - 1
Issue Date: 11/17/2000
Effective Date: 11/17/2000
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
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CIS data entry for the POC program requires the completion of a Services-1 form. The purpose of this Action transmittal is to convey procedures for completing the Services-1 form for POC.

Control #: 01-19
Issue Date: 11/27/2000
Effective Date: 1/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (LTC
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Customers applying for long-term care medical assistance must meet technical and financial criteria before eligibility can be determined. Often times, customers may be denied eligibility for failure to meet certain requirements of eligibility. These customers may require legal assistance with the appeals process. The customers can receive, upon request, a booklet titled"Some Questions and Answers about Financial Eligibility for Medicaid Nursing Home Services" from their case managers. This booklet lists the names of organizations that assist customers in the pursuit of Medicaid eligibility. (A new supply of the booklet will be sent to each local department by the DHR warehouse.) The Maryland Bar Association's Elder Law Section has instituted a new program to provide free legal representation, if qualified, to individuals denied Medicaid eligibility for long-term care benefits. The Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS) will accomplish eligibility screening and locate an attorney to assist with the appeal.

Control #: 01-20
Issue Date: 12/1/2000
Effective Date: 5/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care (POC)
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This action transmittal clarifies the Department of Human Resources’ policy regarding citizenship and immigration status when determining eligibility for POC benefits. Its purpose is to assure that eligible children of foreign born parents have access to child care services. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), P. L. 104-193, restricts the access of certain categories of immigrants to specified Federal benefits. In 1998, the Department of Health and Human Services provided clarification to States that the child is the primary beneficiary of the child care benefit and only the citizenship and immigration status of the child is relevant for eligibility purposes for child care subsidy programs. Local departments were advised of this policy through a memorandum to local directors dated September 27, 1999.

Control #: 01-21
Issue Date: 11/24/2000
Effective Date: 1/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
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Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for grant, food stamp and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 01-21 addendum
Issue Date: 12/22/2000
Effective Date: 12/22/2000
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

On November 24, 2000, the Family Investment Administration issued an updated Cost-of-Living-Arrangements (COLA) Action Transmittal #01-21. Since then we have received several questions about a new category on the rates and per diems chart called Assisted Living. The terminology in the letters attached to AT #01-21 also changed to Assisted Living. The reason for the addition of this term is because DHMH promulgated regulations last year which changed the term Domiciliary Care (Dom Care) to Assisted Living . In addition please make note of the statement at the bottom of page one on AT #01-21 in capital letters. This statement gives the impression that the local staff must manually change the Railroad Retirement and Veteran Benefit increased amounts. CARES will automatically update these figures during the mass modification, therefore the FIA worker is not required to do a manual change. Please attach this Information Memo to Action Transmittal #01-21.

Control #: 01-22
Issue Date: 12/18/2000
Effective Date: 1/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Each year we reassess the amount of the utility standards based on the Consumer Price Index for fuel. We also contact the telephone companies to determine if there has been an increase in basic phone cost. This transmittal provides information about increases in the standard and limited utility allowances and the phone allowance.

Control #: 01-23
Issue Date: 12/22/2000
Effective Date: 12/22/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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The Annotated Code of Maryland, Section 15-501(a) (1) states that “an official or employee may not participate in a matter if: the official or employee or a qualifying relative of the official or employee has an interest in the matter and the official or employee know of the interest…” Section 15-102 (2) (gg) defines a qualifying relative as “a spouse, parent, child, brother.” This information memo addresses how DSS staff should handle processing and review of cases when the applicant is a relative or close associate of that DSS staff.

Control #: 01-24
Issue Date: 12/21/2000
Effective Date: 7/1/2000
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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On July 1, 2000 the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) replaced the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). The WIA provides services to individuals under the same programs that JTPA funded.

Control #: 01-25
Issue Date: 12/22/2000
Effective Date: 12/22/2000
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #99-05 describes the reporting process used to identify Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers that are nearing the 24-month time limit. Action Transmittal #99-18 provides local departments with reminders, clarifications and new expectations regarding TCA customers reaching the 24-month time limit. Action Transmittal # 99-32 identifies Maryland’s state-funded TCA customer groups, the time limits, work requirements and CARES coding for those groups. Action Transmittals #99-46 and #99-48 identify two new state-funded TCA groups and instructions for CARES coding.

Control #: 01-26
Issue Date: 1/2/2001
Effective Date: 1/2/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittals 97-66R and #97-67 describe the work requirements under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and the definitions for each of the federal work activities. Each month, states must ensure that a significant number of all parents receiving Temporary Cash Assistance participate in a work activity, as defined by the federal legislation. During Federal Fiscal Year 2001 (October 2000 – September 2001), the percentage served each month (known as the Participation Rate) must average 45% minus the State's Caseload Reduction Credit. We anticipate that our caseload reduction credit will significantly reduce our actual Participation Rate Requirement. For a case to be countable toward meeting the Participation Rate Requirement in FFY 2001, the parent must be participating in a federally defined activity for an average of 30 hours per week. The first 20 hours must be in one of the core work activities described in AT #97-67. For the cases selected in the monthly federal reporting sample, the activity and attendance information must be entered into the Work Opportunities Management Information System (WO MIS) to be included in the federal report.

Control #: 01-27
Issue Date: 1/26/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

The attached is the CIS Production Operations Schedule for 2001. If there are any questions regarding the schedule please contact Ruth Waugh at (410) 238-1242.

Control #: 01-28
Issue Date: 1/31/2001
Effective Date: 1/31/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance and Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides procedures to refer Medial Assistance applicants to the State Review Team (SRT) for a disability determination. The SRT makes disability determinations for Medical Assistance (MA) and Transitional Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA).

Control #: 01-28a
Issue Date: 1/31/2001
Effective Date: 1/31/2001
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 01-28b
Subject: Authorization to Release InformationPersonal Physician, Hospital or Clinic
Issue Date: 1/31/2001
Effective Date: 1/31/2001
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 01-29
Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment and Services
Issue Date: 2/2/2001
Effective Date: 1/2/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

During its 2000 session, the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 1160, the Welfare Innovation Act of 2000. Provisions of this bill set forth a revised process for substance abuse screening, treatment referrals and reporting for customers receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA). The bill requires certified addiction specialists to be on-site in all local departments of social services (LDSS) to conduct substance abuse screening; conduct or refer for assessment; refer drug felons for testing; refer for treatment; and, provide information case managers need to determine eligibility for benefits.

Control #: 01-30
Issue Date: 2/7/2001
Effective Date: 2/7/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Now that tax season is upon us it is important to remind our low income working families about the Earned Income Tax Credit and other benefits available to them as they begin preparing their taxes. EITC reduces the tax burden on low-income families, supplements wages and helps make work more profitable than welfare. Anyone who has worked and earned money during the year 2000 may qualify for EITC. EITC does not count as income for TCA, Food Stamps and most other FIA programs. There are some other tax credits that our low income workers can file for as well: the Child Tax Credit, the Child and Dependent Care Credit, the Maryland Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Montgomery County Working Families Income Tax Supplement. This memo disseminates information about the available tax benefits and encourages local departments to raise the awareness of these benefits for working customers through local promotional campaigns.

Control #: 01-31
Issue Date: 2/12/2001
Effective Date: 3/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides information about changes in how we treat vehicles

Control #: 01-32
Issue Date: 2/13/2001
Effective Date: 2/13/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Final Food Stamp Program regulations published October 30, 2000 included a definition of parental control. This will help with determining whether a child age 17 or younger is under the parental control of someone other than a parent.

Control #: 01-33
Issue Date: 2/26/2001
Effective Date: 3/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service published new regulations on November 21, 2000 that clarified food stamp categorical eligibility for families that receive a Temporary Assistance Needy Families (TANF) service or benefit. TANF funds many programs for families in Maryland. This policy will make more households potentially eligible for food stamp benefits effective March 1, 2001.

Control #: 01-34
Issue Date: 3/8/2001
Effective Date: 3/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

On October 28, 2000 President Clinton signed Public Law 106-387, which amends the Food Stamp Act. One of the provisions of this rule increases the maximum amount of excess shelter expense deduction.

Control #: 01-35
Issue Date: 4/9/2001
Effective Date: 4/1/2001
Link to Document:

The Federal Poverty Income guidelines increased on March 1, 2001. The new poverty levels were on CARES effective April 1, 2001. For your convenience, a chart with the new poverty levels is attached (Attachment 1). In addition, this Information Memo updates only Column C - 50% Poverty Level - of the FIP Schedule. The amounts in Columns A and B do not change. The new amounts are used when determining eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance applications and recertifications completed on or after April 1, 2001. For your convenience, a copy of the updated FIP Schedule is attached (Attachment 2).

Control #: 01-36
Issue Date: 4/30/2001
Effective Date: 5/1/2001
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #01-14 (CSA/OAS 01-02) notified local departments of the increase in the fee for completion of the medical form DHR/FIA 402-B to $60 and an increase in the cap for laboratory work to $40 for TEMHA applicants. The increase was effective August 14, 2000. This action transmittal informs local departments of increases in medical examination and laboratory fees for the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program and the Aged, Blind and Disabled (ABD) category of the Medical Assistance program.

Control #: 01-37
Issue Date: 5/1/2001
Effective Date: 5/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

Federal regulations for the treatment of Welfare Avoidance Grants (WAG) have changed. This action transmittal supercedes action transmittal #00-36 Treatment of Welfare Avoidance Grants issued March 7, 2000.

Control #: 01-38
Issue Date: 5/3/2001
Effective Date: 5/3/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMPS
Link to Document:

In the Food Stamp Program persons disqualified from participation for intentional program violations (IPV) are subject to escalating penalties depending on the number of offenses (up to permanent disqualification). Since the Food Stamp Program is national, the penalties imposed by one state are valid in all states. So that states can track records and determine appropriate penalty levels, FNS has a central database in which states enter data. States can retrieve data directly from the database, called the Disqualified Recipient Sub-system (DRS), or by telephoning the Voice Response Unit (VRU). The Family Investment Administration has access to the DRS, maintains it through monthly updates and uses it for inquiry. Local departments forward the Disqualified Recipient Report FNS 524 or the Waiver to an Administrative Disqualification Hearing DHR OIG 7 to Sherri Dyson-McCray in FIA’s Office of Policy, Research and Systems to implement disqualification penalties for IPV’s. Ms Dyson-McCray enters the disqualification into the DRS.

Control #: 01-39
Issue Date: 5/4/2001
Effective Date: 5/1/2001
Link to Document:

Action transmittal #99-46 provided local departments with a Guide to policy and procedures for the state-funded Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program for disabled TCA customers who are referred to the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP/TCA). Action transmittal #99-46 Attachments provided copies of the DEAP/TCA program forms. This action transmittal obsoletes AT #99-46 and AT #99-46 Attachments, and provides a new Guide

Control #: 01-40
Issue Date: 5/21/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: PURCHASE OF CHILD CARE
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines the policy changes regarding the application process.

Control #: 01-41
Issue Date: 5/22/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: PURCHASE OF CHILD CARE
Link to Document:

This action transmittal clarifies Child Care Administration policy and procedures for determining income eligibility.

Control #: 01-42
Issue Date: 5/23/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: PURCHASE OF CARE (POC)
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2001, the Child Care Administration is making regulatory and/or procedural changes to the Purchase of Care (POC) program. This action transmittal provides information on changes associated with provider voluntary closures.

Control #: 01-43
Issue Date: 5/24/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: PURCHASE OF CARE (POC)
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2001, the Child Care Administration is making regulatory and/or procedural changes to the Purchase of Care (POC) program. This action transmittal provides information on changes associated with child care during non-traditional hours. Non-traditional hours are 1 hour or more between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. and any period of 1 hour or more on Saturday or Sunday. We continue to pay a differential percentage above the subsidy rates listed on the voucher for care authorized during non-traditional hours

Control #: 01-44
Issue Date: 5/25/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: PURCHASE OF CHILD CARE (POC)
Link to Document:

Beginning July 1, 2001, regulated family child care providers and child care centers who care for children receiving Purchase of Child Care (POC) may be eligible for monthly incentive payments if they meet requirements tied to quality improvements.

Control #: 01-45
Issue Date: 5/29/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: PURCHASE OF CHILD CARE
Link to Document:

Payment is denied to any provider who has committed fraud against the Department. The determination of fraud is based on a determination by the Inspector General's Office, a law enforcement agency or an adjudication by a reviewing tribunal and the initiation of recoupment procedures by the local department. Providers who commit fraud cannot receive any POC payments for 12 months from the date payment was denied for committing fraud even if they make full restitution to the local department within the 12 month period. If the repayment period exceeds 12 months, providers cannot receive payment until they make full restitution to the local department. Any child care center, family child care home or informal provider who is denied payment for committing fraud can appeal to the Office of Administrative Appeals. Please find the statewide list of investigators from the Inspector General's Office attached for quick reference. Please refer to Action Transmittal 98-51 for overpayment processing information.

Control #: 01-46
Issue Date: 6/1/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: TEHMA
Link to Document:

The Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEHMA) is a State-funded initiative to provide essential medical, housing and other services to low-income disabled adults who are ineligible for other categories of assistance. TEMHA is a capped entitlement for eligible customers. This Information Memo confirms the July 2001 implementation of a $53 payment increase for TEHMA applicants and recipients. The maximum TEHMA grant effective July 1, 2001 is $185. CARES will be updated on June 8, effective July 1, 2001. Customer notices for increases and decreases will be generated at the time of the mass change.

Control #: 01-47
Issue Date: 6/1/2001
Effective Date: 6/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal is one of several that we will issue about the recently published Food Stamp regulation changes. Many of the regulation changes must be implemented by June 1, 2001. One of the changes added several allowable shelter costs. It also changed expanded eligibility for the utility allowance. This action transmittal provides the new policy.

Control #: 01-48
Subject: NEW VOTER REGISTRATION FORM (SBE 03-202-1 Rev 3/00)
Issue Date: 6/6/2001
Effective Date: 6/6/2001
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

After the past election, all states are taking a hard look at their voter registration and voting process. In Maryland, this includes a renewed effort to promote voter registration through the agencies mandated to offer their clients the opportunity to apply to register to vote by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), of which the Department of Human Resources is one. The Secretary of State continues to hold meetings with NVRA agencies to assure compliance with the Act.

Control #: 01-49
Issue Date: 6/8/2001
Effective Date: 6/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal is one of several that we will issue about the recently published Food Stamp regulation changes. Many of the regulation changes must be implemented by June 1, 2001. These revised rules change office operations and application processing slightly. The regulations also include requirements that will enhance customer service.

Control #: 01-50
Subject: Recertification
Issue Date: 6/9/2001
Effective Date: 6/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal is one of several that we will issue about the recently published Food Stamp regulation changes. We must implement many of the changes by June 1, 2001. The revised rules change the requirement for face-to-face interviews at recertification, require that we send a notice of missed interview when a household misses the recertification appointment and streamlines the procedures for delays in processing at recertification.

Control #: 01-51
Issue Date: 6/9/2001
Effective Date: 6/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal is one of several that we will issue about the recently published Food Stamp regulation changes. The revised rules change how we assign certification periods and how we shorten certification periods. It also permits us to extend certification periods.

Control #: 01-52
Issue Date: 6/8/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Link to Document:

In last year’s session the General Assembly enacted The Maryland Health Program Expansion Act of 2000. This act expands coverage under the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) to include two new groups. The first group includes pregnant women who have income greater than 200% of the Federal Poverty level (FPL) but not greater than 250%. The second group includes children under the age of 19, who have family income greater than 200% FPL, but not greater than 300% FPL. This act is effective July 1, 2001. The second group will pay a premium for coverage

Control #: 01-52 addendum
Issue Date: 6/8/2001
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Link to Document:


Control #: 01-53
Issue Date: 6/12/2001
Effective Date: 6/12/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective January 1, 2001, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) amended the HealthChoice eligibility and enrollment regulations, COMAR 10.09.63, requiring Medical Assistance (Medicaid) recipients to be disenrolled from HealthChoice when they turn 65 years old.

Control #: 01-54
Issue Date: 6/14/2001
Effective Date: 6/14/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Lexington Park Office of St. Mary’s County has relocated.

Control #: 01-55
Issue Date: 6/29/2001
Effective Date: 5/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

Every year we send a waiver request to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to extend Maryland's waiver to exempt counties from the requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD). We recently received the FNS response that eliminated three jurisdictions from the exemption.

Control #: 02-01
Issue Date: 7/17/2001
Effective Date: 7/17/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Office of Policy Research and Systems (OPRS) answers policy and procedures questions from local departments statewide on a daily basis. When providing clarification, the caller is often referred to a specific Action Transmittal (AT) or Information Memo (IM) that outlines the policy or procedure in question. The Bureau of Policy and Training developed listings of ATs and IMs issued for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2001 from July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001. The attached list includes the number, the originating office, the topic, and the programs affected. Beginning in 1999, ATs and IMs were numbered consecutively. The list of ATs and IMs for SFY 2001 is numbered from 01-01 through 01-55. Programs affected include Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS), Medical Assistance (MA), Emergency Assistance (EA), Transitional Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA), Purchase of Care (POC) and Child Support (CSEA).

Control #: 02-01 Addendum
Issue Date: 7/17/2001
Effective Date: 7/17/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:


Control #: 02-02
Issue Date: 7/23/2001
Effective Date: 6/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal is one of several that we will issue about the recently published Food Stamp regulation changes. The required implementation date for many of the regulation changes was June 1, 2001. The changes clarify the definition of a child, describe how to determine countable quarters, define an indigent immigrant and change how we calculate the countable amount of a sponsor's income. This action transmittal provides the new policy and clarifications.

Control #: 02-03
Issue Date: 8/8/2001
Effective Date: 8/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

Due to an error in calculating the Consumer Price Index, several Federal agencies underpaid benefits beginning January 2000, including the Social Security Administration (SSA). SSA will send recipients a lump sum check dated July 2, 2001 to cover underpayments in Retirement, Survivors and Disability Benefits and Supplemental Security Income for the period covering January 2000 through June 2001. Beginning August 1, 2001, SSA will issue correct payments for that month and for future months. The CARES system will do an automatic adjustment to reflect the change in SSA income October 1, 2001.

Control #: 02-04
Issue Date: 8/10/2001
Effective Date: 8/10/2001
Program(s) Affected: ALL PROGRAMS
Link to Document:

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 became effective on January 1, 1995. The intent of NVRA is to increase the number of citizens registered to vote and to establish safeguards that ensure voter’s rights for all citizens. Action Transmittals # 9622, dated December 18, 1995 and #01-48, dated June 6, 2001 restate the NVRA requirements, procedures for capturing statistical data and our obligation to offer customers voter registration opportunities.

Control #: 02-05
Issue Date: 8/10/2001
Effective Date: 8/10/2001
Link to Document:

During the 2000 session, the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 1160, The Welfare Innovation Act of 2000. Provisions of this bill set forth requirements for substance abuse testing and treatment for custodial parents applying for TCA or food stamps who have been convicted of a felony involving the possession, use or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance which was committed after August 22, 1996. The bill also requires sanctions, drug testing and treatment for a custodial parent convicted after July 1, 2000 of a felony that has an element of manufacturing, distribution or possession with the intent to distribute a controlled substance, while receiving TCA or food stamps.

Control #: 02-06
Subject: Interpretation Services For Non-English Speaking Households
Issue Date: 8/15/2001
Effective Date: 8/15/2001
Program(s) Affected: all
Link to Document:

Some households that apply for assistance through local Departments of Social Services are non-English speaking or have limited English language proficiency. This Action Transmittal reminds local departments to give special communication assistance to these individuals. We want to ensure they receive the same application and eligibility opportunities that are given to all other households.

Control #: 02-07
Subject: Customer’s Right To Refuse To Work With A Religious Organization
Issue Date: 8/17/2001
Effective Date: 8/17/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Some local departments have contracted with churches and other faith-based organizations to provide services or serve as third party payees for our customers. Federal regulations as well as the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) prohibit discriminating against any individual when administering our programs. COMAR states: An individual may not be required to accept assistance from a religious organization if acceptance would violate the individual’s bona fide religious beliefs and practices.

Control #: 02-08
Subject: Services For Immigrant Survivors Of Domestic Violence
Issue Date: 8/23/2001
Effective Date: 8/23/2001
Program(s) Affected: TCA, FS, and MA
Link to Document:

The Office of Civil Rights has received complaints from several advocacy and legal groups concerning instances in which immigrants were improperly denied access to domestic violence shelters and other federally funded benefits because of confusion about eligibility rules. This information memo is a reminder of the services and programs available to immigrants who are victims of domestic battery or extreme cruelty by a family member.

Control #: 02-09
Subject: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) - Final Rule
Issue Date: 9/11/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On January 17, 2001 the Food and Nutrition Service published the Personal Responsibility Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 Final Rule. We implemented the ABAWD provisions based on the PRWORA legislation. Since there were no federal regulations at that time, FNS permitted states to decide how to interpret the legislation in some areas. This final rule now provides regulatory direction to some of the policy that is different from our policy decisions.

Control #: 02-10
Subject: Verification
Issue Date: 9/11/2001
Effective Date: 6/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Over the past several months we have issued action transmittals about food stamp policy changes that affect customer service and application processing. This action transmittal provides new policy about eligibility while waiting for proof of immigration status. It expands on the acceptable methods for supplying proof to the local department. It also includes reminders about verifying information through collateral contacts or home visits and the responsibility for getting proof of a customer's statements.

Control #: 02-11
Subject: Reporting Changes In Unearned Income From A Private Source
Issue Date: 9/11/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service recently approved a waiver that increases the threshold for reporting changes in unearned income from a private source.

Control #: 02-12
Subject: Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance For Members Of The Armed Forces
Issue Date: 9/11/2001
Effective Date: 9/11/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On May 1, 2001, the Department of Defense (DoD) established a Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) that will provide qualifying members and their families with a cash allowance of up to $500 per month. This program was created to partially address the issue of enlisted members relying on food stamps to make ends meet.

Control #: 02-13
Subject: Rent Subsidy
Issue Date: 9/12/2001
Effective Date: 9/12/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

FIA is issuing this action transmittal to clarify the local department’s responsibility regarding subsidized housing verification. We are changing the penalty for non-compliance with the requirements and have included CARES procedures that explain how to correctly code the subsidized housing fields.

Control #: 02-14
Subject: Treatment Of Funds In Individual Development Accounts
Issue Date: 9/12/2001
Effective Date: 12/21/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently the Department received a letter from the Food and Nutrition Service that notified us that the President signed Public Law 106-554, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001 on December 21, 2000. The legislation contains a provision that affects how we treat individual development accounts (IDA) under the Assets for Independence Act (AFIA) for the Food Stamp Program. IDAs under the AFIA provide federal funds to match the amount of earnings that low-income working individuals and families put into savings for a first time home, post secondary education, or to start a new business. Southern Maryland Tri-County Community Action, Inc. is the only organization that we are aware of that is sponsoring an AFIA Demonstration Project

Control #: 02-15
Subject: Failure To Comply With A Requirement Of A Public Assistance Program
Issue Date: 9/12/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 97-80, which was issued on March 1, 1997, provided information about prohibiting an increase in food stamps when a household’s federal, State or local means-tested public assistance benefit is reduced because of a penalty imposed by that program for failure to follow the program requirements. Action Transmittal 00-42, issued March 24, 2000: ¨ Clarified that the policy applies to any federal, State or local means-tested program (i.e. Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) and Public Assistance to Adults (PAA). ¨ Expanded the application of the policy to the disallowance for failure to comply with preschool health checkups and school attendance. ¨ Expanded the policy to include household caused overpayments. On January 17, 2001, the Food and Nutrition Service published a Final Rule that made changes to this policy. The regulation also provided clarification of the policy

Control #: 02-16
Subject: Exclusion Of Vehicles
Issue Date: 9/12/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Transitional Emergency Medical And Housing Assistance (TEMHA), Public Assistance To Adults (PAA), Food Stamps (FS) And Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

The President signed Public Law 106-387 on October 28, 2000. This law includes several provisions affecting the Food Stamp Program. One of these provisions allows States to substitute their Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) vehicle rules for the food stamp vehicle rules where doing so results in a lower attribution of resources to food stamp households. Maryland has changed the State's TCA, TEMHA, PAA and MA vehicle rules to exclude all vehicles. Because of PL 106-387, the new rules also apply to the Food Stamp Program

Control #: 02-17
Subject: Immigrants Who Are Victims Of Severe Trafficking To Be Treated As Refugees
Issue Date: 9/11/2001
Effective Date: 9/11/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has certified a number of individual immigrants as adult victims of a severe form of trafficking. These individuals are eligible to apply for public benefits and services to the same extent as refugees, per Public Law 1063-386 Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. In the Act, the term “severe form of trafficking in persons” means: (A) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or (B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

Control #: 02-18
Subject: Simplified Reporting Requirement
Issue Date: 9/14/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program And Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Beginning October 1, 2001 Maryland implements new Simplified Reporting (SR) for Food Stamps (FS) and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA). This means that all FS and TCA cases with countable earnings are included in this Simplified Reporting group. Movement of FS and TCA cases into Simplified Reporting does not require local departments to transfer any cases. The only requirements for local department staff are to enter: Ř Countable earnings correctly and change certification end dates, as appropriate, on CARES at application, interim change or recertification and Ř Customers' activity on WOMIS and maintain attendance records. This action transmittal provides local departments with the new simplified reporting policy and procedures for FS and TCA cases with earnings. Reporting requirements for all other FS and TCA households without earnings are also restated in this AT. Reporting requirements for MA, TEMHA and PAA remain the same. These programs are not subject to the simplified reporting policy and procedures

Control #: 02-19
Subject: New Out-Of-Home Services Office
Issue Date: 9/1/2001
Effective Date: 9/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Effective September 1, 2001, the Foster Care and Subsidized Adoption Medical Assistance caseload for Prince George’s County will be located in District Office #163, formerly the Rise Office. The new name and address of this office is: Out-of-Home Services 925 Brightseat Road Landover, MD 20785

Control #: 02-20
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance And Food Stamp Mass Change - October 2001
Issue Date: 9/21/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance And Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. The net and gross monthly income standards increase effective October 1, 2001. The maximum food stamp allotments and excess shelter deduction also increase. The standard deduction and homeless shelter allowance are unchanged. The Welfare Innovation Act of 1996 requires that the total of Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps be at least 61percent of the established Minimum Living Level. The established minimum living level for Federal Fiscal Year 2002 is $1,356 for a family of three. On October 1, 2001 a 7.5 percent payment increase for Temporary Cash Assistance applicants and recipients is in effect. The key dates for actions related to the benefit increase for this program are noted below

Control #: 02-21
Subject: Changes In Claims/Overpayment Policy
Issue Date: 10/12/2001
Effective Date: 8/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On August 2, 2000, the Food and Nutrition Service published final rules - Recipient Claim Establishment and Collection Standards with an implementation date of August 1, 2001. This action transmittal highlights the changes in policy. It also includes current policy in certain sections so that the changes are in context.

Control #: 02-22
Subject: Refugee Employment Services
Issue Date: 10/15/2001
Effective Date: 10/15/2001
Program(s) Affected: Refugee Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Maryland Office for New Americans (MONA) has recently received calls from refugees who were sent to the wrong address to register for refugee employment. The correct refugee employment services contractor addresses are listed below.

Control #: 02-23
Subject: Use Of TCA Child Specific Benefit Third-Party Payments
Issue Date: 10/15/2001
Effective Date: 10/15/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

As a provision of Senate Bill 754, Maryland implemented the Child Specific Benefit (CSB) policy for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) in April 1996. Action Transmittals #96-30 and #97-78 notified local departments of CSB policy and procedures. The purpose of the CSB initiative is to provide a benefit that is paid separately from other TCA benefits for an assistance unit when a child is born ten months or more after the date the head of household is informed of the CSB provision.

Control #: 02-24
Subject: Ensuring Meaningful Access to TANF Funded Programs by People with Disabilities
Issue Date: 10/31/2001
Effective Date: 10/31/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) has issued a memorandum concerning the Federal civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This Information Memo serves as a reminder and provides policy guidance on how to recognize potential civil rights issues. For your convenience, we have also attached the list of “promising practices” suggested by the DHHS.

Control #: 02-25
Subject: Earned Income Change Reporting for: 1. Migrants and Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents 2. A New Source of Earned Income
Issue Date: 10/31/2001
Effective Date: 10/31/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Most households with earnings are subject to the simplified reporting requirements that were described in Action Transmittal 02-18 issued September 14, 2001. As stated in this action transmittal, households that include a migrant or able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD) are not included in the simplified reporting group. This action transmittal describes a change in the reporting requirements for migrant and ABAWD households. It also describes information about a change in reporting requirements for a new source of earned income. Action Transmittal 00-20 issued November 19, 1999 included information about waivers for reporting a new source of income within 10 days after the start date of the job and for piece rate earnings. Because of the changes in policy for change reporting, AT 00-20 is obsolete.

Control #: 02-26
Subject: Lump Sum Shortened Period of Ineligibility
Issue Date: 11/17/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR - .26). Prior FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted in November 2001. When a TCA customer receives a lump sum, the amount is divided by the TCA grant amount to determine the number of months the family is ineligible for TCA benefits. Before the adoption of the new TCA regulations, local departments were limited in the reasons considered to determine when the lump sum became unavailable to the assistance unit. This action transmittal provides local departments with more flexibility in determining whether a lump sum is unavailable to the TCA family and the period of ineligibility can be shortened.

Control #: 02-27
Subject: Applicants/Recipients Quitting a Job Without Good Cause
Issue Date: 11/17/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR through .26). Prior FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted in November 2001.

Control #: 02-28
Subject: Child from a SanctionedAssistance Unit Living with Another Caretaker Relative
Issue Date: 11/17/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR - .26). Prior FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted in November 2001.

Control #: 02-29
Subject: Reconciliation of DEAP/TCA Cases on Cares with SSI Pending Applications and DEAP Referrals
Issue Date: 11/17/2001
Effective Date: 11/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) FIA #99-46 notified local departments that the state-funded Disability Entitlement and Assistance Program for Temporary Cash Assistance (DEAP/TCA) was implemented on July 1, 1999. AT#01-39, issued May 4, 2001, provided local departments with an updated DEAP/TCA Guide.

Control #: 02-30
Subject: Change to Automatic Re-Enrollment for Healthchoice Recipients
Issue Date: 11/17/2001
Effective Date: 11/17/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective June 1, 2001, The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) adopted a new policy to comply with House Bill 1227-Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCO) Continuity of Care. The bill allows an enrollee 120 days, instead of 90 days to return to the MCO of record after losing and regaining eligibility. COMAR 10.09.06 will be amended after the first of the year.

Control #: 02-31
Subject: Applicants/Recipients Filing for Potential Resources
Issue Date: 11/17/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR through .26). Prior FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted in November, 2001.

Control #: 02-32
Subject: Purchase of Care (POC) Changes in Income and Provider Payment Rates
Issue Date: 11/23/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care (POC)
Link to Document:

Effective January 1, 2002, the Child Care Administration is making regulatory and /or procedural changes to the Purchase of Care (POC) program. The changes will provide support to families in their efforts to achieve and maintain economic independence. This action transmittal provides information on the changes.

Control #: 02-33
Subject: Certification Periods at Application and Recertification
Issue Date: 11/30/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR through .26). Prior FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted in November 2001.

Control #: 02-34
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-of-Living Increase and Related Increases
Issue Date: 11/30/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 02-35
Subject: 2001 First, Second and Third Quarterly Briefing Questions and Answers
Issue Date: 12/7/2001
Effective Date: 12/7/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This Information Memo includes questions that were raised at the last three quarterly briefings and their answers. We apologize for the delay.

Control #: 02-36
Subject: New Medical Assistnace Waiver Unit Office
Issue Date: 11/20/2001
Effective Date: 12/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective December 1, 2001, the Medical Assistance Waiver Unit will be assigned a new district office. The new number is D.O. 259.

Control #: 02-37
Subject: Maryland Primary Care Enrollment Cap
Issue Date: 11/7/2001
Effective Date: 12/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
Link to Document:

The Maryland Primary Care (MPC) health care program was designed to provide health care for individuals that have no other health care coverage. Customers eligible for the MPC program must be participating in the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Program (MPAP), be between the ages of 19 and 65 and have an ongoing verifiable medical condition. Many of our customers who receive Temporary Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) and have not established eligibility for Medicaid receive health coverage thorough MPC.

Control #: 02-38
Subject: Change Reporting Requirements
Issue Date: 12/14/2001
Effective Date: 12/14/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Beginning October 1, 2001 Maryland implemented new Simplified Reporting for Food Stamps (FS) and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA). Action Transmittal 02-18 provided local departments with the new simplified reporting policy and procedures for FS and TCA cases with earnings. This Information Memo is a reminder that the reporting requirements for Medical Assistance (MA) remain unchanged. The MA program is not subject to the simplified reporting policy and procedures.

Control #: 02-39
Subject: Social Security Disability/Supplemental Security Income Benefits
Issue Date: 12/14/2001
Effective Date: 12/14/2001
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, we received information that the Social Security Administration identified approximately 130,000 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who appear to be insured for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments based on their own earnings, but are not receiving these benefits. Some of these cases may have a retroactivity period that dates back to 1973, although the average retroactivity period is about eight years.

Control #: 02-40
Subject: Absence of Household Members Due to Military Obligations
Issue Date: 12/12/2001
Effective Date: 12/12/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps Temporary Cash Assistance Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

In response to the terrorist attacks and heightened security, the military has called up military reservists. This has disrupted the lives of many Maryland families. As a result, local departments may see unique situations as military families resort to unusual living arrangements while coping with the financial and emotional stress of the deployment. Case managers may need to make decisions based on the household’s statement of circumstances.

Control #: 02-41
Subject: Additional Excluded Unearned Income
Issue Date: 12/12/2001
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR through .26). Prior FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted in November 2001.

Control #: 02-42
Subject: Purchase of Child Care Case Transfer Policy
Issue Date: 12/26/2001
Effective Date: 12/26/2001
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines the policy and procedures regarding the electronic and paper transfer of a Purchase of Child Care case.

Control #: 02-43
Subject: New Baltimore County Long Term Care District Office
Issue Date: 12/27/2001
Effective Date: 12/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective December 1, 2001, Baltimore County’s Long Term Care Unit will be assigned a new district office.

Control #: 02-44
Subject: TCA 60-Month Time Limit Reports
Issue Date: 1/28/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittals #99-05, #99-18, #99-32, #99-46, #99-48 and #01-25 describe the time limit policies for families that have received 24 or more cumulative months of federally funded Temporary Cash Assistance since January 1997. An action transmittal will be distributed soon that describes requirements and procedures for families reaching the 60- month time limit. This memorandum describes the reports available to local departments to manage their caseloads and comply with the time limit requirements.

Control #: 02-45
Subject: September 2001 Quarterly Briefing Questions and Answers
Issue Date: 2/1/2002
Effective Date: 2/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

FIA Policy and Training staff conducted Quarterly Briefings in September 2001 to provide local staff with information concerning newly released policy. The following are program questions with the answers and clarifications related to those questions.

Control #: 02-46
Subject: CARES 2002 Production Operations Schedule
Issue Date: 2/2/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The attached is the CIS Production Operations Schedule for 2002. If there are any questions regarding the schedule please contact Ruth Waugh at (410) 238-1242.

Control #: 02-47
Subject: Conciliation and Sanction Policy and Procedures Guide Update - January 2002
Issue Date: 2/3/2002
Effective Date: 2/3/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance Food Stamps Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) #99-28 provided instruction for denying/sanctioning Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) applicants and recipients for noncompliance with program requirements. This AT obsoletes AT # 99-28, and provides the policy and procedures surrounding conciliation and sanction for non-compliance with child support, work, substance abuse, custodial parent drug felons, DEAP/TCA, and minor parent school requirements, and sanction for Intentional Program Violation (IPV).

Control #: 02-48
Subject: Clarification of Fleeing Felon and Parole Violators Policy
Issue Date: 2/18/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Since the Food and Nutrition Service issued the final rule on the Personal Responsibility Provisions of PRWORA, we have received questions from local departments regarding what constitutes a fleeing felon or a parole violator. A fleeing felon was defined as an individual fleeing prosecution or custody for a crime or attempt to commit a crime that would be classified as a felony. A parole violator was determined to have violated a condition of his parole or probation under federal or state law. Both parole violators and fleeing felons are ineligible for FS and TCA. There are no policy changes regarding fleeing felons or parole violators. However, we have a clarification of the definition of what a fleeing felon is and what actions local departments must take.

Control #: 02-49
Subject: Purchase of Childcare Income Calculations
Issue Date: 2/27/2002
Effective Date: 2/27/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Childcare
Link to Document:

This action transmittal clarifies the procedures for calculating income for Purchase of Child Care (POC) cases. For simplification purposes, average the last 4 weeks of income in standard and non-standard income circumstances. The only exception is child support which requires 6 months of income consideration. Up to 2 months of additional income may be requested in order to detect income patterns, but should not be used in the calculation. Updated information is printed in bold.

Control #: 02-50
Subject: Counting the Income and Resources of an Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD)
Issue Date: 3/3/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #02-09, which was issued September 11, 2001, provided ABAWD policy that was in the Food Stamp Program final rule published on January 17, 2001. At that time we implemented all the ABAWD provisions except for the change in the treatment of income and deductions. We delayed implementation to allow time to change the Code of Maryland Regulations.

Control #: 02-51
Subject: Application Processing - Scheduling Interviews
Issue Date: 3/12/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

When the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) published the Final Rule on November 21, 2000, there were several provisions that were not effective until after review and approval by the federal Office of Management and Budget. Recently, FNS informed us that OMB approved the sections on September 10, 2001. This action transmittal provides information about changes in the interview process at application. This will primarily affect local departments that have a walk-in system for accepting applications.

Control #: 02-52
Subject: 2002 Federal Poverty Levels and RP Schedule Update
Issue Date: 4/1/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Federal Poverty Income guidelines increased on March 1, 2002. The new poverty levels will be on CARES effective April 1, 2002. For your convenience, a chart with the new poverty levels is attached (Attachment 1). In addition, this Information Memo updates only Column C - 50% Poverty Level - of the FIP Schedule. The amounts in Columns A and B do not change. The new amounts are used when determining eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance applications and recertifications completed on or after April 1, 2002. For your convenience, a copy of the updated FIP Schedule is attached (Attachment 2).

Control #: 02-53
Subject: Sixty-Month Time Limits Compliance for Customers from Out of State
Issue Date: 3/14/2002
Effective Date: 3/14/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Action transmittal (AT) #00-24 outlined procedures for complying with the TANF sixty-month time limit for families moving from other states. This AT updates the TANF Information Contact List. All other procedures remain the same. Local departments must continue to apply the sixty-month time limit on all cases. The time limit includes any month that TANF benefits were received from other states and Maryland. Case managers must take the following steps to ensure proper application of this policy.

Control #: 02-54
Subject: Simplified Redetermination Process for Combined QMB/SLMB and Food Stamp Households
Issue Date: 3/15/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA) Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

For the past two years the Departments of Aging (DOA), Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and Human Resources (DHR) have worked together conducting extensive outreach to the Medicare eligible population. The goal is to increase awareness of other Medical Assistance programs available for individuals who receive Medicare. In addition, the outreach hoped to increase the number of individuals receiving Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) or Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB) benefits. In March 2000, interviewers began using a streamlined application in community and home-based settings. The outreach effort was successful and substantially increased QMB/SLMB participation. A form was specifically designed for Medicare Beneficiaries entitled, “Redetermination for Medicare Beneficiaries,” (DES 9201). The simplification of the redetermination process for QMB/SLMB recipients who also receive Food Stamp benefits has expanded the outreach effort. A redetermination for Food Stamp Benefits form is included with the Medicare Beneficiaries redetermination form. This change provides customers with the opportunity to file one form for both programs eliminating the duplication of the redetermination process in local departments. The new form is yellow.

Control #: 02-55
Subject: CARES Narration Desk Guide
Issue Date: 3/22/2002
Effective Date: 3/22/2002
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

The CARES Narration Desk Guide is complete. Its purpose is to serve as a resource guide for producing a quality standard narration statewide. The Narration Guide Workgroup sincerely thanks all the contributors who assisted in completing this project.

Control #: 02-56
Subject: CSB Child Living With Another Caretaker Relative
Issue Date: 3/26/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Child Specific Benefit (CSB) regulations state that there are exceptions to the CSB policy when a CSB child leaves the parent's Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) assistance unit to live with another caretaker relative. The exceptions include: When another caretaker relative has obtained legal guardianship for the child; The child has been placed in the home of a caretaker relative by social services; and When the parent of the TCA child has been institutionalized.

Control #: 02-57
Subject: Removal of Expiration Dates from Certification Letters for Victims of Severe Trafficking
Issue Date: 3/26/2002
Effective Date: 3/26/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), the agency designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct certification activities for immigrant victims of trafficking, has advised that as of November 6, 2001 the certification letters given to victims of trafficking will no longer have an expiration date.

Control #: 02-58
Subject: Military Reenlistment Bonuses
Issue Date: 3/26/2002
Effective Date: 4/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance Food Stamps Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

In light of the current military action in the Middle East, several questions have been asked regarding military reenlistment bonuses. Reenlistment bonuses can be substantial amounts of money. This action transmittal provides clarification of how to determine eligibility for TCA, FS and MA when households receive reenlistment bonuses. Military reenlistment bonuses can be paid in one of two ways: as a lump sum; or up to 50 percent of the bonus amount as an initial payment, with the remainder paid in equal annual payments. It is up to the military service to decide which military grades/series get the bonuses and how much the individual receives. This means that the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines can have their own individual policies regarding payment of the reenlistment bonuses. Because of these individual payment policies, local departments must verify the payment policy.

Control #: 02-59
Subject: New Medical Assitance Waiver Unit
Issue Date: 3/27/2002
Effective Date: 3/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective March 1, 2002, the Medical Assistance Waiver Unit will be assigned six new district office numbers. The new numbers are District Offices 249, 259, 269, 279, 289, and 299. The Developmentally Disabled Adults Office (249), the Institute for Mental Diseases Office (259), and the Technology Assisted Waiver Office (269) will be located at:

Control #: 02-60
Subject: Baltimore City's New SSI Unit Office
Issue Date: 3/28/2002
Effective Date: 3/28/2002
Program(s) Affected: SSI Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective immediately, Baltimore City’s SSI Unit is assigned a new district office number. The new number is D.O. 355 (formerly the Patapsco district).

Control #: 02-61
Subject: Verification of Work Activities and Attendance
Issue Date: 4/3/2002
Effective Date: 4/3/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The actions described below require local departments to make a “reasonable effort” to verify all work activity attendance hours reported in WO MIS. Our intent is to provide local departments with maximum flexibility in deciding how to verify hours of attendance. Although we have identified preferred verification documents, other forms of proof will be acceptable. We suggest that local departments develop standard forms and implement uniform procedures to be used by customers in work activities to verify their participation and hours of attendance.

Control #: 02-62
Subject: Uncapped Shelter Deduction
Issue Date: 4/9/2002
Effective Date: 4/9/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

An uncapped shelter deduction is allowed for food stamp households with aged or disabled members. To qualify, the household must include a recipient over the age of 59 or a recipient with a qualified disability. Not all disabilities qualify.

Control #: 02-63
Subject: Child Support Collections
Issue Date: 4/9/2002
Effective Date: 4/9/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

When entering child support collections remember to enter the full amount collected on the UINC screen of the child for whom the payment was intended. Do not enter this information on the UINC screen of the head of household because CARES will not calculate the correct deductions associated with these payments. Also remember to narrate all actions taken on the case.

Control #: 02-64
Subject: Procedures to Retrieve the Food Stamp and TCA Manuals from the Internet
Issue Date: 4/15/2002
Effective Date: 4/15/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Family Investment Administration (FIA) has provided access to the Food Stamp (FS) and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) manuals on the Maryland Department of Human Resources’ Website. The versions of these manuals on the Family Investment Program Network (FIPNET) are obsolete.

Control #: 02-64 Revised
Subject: New Information to Retrieve the Food Stamp and TCA Manuals from the FIPNet and Internet
Issue Date: 5/3/2002
Effective Date: 5/3/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps (FS) adn Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Updated Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamp policy manuals are now available on the FIPNet. Now you can access the manuals through the FIPNet as well as on-line through the DHR website. The procedure for accessing the FIPNet has not changed. Click on FIPNET on the left side of the DHRNet contents page, then click on TCA Manual or Food Stamps on the FIPNet page.

Control #: 02-65
Subject: Indigent Immigrants
Issue Date: 4/15/2002
Effective Date: 4/15/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Sponsored immigrants applying for food stamps must have a portion of their sponsor’s income deemed available to them. In some cases, immigrants are determined to be without funds for food and shelter because the sponsor has abandoned them or because the sponsor’s deemed income and the immigrant’s income do not exceed 130% of poverty for the household size. Immigrants without funds for food and shelter are indigent. Indigent immigrants are exempt from having their sponsor’s income deemed available to them. This is a reminder that indigent immigrants must meet all other factors of FS eligibility in order to receive FS. The determination of indigence does not give the immigrant exemptions to FS eligibility requirements.

Control #: 02-66
Subject: MMIS II Interface for Medicare Claim Numbers Alphabetization of Cares UINC Screen
Issue Date: 4/25/2002
Effective Date: 4/25/2002
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Programs
Link to Document:

CARES Bulletin #00-14 addresses the importance of entering the correct Medicare Claim Number on CARES and how that number affects Medicare Buy-in coverage. To ensure that the proper Medicare Claim number is passed to MMIS II during the interface process, the CARES UINC Screen will alphabetize the display of the unearned income source type. Hierarchy will be given to the Medicare Claim Number, Railroad Retirement (RR) followed by Social Security (SA) and Social Security Claim Number. Each claim number is unique for an individual and should not be used for the entire family.

Control #: 02-67
Subject: Denying Applications and Delays in Application Processing
Issue Date: 5/1/2002
Effective Date: 5/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

As you know, Family Investment staff throughout the state attended Food Stamp Payment Accuracy Summits, which were completed in January. CARES reporting of overdue applications was one of the issues that was identified a number of times in the summits across the regions. CARES lists a case on the overdue report on the 29th day after application. According to policy, we cannot deny an application before the 30th day after the household files an application except in specific circumstances.

Control #: 02-68
Subject: Prorating the Utility Allowance When a Household Member is Ineligible
Issue Date: 5/2/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

We recently received information from the Food and Nutrition Service that changes the policy for prorating the standard and limited utility allowances when there is an ineligible member in the household. Prior to this clarification if the ineligible member was billed for an expense that made the household eligible for the utility allowance, we prorated the SUA or LUA between all household members and counted all but the ineligible member’s portion. This action transmittal describes the change.

Control #: 02-69
Subject: Income-Producing Property
Issue Date: 5/3/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This is one of several action transmittals for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) that is being issued as the result of the adoption of new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR - .26). Previous FIP regulations were repealed and new FIP regulations were adopted February 18, 2002. Prior to adoption of the new regulations, there was no regulation for how to treat income-producing property for TCA customers.

Control #: 02-70
Subject: Purchase Of Care Contact List
Issue Date: 5/4/2002
Effective Date: 5/4/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Care (POC)
Link to Document:

We are publishing a Purchase of Care (POC) Contact List to use for supervisor, provider and customer questions. This list will direct you to the appropriate contact person in the different Local Departments of Social Services.

Control #: 02-71
Subject: Waiver Of Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents Requirements
Issue Date: 5/10/2002
Effective Date: 3/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has informed us that Cecil County has been added to the list of counties exempt from the special work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs). Cecil County is exempt from the requirements for the period of March 1, 2002 through February 28, 2003.

Control #: 02-72
Subject: Medical Expense Deduction
Issue Date: 5/11/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently we received clarification of medical expense deduction policy from the Food and Nutrition Service. According to this clarification there are times we can allow medical bills incurred in the prior certification period in calculating the household’s monthly medical deduction.

Control #: 02-73
Subject: Changes In FIA Substance Abuse Treatment And Services (SATS) Program: Sanctioning Policy, Employment Notification Procedures, And Referral Process To Family Services
Issue Date: 5/11/2002
Effective Date: 5/11/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance And Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This action transmittal changes the full family sanction to an individual sanction when a Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) recipient fails to sign the Consent For the Release of Confidential Alcohol and Drug Treatment Information (DHR/FIA 1176) form. Also included in this AT are: ¨ Notification procedures between the FIA Case Manager and Addictions Specialist when a customer becomes employed, ¨ Guidelines for maintaining communication among Family Investment, Family Services and the Addictions Specialist when the Addictions Specialist identifies an individual that has a substance abuse barrier (briefly discussed in AT # 01-29); and An updated listing of MCO/BHO Authorization/Notification Numbers for Substance Abuse Treatment Services (Attachment IV).

Control #: 02-73 Attachment 2
Subject: Referral Process to SSA for TCA Customers with an Active SSA Case Application or Redetermination
Issue Date: 4/22/2002
Effective Date: 4/22/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Referral Process to SSA for TCA Customers with an Active SSA Case Application or Redetermination

Control #: 02-73 Attachment 3
Subject: Referral Process to SSA for TCA Customers Not Active With SSA
Issue Date: 4/22/2002
Effective Date: 4/22/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Referral Process to SSA for TCA Customers Not Active With SSA

Control #: 02-73 Attachment 4
Subject: MCO/BHO Authorization/Notification Numbers for Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Issue Date: 12/20/2001
Effective Date: 12/20/2001
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

MCO/BHO Authorization/Notification Numbers for Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Control #: 02-74
Subject: Request For Contact-Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
Issue Date: 5/1/2002
Effective Date: 5/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #01-51, issued June 9, 2001, described the policy for getting clarification of unclear information. The change in policy was due to a federal Food Stamp Program rule published on November 21, 2000. This rule also prohibits local departments from requiring households to report for office interviews during the certification period. The local department may request that a household come to the office for an interview during the certification period but cannot close the case if it fails to do so. The rules do not differentiate between routine customer interviews and suspected intentional program violation (IPV) in-office investigation interviews.

Control #: 02-75
Subject: Excluded Resources - Retirement/Pension Plans
Issue Date: 5/14/2002
Effective Date: 5/14/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps And Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This information memo answers recent policy questions about whether to count various pension and retirement plans as a resource. In general, the cash value of most pension plans is not a resource, although there are certain exceptions.

Control #: 02-76
Subject: Change Of Address For The Immigration And Naturalization Service
Issue Date: 5/15/2002
Effective Date: 5/15/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, We Received Information That The Immigration And Naturalization Service (INS) Moved To A New Address Two Years Ago. The US Postal Service May Return Verification Requests (G-845) To Local Departments Because The Forwarding Order Has Expired.

Control #: 02-77
Subject: Computer Based Enhancements
Issue Date: 5/22/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs Except Purchase Of Care (POC)
Link to Document:

I am writing to advise you that new computer based enhancements have been developed and will become effective June/July 2002. These enhancements include a Computer Based Training (CBT) system; a web based Food Stamp Kiosk system, and an automated Supervisory Review System (SRS). Two of these initiatives, the CBT and the Kiosk Project, were funded through Food Stamp Reinvestment Funds. The primary goal of all of these enhancements will be to improve payment accuracy. All of this information was discussed at the Food Stamp Payment Accuracy Summits that took place between October 2001 and January 2002.

Control #: 02-78
Subject: Revised Authorization For Reimbursement Of Interim Assistance (DHR/FIA Form 340)
Issue Date: 5/24/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: TCA, TEMHA
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides information on and instructions for processing a revised Authorization for Reimbursement of Interim Assistance (DHR/FIA 340).

Control #: 02-78 Form
Subject: Authorization For Reimbursement Of Interim Assistance Initial Payment Or Posteligibility Payment
Issue Date: 10/1/2001
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Authorization For Reimbursement Of Interim Assistance Initial Payment Or Posteligibility Payment

Control #: 02-79
Subject: Time Limit For Quitting A Job Without Good Cause For TCA Applicants
Issue Date: 5/29/2002
Effective Date: 5/29/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) #02-27 notified local departments of the new Family Investment Program (FIP) Code of Maryland Regulation (COMAR) for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers who voluntarily quit a job without good cause. The new employment requirement is that TCA children (not including minor parents), age 16 and older and not in school, and adults cannot voluntarily quit a job without good cause.

Control #: 02-80
Subject: Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI) Preschool Health And School Disallowances
Issue Date: 5/30/2002
Effective Date: 5/30/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration (FIA) has received information from the advocate community concerning customers who were unable to access health care to meet the PPI requirement that children under age 7 have an annual checkup. The local health departments have notified FIA that they will provide outreach to customers whose children have preschool health disallowances or have difficulty accessing health care.

Control #: 02-80 Excel
Subject: Directory of local health departments
Issue Date: 5/9/2002
Effective Date: 5/9/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Directory of local health departments

Control #: 02-81
Subject: Signatures On Purchase Of Child Care Vouchers
Issue Date: 6/8/2002
Effective Date: 6/8/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care Vouchers
Link to Document:

As Of September 1st, 2002, The Local Department Of Social Services' Representative Will Not Be Required To Sign A Purchase Of Child Care Voucher.

Control #: 02-81IM
Subject: Signatures On Purchase Of Child Care Vouchers
Issue Date: 8/8/2002
Effective Date: 10/28/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care Vouchers
Link to Document:

As of October 28, 2002, the local department of social services' representative will not be required to sign a Purchase of Child Care voucher.

Control #: 02-82
Subject: Questions And Answers From March Quarterly Briefing
Issue Date: 6/13/2002
Effective Date: 6/13/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

This Information Memo includes questions that were raised at the March Quarterly Briefing.

Control #: 02-83
Subject: Applications For SSI And SSDI
Issue Date: 6/14/2002
Effective Date: 6/14/2002
Program(s) Affected: Transitional Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance
Link to Document:

Customers with disabilities of twelve months or more who are applying or reapplying for Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) must apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Control #: 02-84
Subject: Elimination of Simplified Reporting For TCA
Issue Date: 6/14/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) 02-18 issued September 14, 2001 notified local departments of the new Simplified Reporting (SR) requirements for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) beginning October 1, 2001.

Control #: 02-85
Subject: Increase in Eligibility Standards For RMA
Issue Date: 6/14/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA)
Link to Document:

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has given the Maryland Office for New Americans (MONA) permission to raise the financial eligibility standard for Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA).

Control #: 02-86
Subject: Supervisory Review System
Issue Date: 6/24/2002
Effective Date: 6/24/2002
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

The automated Supervisory Review System (SRS) is scheduled to be migrated into CARES the week-end of June 22.

Control #: 02-87
Subject: SSI/SSDI Application Requirement For DEAP/TCA
Issue Date: 6/27/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) #01-39 provides policy and procedures for the state-funded Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program for Temporary Cash Assistance (DEAP/TCA). AT #01-39, instructs local departments to refer TCA adults and children (adults for disabled children) with a 12 or more month disability to DEAP for assistance in filing an application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

Control #: 02-88
Subject: State Review Team DHR/FIA 161 Form (Authorization For Release Of Information)
Issue Date: 6/19/2002
Effective Date: 6/19/2002
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance And Transitional Emergency Medical And Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

The State Review Team (SRT) is receiving a large number of referral packets that do not include a completed DHR/FIA 161 Form (Authorization for Release of Information to a Personal Physician, Hospital, or Clinic).

Control #: 02-88 Attachment
Subject: Authorization to Release Information Personal Physician, Hospital or Clinic
Issue Date: 6/19/2002
Effective Date: 6/19/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Authorization to Release Information Personal Physician, Hospital or Clinic

Control #: 02-89
Subject: Updated State-Funded TCA Chart
Issue Date: 7/5/2002
Effective Date: 7/5/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) #99-32 provided local departments with a chart of state-funded Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) programs listing the work and time limit requirements for each program.

Control #: 03-01
Subject: Households Eligible For Expedited Food Stamps Who Apply After The 15th Of The Month
Issue Date: 7/11/2002
Effective Date: 7/1/2001
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal describes the policy and procedure to follow for FS benefit issuance when a customer applies for FS benefits after the 15th of the month and is determined eligible for expedited food stamps. Although this is not a policy change, we recently received clarification regarding this requirement.

Control #: 03-02
Subject: Application For The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) And The Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
Issue Date: 7/25/2002
Effective Date: 7/25/2002
Program(s) Affected: MEAP and EUSP
Link to Document:

On July 1st, 2000 the Maryland Energy Assistance Program became the Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP). On that day, what used to be MEAP (a seasonal program) grew into a year round program which now includes the Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP).

Control #: 03-02 Attachment
Subject: Income Eligibility Standards
Issue Date: 7/25/2002
Effective Date: 7/25/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Income Eligibility Standards

Control #: 03-02 Attachment 2
Subject: Local Office Of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) Telephone Numbers
Issue Date: 7/25/2002
Effective Date: 7/25/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Local Office Of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) Telephone Numbers

Control #: 03-03
Subject: New 60-Month Time Limit Requirements
Issue Date: 7/26/2002
Effective Date: 8/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 established federal time limits for which a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) customer can receive benefits. In addition, state legislation, Senate Bill 778, provided time limits to receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) if federal legislation imposed 24 and 60-month time limits.

Control #: 03-04
Subject: New Work Requirements For DEAP/TCA Customers
Issue Date: 7/26/2002
Effective Date: 8/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittals #99-46 (effective July 1999) and #01-39 (replacing #99-46 and effective May 2001) provided local departments with policy and procedures for disabled Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program for Temporary Cash Assistance (DEAP/TCA) adults and children. In AT #02-89, local departments are provided an updated list of the state-funded TCA programs with the work and time limit requirements for each program.

Control #: 03-05
Subject: Claims Collection Procedures
Issue Date: 8/8/2002
Effective Date: 9/30/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On June 23, 2001, the two-way automated interface between CARES and the Central Collections Unit (CCU) was successfully migrated. As a result, CARES now generates a series of interface reports that assist Local Finance Officers to manage collection activity. This action transmittal gives a brief overview of the CARES/CCU Interface reports, and provides procedures for processing overpayments on CARES and reconciling cash receipts and CCU collections.

Control #: 03-05 Attachment
Subject: Debt Payment -- Debt Adjustment Form
Issue Date: 8/8/2002
Effective Date: 8/8/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Debt Payment -- Debt Adjustment Form

Control #: 03-06
Subject: Purchase Of Child Care (POC) Intentional Program Violations
Issue Date: 8/8/2002
Effective Date: 10/28/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care
Link to Document:

The procedures in this action transmittal are used to disqualify customers and child care providers from participation in the Purchase of Child Care program when there is sufficient evidence to substantiate the decision that the individual has committed an intentional violation of the Child Care Subsidy regulations.

Control #: 03-07
Subject: Action Transmittals And Information Memos For 2002
Issue Date: 8/13/2002
Effective Date: 8/13/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Office of Policy Research and Systems (OPRS) answers policy and procedures questions from local departments statewide on a daily basis. When providing clarification, the caller is often referred to a specific Action Transmittal (AT) or Information Memo (IM) that outlines the policy or procedure in question.

Control #: 03-08
Subject: Overpayment Demand Letter (Notice 18)
Issue Date: 8/21/2002
Effective Date: 8/23/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance & Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The August 2000 UDSA Food Stamp Final Rule requires that the initial demand letter (Notice 18) displays how the overpayment was calculated. In addition, in October 2001, during an audit performed by FNS, MD was cited for having serious language deficiencies on this notice. FNS requires that all demand notices cover the 15 items required in the Claims Regulations.

Control #: 03-09
Subject: Overpayment Repayment Agreement (Notice 43)
Issue Date: 8/21/2002
Effective Date: 8/23/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance & Food Stamps
Link to Document:

In October 2001 during an FNS audit it was found that the current version of the Repayment Agreement (Notice 43) was not in compliance with audit requirements. The Notice 43 should state, “ Any Federal payment may be withheld for failure to repay” instead of “any Federal income tax may be withheld for failure to repay”.

Control #: 03-09 Attachment
Subject: Food Stamps Manual: Standards For Income And Deductions
Issue Date: 8/21/2002
Effective Date: 8/21/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Food Stamps Manual: Standards For Income And Deductions

Control #: 03-10
Subject: Supervisory Review System
Issue Date: 8/27/2002
Effective Date: 8/27/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration recognized the need for additional CARES functionality to support the supervisory review of Expedited Food Stamp cases. A software modification will be implemented on August 23, 2002 to allow the review of an expedited FS case, in suspended ‘S’ status.

Control #: 03-11
Subject: In The Resource Limit For Households With Disabled Members
Issue Date: 8/28/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides information about an increase in the resource limit for households that include a disabled member.

Control #: 03-12
Subject: Signatures On Purchase Of Child Care Vouchers
Issue Date: 8/30/2002
Effective Date: 8/30/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care Vouchers
Link to Document:

As of October 28, 2002, the local department of social services' representative will not be required to sign a Purchase of Child Care voucher.

Control #: 03-12 Attachment
Subject: Informal Provider Health And Safety Standards And Child Care Provider Agreement
Issue Date: 8/30/2002
Effective Date: 8/30/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Informal Provider Health And Safety Standards And Child Care Provider Agreement

Control #: 03-13
Subject: Food Stamp Mass Change - October 2002
Issue Date: 9/9/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

On May 13, 2002, President Bush signed Public Law 107-171 (the Farm Bill), which includes the Food Stamp Program reauthorization.

Control #: 03-13 Attachment
Subject: Food Stamp Manual: Standards for Income and Deductions
Issue Date: 9/9/2002
Effective Date: 9/9/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Food Stamp Manual: Standards for Income and Deductions

Control #: 03-14
Subject: New DHR/FIA Cares 9701 Application Package (3/02), DHR/FIA Cares 9701a Facts Sheet (3/02) And DHR/FIA Cares 9707 Rights & Responsibilities (Revised 3/02)
Issue Date: 9/11/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration (FIA) has developed a new DHR/FIA CARES 9701 Application Package, DHR/FIA CARES 9701A Facts Sheet and revised the DHR/FIA 9707 Rights and Responsibility Form.

Control #: 03-15
Subject: Food Stamp Eligibility For Legal Immigrants With A Disability
Issue Date: 9/12/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On May 13, 2002, President Bush signed Public Law 107-171, which includes the Food Stamp Program reauthorization.

Control #: 03-16
Subject: Increase In Earned Income Disregard
Issue Date: 9/17/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Maryland General Assembly has approved an increase in the TCA Earned Income Disregard from the current 35% to 40% effective October 1 2002.

Control #: 03-17
Subject: Questions and Answers From June 2002 Quarterly Briefings
Issue Date: 9/23/2002
Effective Date: 9/23/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps, Temporary Cash Assistance TEMHA and Work Opportunities
Link to Document:

This Information Memo responds to questions raised during the June 2002 quarterly briefings.

Control #: 03-18
Subject: Lifting Of Maryland Primary Care Enrollment Cap
Issue Date: 9/30/2002
Effective Date: 5/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
Link to Document:

The Maryland Primary Care (MPC) health care program was designed to provide health care for individuals that have no other health care coverage. Customers eligible for the MPC program must be participating in the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Program (MPAP), be between the ages of 19 and 64 and have an ongoing verifiable medical condition. Many of our customers who receive Temporary Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) who are 19 through 64 years old, and have not established eligibility for Medicaid receive health coverage thorough MPC.

Control #: 03-19
Subject: Applications For SSI And SSDI
Issue Date: 10/3/2002
Effective Date: 10/3/2002
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
Link to Document:

Effective immediately FIA Information Memo #02-83 is obsolete. Customers with disabilities of twelve months or more who are applying for or reapplying for Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) should apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) on their own. Verify with a receipt from the Social Security Administration (SSA) indicating that an application was filed or through the State-On-Line-Query (SOLQ), State Verification Exchange System (SVES) or State Data Exchange (SDX) system.

Control #: 03-20
Subject: Child Specific Benefit Waiver
Issue Date: 9/25/2002
Effective Date: 10/1/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Over the past several years, the Department has worked to eliminate the Child Specific Benefit (CSB) requirements. This year, although both houses of the General Assembly voted to repeal CSB, the final legislation failed because they could not agree on other provisions in the bill. With the consent of the Joint Committee on Welfare Reform, the Department has devised an interim strategy to discontinue the CSB requirements.

Control #: 03-21
Subject: Food Stamp Disqualified Recipients Report
Issue Date: 10/10/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

An individual’s disqualification from the Food Stamp Program (FSP) because of an intentional program violation (IPV) in one state remains in place in any other state for the length of the disqualification. To track disqualified individuals local departments must enter information about the disqualification into the Disqualified Recipient Sub-system (DRS). The DRS is a national database of disqualified individuals. States can retrieve data directly from the DRS database by calling the Voice Response Unit (VRU).

Control #: 03-21 Attachment
Subject: Disqualified Recipient Report
Issue Date: 10/10/2002
Effective Date: 10/10/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Use this form to enter disqualified recipient information into the national registry of disqualified FS recipients.

Control #: 03-22
Subject: Automatic MPAP Eligibility For QMB Recipients
Issue Date: 10/21/2002
Effective Date: 10/21/2002
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (QMB and MPAP)
Link to Document:

On July 30, 2002, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Maryland’s request for an addition to the 1115 Medicaid waiver linking the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Programs (MPAP). This change will allow QMB recipients to receive automatic pharmacy coverage.

Control #: 03-23
Subject: Index Of Action Transmittals And Information Memos
Issue Date: 10/11/2002
Effective Date: 10/11/2002
Program(s) Affected: All prgrams
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration has compiled for your use an Index of Action Transmittals (ATs) and Information Memos (IMs). The attached Index lists ATs and IMs from June 1996 through September 2002 and is in alphabetical order by subject. This handy paper index will be useful in retrieving information on policies to assist you in your work. It will simplify locating an AT or IM on a particular policy and should be a time saver.

Control #: 03-23 Attachment
Subject: Action Transmittal and Information Memo Index
Issue Date: 10/11/2002
Effective Date: 10/11/2002
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal and Information Memo Index

Control #: 03-24
Subject: Social Security (Rsdi) And Ssi Cost-Of-Living Increase and Related Increases
Issue Date: 11/30/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 03-25
Subject: Increase In The Food Stamp Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 11/21/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Every year we review the shelter allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will stay the same. The basic telephone allowance will increase. This AT describes the increase in the basic telephone allowance.

Control #: 03-26
Subject: Change In Adverse Action Time For TCA AND FS
Issue Date: 11/23/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance And Food Stamps
Link to Document:

In 1995 Maryland began the process of welfare reform under a federally approved demonstration waiver. This demonstration waiver allowed us to use a five working day adverse action period for Temporary Cash Assistance and food stamps. We have lost the federal authority to continue to use a five working day adverse action period.

Control #: 03-27
Subject: Food Stamp Program Access
Issue Date: 11/22/2002
Effective Date: 11/22/2002
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

The State's current budget deficit and hiring freeze has caused many local departments of social services to find more efficient ways to provide essential services to their customers. Despite our current or future resource constraints we must maintain quality customer service. Quality customer service must remain a high priority for all our programs.

Control #: 03-28
Subject: Completion Of The “State Of Birth” Field On Cares
Issue Date: 11/26/2002
Effective Date: 11/26/2002
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Child Support Enforcement System (CSES) recently received a data reliability audit. The results of the audit showed that CSES did not capture data in a category known as Paternity Established for Children in the State of Maryland and did not use the “Place of Birth” field to determine eligibility for this category. If CSES fails to capture accurate information about this category of information, the State of Maryland may suffer financial penalties, in both block grant and child support incentives.

Control #: 03-29
Subject: Transitional Food Stamp Benefits
Issue Date: 12/2/2003
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Farm Bill allows states to extend a household’s food stamp benefits when their Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) case closes. Food stamp benefits are “frozen” for five months following the TCA case closing. Transitional food stamps ease the transition from welfare and bring federal dollars into Maryland’s economy.

Control #: 03-30
Subject: Specified Low- Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB)
Issue Date: 12/1/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The funding allocated for the Qualifying Individual-2 (QI-2), also known as Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary-III (SLMB-III) program, in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was time limited and has not been re-authorized by Congress. However, customers eligible for SLMB II have been granted funding that will pay their Medicare Part B premium through January 31, 2003. Continued eligibility for SLMB II customers will be determined when Congress returns.

Control #: 03-31
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Change January 2003
Issue Date: 12/11/2002
Effective Date: 1/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Welfare Innovation Act of 1996 requires that the total of Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps be at least 61percent of the established Minimum Living Level. For the Federal Fiscal Year 2003, the established minimum living level for a household size of 3 increased to $1,374. Effective January 1, 2003, the maximum allowable payment for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) will increase slightly, by .21%. Please note the dates for actions related to the benefit increase for this program noted below

Control #: 03-32
Subject: Adverse Action And Payment For Child Care Providers
Issue Date: 12/17/2002
Effective Date: 12/17/2002
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines payment to child care providers who provide service after the customer's case closes during the first 60 days of certification and they did not receive an adverse action notice.

Control #: 03-33
Subject: Purchase Of Child Care Waiting List
Issue Date: 12/23/2003
Effective Date: 1/15/2003
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care
Link to Document:

Due to recent increases in caseload and a lack of available funding, the Purchase of Child Care program is wait-listing Priority 3 applicants, as of January 15, 2003. Priority 1 and 2 applicants, as well as Priority 3 applicants with an SSI child or parent, are not wait-listed. Active customers will be given a 60-day grace period to reapply for services if the case closes at reconsideration. CCAMIS has been enhanced to assist with the process. Letters and reports are available to facilitate the process.

Control #: 03-34
Subject: Restoration Of Food Stamps To Immigrants Who Have Lived In The United States For Five Or More Years
Issue Date: 2/17/2003
Effective Date: 4/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The 2002 Farm Bill (Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002) restores food stamp eligibility to legal immigrants who have lived in the United States as qualified immigrants for a period of five years or longer. This change is effective April 1, 2003. IMPORTANT: This action transmittal also provides information about the correct coding of the SPP field on the ALAS Screen.

Control #: 03-35
Subject: Expanded Simplified Reporting For Food Stamp Households
Issue Date: 2/18/2003
Effective Date: 4/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Effective October 1, 2001 FIA implemented simplified change reporting for FS households with earned income. Households under simplified reporting (SR) requirements were required to report changes only at recertification or when their income exceeded 130% of the federal poverty rate unless the household also received assistance from another program with more extensive reporting requirements. In this transmittal simplified reporting is expanded.

Control #: 03-35 Attachment
Subject: Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 2/18/2003
Effective Date: 2/18/2003
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide

Control #: 03-36
Subject: Emergency Medical Services
Issue Date: 2/27/2003
Effective Date: 2/27/2003
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Fact Sheet on the DHR/FIA CARES 9701 (revised 3/02 has an item on Emergency Medical Assistance which does not clearly state that Emergency Medical Services are available only for ineligible immigrants or illegal aliens. This memorandum notifies local departments that the DHR/FIA CARES 9701 Fact Sheet item on Emergency Medical Assistance will be changed to Emergency Medical Services for Ineligible Aliens, and clarifies procedures for local departments on local staff and customer questions about applications and appeals for Emergency Medical Services.

Control #: 03-37
Subject: 2003 Federal Poverty Levels and FIP Schedule Update
Issue Date: 4/1/2003
Effective Date: 4/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Federal Poverty Income guidelines increased on March 1, 2003. The new poverty levels will be on CARES effective April 1, 2003. For your convenience, a chart with the new poverty levels is attached (Attachment 1). In addition, a copy of the updated FIP Schedule is attached (Attachment 2). This Information Memo updates only Column C - 50% Poverty Level - of the FIP Schedule. The amounts in Columns A and B did not change. The new amounts are used when determining eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance applications and recertifications completed on or after April 1, 2003.

Control #: 03-38
Subject: Processing Overpayment Benefit Error Groups (BEGs) and Waivers For Processing Overpayments
Issue Date: 4/2/2003
Effective Date: 4/2/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) requires that when a household is issued food stamps that it is not eligible for, the State must establish an overpayment so that the money can be repaid to the federal government.

Control #: 03-39
Subject: Regarding DHR Form 340 and Action Transmittal 02-78
Issue Date: 4/7/2003
Effective Date: 4/7/2003
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Emergency Medical And Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

This Information Memo provides answers to questions asked by Local Department staff regarding Action Transmittal 02-78, Revised Authorization for Reimbursement of Interim Assistance (DHR/FIA 340). There are several points local department staff should keep in mind when reading this memo and processing the 340 forms.

Control #: 03-40
Subject: Eliminating The 60-Day Look Back Period For Voluntary Quit
Issue Date: 4/15/2003
Effective Date: 4/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittals #’s 02-27 and 02-79 address policy concerning TCA customers who voluntarily quit a job without good cause. Both transmittals state that TCA adults and children age 16 and older (not including minor parents) cannot voluntarily quit a job without good cause. AT# 02-79 implemented a look back period of 60 days when an applicant quit a job without good cause. In an effort to simplify work requirement policy, FIA has made both 02-27 and 02-79 obsolete.

Control #: 03-41
Subject: Notice of Missed Interview
Issue Date: 4/1/2003
Effective Date: 4/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Some typographical errors that could cause confusion were discovered in a recent CARES Bulletin. Replace Page 2 of CARES Bulletin 03-08, Notice of Missed Interview, with the revised Page 2 that is attached.

Control #: 03-42
Subject: Changes to The Disquailifed Recipient Subsystem (DRS)
Issue Date: 4/21/2003
Effective Date: 6/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal # 03-21, effective January 1,2001 advised the local Departments of Social Services that the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) had stopped printing the FNS-524 form. DHR created a replacement form (DHR/FIA 962) that the DSS were to begin using when their supply of old forms ran out. Congress frequently asks FNS to provide information on how often the penalty for trafficking drugs and firearms occurs and FNS has been unable to provide the information because they had no way to collect the data. FNS has now revised the coding on the DRS system and created a new data collection element for “Type of Offense”.

Control #: 03-42 Addendum
Subject: Disqualified Recipient Report
Issue Date: 4/21/2003
Effective Date: 4/21/2003
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Use this form to enter disqualified recipient information into the national registry of disqualified FS recipients.

Control #: 03-43
Subject: State Review Team DHR/FIA 161 Form (Authorization For Release of Information)
Issue Date: 4/22/2003
Effective Date: 4/22/2003
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance and Transitional Emergency Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

Periodically advocates review the State Review Team (SRT) case files to determine if local departments of social services (LDSS) and the SRT are complying with requirements related to processing Medical Assistance applications. The latest review indicates SRT is still receiving a large number of referral packets that do not include a completed DHR/FIA 161 Form (Authorization for Release of Information from a Personal Physician, Hospital or Clinic). It is extremely important to include with the referral packet a completed DHR/FIA 161 Form for each of the customer’s treating physicians so SRT staff may obtain necessary medical information from the customer’s treating physician/hospital/clinic named on the form. If SRT obtains the additional information from the customer’s treating source, SRT will not need to return the referral to the LDSS requesting further information. This saves time and effort for LDSS staff, SRT staff, and the customer. If the customer refuses to sign the DHR/FIA 161 the case manger is to indicate that on the form and submit it with the referral packet. Referral packets are to always include at least one DHR/FIA 161 Form. Action Transmittal #01-28 issued January 31, 2001 provides procedures for referring Medical Assistance applicants to the SRT for a disability determination. FIA Information Memo #02-88 issued June 19, 2002 reiterates the necessity for the DHR/FIA 161 and explains what is needed for a DHR/FIA 161 to be considered completed.

Control #: 03-44
Subject: Purchase of Care (POC) Signature Requirements
Issue Date: 5/6/2003
Effective Date: 5/6/2003
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

An original customer signature has always been required for POC applications. In order to increase customer access an original signature is no longer required on the application.

Control #: 03-45
Subject: Purchase Of Care - Child Protective Services Contact List
Issue Date: 5/5/2003
Effective Date: 5/5/2003
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

We have published a Purchase of Care (POC) Child Protective Service (CPS) Contact List for Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) supervisor and case manager use. This list will advise LDSS staff who the appropriate contact person is in the different LDSS’s.

Control #: 03-46
Subject: Waiver Of Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents Requirements
Issue Date: 5/16/2003
Effective Date: 5/16/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) notified us about which counties are exempt from the special work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS). There is no change in the exempt counties for the period of April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004.

Reminder: The exempt counties are Cecil, Allegany, Dorchester, Garrett, Somerset, Worcester, and Baltimore City.

Control #: 03-47
Subject: Long-Term Care Facility Representing Customers
Issue Date: 5/17/2003
Effective Date: 5/17/2003
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Long-Term Care facilities have expressed concern that some local departments are not correctly applying the medical assistance policy related to authorized representatives.

Control #: 03-48
Subject: Work Requirements for Voluntary Quit and Voluntarily Reducing Work Effort
Issue Date: 5/27/2003
Effective Date: 5/27/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides policy about changes in the food stamp rules for customers who voluntarily quit a job or reduce their work effort.

Control #: 03-49
Issue Date: 6/6/2003
Effective Date: 7/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMPS
Link to Document:

The policy change described in this action transmittal continues our efforts to streamline eligibility procedures for Food Stamps and to increase policy consistency between the Food Stamp and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) programs. Federal legislative changes in the Farm Bill allow states to match food stamp policy with TCA in a limited way. Since TCA does not count IDAs or federal or state EITC as a resource, we can exclude them for food stamps. The effective date of the changes is July 1, 2003.

Control #: 03-49
Subject: Excluded Resources – Individual Development Accounts (IDA) And Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Issue Date: 6/6/2003
Effective Date: 7/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The policy change described in this action transmittal continues our efforts to streamline eligibility procedures for Food Stamps and to increase policy consistency between the Food Stamp and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) programs. Federal legislative changes in the Farm Bill allow states to match food stamp policy with TCA in a limited way. Since TCA does not count IDAs or federal or state EITC as a resource, we can exclude them for food stamps. The effective date of the changes is July 1, 2003.

Control #: 03-50
Subject: Reporting Requirements
Issue Date: 6/6/2003
Effective Date: 7/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On April 29, 2003, the Food and Nutrition Service published a final rule that changes reporting requirements. The new policy:

-Raises the unearned income reporting threshold from $25 to $50,

-Changes the definition of the date that the household knows of a change in income and gives a timeframe for when a simplified reporting household has to report income exceeds the gross income limit (130 percent of poverty level);

-Limits the length of the certification period to no more than 6 months for households required to report changes in earnings of more than $100.

-Provides policy about agency action on changes in income.

Control #: 03-51
Subject: Verifications for the Purchase of Child Care Program
Issue Date: 6/12/2003
Effective Date: 6/12/2003
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

The Office of Child Care Subsidy is changing the verification requirement in order to increase customer access and decrease the workload for case managers.

Control #: 03-52
Subject: POC Child Support Tax Intercepts
Issue Date: 6/12/2003
Effective Date: 6/12/2003
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines Purchase of Child Care policy on counting child support tax intercepts.

Control #: 03-53
Subject: Computer Based Training
Issue Date: 6/17/2003
Effective Date: 6/17/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Control #: 03-54
Subject: Tracking Attendance in TANF Work Activities
Issue Date: 6/18/2003
Effective Date: 7/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Maryland’s achievement on the federal Work Participation Rate has been among the lowest in the United States for the last three years. Although many adult TCA recipients are engaged in activities consistent with their Independence Plans, too few are participating in countable federal activities for enough hours to count toward the participation rate. Action Transmittals #97-66 Revised and #97-67 explain the work requirements and define the work activities that adult TCA recipients are expected to engage in. Action Transmittals #00-39, #01-25, #02-61 and #02-84 further explain the requirements to collect activity and attendance documentation for adult TCA recipients engaged in work activities.

This transmittal describes the requirements to track customer attendance in work activities and enter the activity and attendance information into the Work Opportunities Management Information System (WO MIS) for all customers engaged in TANF work activities.

Control #: 03-55
Subject: Excluded Income – Educational Income
Issue Date: 6/19/2003
Effective Date: 7/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program; Temporary Cash Assistance; Purchase of Child Care; Medical Assistance; Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP)
Link to Document:

The 2002 Farm Bill allows states to simplify the definition of income. Currently, case managers have to apply complex policy to determine if educational income is countable for food stamps and Purchase of Care (POC). Effective July 1, 2003 case managers will no longer use educational income in the food stamp or POC calculation.

Action transmittal # OPA 94-45 issued May 19, 1994 is obsolete.

Control #: 04-01
Subject: Withdrawing Food Stamp Applications
Issue Date: 7/1/2003
Effective Date: 7/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Food stamp regulations encourage people to apply for the Program. The withdrawal of a FS application must be a voluntary action by the customer. Any recommendation or suggestion by an agency employee that a customer withdraw the application impinges on the customer’s right to file an application and is contradictory to FS regulations.

Case managers may be suggesting a withdrawal because they think the household is ineligible. This is essentially an eligibility decision made outside the scope of monitoring or record keeping. Case managers must not make informal decisions about eligibility.

Customers have the right to have their applications reviewed and eligibility determined based on all policy factors.

Control #: 04-02
Subject: Food Stamp Program Cooperation with Fraud Investigations
Issue Date: 7/30/2003
Effective Date: 7/30/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This action transmittal replaces AT #02-74.

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has notified State agencies that they have reconsidered the use of the Request for Contact (RFC) to obtain household cooperation during an intentional program violation (IPV) investigation. FNS has determined that “threatening to terminate the individual household for failure to respond” or termination of the individual for failure to cooperate with a fraud investigator violates the customer’s right to remain silent.

Only a case manager can issue the RFC. The RFC should be used only when there is a change in the household situation that could affect the household’s eligibility or benefit level. Do not use the RFC to require customers to meet with or supply information to a fraud investigator.

Even though we cannot require a customer to meet with the case manager or investigator, contact prior to initiating formal IPV procedures gives the individual the opportunity to clarify any unclear information or circumstances. It also provides local departments and investigators an opportunity to obtain additional evidence, if obtained voluntarily.

If the individual fails or refuses to respond to a request for an interview or additional information and there is sufficient evidence to support an IPV finding, the investigator or local department should proceed with an administrative disqualification hearing.

After proper notification to the individual of the ADH no further contact is required. The investigator or case manager may offer the individual the opportunity to sign the waiver of the disqualification hearing.

Even if the customer does not appear at the ADH, the hearing will proceed. Do not remove the customer from the FS household as an IPV for not attending the hearing. The local department representative or the investigator must still successfully present clear and convincing evidence of the violation to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to obtain an IPV decision.

Control #: 04-02
Subject: Food Stamp Program Cooperation with Fraud Investigations
Issue Date: 7/30/2003
Effective Date: 7/30/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This action transmittal replaces AT #02-74.

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has notified State agencies that they have reconsidered the use of the Request for Contact (RFC) to obtain household cooperation during an intentional program violation (IPV) investigation. FNS has determined that “threatening to terminate the individual household for failure to respond” or termination of the individual for failure to cooperate with a fraud investigator violates the customer’s right to remain silent.

Only a case manager can issue the RFC. The RFC should be used only when there is a change in the household situation that could affect the household’s eligibility or benefit level. Do not use the RFC to require customers to meet with or supply information to a fraud investigator. ...

Control #: 04-03
Subject: Retrieve FIA Forms on the FIPNET and Internet
Issue Date: 8/13/2003
Effective Date: 8/13/2003
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Updated forms are available on the FIPNET and the Internet, many in both English and Spanish. You can retrieve forms on-line through the FIPNET and on the Internet from the DHR Website. The procedure for accessing forms on the FIPNET has not changed. To access FIPNET forms, click on FIPNET on the left side of the DHRNET contents page, and then click on ONLINE FORMS.

Control #: 04-04
Subject: Food Stamp Benefits When the Household Moves to Puerto Rico
Issue Date: 8/20/2003
Effective Date: 8/20/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Federal food stamp regulations require State EBT systems to be interoperable. Food stamp households in one State or territory can use their EBT cards to redeem food stamp benefits in another State or territory.

Puerto Rico, however, administers its own food stamp program and does not fall under these regulations. Puerto Rico sets its own eligibility criteria for recipients and retailers. The Food Stamp Act requires that households redeem their food stamp benefits only at FNS authorized retailer locations. Since the Commonwealth authorizes the retailers in Puerto Rico, rather than FNS, states cannot allow FSP households to redeem their food stamp benefits in Puerto Rico.

Control #: 04-05
Subject: Application For The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) And The Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
Issue Date: 9/2/2003
Effective Date: 9/2/2003
Program(s) Affected: MEAP and EUSP
Link to Document:

On July 1, 2003 the Maryland Office of Home Energy Programs (MD OHEP) began its new program year. Eligible families across Maryland may now apply for energy related programs and services.

MEAP provides heating assistance grants to fuel suppliers and utility companies on behalf of eligible applicants. EUSP provides assistance with electric bills. The EUSP will also assist a household in paying some past due electric bills. In certain instances both MEAP and EUSP can assist customers in weatherizing their home (e.g., insulation, furnace repair, window replacement, etc.).

Control #: 04-06
Subject: Changes To The Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP and MCHP Premium) Effective September 1, 2003
Issue Date: 9/4/2003
Effective Date: 9/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: MCHP
Link to Document:

Effective September 1, 2003, the following changes will occur in the MCHP program:

-Children certified prior to September 1, 2003 whose family income is above 185 percent Federal Poverty Level (FPL) but at or below 200 percent FPL (current coverage group P14) will have to pay a premium to continue coverage after that date. Children who applied prior to September 1, 2003, but whose eligibility is determined on or after that date, will have eligibility determined for the months prior to September, 2003, according to the eligibility rules in effect at that time.

-All children applying on or after September 1, 2003 whose family income is above 185 percent FPL but at or below 200 percent FPL will have to pay a premium before coverage will be provided. These children will not be enrolled in MCHP but will be referred to DHMH by CARES for enrollment in MCHP Premium. The required premium amount is $37 per family per month.

Control #: 04-07
Subject: Food Stamp And Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Changes - October 2003
Issue Date: 9/16/2003
Effective Date: 10/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps And TCA
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based as well as net and gross monthly income standards. The maximum food stamp allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction also increase. The homeless shelter allowance is unchanged.

TCA grants will also increase effective October 1, 2003. The Welfare Innovation Act of 1996 requires that the total of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Food Stamps be at least 61 percent of the established Minimum Living Level. This year, as part of cost containment, the General Assembly has required that any resultant increase in the TCA grant be no more than 1%.

Control #: 04-08
Subject: Mandatory Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) And Limited Utility Allowance (LUA)
Issue Date: 9/22/2003
Effective Date: 10/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

One of the 2002 Farm Bill options allows the State to mandate the utility allowances. This policy option:

-Eliminates the use of actual expenses, except for households that have only one utility expense that does not include heating or cooling

-Simplifies the policy for prorating the utility allowances when households share utility expenses

-Entitles households in public housing to get the utility allowance

Control #: 04-09
Subject: Confidentiality Of Customer Information
Issue Date: 9/26/2003
Effective Date: 10/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps (FS), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Medical Assistance (MA), And Purchase Of Care (POC)
Link to Document:

Information provided by individuals or families when they apply for any Federal, State or local assistance program is protected from disclosure under the Privacy Act of 1974 and under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (as amended). In addition, the Maryland Annotated Code Art. 88A, §6 provides protection against disclosing information except in specific instances. In the wake of recent events involving identity theft, it is extremely important that everyone be aware of and adhere to confidentiality requirements.

Control #: 04-10
Subject: Food Stamp Eligibility For Qualified Immigrant Children
Issue Date: 10/1/2003
Effective Date: 10/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The 2002 Farm Bill changed immigrant eligibility in three phases. The first two phases restored food stamp (FS) eligibility to disabled qualified immigrants and to immigrants who have been in a qualified immigrant status for five years or longer. This action transmittal describes the third phase, which restores federal food stamps to immigrant children.

Effective October 1, 2003, there will no longer be a State-funded Food Stamp Program for immigrant children.

Control #: 04-11
Subject: Waivers To The Food Stamp Program Due To Hurricane Isabel
Issue Date: 9/29/2003
Effective Date: 10/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

President George W. Bush issued a disaster declaration on September 19, 2003, for all 24 jurisdictions in the State. We recently received approval from the Food and Nutrition Service to operate a modified Food Stamp Program, to issue an automatic replacement allotment to ongoing households in jurisdictions with significant losses of electricity and to issue supplemental allotments to ongoing households with non-reimbursable disaster-related expenses.

We requested these waivers in order to meet the requirements of individuals and families in the State that were affected by Hurricane Isabel. The modified Food Stamp Program will provide temporary assistance to families who have suffered losses due to household damage or loss of income. The modified FSP will operate from October 1 through October 9. We can request an extension if it appears to be needed.

Control #: 04-11 Addendum
Subject: Modified Food Stamp Program Due to Hurricane Isabel
Issue Date: 9/29/2003
Effective Date: 10/1/2003
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Modified Food Stamp Program Due to Hurricane Isabel

Control #: 04-12
Subject: Change in Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Issuance
Issue Date: 10/20/2003
Effective Date: 11/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Currently, the State issues food stamp regular monthly benefits over a five-day period according to alphabetical listing of the head of household’s last name.

The large volume of food stamps issued over the five-day period creates hardships on retailers and on customers waiting in long lines. Because of this, the Maryland Retailer’s Association met with DHR and requested a change in the EBT food stamps issuance schedule.

To be more responsive to the community, effective November 2003, we will issue food stamp benefits over a 10-day period. ...

Control #: 04-12
Subject: Change In Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Issuance
Issue Date: 10/20/2003
Effective Date: 11/1/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Currently, the State issues food stamp regular monthly benefits over a five-day period according to alphabetical listing of the head of household’s last name.

The large volume of food stamps issued over the five-day period creates hardships on retailers and on customers waiting in long lines. Because of this, the Maryland Retailer’s Association met with DHR and requested a change in the EBT food stamps issuance schedule.

To be more responsive to the community, effective November 2003, we will issue food stamp benefits over a 10-day period. ...

Control #: 04-13
Subject: Maryland Pharmacy Discount Program And Expedited QMB/SLMB Determinations
Issue Date: 11/30/2003
Effective Date: 11/30/2003
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) has discovered that upon implementation of the Maryland Pharmacy Discount Program (MPDP) some customers were erroneously added to the Medicare Buy-In Program at DHMH. These customers have been identified by DHMH and will be instructed to apply for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)/ Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Program. Attached is a copy of the correspondence, which includes the procedures that DHMH has approved to expedite the QMB/SLMB application process. The Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Coordinators, of the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), will assist with the process to expedite the applications.

Control #: 04-13 Attachment
Subject: Memo to SHIP Coordinators
Issue Date: 11/30/2003
Effective Date: 11/30/2003
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Memo to SHIP Coordinators

Control #: 04-13 Attachment 2
Subject: Letter to Affected Customers
Issue Date: 11/30/2003
Effective Date: 11/30/2003
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Letter to Affected Customers

Control #: 04-13 Attachment 3
Subject: SHIP LDSS Transmittal Memo for QMB/SLMB Applications
Issue Date: 11/30/2003
Effective Date: 11/30/2003
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

SHIP LDSS Transmittal Memo for QMB/SLMB Applications

Control #: 04-14
Subject: Food Stamp Benefits When The Household Moves From Puerto Rico
Issue Date: 12/17/2003
Effective Date: 12/17/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Puerto Rico administers its own food stamp program called the Nutrition Assistance Program or NAP. In the past, Puerto Rico issued the benefits as a check that the customer could readily convert to cash. If the household applied for benefits in mainland offices in the month the NAP benefit was issued, we considered the benefit countable income.

Currently, Puerto Rico issues 75 percent of the NAP benefit via Point of Sale devises and 25 percent that is redeemable as cash. Households moving to the mainland cannot access their NAP benefits through the mainland EBT system. When determining eligibility and benefit allotment, do not count any portion of the NAP benefit as unearned income

Control #: 04-15
Subject: Increase In The Utility And Telephone Allowances
Issue Date: 12/19/2003
Effective Date: 1/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances and the telephone allowance will increase.

Control #: 04-15 Attachment
Subject: Standards For Income And Deductions
Issue Date: 12/19/2003
Effective Date: 1/1/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Standards For Income And Deductions

Control #: 04-16
Subject: Excluded Income And Resources
Issue Date: 12/23/2003
Effective Date: 1/2/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance And The Maryland Children’s Health Program
Link to Document:

The 2002 Farm Bill allows states to simplify the treatment of some income and resource types by making food stamp policy match Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Medical Assistance policy. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and Family Investment Administration staff have met over the past several months to discuss changes that we can make to simplify policy by making the treatment of income and resources the same for all programs wherever possible.

This action transmittal describes new policy for excluding additional income and resource types.

Control #: 04-17
Subject: Tips For Food Stamp Shoppers Fact Sheet
Issue Date: 12/24/2003
Effective Date: 12/24/2003
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Attached is a fact sheet that may answer the questions new customers may have about using their food stamps. Local departments should give all new customers a fact sheet when they come in to get an Independence Card.

Control #: 04-18
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) And SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase And Related Increases
Issue Date: 12/23/2003
Effective Date: 1/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 04-19
Subject: Allowable Medical Expenses
Issue Date: 1/6/2004
Effective Date: 1/6/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently advised us that allowable medical deductions for food stamps include the postage that an individual pays for mail order prescriptions. Although the policy and procedure for calculating the medical deduction has not changed, we are taking this opportunity to remind staff about the possible medical deductions. The policy is covered in Food Stamp Manual Sections 212 and 213.

Control #: 04-20
Subject: Purchase Of Child Care Child Support Cooperation
Issue Date: 1/7/2004
Effective Date: 2/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

Effective February 1, 2004 the Child Support Enforcement Administration is no longer responsible for determining child support cooperation in a POC case. The final decision will now be the responsibility of the POC case manager.

Control #: 04-21
Subject: Purchase of Care (POC) Changes In Customer Co-Payments
Issue Date: 1/8/2004
Effective Date: 2/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care (POC)
Link to Document:

Effective February 1, 2004, the Child Care Administration is increasing non-TCA customer co-payments for formal and informal child care. The total payment to the provider is not changing. The customer will pay an increased co-payment and the State will pay a reduced portion of the cost of care.

Control #: 04-21 Attachment
Subject: Copay
Issue Date: 1/8/2004
Effective Date: 2/1/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:


Control #: 04-21 Attachment 2
Subject: Formal Copay
Issue Date: 1/8/2004
Effective Date: 2/1/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Formal Copay

Control #: 04-21 Attachment 3
Subject: Informal Copay
Issue Date: 1/8/2004
Effective Date: 2/1/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Informal Copay

Control #: 04-22 Revised
Subject: TEMHA Payment Freeze For New Applications
Issue Date: 1/9/2004
Effective Date: 1/12/2004
Program(s) Affected: Transitional, Emergency, Medical, And Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

The Secretary has determined that Maryland will have a budget shortfall in the Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) Program. Unless the Department takes action swiftly, our current projections show that there will be a deficit in State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2004 and a continuing deficit in SFY 2005.

TEMHA is a capped entitlement. Regulations at COMAR allow the Secretary of Human Resources, when the TEMHA caseload will exhaust the appropriation, to have local departments continue to process applications and if they determine them eligible to place them in an “active, no-pay” status. The effect of this action and continuing to implement the program integrity initiatives begun in June 2003 should allow us to stay within budget for SFY 2004.

Control #: 04-23
Subject: Shelter Deduction When Rent Is Paid In Advance
Issue Date: 2/6/2004
Effective Date: 2/6/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Sometimes households receive large sums of money and use it to pay their rent in advance. Recently, we received a policy clarification from the Food and Nutrition Service about how to treat shelter costs in this situation.

Allowable expenses are taken into consideration when they are due. When a household is billed monthly for rent, the case manager will use the monthly rental amount that is due, regardless of when the household pays it.

Control #: 04-24
Subject: Aligning Certification/Eligibility Periods
Issue Date: 2/24/2004
Effective Date: 4/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:


The Food and Nutrition Service recently approved a waiver request that allows us to recertify a food stamp case before the end of the assigned certification period during an application for a medical or cash assistance program. This also includes reapplication or redetermination for MA or cash assistance. This waiver will allow us to better align the certification/eligibility periods for all programs.


Control #: 04-25
Subject: Expedited Food Stamps
Issue Date: 2/25/2004
Effective Date: 2/25/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

There are no changes in the expedited food stamp policy. This informational memo contains reminders and suggestions to ensure that all food stamp households who are eligible for expedited food stamps receive them as soon as possible. Case managers should make every effort to process expedited food stamps to eligible households the same day the application is filed.

Control #: 04-26
Subject: TEMHA Program Integrity Actions
Issue Date: 3/2/2004
Effective Date: 3/2/2004
Program(s) Affected: Transitional, Emergency, Medical, And Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

Based on recent system-generated reports there is evidence that indicates some TEMHA customers may be receiving benefits in error. Since TEMHA is a capped entitlement, cases receiving benefits in error use money that should be used to fund benefits for eligible customers. It is important to continue our aggressive efforts to limit TEMHA to eligible customers. Beginning in June 2003, the Bureau of System Development and Management ran queries of active TEMHA cases and sent them to local departments. This was done to assist the local departments to remove ineligible cases from their TEMHA caseload. We will continue to produce updated reports for local department action. These actions should be taken with regard to each set of reports as they are received. The reports identified three categories of potentially ineligible TEMHA recipients. These are: ...

Control #: 04-27
Subject: 2004 Federal Poverty Levels And FIP Schedule Update
Issue Date: 3/9/2004
Effective Date: 4/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Federal Poverty Income guidelines increased on March 1, 2004. The new poverty levels will be on CARES effective April 1, 2004. For your convenience, a chart with the new poverty levels is attached (Attachment 1).

In addition, a copy of the updated FIP Schedule is attached (Attachment 2). This Information Memo updates Column C- 50% Poverty Level - of the FIP Schedule. The amounts in Columns A and B did not change from October 2003. The new amounts are used when determining eligibility for Temporary Cash Assistance applications and recertifications completed on or after April 1, 2004.

Control #: 04-28
Subject: Failure To Comply With Temporary Cash Assistance Or Unemployment Insurance Work Requirements
Issue Date: 3/10/2004
Effective Date: 4/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Currently, when a Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customer fails to comply with a work requirement that is comparable to a food stamp work requirement, the customer is considered to have failed to comply with food stamp work requirements. This has been expanded. Under the new policy the TCA work component does not have to be comparable to a food stamp work requirement to cause a disqualification. Additionally, the rule now applies to an individual’s failure to comply with an unemployment insurance work requirement.

Control #: 04-28 Revised
Subject: Failure To Comply With Temporary Cash Assistance Or Unemployment Insurance Work Requirements
Issue Date: 5/15/2004
Effective Date: 4/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Revised Action Transmittal 04-28 includes corrected CARES procedures. It does not change policy. Please destroy copies of the original action transmittal.

Currently, when a Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customer fails to comply with a work requirement that is comparable to a food stamp work requirement, the customer is considered to have failed to comply with food stamp work requirements. This has been expanded. Under the new policy the TCA work component does not have to be comparable to a food stamp work requirement to cause a disqualification. Additionally, the rule now applies to an individual’s failure to comply with an unemployment insurance work requirement.

Control #: 04-29
Subject: The Earned Income Tax Credit Campaign And Financial Literacy
Issue Date: 3/17/2004
Effective Date: 3/17/2004
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

As we enter tax season, it is again our goal to help low-income working families understand the advantages of filing for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and other tax credits. EITC helps reduce the tax burden and increase income for working families. It can also be used as an incentive to encourage unemployed customers to find and keep a job. Helping our customers understand the benefits of EITC is a step toward their achieving self-sufficiency.

...This memo provides information about the EITC and other tax reduction programs for 2003 to help local department staff encourage customers to file for EITC to be included in their pay. In addition, it contains information about financial literacy and provides contact information for local departments wanting to receive additional information and training in these areas. ...

Control #: 04-30
Subject: Loss Of Cecil County Waiver To The Work Requirement For Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)
Issue Date: 3/26/2004
Effective Date: 7/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Each year the State submits a new ABAWD waiver to the Food and Nutrition Service for approval. We base the waiver request on data from the U.S. Department of Labor.

Based on current data for 2004, the exempt jurisdictions are Allegany County, Dorchester County, Garrett County, Somerset County, Worcester County and Baltimore City.

Cecil County is no longer exempt from the special work requirements for ABAWDS.

Control #: 04-31 Revised
Subject: TEMHA Payment Freeze For New Applications Lifted
Issue Date: 3/26/2004
Effective Date: 4/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Transitional, Emergency, Medical, And Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

The Secretary has determined that the TEMHA program will resume cash payments to new applicants beginning in April, ending a three-month suspension. Applicants approved during the suspension will begin receiving $185 a month, beginning April 1, 2004.

Control #: 04-32
Subject: Welfare Avoidance Grants (WAGS)
Issue Date: 4/19/2004
Effective Date: 4/19/2004
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Recently we received several questions about Welfare Avoidance Grants. As a result, we have updated WAG policy and strengthened accountability.


This action transmittal reviews the policy and strengthens accountability for issuing WAGs to eligible families and provides guidance to case managers in assessing the use of a WAG. To strengthen accountability the local department director or the director’s designee must approve each WAG before issuance. Used appropriately, a WAG should help the family become self-sufficient and stay off TCA.

Control #: 04-33
Subject: Medicare Pharmacy Discount Program
Issue Date: 4/12/2004
Effective Date: 4/12/2004
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 authorizes the implementation of the Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Card Program. The drug discount card program is effective June 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005. The program is designed to help Medicare recipients with the cost of prescription drugs.

Control #: 04-34
Subject: The New Save Verification System
Issue Date: 4/30/2004
Effective Date: 4/30/2004
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement (SAVE) Program is an intergovernmental information sharing partnership developed to help case managers determine an applicant/recipient’s immigration status. Beginning in March 2004 SAVE, which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) now administers, provides authorized users with on-line access to immigrant status verification information rather than the telephone access previously available.

Remember: SAVE does not determine immigrant eligibility; it just verifies immigration status.

Control #: 04-34 Attachment
Subject: The New Save Verification System
Issue Date: 4/30/2004
Effective Date: 4/30/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

WEB-1 Access Method Reference

Control #: 04-35
Subject: Residents Of Certain Institutions
Issue Date: 5/3/2004
Effective Date: 5/3/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently we became aware of a change in federal regulations that we have not implemented. Section 100.7 of the Food Stamp Manual lists residents of housing for the elderly built under Section 202 of the housing Act of 1959 or Section 236 of the National Housing Act as eligible even when the institution provides a majority of the meals. The policy was changed to include federally subsidized housing for the elderly as an exception to the rule about institutions.

We are also providing information as reminders about the special eligibility rules for residents of some institutions and where to locate detailed information about the policy in the Food Stamp Manual.

Control #: 04-36
Subject: Medicare Prescription Drug Card Program
Issue Date: 5/15/2004
Effective Date: 6/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 authorizes the Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Card Program. This program will help people who receive Medicare with the cost of prescription drugs. This action transmittal provides information about the program and how it will affect food stamps.

Control #: 04-37
Subject: Work Requirements – Reduction In Work Effort
Issue Date: 6/8/2004
Effective Date: 7/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

In 1996, welfare reform legislation added a work requirement that makes individuals who voluntarily and without good cause reduce their work effort to less than 30 hours per week ineligible for food stamps. Current policy states that the minimum wage equivalency does not apply when determining reduction of work effort. A recent clarification changes this policy.

Control #: 04-38
Subject: Exclusion Of Income Tax Refunds As Income Or A Resource
Issue Date: 7/1/2004
Effective Date: 7/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Recently, we have received several questions from local departments regarding income tax refunds. TCA policy does not specifically address income tax refunds. It does however exclude the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as income. This includes EITC payments calculated with an individual’s wages and the EITC portion of an income tax refund.

Current policy gives instructions to apply lump sum policy to the income tax refund, excluding any EITC. In an effort to match programs, simplify policy and avoid the possible double counting of income, we are revising the income tax refund policy to match Medical Assistance policy.

Control #: 04-39
Subject: Waiver Case Redeterminations
Issue Date: 7/6/2004
Effective Date: 7/6/2004
Program(s) Affected: MA Waiver
Link to Document:

Recently DHR became aware of an issue with regard to associated H-track waiver redeterminations. The redetermination information packet (9702) for these waiver cases are not being forwarded to the Division of Eligibility Waiver Services in a timely manner. The Waiver Division is responsible for all eligibility, interim change and maintenance decisions with regard to all H-track Waiver AUs. If a waiver recipient in the H-track is included on an active associated AU at the LDSS (i.e. Food Stamps, TCA, FAC MA etc) or LHD (i.e. MCHP) the following instructions will ensure that H-track AU’s are redetermined timely. This process is necessary to ensure that the MA waiver case is properly evaluated using manual processing, as all eligibility for waiver recipients is completed off-line. CARES is the mechanism used once eligibility has been determined to deliver the Waiver Medical Assistance benefits.

Control #: 04-40
Subject: Changes To The Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP and MCHP Premium) Effective July 1, 2004
Issue Date: 7/13/2004
Effective Date: 7/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: MCHP
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2004, the following changes will occur for children whose family income is above 185 percent Federal Poverty Level (FPL) but at or below 200 percent FPL (coverage group P14):

...[five bullet points]...

These changes are the result of the sunset of changes in State law enacted by the Maryland General Assembly in the Budget Bill of 2003. The sunset of these 2003 provisions also affects the MCHP Premium Program effective July 1, 2004. Those changes are listed at the end of the Transmittal, for informational purposes only.

Control #: 05-01
Subject: Application Processing - Verification
Issue Date: 8/24/2004
Effective Date: 8/24/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently we have received inquiries about application processing and the application compliance report. Compliance with application processing requirements is a top priority and is essential for good public service. This is one of three action transmittals about application processing. This action transmittal provides policy for verification at application in a question and answer format. This policy can also be found in Section 408 of the Food Stamp Manual.

Control #: 05-01
Subject: Cares Data Corrections For Medical Assistance Overdue Redeterminations and MCHP AU Transfers to Local Health Departments
Issue Date: 7/29/2004
Effective Date: 7/29/2004
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program
Link to Document:

This bulletin serves to advise you of two CARES data corrections that will be conducted in June 2004. They will address the following Medical Assistance related issues:

>Overdue Medical Assistance AU’s that are the result of case managers initiating but not completing the redetermination process.

A large number of Medical Assistance AU’s have remained active beyond their established eligibility certification period. Once a Medical Assistance redetermination is initiated, CARES allows the AU to remain active indefinitely.

Although this is the case, it is DHR FIA/DHMH’s expectation that case managers adhere to established redetermination requirements.

>Unassociated MCHP AU’s remaining in the Local Department of Social Services rather than being transferred to the Local Health Department.

Many Local Departments have experienced increased caseloads that may be attributed to unassociated MCHP AU’s not being properly transferred to their respective Local Health Department.

Control #: 05-02
Subject: Aged And Abandoned EBT Benefits
Issue Date: 8/24/2004
Effective Date: 10/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, And TEMHA/TDAP
Link to Document:

This action transmittal describes a change in how we handle aged and abandoned benefits on EBT. Currently CARES sends a Notice of Expiration - Aged or Abandoned Benefits notice to all households whose benefits have not been accessed for 35 days. If the household did not use the benefit CARES closed the case. The case manager received alerts 817 and 816.

Federal food stamp policy has changed. We can no longer shorten a food stamp certification period solely because a household does not use its EBT card. In order to make the policy match we are making this change for all programs with benefits issued through EBT.

Action transmittal 98-31- Aged Benefits on EBT and CARES Bulletin 01-01 – Electronic Benefit Transfer System Aged and Abandoned Benefit Process are obsolete.

Control #: 05-02 CARES Bulletin
Subject: Case Information Form (CIF)
Issue Date: 8/5/2004
Effective Date: 8/5/2004
Program(s) Affected: All Programs In The Mail-In Redermination Cycle
Link to Document:

As part of workload reduction, local departments have begun to rely more on the mail-in redetermination process. In an effort to streamline and further automate the redetermination process and reduce costs, a new abbreviated application form (Case Information Form – CIF) will be generated by CARES. The new CIF will be generated for all programs of assistance that are currently in the mail-in redetermination cycle except:

• the entire MA E-track, G-track, H-track, L-track, T-track, X-track, and

• MA Covererage groups P02, P03, P11, P12, S02, S99, and F99.

These programs will continue to receive the same applications currently in use at redetermination. Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) AU’s (F05, F98, F99) will continue to receive the DHR/DHMH 1158B when properly identified on the CARES ADDR screen. All other F-track AU’s will receive the CIF at redetermination.

Control #: 05-03
Subject: Application Processing – Delays In Processing
Issue Date: 8/26/2004
Effective Date: 8/26/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently we have received inquiries about application processing and the application compliance report. Compliance with application processing requirements is a top priority and is essential for good public service. This is one of three action transmittals about application processing and provides policy and CARES procedures in a question and answer format. This policy was included in Action Transmittal 02-67 Denying Applications and Delays in Processing. It can also be found in Section 406 of the Food Stamp Manual and in Section 15 of the Food Stamp Desk Guide.

Control #: 05-03 Cares Bulletin
Subject: Households That Share Utilities
Issue Date: 9/3/2004
Effective Date: 9/3/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

AT 04-08 simplified the policy for prorating the utility allowances when households share utility expenses by informing Case Managers not to prorate the SUA or LUA. Effective September 1, 2004 CARES will support the new policy by setting the “No. of HHS Sharing Utilities” field to “1” and hiding the field on the SHEL screen.

Control #: 05-04
Subject: Medicare-Approved Prescription Drug Card - Revision
Issue Date: 8/26/2004
Effective Date: 10/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 04-36 Provided Information About The Medicare Drug Card Program And The Policy For How To Treat The Benefit For Food Stamps. The Policy Was Based On A Food And Nutrition Service Interpretation Of The Federal Legislation. This Action Transmittal Revises The Action Required For Food Stamps And Replaces 04-36.

Reminder: This Policy Will Not Affect Many Food Stamp Households.

Control #: 05-04 CARES Bulletin
Subject: Notices – Long Term Care Approval, Redetermination, Change, and Budget Trailer (Non-Spenddown)
Issue Date: 9/20/2004
Effective Date: 9/20/2004
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance – Long Term Care
Link to Document:

CARES Bulletin 04-11 notified Case Managers to stop following CARES Bulletin 02-29 until potential problems with the LTC notices were researched. After monitoring the LTC notices, it was discovered the CARES generated notices were correct.

Control #: 05-05 Attachment
Subject: Office of Homes Energy Programs - Income Eligibility Limits
Issue Date: 8/27/2004
Effective Date: 8/27/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 05-05 Attachment 2
Subject: Local OfFfice of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) Telephone Numbers
Issue Date: 8/27/2004
Effective Date: 8/27/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 05-05 CARES Bulletin
Subject: RCA Calculations for Unearned Income and
Issue Date: 11/8/2004
Effective Date: 11/8/2004
Program(s) Affected: Refugee Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

CARES currently calculates Refugee Cash Assistance unearned income and child care deductions based on frequency factors of 4.3 and 2.15. In order to arrive at the correct calculation, Case Managers complete the calculations off-line prior to entering the information on CARES. CARES has been modified to calculate unearned income and child care deductions based on frequency factors of 4 and 2.

Control #: 05-05 IM
Subject: Application for The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (Meap) and The Electric Universal Service Program (Eusp)
Issue Date: 8/27/2004
Effective Date: 8/27/2004
Program(s) Affected: MEAP and EUSP
Link to Document:

On July 1, 2004 the Community Services Administration, Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) began its new program year. Eligible families across Maryland may now apply for energy related programs and services.

MEAP provides heating assistance grants to fuel suppliers and utility companies on behalf of eligible applicants. EUSP provides assistance with electric bills. The EUSP will also assist a household in paying some past due electric bills. In certain instances both MEAP and EUSP can assist customers in weatherizing their home (e.g., insulation, furnace repair, window replacement, etc.).

The OHEP state office wishes to strongly encourage our partners within the local departments and other community agencies across the state to refer their customers to the local OHEP office. For your convenience, a list of the local OHEP office telephone numbers is attached. As an additional reference for your use, the ‘Income Eligibility Standards’ for fiscal year 2005 is likewise attached.

The OHEP state office strongly encourages customer referrals to our local offices. MEAP and EUSP are both valuable programs which can greatly assist Maryland’s most vulnerable populations in maintaining their independence and self-sufficiency.

Control #: 05-06
Issue Date: 11/15/2004
Effective Date: 11/15/2004
Link to Document:

CARES Bulletin 05-04 instructed Case Managers to resume issuing system generated CARES notices to Long Term Care customers. Some Local Departments have requested clarification as to the effect on retroactive notices.

Control #: 05-06
Subject: Intentional Program Violation Policy
Issue Date: 9/1/2004
Effective Date: 9/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A recent Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) review noted that some states are not following the intentional program violation (IPV) rules. Although we do not believe there is a problem in Maryland, we are issuing clarification of the fraud rules. We are also including a reminder about the importance of reporting fraud cases to the National Disqualified Recipient Subsystem and the impact of simplified reporting on IPV decisions and overpayments.

Control #: 05-07
Subject: Food Stamp and Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Changes - October 2004
Issue Date: 9/16/2004
Effective Date: 10/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps and TCA
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based as well as net and gross monthly income standards. The maximum food stamp allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction also increase. The homeless shelter deduction is unchanged.

TCA grants will also increase effective October 1, 2004. This year, the General Assembly set aside $1 million to be used for a TCA grant increase. Attached are schedules and tables for the increases that are effective October first for Food Stamps and TCA. Updated Food Stamp manual pages are also attached.

Control #: 05-08
Subject: Fair Labor Standards Act (Flsa) And Work Activity Guidelines
Issue Date: 9/24/2004
Effective Date: 9/24/2004
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) 98-18, Issued November 5, 1997, Provided Criteria Needed To Determine Whether An Individual Meets The Definition Of An Employee Or Trainee Under The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). We Are Providing A Reminder Of The Provisions Of That Law. Local Departments Are Encouraged To Use The Criteria Outlined In This Updated Transmittal And In The Work And Education Section Of The TCA Manual To Clarify Which Programs Are Considered Training And Which Are Considered Employment. In Addition, Activities Considered To Be Employment Are Not Subject To The Ninety (90) Day Time Limit As Are Trainee And Internship Programs.

Control #: 05-09
Issue Date: 9/30/2004
Effective Date: 9/30/2004
Program(s) Affected: FOOD STAMP PROGRAM
Link to Document:

Recently we have received inquiries about application processing and the compliance report. Compliance with application processing requirements is a top priority and is essential for good public service. This is one of three action transmittals about application processing. This action transmittal provides current policy and CARES procedures for processing expedited applications in a question and answer format. The policy can also be found in Section 401 of the Food Stamp Manual and Section 14 of the Desk Guide.

Control #: 05-10
Subject: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Issue Date: 10/1/2004
Effective Date: 10/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

During FY 2004, the Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) program experienced a budget shortfall. To address the crisis the Department took a number of steps that included promulgating regulatory changes to ensure that this important program is strengthened and to keep it financially solvent.

The Secretary of Human Resources repealed regulations under the Community Services Administration’s COMAR 07.06.05 for Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) and adopted new regulations under the Family Investment Administration’s COMAR 07.03.05 for the Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP). The new regulation changes the name of the program to more accurately reflect its purpose, limits the period of eligibility for individuals with a short-term disability, and describes how countable income will reduce the allowable benefit amount. The regulation is effective August 1, 2004. We will implement TDAP in three phases.

Control #: 05-11
Subject: Implementation of QMB/SLMB Mail-In Application
Issue Date: 10/21/2004
Effective Date: 11/1/2004
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Over the past few years, the Maryland Departments of Aging (MDOA), Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and Human Resources (DHR) have conducted outreach to increase enrollment into the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Programs. This collaboration resulted in the statewide implementation of a streamlined mail-in application, a surrogate interview process, a simplified redetermination application for QMB/SLMB customers, and a positive impact on enrollment.

To further enhance program enrollment and reduce the burden on our seniors and the disabled population, DHR and DHMH have developed a mail-in application titled, “Department of Human Resources Mail-In Application for Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Programs”. The form number is DHR/FIA 9705. The application is white with black ink, (See attachment 1). It includes one insert, a yellow documentation checklist.

Control #: 05-11 Attachment
Subject: Mail-In Application for Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Programs
Issue Date: 10/21/2004
Effective Date: 11/1/2004
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 05-12
Subject: Children With Disabilities In Voluntary Placement
Issue Date: 10/26/2004
Effective Date: 10/26/2004
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Last year the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 458, The Children with Disabilities – Voluntary Placement Act of 2003. Provisions of this bill permit parents/legal guardians to request a voluntary placement without relinquishing legal custody of a child if the child has a developmental disability or mental illness. The purpose of an out-of-home placement is to provide treatment or care for the child’s disability that the parent or legal guardian is unable to provide. Please refer to the Social Services Administration (SSA) Circular Letter #04-10 for additional information on children with disabilities in voluntary placement.

Control #: 05-13
Subject: Authorized Representative
Issue Date: 11/10/2004
Effective Date: 11/10/2004
Program(s) Affected: Rare and Expensive Case Management Program (REM)
Link to Document:

The Rare and Expensive Case Management (REM) is a voluntary program within the Maryland HealthChoice Program for Medicaid recipients with certain very rare and expensive conditions. In this program, participants have a case manager who helps coordinate their health care services.

Customers enrolled in the REM program are removed from their Managed Care Organization (MCO) and receive Maryland Medicaid fee-for-service benefits and a REM case manager. Attachment I lists the REM Case Management Agencies. One of the contractual obligations of REM case management is to assist REM program participants to maintain their Medicaid eligibility. This is critical to ensure the participant continues to receive medically necessary services. With the customer’s consent, Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) will annotate CARES to send all Medicaid case information notifications to the customer and their REM case manager.

Control #: 05-14
Subject: Increase in Utility Allowances
Issue Date: 11/22/2004
Effective Date: 1/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will increase. The telephone allowance will remain the same.

Control #: 05-15
Subject: Out of State Contacts for Information On Customers Who Moved From Another State
Issue Date: 12/2/2004
Effective Date: 12/2/2004
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #02-53 contained a TANF Information Contact List. This AT provides an updated contact list and additional instruction for handling information received from other states. All other procedures remain the same. Local departments must continue to count any months that TANF benefits were received in other states, as well as in Maryland, toward the sixty-month time limit on all TCA cases.

Control #: 05-16
Subject: Eligibility for Family Members of Victims of Severe Trafficking In Persons
Issue Date: 12/2/2004
Effective Date: 12/2/2004
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

• The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) makes non-citizens classified as victims of severe trafficking in persons eligible for federally funded or administered benefits and services to the same extent as refugees.

Eligibility was originally limited to the victims themselves. The TVPA was amended and reauthorized by the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003 (TVPRA). As a result, certain family members of victims of trafficking are now eligible for benefits to the same extent as refugees.

The US Immigration and Citizenship Services issues T visas to victims of trafficking. Under TVPRA, eligible relatives of trafficking victims are entitled to visas designated as T-2, T-3, T-4 or T-5 (collectively referred to as “Derivative T Visas”). After the issuance of the visas they are eligible for federally funded or administered benefits to the same

extent as direct victims of severe trafficking, provided that they meet the other eligibility criteria for the programs. Under TVPRA, the relatives of victims of trafficking are entitled to Derivative T visas under the following conditions . . .

Control #: 05-17
Subject: Coding Primary Language in CARES
Issue Date: 12/2/2004
Effective Date: 12/2/2004
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has recommended that we remind all staff that the CARES system has a code to identify a customer’s primary language and a code to identify whether the customer needs an interpreter. When data entering information for customers, make sure to code the CARES ADDR screen properly to indicate what the customer’s primary language is and whether they need an interpreter. The correct CARES procedures are listed below.

FIA is developing a one-page flyer for you to give to customers who do not speak English, which tells them in many languages: “You will get notices about your case in English from our agency. If you need help translating them, please call your case worker. Leave your name, social security number, language and your telephone number on your worker's voicemail. Your worker will return your call with an interpreter on the line.”

Control #: 05-17 Revision
Subject: Revised – Coding Primary Language in CARES and How to Ask For an Interpreter Brochure
Issue Date: 12/3/2004
Effective Date: 12/3/2004
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has recommended that we remind all staff that the CARES system has a code to identify a customer’s primary language and a code to identify whether the customer needs an interpreter. When data entering information for customers, make sure to code the CARES ADDR screen properly to indicate what the customer’s primary language is and whether they need an interpreter. The correct CARES procedures are listed below.

FIA has developed a brochure for you to give to customers who do not speak English, which tells them in many languages: “We will mail you important notices about your case in English. If you need help understanding them, please call the telephone number below. Tell the worker or voicemail your name, your language, your social security number or date of birth, and your telephone number. Say: ‘I need an interpreter.’ Your worker will return your call with an interpreter on the line.” The brochure is form number DHR/FIA 676 “How to Ask for an Interpreter.” Supplies will be delivered to local offices about March 15, 2005. Please give a copy of the brochure at application and redetermination to applicants and customers, when you note that they have limited English proficiency.

Control #: 05-18
Subject: Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) Referral Batch Sheet
Issue Date: 12/2/2004
Effective Date: 12/2/2004
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) Foster Care (FC)
Link to Document:

The Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) many times does not receive complete referral packets from the local department. The local department many times, as well, does not receive acknowledgment of acceptance or rejection of referral packets from DEAP.

The DEAP Referral Batch Sheet becomes a reliable tool for tracking the status of referrals between offices by providing a written record of the date information is submitted, received, returned (including the reason for rejection) and resubmitted.

The DEAP Referral Batch Sheet will help to ensure accountability by both the local department and DEAP during the referral process. The form will also ensure consistency in the flow of work.

Control #: 05-19
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase And Related Increases
Issue Date: 12/3/2004
Effective Date: 1/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 05-20
Subject: Child Support Requirements for Refugees and Asylees
Issue Date: 1/7/2005
Effective Date: 1/7/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Purchase of Child Care (POC), Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Civil war and political and religious persecutions continue in many countries of the world. The United States grants humanitarian status to some people whose countries are in turmoil. Some of these refugees, persons granted political asylum, and victims of trafficking are applying for assistance in Maryland’s local departments of social services. Many of these refugees and asylees fled for their lives. There is little or no knowledge about missing family members. There is little hope for the families to be reunited because many of the missing have been killed or fled to other countries.

The TCA, MA and POC programs all require a single parent applying for assistance for minor children to agree to file for child support against the absent parent and then cooperate with the Child Support Enforcement Administration (CSEA) in attempting to obtain child support. This requirement causes unnecessary hardship on the refugee and asylee families and also results in increased financial expense for interpreters at the local departments and Child Support offices.

Control #: 05-21
Subject: Waiver Case Redeterminations
Issue Date: 1/8/2005
Effective Date: 1/8/2005
Program(s) Affected: MA Waiver
Link to Document:

Recently DHR became aware of an issue concerning redeterminations for Home and Community Based Waiver cases (H-track) with associated cases. Not all local departments are forwarding the redetermination information packets (9702) for these waiver cases to the Division of Eligibility Waiver Services in a timely manner. The Waiver Division is responsible for all eligibility, interim change and maintenance decisions for all H-track Waiver AUs. If a waiver recipient in the H-track has an active associated AU at the LDSS (i.e. Food Stamps, TCA, FAC MA, etc.) or LHD (i.e. MCHP) the following instructions will ensure that H-track AU’s are redetermined timely. This process is necessary to make sure that the MA waiver case is properly evaluated using manual processing, as all eligibility for waiver recipients is completed off line. CARES is the mechanism used once eligibility has been determined to deliver the Waiver Medical Assistance benefits.

Control #: 05-22
Subject: Updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 1/8/2005
Effective Date: 1/8/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Attached is an updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide that local departments may use to inform food stamp applicants and recipients about their reporting requirements.

The guide reflects the new 130 percent gross income limit. It also changes slightly the timeframe for when the household has to report when income exceeds the gross income limit.

Control #: 05-23
Subject: Time Frame for Establishing A Claim And Calculating A Claim With An Associated TCA Payment
Issue Date: 1/26/2005
Effective Date: 1/26/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Timeframe for Establishing a Food Stamp Claim

The Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) recently informed us that administrative law judges are overturning food stamp claims when the local department does not establish a claim before the last day of the quarter following the quarter in which the agency discovered a claim. Apparently some hearing officers are interpreting the policy to mean that if we do not establish the claim within the required timeframe we cannot legally establish the claim. This is not correct.

The timeframe for establishing a claim is a claim management tool. States and FNS use this tool to monitor possible claims backlogs. The State is required to develop a corrective action plan if we do not establish 90 percent of the claims within the timeframe.

Control #: 05-24
Subject: Child Support Calculations
Issue Date: 2/1/2005
Effective Date: 2/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides instructions for calculating the last 3 months of Child Support payments instead of the last 6 months in order to get a more accurate average.

Control #: 05-25
Subject: Informal Child Care Updates
Issue Date: 2/8/2005
Effective Date: 2/8/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

In 1999 the Child Care Administration amended its regulations to require Child Protective Services (CPS) clearances for informal providers and any adult regularly present in the provider’s home during child care hours and limit the number of children in an informal provider’s care to six. Those regulations remain in effect. This action transmittal explains updates made to the forms and how frequently they should be reviewed.

Control #: 05-26
Subject: New Requirements for SVES System Requests
Issue Date: 2/16/2005
Effective Date: 1/3/2005
Program(s) Affected: All Programs That Require Information from the State Verification and Exchange System (SVES)
Link to Document:

The State Verification and Exchange System (SVES) is an automated data exchange with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verifying social security numbers, Title II Social Security benefits, Title XVI Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, and Quarters of Coverage History (QCHS). DHR implemented SVES statewide on

August 22,1997.

As a condition for receiving Social Security Administration data for SVES, SSA requires the Maryland Department of Human Resources to maintain safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized use and protect the confidentiality of Social Security data. SVES captures and retains all verification requests and inquiries to provide an audit trail for safeguards against system abuse. These records include the LOGONID of the person and the Social Security Number (SSN) or Claim Account Number (CAN) requested or response viewed.

Based on recommendations from the Office of Systems Security, Operations Management, and the Social Security Administration, the Department of Human Resources has developed the following actions for access to and the proper monitoring of the SVES system

Control #: 05-27
Subject: Electronic Medical Report Form DHR/FIA 402b
Issue Date: 2/28/2005
Effective Date: 2/28/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, Public Assistance to Adults, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Hospital Support Services, Inc., a Maryland company that works for hospitals helping patients access Medical Assistance, has developed an electronic version of the Medical Report Form 402B for use with their customers. They believe that use of the electronic 402B will help the State Review Team speed the determination process because they will not have to decipher the physician’s handwriting as they do on the paper form. Hospital Support Services helps the SRT get information from physicians and customers to make MA and other program determinations based on the 402B’s.

Control #: 05-28
Subject: Clarification of Policy for Failure to Comply With Temporary Cash Assistance or Unemployment Insurance Work Requirements
Issue Date: 3/28/2005
Effective Date: 3/28/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action transmittal 04-28 Revised, effective 4/01/04, described how failure to comply with Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or unemployment insurance (UI) work requirements affects the food stamp case. The AT listed the disqualification periods for failure to comply with TCA or UI work requirements as the same as for failure to comply with food stamp work requirements. After the release of AT 04-28 Revised we received questions about the disqualification periods. We requested and received the following clarification from the Food and Nutrition Service.

Control #: 05-29
Subject: Frequently Asked TDAP Questions
Issue Date: 3/15/2005
Effective Date: 3/15/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program, Medical Assistance Program, Food Stamps Program
Link to Document:

On October 1, 2004, FIA implemented phase 1 of the Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) with Action Transmittal (AT) 05-10. Since then the Office of Programs has received many questions asking for clarification of specific issues and policies. Following is a compilation of those questions and responses. Some issues that were raised during regional trainings have led to the creation of an FIA workgroup that is looking at the impact of TDAP policy implementation on State Review Team (SRT) procedures and the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP). The group is developing streamlined and coordinated procedures. Therefore, while this Q & A provides up-to-date information, some issues are still under review and are not addressed here. We will address and train on TDAP/SRT/DEAP policy and procedural information after the workgroup completes its work.

Control #: 05-30
Subject: Voluntary Quit / Reduction of Work Hours
Issue Date: 3/15/2005
Effective Date: 4/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

TCA customers who are working or go to work are expected to remain employed, and not voluntarily quit their jobs or reduce their work hours, unless there is good cause. Effective April 1, 2005, we are implementing a voluntary quit/work reduction provision. TCA applicants and recipients, age 16 and older may not voluntarily quit a job or reduce the number of hours they work without good cause. Applicants or recipients age 16 –18 whose participation requirement is education are exempt from the voluntary quit/work reduction provision provided that the individual is registered in and attending school. Students, age 16-18 not registered in school or attending 80% of the time are subject to Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI) requirements.

Control #: 05-31
Subject: Waivers to The Work Requirement For Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDS)
Issue Date: 3/28/2005
Effective Date: 3/28/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Each year the State submits a new ABAWD waiver to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). We base the waiver request on data from the U.S. Department of Labor.

Based on current data for 2005, Dorchester County, Worcester County and Baltimore City are exempt from the ABAWD work requirements because they are considered labor surplus areas.

Allegany, Garrett and Somerset Counties are no longer considered to be labor surplus areas. We will continue to exempt these counties under the State’s 15 percent discretionary exemptions.

Although there is no change in how we treat ABAWDS in the counties that are exempt under the 15 percent exemption, we have to report them to FNS.

No action is required of the local department. We will capture the 15 percent ABAWD exemption for federal reporting purposes through ad hoc reports until CARES system changes are in place. When the system changes are in place, CARES will make the determination and correctly code the ABWD screen (ABAWD Maintenance).

Control #: 05-32
Subject: Excluded Income – Military Combat Pay/Hostile Fire Pay
Issue Date: 3/29/2005
Effective Date: 3/15/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, and Medical Assistance/Maryland Children’s Health Program
Link to Document:

On December 8, 2004, the President signed The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005, Public Law 108-447. This law contains a provision that changes food stamp policy. It excludes the additional income military personnel receive as a result of deployment to a combat zone.

Please Note:

Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance/Maryland Children’s Health Program policy is not changing. MA/MCHP policy identifies Military Combat Pay as Hostile Fire Pay. Military Allotments received by the MA/MCHP household are counted as unearned income. However, MA/MCHP policy excludes any portion of the Military Allotment that is identified as Hostile Fire Pay.

Under existing and ongoing food stamp policy, we do not include the absent member in the food stamp household when determining food stamp benefit level. Additionally, we count only money the absent family member actually makes available to the applicant or recipient household.

Military money is generally made available to the household through direct deposit of all or a portion of the military person’s pay into a joint checking account. Occasionally the funds are made available to the applicant or recipient household via an “allotment”

arrangement. In this arrangement a portion of the pay is sent to the family. More often than not, when an allotment arrangement is made, it is the military person who receives the allotment and the bulk of the pay is sent directly to the family.

Regardless of the arrangement made by the absent family member for his or her military pay, we count only the portion of the pay that the food stamp household has access to when determining the household’s income for food stamp purposes.

Control #: 05-33
Subject: Applications for Prison Inmates Prior To Release
Issue Date: 3/29/2005
Effective Date: 3/29/2005
Program(s) Affected: All FIA Programs
Link to Document:

In 1993, the Secretaries of DHR and the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) signed an agreement to assist certain inmates in filling out applications for FIA benefits and programs. This process will be initiated through interaction between Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) staff and Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) staff prior to the inmates’ release from incarceration. In 1998, FIA issued an action transmittal (FIA/OPR #98-46) that outlined the responsibilities for the two departments in serving this population, as well as procedures for processing these applications.

FIA, DHMH, DPSCS and local administrators recently held a series of meetings to review concerns about the procedures. As a result of those meetings, some changes have been made to the policy, and the Secretaries of the respective departments signed a new agreement. This action transmittal provides the guidelines and responsibilities for DPSCS, DHR, and LDSS staff in processing applications for FIA benefits. While it is expected that the majority of the applications will be for expedited Medical Assistance (MA), an inmate may also qualify for the Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Food Stamps (FS).

Control #: 05-33 Revised
Subject: Applications for Prison Inmates Prior To Release
Issue Date: 3/29/2005
Effective Date: 3/29/2005
Program(s) Affected: All FIA Programs
Link to Document:

This revision adds procedures for the local departments and CARES procedures to help assure that eligibility will begin on the date the customer is released from incarceration. The liaison lists have also been updated.

Control #: 05-33 Update
Subject: Clarification of Medical Assistance Eligibility Begin Date
Issue Date: 5/4/2005
Effective Date: 3/29/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 05-34
Subject: Computer Based Training
Issue Date: 4/7/2005
Effective Date: 4/7/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Computer based training is a strategy created using Food Stamp Reinvestment funds. The CBT system is an interactive system that offers individuals the opportunity to learn or refresh Food Stamp Program (FSP) knowledge at their own speed.

The computer based training system is available in all local department and DHR central staff that have access to a PC that has Intranet access. In addition, computers dedicated to the CBT have been installed in each local department.

Control #: 05-35
Subject: Income Excluded By Federal Law - Disaster Relief Employment Funded Under National Emergency Grants
Issue Date: 4/19/2005
Effective Date: 4/19/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program
Link to Document:

This action transmittal describes how to treat disaster relief employment income received from a National Emergency Grant. National Emergency Grants are part of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Although we do not expect to see this type of income, case managers should be aware of it and how to handle it.

Control #: 05-36
Subject: CIS Alert Identifying Runaways/Missing Children in Out-of-Home Placements
Issue Date: 4/19/2005
Effective Date: 4/19/2005
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Social Services Administration (SSA) is responsible for tracking Foster Care children in out-of home placement to ensure that they are safe and receiving proper care. If a foster care child runs away or is missing, staff must use every resource to locate the child.

The Client Information System has alerts, which identify children in active State custody in runaway or missing status. When a child in this status seeks services or is referred for investigation, a message displays at the bottom of the CIS Client DataBase Participation, Services System/Client Inquiry and Services System/Service Unit Summary screens which says: “ALERT: RUNAWAY/MISSING.”

Control #: 05-37
Subject: Purchase of Child Care Wait List Reopen
Issue Date: 5/2/2005
Effective Date: 5/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

The Purchase of Child Care waiting list was implemented on January 15, 2003 due to a lack of available funds. Service may be provided to some waiting list customers and new applicants due to the available money in the FY 2006 budget.

Control #: 05-38
Subject: Citizenship and Immigration Status Reminder
Issue Date: 5/2/2005
Effective Date: 5/2/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently, we have received complaints about how some local offices are handling food stamp cases that include ineligible or undocumented immigrants who are applying only for children or other persons who are eligible. We are issuing this information memo to clarify the policy.

Case managers cannot deny benefits to eligible citizen or immigrant household members simply because other household members do not disclose their citizenship or immigration status or provide a social security number (SSN).

Control #: 05-39
Subject: Homeless Households
Issue Date: 5/2/2005
Effective Date: 5/2/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently, there have been questions about how many homeless households are getting food stamps or other benefits. We can get the number from CARES if the coding is correct. This information memo is a reminder about policy that is specific to homeless households and the correct CARES coding.

Control #: 05-40
Subject: Group Living Arrangements
Issue Date: 5/16/2005
Effective Date: 5/16/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently we have received several questions about food stamp eligibility and how to calculate the benefits of persons living in group living arrangements. This information memo does not change the policy. It is to provide clarification and policy reminders.

Control #: 05-41
Subject: Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) Non-Associated AU Transfers to Local Health Departments
Issue Date: 5/16/2005
Effective Date: 3/24/2005
Program(s) Affected: Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP)
Link to Document:

CARES Bulletin #05-01 addressed the CARES data correction conducted in June 2004 with regard to transferring unassociated MCHP AUs from the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) to the Local Health Department (LHD). This was to be a one-time-only data correction to automatically transfer all active unassociated MCHP AUs in LDSS to their respective LHD. DHR and DHMH have decided to implement the automation to an on-going, monthly process. This will assist to more accurately reflect caseloads in the LDSS and LHD offices. In addition, this automated process will reduce the burden on LDSS office staff from manually transferring non-associated MCHP AUs to the LHD’s.

Control #: 05-42
Subject: POC Child Support Tax Intercepts and Arrearages
Issue Date: 5/18/2005
Effective Date: 7/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines Purchase of Child Care policy on counting child support tax intercepts and arrearages.

Control #: 05-43
Subject: POC Address Verification
Issue Date: 5/19/2005
Effective Date: 5/19/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

As a result of a recent Child Care Administration audit, it was suggested that Purchase of Child Care begin to verify applicant addresses.

Control #: 05-44
Subject: POC Voucher Expiration, Invoice Submission, Payment Irregularities, Absences and Priority 2 Definition
Issue Date: 5/20/2005
Effective Date: 7/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

The Office of Child Care Subsidy is introducing some regulation changes as of July 1, 2005. They include: (a) a 15 day voucher expiration, (b) a 60 day invoice submission deadline, (c) minimum overpayment thresholds, (d) 60 absences per year per child, and (e) clarification on the priority 2 definition.

Control #: 05-45
Subject: TDAP Type 2 Redeterminations
Issue Date: 6/16/2005
Effective Date: 6/16/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

The Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) policy now requires case managers to get a new Medical Report Form (DHR/FIA 402B Revised 05/01) and submit it to the State Review Team (SRT) for a new decision of disability at each redetermination of a long-term (Type 2) TDAP recipient’s eligibility. Effective immediately the policy is changed to better match TDAP requirements to Medical Assistance (MA) requirements, eliminate the need for a CARES workaround to prevent the MA case from closing if the TDAP case closes, and reduce the workload for both TDAP case managers and the State Review Team.

Control #: 05-46
Subject: Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) Non-Associated AU Transfers to Local Health Departments
Issue Date: 6/17/2005
Effective Date: 5/23/2005
Program(s) Affected: Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP)
Link to Document:

CARES Bulletin #05-01 addressed the CARES data correction conducted in June 2004 with regard to transferring unassociated MCHP AU’s from the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) to the Local Health Department (LHD). This was to be a one-time-only data correction to automatically transfer all active unassociated MCHP AU’s in LDSS to their respective LHD. DHR and DHMH have decided to implement the automation to an on-going, monthly process. This will assist to more accurately reflect caseloads in the LDSS and LHD offices. In addition, this automated process will reduce the burden on LDSS office staff from manually transfering non-associated MCHP AU’s to the LDH’s.

Control #: 05-47
Subject: Mexico’s Matricula Consular Identification Card
Issue Date: 6/30/2005
Effective Date: 6/30/2005
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Representatives of Mexican government agencies and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) established a collaborative partnership in July 2004 to provide information and outreach about nutrition programs available to Mexican Americans and Mexican nationals who live in the United States (U.S.).

Control #: 06-01
Subject: Income Excluded By Federal Law – Disaster Unemployment Assistance
Issue Date: 7/7/2005
Effective Date: 7/7/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps, Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Refugee Cash Assistance and Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

Public Law 100-707 authorizes the President under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to pay Disaster Unemployment Assistance to any one who is unemployed because of a major disaster. A person cannot receive any other unemployment benefit and also receive disaster unemployment benefits. The disaster unemployment payments are limited to 26 weeks. This is excluded income for food stamps, Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Refugee Cash Assistance and Purchase of Care.

Control #: 06-02
Subject: X01 Changes Effective July 1, 2005
Issue Date: 7/1/2005
Effective Date: 7/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Program – X01 Coverage Group for State-Only Aliens – Children and Pregnant Women
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2005, funding is removed from the State’s budget for the State-only Medical Assistance (MA) coverage group X01. This coverage group was only for aliens who qualify technically and financially for MA or the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), except that they are qualified aliens subject to the 5-year bar who have not lived in the United States for at least 5 years as a qualified alien. This coverage group provided State-only MA benefits to children and pregnant women. For applications received on or after July 1, 2005, eligibility may not be determined in the Medical Assistance coverage group of X01. For applications received before July 1, 2005, children’s X01 eligibility ends on June 30, 2005, but pregnant women may remain eligible until the end of their postpartum period.

Control #: 06-03
Subject: Questions and Answers from The Work Participation Conference
Issue Date: 7/22/2005
Effective Date: 7/22/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

After the Universal Engagement/Work Participation conference in December 2004, attendees submitted questions to the conference committee. Attached are the questions written as submitted at the conference and the answers listed by category provided by the person or people best qualified to answer them. Answers provided by local department staff are written as the provider intended. An agenda of the conference is attached.

Control #: 06-03 Attachment
Subject: Questions and Answers from the Work Participation Conference
Issue Date: 7/22/2005
Effective Date: 7/22/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Average Number of Applications by Program

Control #: 06-03 Attachment 2
Subject: Questions and Answers from the Work Participation Conference
Issue Date: 7/22/2005
Effective Date: 7/22/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Net income of temporary cash assistance recipients compared with persons working at various wage levels.

Control #: 06-04
Subject: Exception to Counting Income in the Month Received
Issue Date: 7/27/2005
Effective Date: 7/27/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance/Maryland Children’s Health Program, Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

We recently received Food and Nutrition Service guidance reminding states about how to treat recurring monthly or semimonthly income when the pay date is varied because of a weekend or holiday. Although this is not a change in policy, we want to make sure that everyone is applying the policy consistently. For program consistency, Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Medical Assistance (MA)/Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) and Purchase of Care (POC) will follow the same policy when considering income in this situation.

Control #: 06-05
Subject: Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents – 36-Month Period
Issue Date: 8/11/2005
Effective Date: 11/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS), between the age of 18-47 are ineligible for food stamps unless they meet special work requirements. These individuals can receive food stamp benefits for only three months (consecutive or otherwise) in a 36 month period unless they meet specific work requirements.

The 36-month period is fixed for the entire caseload. The current 36-month period for all cases began November 1, 2002 and ends October 31, 2005. A new 36-month period begins November 1, 2005 and will end October 31, 2008.

Control #: 06-06
Subject: Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program
Issue Date: 8/12/2005
Effective Date: 7/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Program
Link to Document:

Effective January 1, 2006, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will provide prescription drug benefits under the Medicare program for seniors and individuals with disabilities who are entitled to Medicare Part A and/or enrolled in Medicare Part B. The new program is known as Medicare Part D. Medicare recipients who now receive pharmacy benefits through Maryland’s Medical Assistance or Pharmacy programs will obtain this benefit through a Medicare approved private prescription drug plan (PDP).

Control #: 06-07
Subject: Application for the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) and the Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
Issue Date: 8/22/2005
Effective Date: 8/22/2005
Program(s) Affected: MEAP and EUSP
Link to Document:

On July 1, 2005 the Maryland Office of Home Energy Programs (MD OHEP) began its new program year. Eligible families across Maryland may now apply for energy related programs and services.

MEAP provides heating assistance grants to fuel suppliers and utility companies on behalf of eligible applicants. EUSP provides assistance with electric bills. The EUSP, in some instances, will also assist a household in paying some past due electric bills. In certain instances both MEAP and EUSP can assist customers in weatherizing their home (e.g., insulation, furnace repair, window replacement, etc.). Weatherization of homes is now completed via an inter-agency agreement with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

Control #: 06-08
Subject: Confidentiality of Records
Issue Date: 8/29/2005
Effective Date: 8/29/2005
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Program
Link to Document:

Recently a local department was contacted by a collection agency requesting information on the status of medical assistance applications filed by customers that received services at hospitals for which the agency provides collection services. Information Memo 04-09 dated October 1, 2003, discusses disclosure of information provided by individuals or families that have applied for federal, state or local assistance programs. Information provided by individuals is protected under the Privacy Act of 1974 and under the Food Stamp Act of 1977. In addition, the Maryland Annotated Code Article 88A, §6 and the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) provide protection against disclosing information except in specific instances.

Control #: 06-09
Subject: Eligibility for Convicted Drug Felons
Issue Date: 8/29/2005
Effective Date: 10/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

In 2000 State legislation made custodial parents who have been convicted of a felony involving the possession, use or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance which was committed after August 22, 1996 eligible for food stamps and TCA under certain conditions. The legislation also set forth requirements for substance abuse testing and treatment for custodial parents applying for TCA or food stamps. The legislation also required sanctions, drug testing and treatment for a custodial parent convicted after July 1, 2000 of a felony that has an element of manufacturing, distribution or possession with the intent to distribute a controlled substance, while receiving TCA or food stamps.

Control #: 06-10
Subject: Food Stamp and Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Changes - October 2005
Issue Date: 9/13/2005
Effective Date: 10/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes the updated Thrifty Food Plan, which determines the maximum food stamp allotments. The USDA also publishes the new income standards for the year. The income standards, the maximum food stamp allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction have increased. The homeless shelter deduction did not change.

TCA grants will also increase effective October 1, 2005. The attached tables show the increases for Food Stamps and TCA . The attached Food Stamps manual pages also contain the updates for October 1st. CARES automatically generates all customer notices for increases and decreases at the time of the mass change. The mass modification should take place some time after Labor Day.

Control #: 06-11
Subject: National Refugee Policy – Hurricane Katrina
Issue Date: 9/2/2005
Effective Date: 9/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps, Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance Programs
Link to Document:

The United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) sent us guidance for providing food stamps to refugees (evacuees) from areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina. These areas include counties in the Gulf Coast region in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

Normally, when we talk about refugees, we are referring to immigrants to the United States, who have fled problems in other parts of the world. However, the unprecedented damage from Hurricane Katrina has made it necessary for people to be evacuated from the three hardest hit states. These people are not just residents of emergency shelters; they are truly refugees.

Control #: 06-12
Subject: Expanded Hurricane Katrina Evacuee Policy and Updated Contact Telephone Numbers
Issue Date: 9/6/2005
Effective Date: 9/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamp Programs (MA and MCHP for Telephone Numbers Only – No Change to Policy)
Link to Document:

This action transmittal expands the policy provided in 06-11, issued September 2, 2005. It does not replace it. For the evacuees who come to Maryland for help, our main concern is getting them food, shelter and medical care. To this end, we all must do as much as possible to provide necessary assistance.

The Food and Nutrition Service issued expanded criteria to enable states to better serve people who have evacuated Hurricane Katrina disaster areas and are applying for food stamp benefits in Maryland. Applications may be accepted under these policies through October 15, 2005.

FNS has also provided additional ways to contact Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Until further notice and except as noted under Action Required, please follow FS guidelines for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) evacuees.

Control #: 06-13
Subject: Louisiana Child Support Information for Katrina Evacuees
Issue Date: 9/7/2005
Effective Date: 9/7/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Child Support
Link to Document:

DHR received the following information from Robbie Endris, Executive Director, Louisiana Support Enforcement Services, yesterday afternoon:

Changes on Louisiana Child Support cases can be reported in the following ways:

Calling our Customer Service Center 1-800-256-4650 or 1-225-922-8100

Sending an e-mail to our Customer Service Center

Or sending a fax to our State Office 225/342-4397

Control #: 06-14
Subject: Students
Issue Date: 9/22/2005
Effective Date: 9/22/2005
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Periodically the Food and Nutrition Service Mid-Atlantic Regional Office sends the questions they receive from states in the region and the answers. Following are questions and answers about eligibility for students living in dormitories.

Control #: 06-15
Subject: Hurricane Katrina Evacuee Comprehensive Guidance
Issue Date: 9/15/2005
Effective Date: 9/15/2005
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamp, Purchase of Care, Medical Assistance and MCHP Programs
Link to Document:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families has issued guidance on TANF requirements for Hurricane Katrina evacuees. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has also issued guidance. The Food and Nutrition Service issued updated Food Stamp Program guidance on September 9. In addition, several local departments have requested a way to identify on CARES the state from which the evacuee came.

This transmittal issues comprehensive procedures for Hurricane Katrina evacuees based on the new federal guidelines and contact numbers, and makes obsolete Action Transmittals 06-11 and 06-12 and Information Memo 06-13.

Control #: 06-16
Subject: Action Transmittals and Information Memos Issued In 2003, 2004 And 2005
Issue Date: 10/11/2005
Effective Date: 10/11/2005
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

In the past, the Office of Programs issued a yearly listing of all action transmittals and information memos issued in the prior State fiscal year (SFY). We issued the last list for SFY 2002. We stopped providing the yearly list because we now put all action transmittals and information memos on the DHR FIPNet. The FIPNet lists all the transmittals numerically along with the title. The FIPNet action transmittal list also has a search feature.

Although most case managers have access to the FIPNet, we have heard that it is not readily available to some. To help local departments who do not have access to the FIPNet to find policy information, we have prepared the attached listing of the action transmittals and information memos. The list includes policy information issued during State fiscal years 2003, 2004 and 2005 and includes the number, the originating office, the title, and the programs affected.

Control #: 06-17
Subject: Purchase of Child Care Wait List Reopen For Subsidy Levels E-J
Issue Date: 9/29/2005
Effective Date: 11/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

Part of the Purchase of Child Care waiting list opened on July 1, 2005 due to available funds in the FY 2006 budget. Service may now be provided to waiting list customers and new applicants in the remaining subsidy levels.

Control #: 06-18
Subject: State Review Team Appeals and Medical Assistance and TDAP Redeterminations
Issue Date: 10/21/2005
Effective Date: 10/21/2005
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA) and Temporary Disability Assistance (TDAP) Programs
Link to Document:

This information memo clarifies the role of the State Review Team (SRT) in assisting the local departments of social services in the appeals process and serves as a reminder of the MA and TDAP policy for redetermining eligibility.

Control #: 06-18 Revision
Subject: State Review Team Appeals and Medical Assistance and TDAP Redeterminations
Issue Date: 12/21/2005
Effective Date: 12/21/2005
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (Ma) and Temporary Disability Assistance (TDAP) Programs
Link to Document:

This information memo clarifies the role of the State Review Team (SRT) in assisting the local departments of social services in the appeals process and serves as a reminder of the MA and TDAP policy for redetermining eligibility. This revised information memo adds information about requesting a postponement of the hearing when the customer who is appealing provides new medical evidence.

Control #: 06-19
Subject: Emergency Assistance for Katrina Evacuees Stranded Away From Home
Issue Date: 11/1/2005
Effective Date: 11/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC), Adult Services Flex Funds
Link to Document:

The Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC) is financial assistance available to families with children in need as a result of a defined emergency. One of the defined emergencies that may be specified in local EAFC plans is when a family is stranded away from their home. Through this action transmittal we are specifying stranded away from home as an emergency that is covered by EAFC for Katrina evacuees.

The state of Maryland has hosted families who were evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Now that many cities in the gulf region have reopened and residents are returning their homes, evacuees from the Gulf Coast States may want to return home, even though they may not have a specific residence to return to.

Control #: 06-20
Subject: Revisions to Hurricane Katrina Evacuee Medical Assistance/Maryland Children’s Health Program Procedures
Issue Date: 10/26/2005
Effective Date: 11/1/2005
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance and MCHP Programs
Link to Document:

This action transmittal expands the policy provided in 06-15, issued September 15, 2005. It does not replace it. For the evacuees who come to Maryland for help, our main goal continues to be assisting them with food, shelter and medical care.

Control #: 06-21
Subject: Budgeting Drug Expenses under the New Medicare Drug Program
Issue Date: 11/11/2005
Effective Date: 1/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Since the middle of 2004, many Food Stamp customers who also receive Medicare have participated in Medicare’s Drug Discount Card Program. Medicare will start phasing out its Drug Discount Card on January 1, 2006.

In place of the Medicare Drug Discount Card will be a new program, called the Medicare Prescription Drug Plans, or Part D. Part D differs significantly from the Medicare Drug Discount Card Program. You can find more information about the new program and how it affects Medicare recipients with low incomes at:

Control #: 06-22
Subject: Increase in Utility Allowances and Decrease in Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 11/30/2005
Effective Date: 1/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility and telephone allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will increase. A recent survey of telephone service providers indicates that phone rates have gone down again this year. The telephone allowance will decrease.

Control #: 06-23
Subject: Authorization for Reimbursement Of Interim Assistance (DHR FIA Form 340)
Issue Date: 12/6/2005
Effective Date: 12/6/2005
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal provides new information and instructions for processing an Authorization for Reimbursement of Interim Assistance form (DHR/FIA 340). It obsoletes AT 02-78. It changes the requirement for the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) to provide any information on the DHR/FIA 340 form. The Local Departments of Social Services will provide all information on the DHR/FIA 340 form. It also changes the requirement to complete a new DHR/FIA 340 form at each redetermination. The DHR/FIA 340 form remains in effect until one of the following occur:

1. The Social Security Administration makes the first payment of retroactive SSI benefits on the customer’s claim; or

2. The Social Security Administration makes the first posteligibility payment of retroactive SSI benefits following the suspension or termination of the customer’s benefits; or

3. The Social Security Administration makes a final determination on the claim and no timely request for review is filed; or

4. The State and the customer agree to terminate the authorization.

Control #: 06-24
Subject: Change of Address Notification
Issue Date: 12/12/2005
Effective Date: 12/12/2005
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Whenever mail generated out of CARES is sent to a customer who has moved, and the customer has changed his/her address with the post office, a Form 3547 is sent to DHR’s Central Distribution Center (CDC [mailroom]). This form is informational only in its purpose. The Form 3547 is subsequently sent to the district office that serves the customer.

Control #: 06-25
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase and Related Increases
Issue Date: 12/16/2005
Effective Date: 1/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and Medical Assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 06-26
Subject: Changes to QMB/SLMB Mail-in application
Issue Date: 1/4/2006
Effective Date: 1/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective January 1, 2006, customers applying for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary or Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary medical assistance programs are no longer eligible for pharmacy assistance through the Maryland Pharmacy or Medical Assistance programs. Medicare recipients applying for these programs will obtain this benefit through a Medicare approved private prescription drug plan (PDP).

Control #: 06-27
Subject: Supervisory Review System (SRS)
Issue Date: 1/25/2005
Effective Date: 1/25/2005
Program(s) Affected: All Family Investment Programs
Link to Document:

To ensure consistency throughout the state for case review procedures and reporting statistical results the automated Supervisory Review System (SRS) was implemented on July 1, 2002 in all local departments of social services. The primary purpose of SRS is to ensure program accuracy by assessing case manager's adherence to laws and regulations through the identification and correction of errors. Additionally, the system provides an effective management tool for evaluation, performance appraisals, and determining training needs.

Control #: 06-27 Attachment
Subject: Attachment to SRS
Issue Date: 1/25/2005
Effective Date: 1/25/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Attachment to SRS

Control #: 06-28
Subject: Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program
Issue Date: 2/24/2006
Effective Date: 2/24/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

The Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program (NPEP) is a departmental initiative involving the collaborative efforts of the Child Support Enforcement Administration (CSEA), the Family Investment Administration (FIA), the Community Services Administration (CSA), the Office of Technology for Human Services (OTHS) and the University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW). The purpose of this initiative is to operate a program in each local jurisdiction that provides employment services to non-custodial parents who are unable to meet their child support obligation. Employment services and related job readiness training will be provided using the same resources available to custodial parents as part of the Welfare to Work program.

Control #: 06-29
Subject: Deduction Language on the Application and Reported Changes
Issue Date: 2/28/2006
Effective Date: 2/28/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Programs
Link to Document:

On March 25, 1999, Action Transmittal 99-39 - New Language on the System Generated Eligibility Determination Document (EDD) was issued. This action transmittal described the statement on the EDD that says, “Failure to report or verify dependent care expenses, shelter costs, medical expenses or child support payments will be seen as a statement by your household that you do not want to receive a deduction for the unreported or unverified expense.” According to this action transmittal case managers were directed to certify a household without the deduction if the household reported a deduction but did not provide required verification.

Control #: 06-30
Subject: Standardization of Medical Assistance, Long-Term Care Procedures for Jurisdiction, Less than 30 Day Stay, and Medicare Days
Issue Date: 3/3/2006
Effective Date: 3/3/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Long Term Care (MA-LTC) for Adults
Link to Document:

The Budget and Taxation and Appropriations Committees filed a joint report in November 2000, which required the Departments of Human Resources (DHR) and Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) to establish a workgroup with representatives of the Health Facilities Association of Maryland (HFAM) and Mid-Atlantic LifeSpan. The workgroup’s main goal was to focus on ways to resolve communications issues between the agencies that provide customer service and develop procedures to expedite Medicaid eligibility determinations for Nursing Home residents

Control #: 06-31
Subject: Family Investment Administration and the Social Security Administration Liaison Listing
Issue Date: 3/3/2006
Effective Date: 3/3/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

The Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) have a long-standing working relationship that benefits the individuals we mutually assist. Many of our clientele access services simultaneously in both agencies. In order for our agencies to provide high quality services to our mutual clientele it is important that we have open lines of communication with each other. It is also important that our staff have a basic understanding of the programs each of us offer to those in need. To meet these challenges, we have compiled a list of managers for local Social Services (DSS) offices and parallel Social Security Administration (SSA) field offices.

Control #: 06-32
Subject: Changes in Substance Abuse Treatment and Services (SATS) Program
Issue Date: 3/23/2006
Effective Date: 3/23/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This action transmittal changes existing signature requirements for customers subject to Substance Abuse Treatment and Services (SATS) screening and drug testing provisions, and procedures for processing non-compliant individuals being added to TCA Assistance Units. Also included are the revised guidelines for the distribution of the SATS forms. Changes to the 1176, 1177 and the 1178 substance abuse forms (Attachments I-III) reflect the policy revision. Updates to the TCA Manual, Food Stamp Manual and the TCA Work Book will be posted on the FIPNet. Please note, when citing COMAR, that the TCA manual section governing substance abuse treatment and services provisions has changed to

Control #: 06-32 Attachment 1
Subject: Consent for the Release of Confidential Alcohol and Drug Treatment Information
Issue Date: 3/23/2006
Effective Date: 3/23/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Consent for the Release of Confidential Alcohol and Drug Treatment Information

Control #: 06-32 Attachment 2
Subject: Substance Abuse Screening Referral Form
Issue Date: 3/23/2006
Effective Date: 3/23/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Substance Abuse Screening Referral Form

Control #: 06-32 Attachment 3
Subject: Substance Abuse Identification and Treatment Notification
Issue Date: 3/23/2006
Effective Date: 3/23/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Substance Abuse Identification and Treatment Notification

Control #: 06-33
Subject: Updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 3/23/2006
Effective Date: 3/23/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Attached is an updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide that local departments may use to inform food stamp applicants and recipients about their reporting requirements. The guide reflects the increase in the 130 percent of the federal poverty guidelines income limit for simplified reporters.

Control #: 06-34
Subject: Increase in Maryland's Minimum Wage
Issue Date: 4/5/2006
Effective Date: 2/16/2006
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The minimum wage in Maryland increased to $6.15 effective February 16, 2006. Treat this change as any other change in a customer’s situation. The change in the minimum wage also affects compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements for work programs. Updates to the TCA Manual and the WORK BOOK are being completed to reflect the minimum wage changes.

Control #: 06-35
Subject: DEAP Referral Process
Issue Date: 3/30/2006
Effective Date: 4/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

On November 2, 2005 the Board of Public Works approved a new contract for the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP). Provisions of the new contract provide for DEAP Outreach Services. The contract requires DEAP Client Advocates to be on site in all Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) to assist customers referred to DEAP with the Social Security Administration benefits application process. The DEAP Outreach Service changes the LDSS referral process of customers to DEAP.

Control #: 06-35 Attachment
Subject: DEAP Referral and Notification Form
Issue Date: 3/30/2006
Effective Date: 4/1/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

DEAP Referral and Notification Form

Control #: 06-36
Subject: Waiver Case Redeterminations
Issue Date: 4/14/2006
Effective Date: 1/8/2005
Program(s) Affected: MA Waiver
Link to Document:

The printed copy of Information Memo #05-21 has the incorrect implementation date of January 8, 2004. This policy was implemented January 8, 2005. The text of IM #05-21 remains unchanged and is repeated below.

Recently DHR became aware of an issue concerning redeterminations for Home and Community Based Waiver cases (H-track) with associated cases. Not all local departments are forwarding the redetermination information packets (9702) for these waiver cases to the Division of Eligibility Waiver Services in a timely manner. The Waiver Division is responsible for all eligibility, interim change and maintenance decisions for all H-track Waiver AUs. If a waiver recipient in the H-track has an active associated AU at the LDSS (i.e. Food Stamps, TCA, FAC MA, etc.) or LHD (i.e. MCHP) the following instructions will ensure that H-track AU’s are redetermined timely. This process is necessary to make sure that the MA waiver case is properly evaluated using manual processing, as all eligibility for waiver recipients is completed off line. CARES is the mechanism used once eligibility has been determined to deliver the Waiver Medical Assistance benefits.

Control #: 06-37
Subject: Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG) Reviews
Issue Date: 4/21/2006
Effective Date: 4/21/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The purpose of a Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG) is to meet a family’s immediate and compelling need and prevent them from going on welfare (TCA) or to assist a family in getting off welfare. It is a short-term, non-recurrent, cash payment. A WAG should help a family gain or maintain independence from TCA.

Control #: 06-38
Subject: Flood Insurance Payments
Issue Date: 5/19/2006
Effective Date: 5/19/2006
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides policy about a recent amendment to the federal National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. The Act was amended to state that payments made under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are not counted as income or resources of the owner of the property when determining eligibility for any federal means-tested program.

Control #: 06-39
Subject: POC Transition
Issue Date: 6/1/2006
Effective Date: 6/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Purchase Of Child Care
Link to Document:

The Office of Child Care Subsidy will transfer to the Maryland State Department of Education on July 1, 2006. The staff and their duties will remain the same. Please feel free to contact them for any Purchase of Child Care issues. Their contact information is listed below:

Name and Title Phone Number Email Address

Anne Webster, Manager (410) 767-7840

Betsy Blair, Policy Specialist (410) 767-7845

Dion Sutton, Quality Assurance Spec (410) 767-1498

Aasim Nour, System Specialist (410) 767-7816

Anita Chambers, Administrative Officer (410) 767-7814

Raye Kirby, Support Staff (410) 767-7840

Control #: 06-40
Subject: Overpayment Tips
Issue Date: 6/27/2006
Effective Date: 6/27/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps, Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Purchase Of Care (POC), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

The FIA Office of Programs, working with a work group of central and local department staff, is in the process of developing a new Overpayment desk guide that will contain the policy and procedures for all FIA program overpayments. Training is also being developed on overpayment procedures. In the meantime, we have developed an information sheet for local departments to use to help in preventing overpayments from occurring and as a guide to help determine if an overpayment actually exists. Re-reviewing existing overpayment referrals and BEGs in each local may eliminate those that are not actual overpayments.

Control #: 07-01
Subject: Out of State Contacts for Information on Customers Who Moved From Another State
Issue Date: 7/20/2006
Effective Date: 7/20/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #05-15 contained a TANF Information Contact List. This Information Memo provides an updated contact list. All procedures remain the same. Local departments must continue to count any months that TANF benefits were received in other states, as well as in Maryland, toward the sixty-month time limit on all TCA cases.

Control #: 07-02
Subject: Medical Report Supplement Forms
Issue Date: 7/5/2006
Effective Date: 7/5/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

As part of the Family Investment Administration’s efforts to meet and surpass the federal work participation rate, we are adding a supplement called the DHR/FIA/TCA 402-W (attached) to the Medical Report Form DHR/FIA 402B for disabled TCA adults. On this supplemental medical form the health care provider reports on the customer’s ability to work or attend educational or vocational training courses. Using this form, we move the focus from what the customer cannot do, to what the customer is able to do.

Control #: 07-03
Subject: New Primary Adult Care Program (PAC)
Issue Date: 7/1/2006
Effective Date: 7/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA); Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

Beginning July 1, 2006, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) will offer a new Medical Assistance program known as the Primary Adult Care Program (PAC). PAC will cover primary care, pharmacy, and outpatient mental health benefits for adult, low-income Maryland residents.

DHMH combined two of its programs – the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Program (MPAP) and the Maryland Primary Care Program – to create PAC. Between July 1, 2006 and September 1, 2006, DHMH will transition into PAC the current recipients from the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Program and the Maryland Primary Care Program.

Control #: 07-04
Subject: Interview for Expedited Service Cases and the Notice of Missed Interview
Issue Date: 8/10/2006
Effective Date: 8/10/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) notified us of the following two changes that affect the Food Stamp Program immediately:

• Interview before approval of benefits for all cases - The local department must interview all households before issuing benefits. We can no longer issue expedited food stamps without an interview. See section E below for policy about interviews.

• Scheduling an Interview and Notice of Missed Interview - The Quality Control review of denials now must look at whether the local department scheduled an interview for a particular date and time and sent the household a notice of missed interview if the customer did not keep the appointment and was not interviewed. The requirement for local departments to schedule interviews and to send notices of missed interview is current and ongoing policy. The inclusion of these requirements as part of the QC negative review is new. See Section C for policy about scheduling an interview and the notice of missed interview.

Control #: 07-05
Subject: Medicaid Citizenship and Identity Requirements
Issue Date: 8/10/2006
Effective Date: 9/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA); Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP), and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2006, due to federal regulatory changes based on the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, all persons declaring to be U.S. citizens must provide documentation of their citizenship and identity at the time of initial application or annual redetermination for Medicaid. In Maryland, this federal change applies to Medical Assistance (MA), Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Long-Term Care, Primary Adult Care (PAC), HealthChoice, Women's Breast and Cervical Cancer Health Program, and all waiver programs. It does not apply to Medicare beneficiaries, presumptively eligible newborns and SSI recipients. At this time, due to implementation and delinking problems, it also does not apply to TCA applicants and recipients. DHR and the LHDs will be notified when the TCA applicants are subject to this regulation. However, customers receiving TCA should not be discouraged from providing the documents when available.

Control #: 07-06
Subject: Food Stamp Program And Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Changes - October 2006
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program And Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes the updated Thrifty Food Plan, which determines the maximum food stamp allotments. The USDA also publishes the new income standards for the year. The income standards, the maximum food stamp allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction have increased. The homeless shelter deduction did not change.

Control #: 07-07
Subject: Separate Household Status For Disabled Persons
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently provided guidance for situations involving disabled persons, the household definition, and the policy for elderly disabled households living with others (Food Stamp Manual 109.4). FNS is concerned that past guidance has not provided a consistent message on the policy. This transmittal is to ensure that local departments are applying policy consistently.

Control #: 07-08
Subject: Updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 9/12/2006
Effective Date: 9/12/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Attached is an updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide that local departments may use to inform food stamp applicants and recipients about their reporting requirements. The guide reflects the increase in the 130 percent of the federal poverty guidelines income limit for simplified reporters.

Control #: 07-08 Attachment
Subject: Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Section 1 - Simplified Reporting Group

„Ď Most families who get food stamps are in the simplified reporting group. The families that are not included in the simplified reporting group are listed in Section 2 ˇV Change Reporting.

„Ď When your family is in the simplified reporting group:

„« You are required to report only when your familyˇ¦s entire gross monthly income is more than the amount listed in the chart for your household size.

„« You are not required to report any other changes for your food stamp case. (But, if you think a change will increase benefits for your family, you should report it.)

„Ď If you receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Medical Assistance (MA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) or Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) you must report all changes within 10 days.

Control #: 07-08 Attachment 2
Subject: Guia Para Registrar Cambios En El Programa De Cupones Para Alimentos
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Sección 1 – Grupo de Informes Simplificados

 La mayoría de las familias que reciben cupones para alimentos se encuentran dentro del grupo de informes simplificados. Aquellas familias que no se encuentran en este grupo figuran en la Sección 2 – El Grupo que Debe Rendir Informes sobre Cambios.

 Cuando tu familia se encuentra dentro del grupo de informes simplificados:

 Se requiere que haga un informe únicamente cuando los ingresos brutos totales cada mes exceden la cantidad que figura en la tabla para el tamańo de su hogar.

 No se requiere que haga un informe sobre cualquier otro cambio con relación a su caso de cupones de alimentos. (Sin embargo, si cree que algún cambio resultará en un aumento de beneficios para su familia, debe informarnos sobre ello.)

Control #: 07-09
Subject: Preparation For Hearings
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, some local departments advised us they have had difficulty with administrative hearings that involve the Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) and State Review Decisions (SRT). To attempt to resolve the issues the local departments are requesting that SRT come to the hearing or be available for a telephone conference.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment
Subject: Sample Contact Letter
Issue Date: 8/11/2005
Effective Date: 8/11/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Stevens:

We have received your request for a hearing and forwarded it to the Office of Administrative Hearings. I would like to go over with you in this letter what I understand to be the reason you requested a hearing. I tried unsuccessfully to call you several times.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 2
Subject: Withdrawal Of Request For Hearing
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

I, (Name)of (Address)(County) have filed a request for hearing. I now withdraw this request (choose one below):

Because the Department of Social Services (“Social Services”) has agreed to address the specific reason I am appealing by doing the following:...

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 3
Subject: Hearing Summary
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)
Link to Document:

Program (Please check appropriate program)

Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)

Summary (Concise Details)

Basis for Decision:


Control #: 07-09 Attachment 4A
Subject: Sample 1: Hearing Summary
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Program (Please check appropriate program)

Temporary Cash Assistance(TCA),Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical ssistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)

Summary (Concise Details)

See attached

Basis for Decision:

COMAR : Food Stamp income Food Stamp calculations Schedules for Income and Deductions Medical Assistance eligibility

MA Schedule 1

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 4B
Subject: Sample 1: Hearing Summary Details
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Mr. and Mrs. Able are appealing the closing of their Food Stamp benefits for them and their two children and the denial of their application for Medical Assistance for themselves. The children receive Medical Assistance under the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP). Mrs. Able was seen for redetermination of the family’s Food Stamp benefits and the MA application on April 3, 2005.

Mr. Able is self-employed. His gross income before deductions was $64,772. The case manager entered incorrect income information into the eligibility system when she was determining the household’s financial eligibility at redetermination. The information was taken from the 2003 income tax return forms. However, based on the incorrect income information, which was less than the actual income, the household was ineligible for benefits.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 5A
Subject: Sample 2: Hearing Summary
Issue Date: 4/8/2005
Effective Date: 4/8/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Program (Please check appropriate program) Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)

Summary (Concise Details)

See Attached

Basis for Decision:


07.03.05 Temporary Assistance to Disabled Program (TDAP) State Review Team (SRT) Definitions of Disabled

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 5B
Subject: Sample 2: Hearing Summary Details
Issue Date: 4/8/2005
Effective Date: 4/8/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Ms. Johnson is appealing the Cecil County DSS decision to close her Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) benefits. Ms. Johnson has been receiving assistance for herself only each month since February 2004 under the Temporary Emergency Medical Housing Assistance Program (TEMHA). Ms. Johnson ‘s TEMHA certification was for six months, through July 30, 2004.

TDAP replaced the TEMHA program, which ended on September 30, 2004. The Department of Human Resources (DHR), which oversees the TDAP program decided to allow recipients to receive assistance under the TEMHA program until the individual’s existing certification expired. On and after October 1, 2004, TDAP applications were processed. Ms. Johnson stated she did not want to apply for Medical Assistance at the time of her re-application in August 1, 2004. She stated she had health care coverage through her former employer.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 6
Subject: Maryland Medical Assistance Program Disability Determination Notice of Action
Issue Date: 5/1/2007
Effective Date: 5/15/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

In deciding whether your illness or injury is disabling, the State Review Team (SRT) used the medical and social evidence you presented. SRT used the Federal Disability rules found on the back of this form. After careful review of this evidence, the SRT is unable, for Federal Medical Assistance purposes, to find you disabled. Enclosed is a SRT Medical, Vocational, Educational Assessment stating the reason (s) for the decision.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 7
Subject: Hearing Procedures Guild
Issue Date: 5/1/2007
Effective Date: 5/19/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Hearing Procedures

A Guide to Administrative Hearings

For all appeals filled on or after September 18, 2006

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 8
Subject: Sample Contact Letter
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/15/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 07-10 Revised
Subject: Service Access and Infomation Link (SAIL)
Issue Date: 12/4/2006
Effective Date: 12/4/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA,) Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamp Program (FSP), Medical Assistance (MA), Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Long Term Care, Office Of Home Energy Programs (OHEP), Child Care Subsidy Program (CCSP, Formerly POC)
Link to Document:

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) awarded a grant to DHR to develop an on-line system for customers to file applications for benefits, report changes, and to submit their completed redetermination Customer Information Forms (CIF).

Ten states already successfully use on-line systems similar to SAIL. These states have found the systems to be a time saver and convenience for everyone.

Control #: 07-11 attachment
Subject: State-Funded Aliens or Emergency Medical Services for Ineligible or Illegal Aliens
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/15/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

You have the right to appeal this decision within 90 days from the date of this notice. If you think the decision if wrong, you may:

•Call your Eligibility Case Worker at the telephone number on the other side of this notice to ask about the decision.

•Request a hearing or ask for help to make this request by:

•Calling your Eligibility Case Worker;

•Calling the State’s help line at 1-800-332-6347;

•Visiting your local department office; or

•Mailing or giving a written request for a hearing to your local department office.

The hearing will be scheduled at a time and place that are convenient for you. You will be expected to be present. If for any reason you cannot be present, you must notify the Office of Administrative Hearings to reschedule the hearing or to identify the person who will attend in your place. You may represent yourself, or if you wish, you may be represented by legal counsel or by a relative, friend or other person. It is not necessary, however, that someone represent you. You may bring any witnesses or documents you desire to help you establish pertinent facts and to explain your circumstances. A reasonable number of persons from the general public may be admitted to the hearing if you desire.

Control #: 07-11 attachment 2
Subject: Notice of Ineligibility - Financial Reasons
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/17/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

You have the right to appeal this decision within 90 days from the date of this notice. If you think the decision if wrong, you may:

•Call your Eligibility Case Worker at the telephone number on the other side of this notice to ask about the decision. •Request a hearing or ask for help to make this request by:

•Calling your Eligibility Case Worker;

•Calling the State’s help line at 1-800-332-6347; •Visiting your local department office; or •Mailing or giving a written request for a hearing to your local department office.

Control #: 07-11 attachment 3
Subject: Services For Ineligible Or Illegal Aliens
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/15/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

This is to notify you that based on the application you filed on ___, you have been determined ineligible for full Medical Assistance or Maryland Children’s Health Program benefits or for coverage of emergency medical services for the reason(s) checked below:‪ You are not a resident of the State of Maryland. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene determined that you do not have an emergency medical ondition.‪ The Department of Human Resources State Review Team determined that you are not disabled.

Control #: 07-12
Subject: Changes To Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Work Requirements
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 11/27/2006
Program(s) Affected: TCA
Link to Document:

In December 2005, Congress passed the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 reauthorizing the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program. The United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families issued regulations effective October 1, 2006 redefining the TANF work participation rate requirements and expanding the number of recipients who are included in the calculation of the State’s rate.

Control #: 07-13
Subject: Increase In Utility Allowances And Increase In Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 11/29/2006
Effective Date: 1/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility and telephone allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will increase. A recent survey of telephone service providers indicates that phone rates have gone up this year. The telephone allowance will increase slightly.

Control #: 07-14
Subject: MMIS Codes For Medicaid Citizenship And Identity
Issue Date: 12/1/2006
Effective Date: 7/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2006, due to federal regulatory changes based on the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, all persons declaring to be U.S. citizens must provide documentation of their citizenship and identity at the time of the initial application or annual redetermination for Medicaid. In Maryland, this federal change applies to Medical Assistance (MA), Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Long-Term Care, Primary Adult Care (PAC), HealthChoice, Women’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Health Program (WBCCHP), and all Waiver Programs. It does not apply to Medicare beneficiaries, presumptively eligible newborns, and SSI recipients.

Control #: 07-15
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase
Issue Date: 12/20/2006
Effective Date: 1/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and Medical Assistance purposes is described in this transmittal

Control #: 07-16
Subject: Service Access and Information Link (SAIL) Application Processing
Issue Date: 2/1/2007
Effective Date: 2/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

December 4, 2006. We developed SAIL as a strategy to increase access to benefits. In the beginning of SAIL development we planned to use an electronic signature. The date the applicant submitted the application on-line was to be considered the date of application. This policy was included in Information Memo 07-10 Revised.

In the later stages of SAIL development, we found that we cannot use an electronic signature at this time. As you know, we implemented SAIL, a web based screening, application and interim change system, on Until we can use an electronic signature the applicant must print a signature page, sign it and mail or fax it to the local department. This causes a delay between the date the applicant submits the online SAIL application and the date the local department receives the signature page. Because of questions and concerns raised by local departments we have re-evaluated the date we consider a SAIL application as received by the local department.

Control #: 07-17
Subject: Clarification Of Action Transmittal #07-04 And Suggestions For Telephone Interviewing
Issue Date: 3/2/2007
Effective Date: 3/2/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

As stated in Action Transmittal 07-04, effective October 1, 2006, case managers must interview all households before issuing food stamp benefits. We can no longer issue expedited food stamps without an interview. This requirement places a workload burden on local departments, which must meet policy requirements and still maintain timeliness standards. Action Transmittal 07-04 also states that if the food stamp applicant cannot be interviewed on the day of application, we must give him or her a scheduled appointment for a specific date and time. If the food stamp applicant misses the scheduled appointment, we must send a notice of missed interview (NOMI).

Local Departments have expressed concern over the 102 alert “Application due - enter delay reason” and coding the MISC screen with a “CD” when there is a customer delay. There was also concern about how to enter narration on CARES and how to ensure accurate compliance data on Datawatch reports. This action transmittal clarifies those issues.

Action Transmittal 07-04 also states that if the household does not keep the interview, the household is not eligible for expedited benefits. We have received clarification from the Food and Nutrition Service about this policy

Control #: 07-17 Revised
Subject: Clarification Of Action Transmittal #07-04 And Suggestions For Telephone Interviewing
Issue Date: 3/2/2007
Effective Date: 3/2/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

As stated in Action Transmittal 07-04, effective October 1, 2006, case managers must interview all households before issuing food stamp benefits. We can no longer issue expedited food stamps without an interview. This requirement places a workload burden on local departments, which must meet policy requirements and still maintain timeliness standards. Action Transmittal 07-04 also states that if the food stamp applicant cannot be interviewed on the day of application, we must give him or her a scheduled appointment for a specific date and time. If the food stamp applicant misses the scheduled appointment, we must send a notice of missed interview (NOMI).

Control #: 07-18
Subject: Applications For Prison Inmates Prior To Release – Updated Lists Of Local Department Liaisons And Department Of Public Safety Social Work Contacts
Issue Date: 3/7/2007
Effective Date: 3/7/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 05-33 Revised, on Applications for Prison Inmates Prior to Release, issued June 9, 2005, included lists of liaisons in the Local Departments of Social Services and the Department of Public Safety Social Work Contacts. Attached are updated versions of those lists as well as an updated list of Local Departments of Social Services mailing addresses and telephone numbers for your information and use.

INQUIRIES: If you have questions about these lists, please contact Dorothy Strawsburg, (Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services) at 410-585-3371, or Deborah Weathers, (FIA Policy), at 410-767-7994.

Control #: 07-19
Subject: Gift Cards
Issue Date: 3/20/2007
Effective Date: 3/20/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, and Child Care Subsidy Program
Link to Document:

Current policy does not address how to treat gift cards. Gift cards are usually restricted to purchasing a limited range of goods, and are similar to household goods that we exclude from resources by longstanding policy. Gift card amounts are also usually insufficient to affect a household’s ability to purchase food or other household goods.

Control #: 07-20
Subject: National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)
Issue Date: 3/27/2007
Effective Date: 3/27/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance And Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The State New Hires process does not include information on federal government employees, people who have jobs in other states or people who work in Maryland for employers with home offices in other states. In Federal Fiscal Year 2005, states participated in a match against the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH). Recently, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (DHHS, ACF) enhanced the NDNH. Now included are: W-4 (new employment), Quarterly Wage (QW), and Unemployment Insurance (UI). Use of NDNH information helps local departments reduce the number of incorrect payments caused by unreported income and provides information that may help increase work participation rates.

Control #: 07-21
Subject: Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS
Issue Date: 3/28/2007
Effective Date: 1/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS) and Medical Assistance (MA
Link to Document:

The Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) shares public assistance data among States wishing to maintain program integrity and detect and deter improper payments. Maryland has been a member of the PARIS Project every quarter since August 1999. Using the Social Security Number of recipients as the key, the match process compares benefit payouts made by States for TANF (TCA), Food Stamps and MA against various databases. There are three parts of the PARIS data match process. The Veterans Administration (VA) database match determines if an individual is collecting VA benefits. The Interstate match compares participating States data against each other and determines if an individual is collecting benefits in more than one State. The Federal match determines whether anyone receiving benefits is also collecting a salary or retirement pension as a current or former U.S. military or civil service employee. The federal PARIS computer facility performs the data match and provides any hits to the State. State staff verify the data and follow appropriate verification procedures and adverse action. The Family Investment Administration has added three new Alert screens in CARES for the receipt and filtering of the three types of PARIS matches: VA, Interstate and Federal. The federal government does not maintain a PARIS file for the data sent to a state. All electronic data submissions are destroyed after the quarterly run. There are currently 42 states sharing data in the PARIS match.

Control #: 07-22
Subject: Changes to QMB/SLMB Mail-In Application - Updated Lists of Local Departments and Department of Aging Senior Health Insurance Coordinators
Issue Date: 3/28/2007
Effective Date: 3/28/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Updated contact lists.

Control #: 07-23
Subject: Medical Report Forms DHR/FIA 402B and 402W
Issue Date: 4/14/2007
Effective Date: 4/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance Programs
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal clarifies who may sign the Medical Reports DHR/FIA 402B and DHR/FIA 402W. The Local Department of Social Services obtains medical reports on individuals that have a physical or mental disability. Evidence of the disability is required from acceptable medical sources to establish whether the customer has a medically determinable impairment. The local department case manager completes the Medical Assistance Vocational, Educational and Social Data (DHR/FIA 4204) form with the customer and gives the customer a 402B form for each of the treatment providers the customer lists on the 4204. The case manager also gives TCA customers a 402W form.

Control #: 07-24
Subject: System Security Reminder
Issue Date: 4/17/2007
Effective Date: 4/17/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, several system security issues have come to our attention. Some of the issues include people sharing logon ID’s and passwords and unauthorized use of a coworker’s computer to finalize their own cases. When employees are hired, they sign a system software agreement. This agreement requires signers to acknowledge that they understand what will happen when infractions to system security occur (see the attached Employee Security Advisory form). This information memo is a reminder of the importance of DHR system security rules. Sharing logon ID’s or passwords not only violates our system security rules, but also compromises case integrity. The CARES system is designed with software to ensure that two staff members touch every case for security reasons. Infractions to the process violate security requirements and complicate the tracking process.

Control #: 07-25
Subject: Allowing the Standard Utility Allowance for Households That Receive Maryland Energy Assistance Program Payments (MEAP)
Issue Date: 4/26/2007
Effective Date: 4/11/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

According to food stamp policy, a household that is billed separately for heat or cooling receives the standard utility allowance (SUA). Federal policy states that households receiving direct or indirect assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (LIHEAA) are also eligible for the SUA. LIHEAA funds the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP). In most instances, households that receive MEAP are billed separately for heat or cooling and, because of this, are eligible for the SUA. We recently learned that MEAP does make payments for eligible households when heat is included in the rent. These households are eligible for the SUA even if their heating or cooling expense is not separate from the rent cost. When the landlord receives a MEAP payment on behalf of the renter, the landlord is supposed to reduce the rent to reflect the MEAP payment.

Control #: 07-26
Subject: Clarification of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) System Procedures
Issue Date: 4/27/2007
Effective Date: 4/27/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program
Link to Document:;pdf

Recently, local departments have asked questions and raised concerns about the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system policy for proof of identity and how to issue aged and abandoned benefits. This information memo will clarify the questions about identity verification needed to pick up the EBT card, issuing aged and abandoned benefits and issuing a Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG). It will also remind staff of the correct way to change an authorized representative in CARES so that the information is transmitted to EBT.

Control #: 07-27
Subject: Automatic Citizenship Under The Child Citizenship Act Of 2000
Issue Date: 4/27/2007
Effective Date: 4/27/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Child Citizenship Act (CCA) of 2000 was effective February 27, 2001. This Act declares that certain children who are younger than 18 years of age and have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, will acquire automatic citizenship. Under the CCA, qualifying children who immigrate to the United States with a U.S. citizen parent automatically acquire citizenship upon entry. Children who live abroad acquire citizenship on approval of an application and the taking of the oath of allegiance. This information memo is about the children who obtain automatic citizenship under the CCA.

Control #: 07-28
Subject: Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance in Certain Counties
Issue Date: 5/18/2007
Effective Date: 5/18/2007
Program(s) Affected: Refugee Cash Assistance, Refugee Medical Assistance and Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Generally refugees, asylees and victims of trafficking must apply for benefits in the area in which they live, with certain exceptions. The Baltimore Resettlement Center (BRC) serves refugees and asylees and victims of trafficking who reside in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Carroll County, Howard County and Harford County. The BRC is located at 3516 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore MD 21224. The phone number for the administrative manager of that center is (410) 558-3191.

Recently, two more refugee resettlement centers have opened to serve three jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are Washington, Prince George’s, and Montgomery Counties

Control #: 07-29
Subject: Adjustment to Lawful Permanent Resident Status for Refugees and ASYLEES
Issue Date: 6/15/2007
Effective Date: 6/15/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, local departments have asked about eligibility for immigrants who are lawful permanent residents (LPR) but who had a prior status of refugee or asylee. This information memo is to remind staff that immigrants admitted in any of the following statuses are eligible immediately and indefinitely, even after they adjust to LPR status:

•Admitted under §207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) as a refugee; A victim of severe trafficking in persons; Granted asylum under §208 of the INA; Deportation or removal withheld under §§243(h) or 241(b)(3) of the INA; Admitted as a Cuban and Haitian immigrant as defined in §501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980; Admitted as an Amerasian under §584 of the Foreign Operations, Export, Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1988.

Control #: 07-30
Subject: Changing the Focus On Work Participation Requirements
Issue Date: 6/1/2007
Effective Date: 6/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

When we implemented universal engagement in November 2004, we also implemented the requirement for customers to participate in work activities for 40 hours per week. By simulating an average business work week we are best able to prepare customers for employment. Requiring 40 hours of participation also prepared us to meet anticipated changes to federal rules under TANF Reauthorization. With the recent passage of TANF Reauthorization legislation that did not raise the minimum hourly requirement for the federal Work Participation Rate, the 40-hour per week participation requirement has come under reconsideration. While our work participation rate continues to increase slowly, to avoid federal penalties we need to do better, and to do that, we need to work with the customers who are not participating at all or are participating for less than the required number of hours. Our goal is to encourage employment and work activity participation that leads to employment.

Control #: 07-31
Subject: Application for the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) and the Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
Issue Date: 6/29/2007
Effective Date: 6/29/2007
Program(s) Affected: MEAP and EUSP
Link to Document:

On July 1, 2007 the Maryland Office of Home Energy Programs (MD OHEP) begins its new program year. Eligible families across Maryland may now apply for energy related programs and services. MEAP provides heating assistance grants to fuel suppliers and utility companies on behalf of eligible applicants. EUSP provides assistance with electric bills. The EUSP will also assist a household in paying some past due electric bills. In certain instances both MEAP and EUSP can assist customers in weatherizing their home (e.g., insulation, furnace repair, window replacement, etc.). Weatherization of homes is now completed via an inter-agency agreement with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The OHEP state office wishes to strongly encourage our partners within the local departments and other community agencies across the state to refer their customers to the local OHEP office. For your convenience, a list of the local OHEP office telephone numbers is attached. As an additional reference for your use, the ‘Income Eligibility Standards’ for fiscal year 2008 is likewise attached. Applications, brochures and posters are available from the OHEP State Office or local offices and an application for energy assistance programs is also on SAIL at The OHEP web site includes additional program information. The address is

Control #: 08-01
Subject: Deadline for Issuing a Notice of Adverse Action
Issue Date: 7/2/2007
Effective Date: 7/2/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently provided clarification about the deadlines for acting on a reported change that decreases the food stamp benefit.

Section 420.7 A of the Food Stamp Manual states that for a decrease in benefits or ineligibility, the case manager must issue a notice of adverse action to a household within 10 days of the date a change is reported unless one of the exemptions to the notice of adverse action applies. This information memo will clarify the meaning of issuing a notice of adverse action within 10 days of the date the household reports a change or the local department becomes aware of a change.

Control #: 08-02
Subject: Referral to Specific Medical Provider – A Prohibited Practice
Issue Date: 7/2/2007
Effective Date: 7/2/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

FIA has received reports that some Local Department of Social Services offices have inappropriately referred applicants to one specific provider for the completion of the Medical Report (DHR/FIA 402B) form. A customer’s continuity of care may be seriously disrupted when the customer is directed to a provider different from the customer’s established medical provider. Local departments should not direct applicants to one particular provider over others. That practice may result in a Medical Report DHR/FIA 402B form completed by a provider unfamiliar with the individual’s medical history, or not completed as fully as possible, resulting in an incorrect eligibility determination. Some medical providers may enroll a patient in their practice as a condition of getting the DHR/FIA 402B completed, but when the individual becomes eligible for PAC or Medicaid this provider may be different than the PAC or Medicaid approved provider. A customer who must have a DHR/FIA 402B completed, will also be given a cover sheet (See Attachment A) by the local office. The cover sheet will refer the customer to his/her regular health care provider. The local department must not give the customer advertisements for any provider nor staple such advertisements to the DHR/FIA 402B form. The local department may refer the customer to the DHMH hotline at 1-800-492-5231 for assistance in locating a provider in their area , or may refer the customer to the HealthChoice broker if one is stationed in the office.

Control #: 08-03
Subject: Adding a Person to an Existing Case
Issue Date: 8/10/2007
Effective Date: 8/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Only
Link to Document:

Changes in federal work participation requirements are requiring that we review existing policies and procedures. The TCA manual currently states that an individual must be added to an existing TCA AU the month following the month that the customer reports the change; this includes newborns. FIA now recognizes that adding an infant in this manner negatively affects the Work Participation Rate (WPR). When an infant is added to the case the month after the customer reports the change, CARES counts the mother of the child as mandatory for the WPR in the month the infant was born, when she may be exempt. This transmittal changes the procedure for adding all individuals to an existing TCA case.

Control #: 08-04
Subject: Relocation of DEAP Contractor Health Management Associates, Inc.
Issue Date: 8/15/2007
Effective Date: 8/15/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, and Public Assistance to Adults
Link to Document:

This information memorandum is to advise the Local Departments of Social Services of the relocation of Health Management Associates, Inc. (HMA), the contractor for Maryland’s Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP), from their office at 301 North Charles Street. Effective September 1, 2007 HMA will be located at 1 North Charles Street, thereby remaining in the metropolitan Baltimore area. The relocation of HMA has no impact on local department customer referrals to DEAP. DEAP telephone and fax numbers will remain the same. See below for a listing of fax and telephone numbers. To ensure customer notification of the relocation, HMA will mail two address change notification postcards to customers with an active or a recently closed DEAP case. The first will tell customers that the DEAP central office is moving as of the date of relocation and the second will say that the DEAP central office has moved.

Control #: 08-05
Subject: Medicaid Citizenship and Identity Requirements and New Citizenship and Identity Fields on the Maryland Medicaid Information System (MMIS)
Issue Date: 8/1/2007
Effective Date: 9/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA), Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP), and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

On July 2, 2007 the federal government issued the final regulations and guidelines pertaining to the citizenship and identity documentation requirements. This Action Transmittal reflects changes and updates to the federal requirement, combines policy and procedures for verifying Medicaid citizenship and identity requirements, changes the verification requirements for SSDI recipients, and revises certain codes used on MMIS. It adds clarifications for pregnant women, newborns, and children in out-of-home placements (E01 and E02), and a new affidavit of identity, (DES/AF4) that will be filed on behalf of an individual with a disability residing in a residential facility. This action transmittal obsoletes FIA Action Transmittal 07-05 (Revised) and FIA Information Memo 07-14.

Control #: 08-06
Subject: National Voter Registration Act of 1993 Update
Issue Date: 9/13/2007
Effective Date: 9/13/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 became effective on January 1, 1995. The intent of NVRA is to increase the number of citizens registered to vote and establish safeguards that ensure voter’s rights for all citizens. State and Federal laws require all state agencies to offer every customer who will be 18 years of age on or before the next general election an opportunity to register to vote. These laws require the Family Investment Administration (FIA) to record and track every response given by a customer when voter registration is discussed.

Control #: 08-07
Subject: Updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 9/12/2007
Effective Date: 9/12/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Attached is an updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide for hat local departments may use to inform food stamp applicants and recipients about their reporting requirements. The guide reflects the increase in the 130 percent of the federal poverty guidelines income limit for simplified reporters. The updated guide in Spanish and English is also available on the FIPNet - click on Online Forms.

Quality Control Errors: There has been an increase in Quality Control errors caused by customers who do not report when their income exceeds the gross income limit (130 percent of the federal poverty level). Households with income in excess of the 130 percent gross income limit but below the 200 percent categorical eligibility limit are especially error prone. It is very important to discuss the change reporting rules and the income threshold for the household size at each contact with applicants and recipients.

Control #: 08-08
Subject: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Changes – October 2007
Issue Date: 9/14/2007
Effective Date: 10/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes the updated Thrifty Food Plan, which determines the maximum food stamp allotments. The USDA also publishes the new income standards for the year. The income standards, the maximum food stamp allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction have increased. The homeless shelter deduction did not change. TCA grants will also increase effective October 1, 2007. The attached tables show the increases for Food Stamps and TCA. The attached Food Stamp manual pages also contain the updates for October 1st. CARES automatically generates all customer notices for increases and decreases at the time of the mass change. The mass modification should take place on September 8, 2007.

Control #: 08-09
Subject: State Review Team (SRT) Cover Sheet for Submission of Additional Medical Information
Issue Date: 10/9/2007
Effective Date: 10/9/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

The State Review Team (SRT) receives additional medical information on a daily basis, the Cover Sheet will assist to properly identify all information and keep the flow of work from being disrupted. This form is to be used when the local department has received additional medical information for a customer and SRT has not returned a decision. The SRT Cover Sheet for Submission of Additional Medical Information becomes a reliable tool for ensuring that additional medical information reaches the correct case.

Control #: 08-10
Subject: Purchase of Child Care Provider Rate And Copayment Change
Issue Date: 10/11/2007
Effective Date: 10/15/2007
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

Effective with October 15, 2007 service period, the Office of Child Care Subsidy is increasing the rates to formal and informal child care providers. The copayment to parents may also increase since it is based on the rate. Formal Rate – The formal rates will change so the POC payment rates for regulated child care are increased to the 45th percentile of the 2005 market rate survey.

Control #: 08-11
Subject: Purchase of Child Care Changes Related To Payment Processing
Issue Date: 10/11/2007
Effective Date: 10/15/2007
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

Effective October 15, 2007, the Office of Child Care Subsidy is making some changes in the regulations that may affect the way child care subsidy payments are calculated. ACTION REQUIRED: There are no new actions required. The following changes will be modified in the system and/or COMAR:

•Calculation of payments from monthly to weekly – payments will be calculated based on weekly rates.

•Service period – the two week period for which child care providers can provide service and receive payment.

•Service days in a month – the average number of days in the month that are used to calculate payment is 21.69.

•1/3 and 2/3 – the numbers multiplied by the weekly rate to get the one (1/3) and two (2/3) unit regional weekly rates.

•Non-traditional care percentages – child care providers who offer care during nontraditional hours will receive 5% above the regular rate for one unit of care, 10% above the regular rate for two units of care, and 15% above the regular rate for 3 units of care.

Control #: 08-12
Subject: Purchase of Child Care and Early Head Start
Issue Date: 10/11/2007
Effective Date: 10/11/2007
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

The Office of Child Care Subsidy (OCCS) would like to clarify the policy for offering a subsidy to Head Start children. According to COMAR, 13A.14.06.09A(3), a child care subsidy is available to children “…enrolled in Head Start.” The OCCS would like to ensure that staff understand that Head Start can refer to the regular Head Start year, as well as Early Head Start. If a parent becomes overscale or loses his or her activity, and a child is enrolled in Early Head Start, the child can continue care throughout that year AND into regular Head Start. If the program is not year round, POC will not pay for the summer, but will suspend the voucher and resume it when the child begins regular Head Start. This is allowed to offer the child the best preparation possible for school and to retain continuity of the program.

Control #: 08-13
Subject: Homeless Households and Residents of Drug and Alcoholic Treatment Programs
Issue Date: 10/23/2007
Effective Date: 10/23/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently, advocates, federal legislators and the Food and Nutrition Service have raised questions about how we handle applicants and recipients who live in housing for drug addicts and alcoholics, when the center is not certified or licensed by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Many of these facilities provide supportive services for individuals in treatment. Although we cannot consider these facilities as drug addiction and alcoholic (DAA) treatment centers, we can consider many of them as shelters for homeless persons. Additionally, in researching how local departments are handling these cases, we found instances of residents in certified DAA treatment centers who do not have an authorized representative. This action transmittal is to review the policy for residents of homeless shelters and DAA treatment centers

Control #: 08-14
Subject: Non-Compliance Tracking Sheet
Issue Date: 10/29/2007
Effective Date: 10/29/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Although tracking instances of non-compliances for TCA program requirements can be tedious and detailed, it is necessary to keep track of the number of instances of non-compliance a customer has accumulated. This ensures that the customer performs the cure for the correct length of time in relation to the instance of non-compliance. Some local departments have not been able to develop a good way to track non-compliant behavior and the conciliation and sanction process and requested help doing so. This action transmittal introduces two tracking sheets for local departments to use for tracking instances of non-compliance. One tracking sheet includes work requirements only and the other includes all TCA requirements subject to conciliation and sanction for non-compliance. Local departments may choose to use either one and local departments that have developed a tracking sheet may continue to use it. However, use of a non-compliance tracking sheet is necessary for accurate sanctioning.

Control #: 08-15
Subject: DEAP Referral Process
Issue Date: 11/9/2007
Effective Date: 11/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance, (TDAP), Temporary Cash Assistance and (TCA) Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal obsoletes AT #05-10 and AT #06-35 and provides new instructions for referring individuals to the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP). It also provides clarification of policies regarding long-term TDAP (eligibility for more than 9 months in a 36-month period). On April 13, 2007 FIA emailed local departments about the nationwide issue concerning sharing of Social Security data and its impact on the DEAP contractor. To enable the sharing of Social Security data with the DEAP contractor, FIA and the Social Security Administration worked together to create a consent form for the release of Social Security data to the DEAP contractor

Control #: 08-15 Attachment
Subject: Customer Declaration of Disability Form
Issue Date: 11/9/2007
Effective Date: 11/9/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Check the system used:SDX, SOLQ,SVES,The above checked system shows no application filed for Social Security benefitsThe above checked system indicates one or more of the following:The customer filed and application for Social Security Benefits, and the claim is pending

•The Social Security Admin. determined the customer not disabled, benefits denied• The customer filed a Reconsideration or an Appeal on the denied Social Security claim.

The customer states their TDAP application is based on: (Indicate on the chart.)The same impairment (s) alleged in the Social Security benefit application shown on the above checked system; New evidence of the impairment(s) alleged in the Social Security benefit application shown on the above checked system; A new impairment (s) than alleged in the Social Security benefit application shown on the above checked system; A different impairment (s) than alleged in the Social Security benefit application shown on the above checked system; A change in the impairment (s) alleged in the Social Security benefit application shown on the above checked system; Deterioration of the impairment (s) alleged in the Social Security benefit application shown on the above checked system.

Control #: 08-15 Attachment 2
Subject: Customer Declaration of Disability Form
Issue Date: 11/9/2007
Effective Date: 11/1/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Complete this form during the initial face-to-face interview with all applicants applying for Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), and Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) benefits and all Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) applicants and recipients that screen disabled. PART I

•Print legible; Complete all requested information. PART II

•Check the box for the system used to determine if the customer has filed a claim for Social Security benefits. If all three systems are used, check each box; Check the appropriate box that indicates the claim status on the SDX, SOLQ or SVES; Complete the chart indicating whether the TDAP application is based on: Same impairment as alleged in the Social Security benefit claim; New evidence as alleged in the Social Security benefit claim; New impairment then alleged in the Social Security benefit claim; A different impairment then as alleged in the Social Security benefit claim; A change in the impairment alleged in the Social Security benefit claim; A deterioration in the impairment alleged in the Social Security benefit claim; File the completed form in the case record.

Control #: 08-15 Attachment 3
Subject: Consent for Release of Information
Issue Date: 11/12/2007
Effective Date: 11/1/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

This consent for release of information is in effect from ___ to __ no to exceed 1 year.

I want this information released because I am pursuing entitlement to Social Security programs. I am the individual to whom the information/record applies or that person's parent (if a minor) or legal guardian. I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information that I provided on this form and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that anyone who knowingly gives a false or misleading statement about a material fact in this information, or causes someone else to do so, commits a crime and may be sent to prison, or may face other penalties, or both.

Control #: 08-15 Attachment 4
Subject: Consent for Release of Information - Instructions
Issue Date: 11/9/2007
Effective Date: 11/1/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

By signing this consent form you are authorizing the Social Security Administration (SSA) to check claims records and release information to the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP). Specifically, SSA will provide the following information:

If you filed a claim for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI); If you have an SSI record that has been terminated, including the date it was terminated; If you have a current SSI or SSDI claim or appeal awaiting a decision, including the date it was filed. If your SSI or SSDI claim or appeal was denied and if so, the date and reason it was denied; If you have an Interim Assistance Reimbursement Agreement (IAR) recorded on your SSI claim, including the current status; If your SSI or SSDI was awarded and, if so, the eligibility dates.

Control #: 08-15 Attachment 5
Subject: DEAP Referral and Notification Form
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/1/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

From The LDSS Case Manager To The DEAP Client Advocate


1.Attached completed DHR/FIA 402B; 2.Attached completed 402W form (TCA Only); 3. Attached completed DHR/FIA 434C (TCA Child Only); 4. Attached completed DHR/FIA 4204; 5. Attached completed Project Home Certificate; 6. Attached other medical documentation; 7.Attached CARES DEM2 and UINC screens; 8. Attached Consent For Release of Social Security Data form; 9. Attached Copy of eligibility letter from the Social Security Administration (when available); 10. Other_______Comments___________

Control #: 08-15 Attachment 6
Subject: Notification From DEAP To The Local Department
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/1/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Completed by the DEAP Client Advocate to the LDSS Case Manager


1. Social Security claim filed. Attached completed DHR/FIA 340 form- Refer to SRT; 2. Change in Representative. Attached completed SSA-1696 U4 form; 3. Customer continues to cooperate; 4. Reconsideration filed. Attached completed DHR/FIA 340 form - Do not refer to SRT; 5. Appeal filed. Attached completed DHR/FIA 340 form-Do not refer to SRT; CUSTOMER FAILED TO COOPERATE WITH DEAP 1. FAILED TO KEEP SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT(S) OR RESPOND TO DEAP. See attached copy of letter to customer; Provider for consultative examination. See attachment; Social Security Administration. See attachment; Need medical lab work. See attachment; Other_______________

2. FAILED TO COMPLETE /SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION; DHR/FIA 340; SSA 1696 U4 form; Proof of other representation; Proof of continuing to pursue SSA benefit claim; Other__________.

Control #: 08-16
Subject: Changes to The Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) System
Issue Date: 11/21/2007
Effective Date: 1/20/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program (FSP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

Effective January 20, 2008, a new contractor, Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) State and Local Solutions, will operate the EBT system in Maryland. Under this new contract, the Independence Card design will remain the same, however the issuance and usage fees will change as follows:

•Customers will receive both new and replacement Independence Cards in the mail. If a newly opened case is known to EBT, a card will not be automatically sent. If a customer has a card, they can begin using it again. If the customer had a card in the past, but no longer has it, they need to call the Customer Service Call Center for a replacement. •For emergency and hardship situations, local departments will have a supply of vault cards that that they can issue to customers immediately. •Cash customers will receive three (3) free ATM cash transactions per month. Each additional transaction will deduct 85 cents from their cash account.

Control #: 08-17
Subject: State Review Team (SRT) Referral Batch Sheet
Issue Date: 12/4/2007
Effective Date: 12/4/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

The State Review Team (SRT) receives hundreds of referral packets from the local departments weekly; the Referral Batch Sheet will assure uniformity and benefit both the SRT and the local department. The SRT Referral Batch Sheet becomes a reliable tool for tracking the status of referrals between the LDSS and SRT by providing a written record of the date information is submitted to SRT and received, by SRT. The SRT Referral Batch Sheet will help to ensure accountability by both the local department and SRT during the referral process. The form will also ensure consistency in the flow of work.

Control #: 08-18
Subject: Increase in Utility Allowances and Increase in Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 12/11/2007
Effective Date: 1/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility and telephone allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will increase. A recent survey of telephone service providers indicates that phone rates have gone up this year. The telephone allowance will increase slightly

Control #: 08-19
Subject: Updated Lists of Local Department Liaisons and Department Of Aging Senior Health Insurance Coordinators for the QMB/SLMC Mail-In Application
Issue Date: 1/1/2008
Effective Date: 1/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Information Memo 07-22, Changes to the QMB/SLMB Mail-In Application-

Updated Lists of Local Departments and Department of Aging Senior Health Insurance Coordinators issued March 28, 2007, included address lists for the Local Departments of Social Services and the Senior Health Insurance Coordinators. Attached are updated versions of those lists for your information and use.

Control #: 08-20
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase
Issue Date: 12/26/2007
Effective Date: 1/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance and food stamps purposes is described in this transmittal

Control #: 08-21
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-of-Living Increase and Related
Issue Date: 12/27/2007
Effective Date: 1/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit payments have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for Medical Assistance purposes is described in this transmittal. Action transmittal 08-20 covers the effect of the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment on cash assistance and food stamps

Control #: 08-22
Subject: Change in Funeral Expense Amount for Burial Assistance
Issue Date: 1/16/2008
Effective Date: 1/16/2008
Program(s) Affected: Burial Assistance
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides new policy about an increase in the maximum allowable expense of a funeral. In the past the cost of the funeral could not exceed $1500. This amount has increased to $2500. The burial assistance amount has not changed and is $650

Control #: 08-23
Subject: Child Care Subsidy Case Transfer Policy
Issue Date: 2/20/2008
Effective Date: 2/20/2008
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines the policy and procedures regarding the electronic and paper transfer of a Child Care Subsidy case following the implementation of CCATS.

When a customer moves from one jurisdiction to another, the child care case should be transferred electronically on CCATS and the paper record forwarded to the new local department. The transfer is done by a supervisor who also notifies the receiving county of the pending case transfer. It is important to communicate with the receiving county regarding the transfer of both the paper and electronic records. The case can be transferred at any time during the certification. The sending county should end all authorizations and vouchers prior to the transfer. The original case record or a copy of the required information must be sent to the receiving jurisdiction within five working days along with the Case Record Transfer Form to satisfy audit requirements. The copy and form is sent to the new jurisdiction by certified mail.

Control #: 08-24
Subject: Technical Eligibility, Forms, and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Issue Date: 3/10/2008
Effective Date: 3/10/2008
Program(s) Affected: Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) and Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

FIA recently provided training on the Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) program. During the training we heard reports that reflected inconsistencies in gathering information and documentation the case manager needs before making an eligibility decision. This action transmittal provides answers to questions pertaining to eligibility raised during the training, discusses the completion of the DHR/FIA 900, DEAP Consent to Release Information form, as a technical eligibility requirement (see attachment A), provides a list of basic information needed (forms) before making an eligibility decision, and updates to the PAA manual. Finally, the Rehabilitative Residence Certification form which had been issued by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, is now issued as a DHR/FIA form with the same number, DHR/FIA 4352.

Control #: 08-25
Subject: DEAP Referral Process
Issue Date: 4/15/2008
Effective Date: 4/15/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program, (TDAP)
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal (AT) obsoletes AT 08-15, which provided instructions for referring individuals to the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) and clarified when an individual may receive long term TDAP (eligibility for more than 9 months in a 36-month period). After further review we determined that the policy and instructions in AT 08-15, while correct, created a difficult DEAP referral and TDAP process

Control #: 08-26
Subject: Service Access and Information Link (SAIL) Application Processing
Issue Date: 4/2/2008
Effective Date: 4/9/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

SAIL, a web-based screening, application, interim change, and redetermination system was implemented on December 4, 2006 to increase access to benefits. A signature page was developed for the customer to sign, fax and/or mail into the local department. The process of matching the SAIL application to the signature page is cumbersome for local departments and creates a backlog in processing applications. In an effort to assist local departments and customers, we have developed an electronic signature functionality that meets the approval of the State’s Office of the Attorney General. Effective April 9, 2008, we will implement the functionality of the electronic signature in the SAIL on-line application. The customer will have the option to sign electronically or print out the signature page to sign and fax or mail to the local department. For electronic signature, the head of household will be required to provide their social security number and date of birth. They must also acknowledge and agree to the electronic process.

Control #: 08-27
Subject: Medical Report Forms DHR/FIA 402B AND 402W
Issue Date: 4/3/2008
Effective Date: 2/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance Programs
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal obsoletes AT 07-23, which clarified who can sign the Medical Report forms DHR/FIA 402B and 402W. We have determined that the policy in AT 07-23, although correct, slowed the application process for individuals who claim a disability. Regulations require evidence from an acceptable medical source to establish a medically determinable impairment. Other medical sources may still provide supporting evidence used to determine the severity of the impairment. The SRT will obtain evidence from an acceptable medical source when none has been provided

Control #: 08-28
Subject: Availability of Resources from Military Personnel Deployed Overseas
Issue Date: 4/17/2008
Effective Date: 4/17/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

We recently received guidance from the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) about resources in bank accounts that belong to military personnel who are deployed overseas. Because of the deployment the person may have given parents or other individuals access to his or her bank accounts to allow them to handle his or her affairs. According to current food stamp policy we must consider jointly owned resources as available in their entirety to each household unless the applicant household verifies that the resources are inaccessible. Under the current policy some persons who have access to resources of deployed military personnel are ineligible for food stamps

Control #: 08-29
Subject: Collection of Race and Ethnicity Data
Issue Date: 4/17/2008
Effective Date: 3/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

In October 1997, the federal Office of Management and Budget issued a notice -Revision to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. CARES was recently changed to reflect these federal requirements for collecting information about race and ethnicity. This action transmittal is to inform you of the changes in CARES for collecting information about the race and ethnicity of applicants and recipients.

Control #: 08-30
Subject: Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants
Issue Date: 4/28/2008
Effective Date: 4/28/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recent federal laws have given certain Iraqi and Afghan immigrants special status beyond their status as a legal permanent resident (LPR). Individuals and family members granted this special immigration status are eligible for resettlement assistance, food stamps, Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance on the same basis as refugees admitted under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), except this period of special eligibility cannot exceed 6 months from the date of entry into the United States for Afghans or 8 months from the date of entry into the United States for Iraqis. After this 6 or 8 month period, the immigrant is not eligible for benefits on the same basis as a refugee, but since they are legal permanent residents (LPR), they are qualified immigrants. The case manager must determine the eligibility of recipients beyond the 6 or 8 month period, based on each program’s policy.

Control #: 08-31 Revised
Subject: TDAP Application Process
Issue Date: 5/1/2008
Effective Date: 5/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program, (TDAP)
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal further refines the application process for individuals applying for TDAP benefits. Please note: TDAP applicants are no longer referred to the State Review Team for a disability determination on the cash assistance.

A TDAP recipient continues to be eligible for TDAP as long as the individual is pursuing a final decision of eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. This change in policy has no adverse effect on applicants' eligibility for benefits. The goal of this revision is to streamline and expedite the TDAP eligibility process. This policy precedes a similar amendment of TDAP regulations in COMAR, which is planned for the near future. This Revised Action Transmittal makes obsolete the policy in Action Transmittal 08-31.

Control #: 08-32
Subject: Medicaid Expansion
Issue Date: 5/5/2008
Effective Date: 7/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

During the 2007 Legislative Special Session, Governor O’Malley proposed and the legislature passed Senate Bill 6 (SB 6), the Working Families and Small Business Health Coverage Act. SB 6 included a provision to expand Medicaid eligibility to low income families with dependent children with incomes up to 116% of the Federal poverty level. Currently, Medicaid covers parents/caretaker relatives and their children with incomes up to approximately 30% of the FPL. As a result of this expansion, many more parents and their children will be eligible for Medicaid. DHMH and DHR are working to implement Medicaid Expansion, which requires systems modifications in CARES and MMIS. Additional policy clarification will be forthcoming as systems modifications are completed

Control #: 08-32Attachment
Subject: Medicaid
Issue Date: 7/1/2008
Effective Date: 7/1/2008
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Coverage Group, Income Counted, Verification of Income Required, Assets

Control #: 08-32Attachment2
Subject: Coverage Group List
Issue Date: 7/1/2008
Effective Date: 7/1/2008
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Families & Children (FAC); Pregnant Women & Maryland Children’s Health Program (PW/MCHP); Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) Premium; Foster Care & Subsidized Adoptions; Refugees; Aliens; Home & Community Based Waivers & PACE; Aged, Blind or Disabled (ABD), Medicare & Pharmacy; Families & Children Long Term Care; Aged, Blind or Disabled Long Term Care; Women’s Breast or Cervical Cancer Health Program.

Control #: 08-32Attachment3
Subject: Income & Asset Guidelines
Issue Date: 7/1/2008
Effective Date: 7/1/2008
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Pregnant Women and Children; Medical Assistance; Maryland Primary Adult Care Program (PAC).

Control #: 08-33
Subject: Update of Medical Report Form Cover Sheet
Issue Date: 5/7/2008
Effective Date: 5/7/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This Information Memo provides an update of the cover sheet given with the Medical Report form DHR/FIA 402B (See Attachment). The language on the cover sheet now matches the policy in AT 08-27. The cover sheet will refer the customer to his/her regular health care provider

Control #: 08-34
Subject: Completion of the Purchase Authorization and Invoice Form 312 For Disability Medical Examinations and Laboratory Work
Issue Date: 6/4/2008
Effective Date: 6/4/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Recently, Local Departments of Social Services have raised questions about how to use the Purchase Authorization and Invoice form (DHR/FIA 312) for medical examinations and laboratory work. This Action Transmittal provides procedures for completing this form.

Control #: 09-01
Subject: Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS) Contract
Issue Date: 7/3/2008
Effective Date: 7/3/2008
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Family Investment encourages case managers in Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) to refer customers to the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS). We also understand that there have been circumstances that affected the number of referrals. Being a State agency, DORS has been held to the hiring freeze and has been unable to hire the number of Vocation Rehabilitation Specialist that they had anticipated hiring. This resulted in acceptance of fewer referrals in certain areas. However, the number of referrals from local departments has also not been as high as anticipated.

Control #: 09-02
Subject: Self Initiated Work Activities
Issue Date: 7/15/2008
Effective Date: 7/15/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Recently, the Family Investment Administration has become aware of customers who have found their own work activity and as a result have been denied assistance or penalized for doing so. Customers must cooperate with the local department’s requirements for work participation; however, occasionally a customer will find a program that meets his or her needs as well as or better than the LDSS program. This action transmittal provides clarification for working with customers who find their own acceptable work activities and for assisting these customers in their goals towards self-sufficiency.

Control #: 09-03
Subject: Child Specific Benefit
Issue Date: 7/24/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

During the 2008 session, the Maryland General Assembly repealed the Child Specific Benefit (CSB) rules that were implemented in 1996 for the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program. The CSB requirements have been discontinued since 2002 under local department waivers granted from that provision of the law. Under the waivers customers who receive TCA were not required to obtain or retain a third-party payee for the CSB payment. The waivers had to be renewed every two years. Effective October 1, 2008, we will no longer have to renew the waivers.

Control #: 09-04
Subject: Equal Access to Programs and Services
Issue Date: 8/13/2008
Effective Date: 8/13/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, the federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of Civil Rights requested that DHR remind all staff that individuals with disabilities must have equal access to all programs and services. We cannot allow limited mobility or other disability to hinder a customer’s access to our programs and services in any way. The Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) requires equal access. Equal access equates to equal opportunity

Control #: 09-05
Subject: Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG) Reviews
Issue Date: 8/13/2008
Effective Date: 8/13/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

To meet the WAG monitoring requirement, FIA’s central office will review each local department’s WAG Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or WAG Plan and review a sample of all local department issued WAGs. Both audit findings and central office reviews of WAGs issued by the local departments indicate that staff do not always follow correct policy and procedure when issuing WAGs to customers. WAGs are intended to help meet a compelling need for a short period of time, not to meet ongoing living expenses for an extended number of months.

Control #: 09-06
Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment and Services
Issue Date: 8/20/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program
Link to Document:

The Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) provides financial assistance to adults disabled and unable to work. Individuals eligible for assistance must comply with program requirements according to COMAR New program requirements adopted in FY 2004 allowed for a rehabilitation requirement when resources became available to the local departments. This Action Transmittal implements the rehabilitation requirement of substance abuse screening and, when required, participation in appropriate substance abuse treatment if available.

Control #: 09-07
Subject: Food Stamp Program Name Change to Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Issue Date: 9/3/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

All states now deliver food stamp benefits via Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and Maryland has not used coupons or stamps for many years. To reflect this change in benefit delivery, effective October 1, 2008, the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 renames the Food Stamp Program the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and renames the Food Stamp Act of 1977 the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008. States can adopt their own names or use the federal name. The Food Stamp Program in Maryland will be renamed the Food Supplement Program, thereby, keeping the acronym FSP.

Control #: 09-08
Subject: Out of State Contacts for Information About Customers Who Moved From Another State
Issue Date: 9/18/2008
Effective Date: 9/18/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Medical Assistance (MA) and Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

This Information memo provides an updated contact list for TCA and FSP and MA. Local departments must continue to count any months that a customer received Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF, called TCA in Maryland) benefits in another state, as well as in Maryland, toward the 60 month time limit on all TCA cases. We updated the contact list to include contact information for TANF, MA and FS so that case managers can contact other states when there is a question about duplicate participation or prior TANF months. Remember: Case managers cannot request that an applicant provide a closing letter from another state prior to continuing to process the customer’s application. It is our responsibility to make the call to verify case closure.

Control #: 09-09
Subject: Expanded Simplified Reporting
Issue Date: 9/10/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Effective April 1, 2003 FSP households, with the exception of migrant and seasonal farmworker households, homeless households and households in which all adults are elderly or disabled and who have no earned income, were included in simplified reporting. The households that were not in simplified reporting were subject to the more extensive change reporting requirements. A provision of the Food, Energy and Conservation Act of 2008 allows states to extend simplified reporting to all households.

Control #: 09-10
Subject: Dependent Care Deduction
Issue Date: 9/10/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

The Food Stamp Program, now the Food Supplement Program, allows families to deduct a portion of their dependent care expenses while they are working, in training for work or temporarily absent from work. The deduction, however, is capped at $175 per month for each dependent age 2 and over and $200 per month for each dependent under the age of 2. A provision included in the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, allows households to deduct the full amount of dependent care costs they incur while working, in training for work or temporarily absent from work.

Control #: 09-11
Subject: Excluded Resources: Education and Retirement Accounts
Issue Date: 9/15/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP) and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The recent federal Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, excludes funds in all retirement accounts, including IRA and KEOGH accounts, and certain educational accounts. Effective October 1, 2008, all tax-preferred education accounts (e. g., 529s) and retirement accounts, (e.g., IRAs) are excluded from countable resources in determining eligibility for the Food Supplement Program. For consistency in policy we are applying this to Temporary Cash Assistance, as well.

Control #: 09-12
Subject: Increase in the Federal Minimum Wage
Issue Date: 9/15/2008
Effective Date: 9/15/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

The federal minimum wage increased to $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008 and will increase to $7.25 per hour July 24, 2009. Treat this change as any other change in a customer’s situation. The change in the minimum wage also affects compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements for work programs. Updates to the TCA Manual and the WORK BOOK are being completed to reflect the minimum wage changes. The increase also affects the FSP work requirements.

Control #: 09-13
Subject: Food Supplement Program (FSP) And Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Mass Changes – October 2008
Issue Date: 9/14/2008
Effective Date: 10/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes the updated Thrifty Food Plan, which determines the maximum food supplement allotments. The USDA also publishes the new income standards for the year. The income standards, the maximum food supplement allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction have increased. The homeless shelter deduction did not change. This year, because of the federal Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008, the minimum allotment has increased to $14 and the dependent care deduction cap was removed. TCA grants will also increase effective October 1, 2008. The attached tables show the increases for FSP and TCA. The attached FSP manual pages also contain the updates for October 1st. CARES automatically generates all customer notices for increases and decreases at the time of the mass change. The mass modification should take place on September 13, 2008.

Control #: 09-14
Subject: Local Department Long-Term Care Contacts
Issue Date: 9/24/2008
Effective Date: 9/24/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

To expedite communication when processing Medical Assistance applications for Long-Term Care (LTC), the Department of Human Resources’ (DHR) Family Investment Administration (FIA) has developed the attached Local Department Long-Term Care Contact list. As always the first line of contact must be the LTC case manager. If you are unable to reach the case manager, please contact the long-term care supervisor listed. Only in extreme emergencies should the FIA Assistant Director or their designee be contacted.

Control #: 09-15 Revised
Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment and Services
Issue Date: 9/29/2008
Effective Date: 9/15/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal rescinds AT 09-06, which provided instructions for referring individuals applying for or receiving Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) benefits to the Addictions Specialist for substance abuse screening, assessment and referral to treatment.

Control #: 09-16
Subject: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents–36-Month Period
Issue Date: 10/1/2008
Effective Date: 11/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), between the ages of 18-47 can receive FSP benefits for only three months (consecutive or otherwise) in a 36 month period unless they meet specific work requirements. The 36-month period is fixed for the entire caseload. The current 36-month period for all cases began November 1, 2005 and ends October 31, 2008. A new 36-month period begins November 1, 2008 and will end October 31, 2011. See 130.24 of the Food Supplement Program (FSP) Manual for ABAWD policy.

Begin a new 36-month period for all ABAWDs beginning November 1, 2008. ABAWDs who are otherwise eligible are entitled to their 1st three free months on or after that date.

Control #: 09-17
Subject: Reviews of Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC)
Issue Date: 10/16/2008
Effective Date: 10/16/2008
Program(s) Affected: Emergency Assistance to Families with Children
Link to Document:

Several years ago, the Legislative Auditors identified problems with the Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC) program. As a result of their findings, FIA agreed to a review a monthly sample of approved EAFC cases. This is an ongoing review.

The reviews of approved EAFC cases indicate that staff are not always following correct policy and procedures for issuing EAFC benefits to customers. Local departments that have not already done so should review their EAFC plans to ensure that they are current and adhere to policy.

Control #: 09-18
Subject: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Final Rule Updates
Issue Date: 10/16/2008
Effective Date: 10/16/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA), reauthorized Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and changed work requirements for states. The U.S. Health and Human Services, Administration for Families and Children (ACF) implemented the law with a comment period to allow states to request changes which might be beneficial in helping them meet their work participation rates. The Final Rule which was effective October 1, 2008, provides for the full implementation of TANF under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. This action transmittal explains the requirements issued by ACF.

Control #: 09-19
Subject: Standardization of Medical Assistance Long-Term Care Forms and Notices/Elimination of Face-To-Face Interview Requirement
Issue Date: 10/22/2008
Effective Date: 12/1/2008
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Long-Term Care (MA-LTC)
Link to Document:

During the 2008 Legislative Session, the legislature passed Senate Bill 682 requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) to create uniform procedures, guidelines, and forms to be used by all employees in the determination of long-term care (LTC) Medical Assistance eligibility and to streamline regulations, policies, and procedures related to the application for LTC Medical Assistance Program services. DHMH convened a workgroup including DHR Central and Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) representatives to pursue these objectives. The workgroup developed the attached package of forms to be used consistently by all case managers in all LDSS. The workgroup also decided to eliminate the procedural requirement that all applicants participate in face-to-face interviews. This Action Transmittal describes the package of forms to be used by case managers and clarifies new procedures regarding face-to-face interviews for LTC.

Control #: 09-20
Subject: Family Investment Administration and the Social Security Administration Liaison Listing
Issue Date: 10/22/2008
Effective Date: 10/22/2008
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Information Memo 06-31 compiled a list of managers for local Social Services (DSS) offices and parallel Social Security Administration (SSA) field offices to expedite communication and sharing of information needed to process Social Security applications. Attached is an updated list of contacts for your information and use.

Control #: 09-21
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase and Related Increases
Issue Date: 11/19/2008
Effective Date: 1/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance and Food Supplement Programs
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, medical assistance and food stamps purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 09-22
Subject: Census Workers and Earnings from Temporary Census Employment
Issue Date: 11/21/2008
Effective Date: 11/21/2008
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program, (FSP) Medical Assistance, (MA) Purchase of Care, (POC)
Link to Document:

Every 10 years the United States Census Bureau completes the census. In October 2008, the Census Bureau will begin hiring temporary census workers. Census earnings will be counted for temporary census workers who are eligible for the Food Supplement Program (FSP). Census earnings will be excluded for temporary census workers who are eligible for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Purchase of Care (POC) and Medical Assistance (MA) programs.

Control #: 09-23
Subject: Increase in Utility Allowances and Increase in Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 12/2/2008
Effective Date: 1/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility and telephone allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will increase. A recent survey of telephone service providers indicates that phone rates have gone up this year. The telephone allowance will increase slightly.

Control #: 09-24
Subject: Determining Countable Resources
Issue Date: 2/4/2009
Effective Date: 2/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program (FSP), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration (FIA) is constantly reviewing its policies and procedures to accommodate the needs of customers and to help improve the eligibility determination process. We are aware of various challenges the Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) face, especially now in this very tough economic time. This change in policy is one of the changes we have made to help improve the process.

Control #: 09-25
Subject: Medicaid Expansion Questions and Answers
Issue Date: 2/4/2009
Effective Date: 2/4/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The attached pages contain responses to questions raised by Local Health Department (LHD) and Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) staff regarding the Medicaid Expansion, also called Medical Assistance for Families or “MA4F.” These questions were collected at Medicaid Expansion training sessions, LHD quarterly briefings, and received from staff inquiries to the e-mail address. Except when unclear these questions are written as received. 1.What is MA4F? Is this different than Medicaid? 2.Can the MCHP application still be used? 3.Are Medicare recipients eligible for HealthChoice?

Control #: 09-26
Subject: The Work Number
Issue Date: 2/6/2009
Effective Date: 3/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program (FSP), Child Support (CS)
Link to Document:

Recently, FIA and CSEA entered into an agreement with the TALX Corporation to pay the fee for eXpress Service for a three month trial and evaluation period. During this trial period, verification of employment through The Work Number will be immediate and you will be able to search based on a customer’s social security number. The TALX Corporation operates The Work Number employment verification service that most case managers are familiar with. The TALX Corporation has an agreement with 1,850 employers, including many federal agencies, Target and Wal-Mart. Most of our employed customers are working for a company associated with the TALX Corporation.

Currently, case managers enter in the employer name of a customer who has reported working and the system provides basic employment information that is faxed to them within five days. The free standard service does not allow case managers to complete an employment search based on the social security number. During this three month period, FIA and CSEA will determine the cost effectiveness of using the service and determine whether to continue. If at the end of the three month evaluation period the expanded service is determined not to be cost effective, the expanded service will end but case managers can continue to use the free service. Please remember the information that is available via The Work Number service is protected under State and Federal privacy laws. Access is granted for and information may only be used to determine eligibility for DHR and DHR related programs.

Control #: 09-27
Subject: Household Composition
Issue Date: 3/11/2009
Effective Date: 3/11/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

The Governor’s Partnership to End Childhood Hunger is focusing on making nutrition programs available to children and youth. The Food Supplement Program is one of the major programs that helps bring nutritious food to families. As a participant in the partnership FIA was asked to remind staff about household composition policy as it relates to children and youth.

Control #: 09-28
Subject: Extension of Special Immigrant Status for Afghani and Iraqi Special Immigrants
Issue Date: 3/16/2009
Effective Date: 3/16/2009
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 08-30, issued April 28, 2008, described the special immigrant status for certain Iraqis and Afghani immigrants beyond their status as a legal permanent resident (LPR). Individuals and family members granted this special immigration status are eligible for resettlement assistance, the Food Supplement Program (FSP), Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance on the same basis as refugees admitted under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), except this period of special eligibility cannot exceed 6 months from the date of entry into the United States for Afghanis or 8 months from date of entry for Iraqis. After this 6 or 8 month period, the immigrant is not eligible for benefits on the same basis as a refugee, but since they are legal permanent residents (LPR), they are qualified immigrants. The case manager must determine the eligibility of recipients beyond the 6 or 8 month period, based on each program’s policy. Action transmittal 08-30 limited the special status through September 30, 2008.

Control #: 09-29
Subject: Treatment of Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents
Issue Date: 3/16/2009
Effective Date: 4/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

On February 17, 2009, the President signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. One provision of the law eliminates the special work requirement for able bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD). They are now eligible for an indefinite period of time. This provision begins April 1, 2009 and lasts until October 1, 2010. Pay special attention to applications that include ABAWDs that are filed within 60 days prior to April 1. Deny for any months prior to April 1, and approve for subsequent months. Between April 1, 2009 until October 1, 2010, ABAWDs are subject to the same work requirements and employment and training requirements as other FSP applicants and recipients. The work requirements are described in section 130 of the Food Supplement Program Manual. Section 130.24 of the FSP Manual – Able Bodied Adults without Dependents - does not apply during this period. Beginning October 1, 2010, the ABAWD time limits will begin again. You will receive additional information about ABAWD changes closer to that time.

Control #: 09-30
Subject: Increase in the Maximum Food Supplement Program Allotment
Issue Date: 3/16/2009
Effective Date: 4/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

On February 17, 2009, the President signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. One provision of the law is an increase in the minimum benefit for one and two person households and the maximum benefit amounts. The increases go into effect April 1, 2009 and will remain effective until the cost of the Thrifty Food Plan (under law prior to the stimulus legislation) exceeds the levels prescribed in the stimulus legislation and results in higher maximum benefit levels. The eligibility standards have not changed.

Control #: 09-31
Subject: The Work Number
Issue Date: 3/24/2009
Effective Date: 3/24/2009
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

This memorandum advises all staff using the Work Number employment verification service of the contractual agreement between FIA/CSEA and the vendor, TALX Corporation, regarding the Vermont Fair Credit Reporting Contract Certification. According to the certification, all users of the Work Number must comply with the Vermont Fair Credit Reporting Statute, 9 V.S.A § 2480e (1999), as amended (the “VFCRA”), and the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15, U.S.C. 1681 et. Seq., as amended (the “FCRA”), and its other state law counterparts. This requirement demands that any staff member with access to the verification system must receive consent from the customer prior to ordering data relating to Vermont residents. The verification system and our contract with TALX Corporation are designed for staff to obtain employment and earnings verification only. Staff may not request any credit reporting history or data as there may be legal ramifications.

Control #: 09-32
Subject: Child Support — Assignment of Rights to Pre-Assistance Arrears
Issue Date: 4/2/2009
Effective Date: 3/20/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) has been most widely known for the reauthorization the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program and the expansion of TANF work requirements. However, there are also DRA requirements that change the assignment of rights which allow the custodial parent to retain the rights to their pre-assistance arrears now termed as Family Arrears. Child Support Enforcement Administration (CSEA) will send any money collected that is applied to Family Arrears directly to the TCA customer.

Control #: 09-33
Subject: Stuck Cases Referral Procedures for Long -Term Care Medical Assistance Eligibility Determinations
Issue Date: 4/3/2009
Effective Date: 4/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Last year, House Bill 1482 and Senate Bill 682 (Medical Assistance Long-Term Care Eligibility Consolidation Plan), required the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) in consultation with LifeSpan and the Health Facilities Association of Maryland to develop a plan to integrate the functions necessary for the determination of long-term care eligibility. The Long-Term Care Consolidation Plan presented to the Health and Government Operations Committee included establishing a long-term care (LTC) centralized unit that would determine long-term care eligibility for Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Prince George’s Counties, provide legal and financial guidance to all jurisdictions, and house a statewide special functions division to handle specialized case management functions. The plan also provided for two of these specialized functions: 1) centralizing the 257/501 process for long-term care stays for less than 30 days or Medicare Co-Pay Days; and, 2) the review of long-term care cases with outstanding issues, or Stuck Cases to be implemented prior to the formalization of the centralized LTC unit. This transmittal defines the Stuck Cases Referral Process.

Control #: 09-34
Subject: Long-Term Care Facility Stay for Less Than 30-Days Or Medicare Co-Pay Days
Issue Date: 4/15/2009
Effective Date: 4/15/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) have collaborated with the nursing home community to streamline the eligibility process and eliminate delays in the payment for services received in a Long Term Care facility (LTCF). Action Transmittal 06-30 released March 3, 2006 outlined policy and procedures for local departments and nursing home providers when processing the Long-Term Care Patient Activity Report (DHMH 257) and submission of the DES 501 for recipients of Community Medical Assistance who were admitted to a LTCF for less than 30 days or for Medicare co-pay days in a LTCF. This transmittal revises the 257 process outlined in Action Transmittal 06-30 for recipients of Community Medical Assistance who are not receiving Waiver Services.

Control #: 09-35
Subject: One-Time Only Economic Recovery Payment
Issue Date: 5/11/2009
Effective Date: 5/11/2009
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

On February 17, 2009, the President signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The law provides for a one-time payment of $250 for certain individuals who receive Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Railroad Retirement and Veterans benefits. The one-time payment is separate from the Social Security or SSI monthly benefit payment. The Social Security Administration (SSA) anticipates issuing most of the checks by late May 2009. For all programs the payments are excluded for the month of receipt and for the following 9 months.

Control #: 09-36
Subject: Elimination of Services Provided By the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program
Issue Date: 5/22/2009
Effective Date: 5/26/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

BACKGROUND: The Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) assists our disabled customers with the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) application process, files the SSI/SSDI application, electronically transmits the Authorization for Reimbursement of Interim Assistance (DHR/FIA 340) form, submits the Appointment of Representative (SSA 1696 U4) form to SSA and represents customers during the SSA appellate process. The Department of Human Resources’ (DHR) Family Investment Administration (FIA) reviewed the DEAP contract and modified it effective June 22, 2009, eliminating DEAP services except for representation during the SSA appellate process for current DEAP recipients. DEAP will no longer provide the following services to customers receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA), or Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) benefits for applications filed on or after May 26, 2009.

Control #: 09-37
Subject: Eligibility Determination Procedures for Long-Term Disabled Customers
Issue Date: 5/22/2009
Effective Date: 5/26/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) And Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

BACKGROUND: The Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) assisted our long-term disabled customers in applying for Social Security benefits. DEAP filed the application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) benefits; electronically transmitted the Authorization for Reimbursement of Interim Assistance (DHR/FIA 340) form; and submitted the Appointment of Representative form to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) recipients. DEAP also represented customers during the SSA appellate process. The Department of Human Resource’s (DHR) Family Investment Administration (FIA) modified the DEAP contract and effective June 22, 2009, eliminated all DEAP services except representation during the SSA appellate process for current DEAP recipients.

Control #: 09-38
Subject: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) Application Procedures
Issue Date: 5/22/2009
Effective Date: 5/26/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

BACKGROUND: This transmittal obsoletes procedures outlined in Action transmittal 08-31/Rev.2 for processing applications for customers applying for the Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP). Effective May 26, 2009, the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) will no longer assist our long-term disabled customers through the Social Security application process. Do not refer to DEAP customers with disabilities of 12 months or more or, if less than 12 months, expected to result in death.

Control #: 09-39
Subject: Authorization to Release Information
Issue Date: 5/22/2009
Effective Date: 5/22/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance - Aged, Blind, and Disabled Coverage Group
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal (AT) obsoletes AT 03-43 and the Authorization to Release Information (DHR/FIA 161) form. This AT also introduces the Authorization to Disclose Information form (DHR/FIA 827-see Attachment) that replaces the DHR/FIA 161 form and provides instructions on how to use the DHR/FIA 827 form. Federal and State regulations require a disability determination on all individuals that apply for Medical Assistance as a disabled person. The responsibility for the disability determination of an individual for Medical Assistance is with the State Review Team (SRT). The SRT reviews medical records, educational records and other information related to an individual’s ability to perform tasks. In order for the SRT to obtain the required records, the applicant must give written consent to release the required information to the SRT.

Control #: 09-39 Attachment
Subject: Authorization to Disclose Information to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) Family Investment Administration (FIA)
Issue Date: 1/1/2009
Effective Date: 1/5/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

I voluntarily authorize and request disclosure (including paper, oral, and electronic interchange)of all my medical records; also education records and other information related to my ability to perform tasks. This includes specific permission to release: 1. All records and other information regarding my treatment, hospitalization, and outpatient care for my impairment(s) including, and not limited to: Psychological, psychiatric or other mental impairment(s) (excludes “psychotherapy notes” as defined in 45 CFR 164.501) Drug abuse, alcoholism, or other substance abuse, Sickle cell anemia, Records which may indicate the presence of communicable or venereal diseases which may include, but are not limited to, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): and tests for HIV. Gene-related impairments (including genetic test results) 2. Information about how my impairment(s) affects my ability to complete tasks and activities of daily living, and affects my ability to work.

3. Copies of educational tests or evaluations, including Individualized Educational Programs (IEP), triennial assessments, psychological and speech evaluations, and any other records that can help evaluate function; also teachers’ observations and evaluations.

4. Information created within 12 months after the date this authorization is signed, as well as past information.

Control #: 09-40
Subject: New Verification Form for Pregnancy and Pregnancy Related Impairment/Disability
Issue Date: 6/11/2009
Effective Date: 6/11/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

TCA applicants and recipients are required to report and verify pregnancy only if the unborn is the only child that allows the assistance unit to be eligible for TCA. Disabled customers are required to provide verification of their disability in order to have good cause or an exemption from work activities. Pregnancy is not a disability; however, some pregnant customers have a pregnancy-related disability that prevents them from participating in a work activity. Pregnancy-related disability must be verified.

Control #: 09-41
Subject: Procedural Changes For Pregnant Women In The X02 Coverage Group
Issue Date: 6/1/2009
Effective Date: 6/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Currently, an illegal or ineligible pregnant immigrant who applies for Medical Assistance (MA) at the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) or Local Health Department (LHD) is denied eligibility, and must reapply for MA (X02 coverage group) after the birth of a child. Due to an increase in the number of incidents of ineligible or illegal pregnant women who fail to reapply for MA after giving birth, the provider community has requested that the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) review its current procedures for this population. Effective June 1, 2009, an ineligible or illegal pregnant immigrant will be able to apply and be determined eligible for MA in the X02 coverage group at the LDSS or LHD before the birth of the child. However, there has been no change in policy regarding covered services. An illegal or ineligible woman will be eligible for MA coverage of labor and delivery services only. If determined eligible for MA, she will receive a letter, but no card will be issued.

Control #: 09-41 Attachment
Subject: Notice of Eligibility Labor and Delivery Emergency Medical Services
Issue Date: 6/1/2009
Effective Date: 6/1/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 09-41 Attachment 2
Subject: Noticia de Eligibilidad Servicios Médicos de Emergencia de Dolores y Parto
Issue Date: 6/1/2009
Effective Date: 6/1/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 09-42
Subject: Temporary Increase in Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Issue Date: 6/11/2009
Effective Date: 6/11/2009
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

A provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 allows states to increase unemployment compensation (UC) by $25 per week. The federal legislation specifically excludes counting this income for medical assistance programs but does not address the other programs. According to guidance from the Food and Nutrition Service we must count this income for the Food Supplement Program (FSP). The first week for which the additional compensation can be paid is February 28, 2009. Some states have already begun paying the extra amount. Maryland will begin paying the extra amount in the near future. Some people will get back payments, which we will treat according to nonrecurring lump sum policy for the FSP.

Control #: 09-43
Subject: Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) Guide to 993 (Interstate), 994 (Veterans Administration), and 995 (Federal) Alerts
Issue Date: 6/23/2009
Effective Date: 6/23/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program (FSP), and Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

The first Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) CARES alerts were generated in March 2007. AT 07-21 was issued instructing Local Department staff about the alerts and how to process them. Local Departments have requested more information about the definitions of data listed on the alerts. Attached is a PARIS Alert Guide for the Interstate, Veterans Administration and Federal alerts (alerts 993, 994, and 995). In addition, this guide is posted on the DHRNet FIPNET web page.

Control #: 09-44
Subject: Increase in the Federal Minimum Wage
Issue Date: 6/29/2009
Effective Date: 7/24/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

The federal minimum wage increases to $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Treat this change as any other change in a customer’s situation. The change in the minimum wage also affects compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements for work programs. Updates to the TCA Manual and the WORK BOOK are being completed to reflect the minimum wage changes. The increase also affects the FSP work requirements.

Control #: 09-45
Subject: Medicaid Expansion Pac Conversion Cases
Issue Date: 6/29/2009
Effective Date: 6/29/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance for Families (MA4F)
Link to Document:

During the 2007 Legislative Special Session, the legislature passed Senate Bill 6 (SB 6) the Working Families and Small Business Health Coverage Act. SB 6 included a provision to expand Medicaid eligibility to low income families with dependent children.

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) implemented this legislation, also known as the Medicaid Expansion or Medical Assistance for Families (MA4F) on July 1, 2008. As a result of this expansion, adults who were determined eligible for Primary Adult Care (PAC) and had dependent children in their household who received Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) were converted to the F05-U coverage group on MMIS only. Lists of upcoming MCHP redeterminations associated with these PAC conversion cases were sent to the local departments of social services (LDSS) and the local health departments (LHD) in order for the case managers to make an eligibility determination in CARES for Medical Assistance for Families (MA4F).

Control #: 10-01
Subject: National Voter Registration Act of 1993 Update
Issue Date: 9/1/2009
Effective Date: 9/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 became effective on January 1, 1995. The intent of NVRA is to increase the number of citizens registered to vote and establish safeguards that ensure voterˇ¦s rights for all citizens. State and Federal laws require all state agencies to offer every customer who will be 18 years of age on or before the next general election an opportunity to register to vote. These laws require the Family Investment Administration (FIA) to record and track every response given by a customer when voter registration is discussed. Staff may review on the FIPNet the following FIA Information Memo and FIA Action Transmittal for comprehension and compliance with the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993:

„« FIA Information Memo, National Voter Registration Act of 1993, Control Number 02-04, Issued August 10, 2001

„« FIA Action Transmittal, National Voter Registration Act of 1993, Control Number 08-06, Issued September 13, 2007

Control #: 10-02
Subject: Coding for Burial Assistance
Issue Date: 8/27/2009
Effective Date: 8/27/2009
Program(s) Affected: Burial Assistance
Link to Document:

We were made aware of a correction needed in the CARES procedures for Action Transmittal (AT) 10-02 — Coding for Burial Assistance. The corrected procedures are attached. AT 10-02 has been replaced with AT 10-02 Revised. Recently we became aware that some case managers incorrectly set up burial assistance cases in CARES. Burial Assistance is a State program and funding comes from State funds. Incorrect case set up causes the assistance to be paid incorrectly from Federal funding. This Action Transmittal provides the appropriate CARES coding and procedures to use for Burial Assistance.

Control #: 10-02 Revised
Subject: Coding For Burial Assistance
Issue Date: 9/1/2009
Effective Date: 9/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Burial Assistance
Link to Document:

We were made aware of a correction needed in the CARES procedures for Action Transmittal (AT) 10-02 — Coding for Burial Assistance. The corrected procedures are attached. AT 10-02 Revised replaces AT 10-02. Recently we became aware that some case managers incorrectly set up burial assistance cases in CARES. Burial Assistance is a State program and funding comes from State funds. Incorrect case set up causes the assistance to be paid incorrectly from Federal funding. This Action Transmittal provides the appropriate CARES coding and procedures to use for Burial Assistance.

Control #: 10-03
Subject: Allowing a Telephone Allowance for a Non-Land Line
Issue Date: 8/24/2009
Effective Date: 8/24/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

For over thirty years, the Food Supplement Program (FSP) has deducted the cost of telephones in determining a household's eligibility and benefit amounts, either by deducting actual telephone bills or standard telephone allowances. During this time, communications technology has expanded and FSP customers have gone beyond using traditional land-lines and are using new devices and services, like cellular telephones, pre-paid telephone cards, and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP - or internet phone service). The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently provided guidance about allowing the telephone allowance for non-land-line expenses.

Control #: 10-04
Subject: Food Supplement Program (FSP) And Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Mass Changes – October 2009
Issue Date: 9/14/2009
Effective Date: 10/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes the updated income standards and deductions for the year. Maximum monthly allotment tables are also updated. The income standards increased and the standard deduction for a one person household decreased while the standard deduction for other household sizes increased. The excess shelter deduction increased and the homeless shelter deduction did not change. The maximum food supplement allotments did not change because they were already increased in April with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. TCA grants will stay the same. The attached tables show the changes for the FSP and the current amounts for TCA. The attached FSP manual pages also contain the updates for October 1st. CARES automatically generates all customer notices for increases and decreases at the time of the mass change. The mass modification should take place on September 12, 2009.

Control #: 10-05
Subject: Web Enhancements for the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement (SAVE) Program System
Issue Date: 9/9/2009
Effective Date: 9/9/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program (FSP), Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement (SAVE) Program is an intergovernmental information sharing partnership developed to help case managers determine immigration status for eligibility for federal benefits. SAVE is an online system which allows case managers to directly access and verify information on a customer’s citizenship and immigration status. Effective July 12, 2009, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented enhancements to the SAVE program. These enhancements improve the speed and efficiency of the SAVE system and provide additional data sources that case managers can use. The conversion will transfer all data entered by the user and retain active and historical case data. This action transmittal informs local departments about the enhancements and provides a guide to accessing the system.

Control #: 10-06
Subject: Work Activities
Issue Date: 9/28/2009
Effective Date: 9/28/2009
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Local department staff has requested updated information on federal core and federal non-core work activities and state defined activities. This action transmittal provides details on the description of the work activities, and the appropriate coding for entering data on both CARES and WORKS 2.0.

Control #: 10-07
Subject: Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) System Vault Card Issuances
Issue Date: 10/19/2009
Effective Date: 10/19/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 08-16 provides information about the changes to the electronic benefits transfer (EBT) system. One of the most significant changes is issuing vault cards to customers only when a specific emergency situation exists. This action transmittal reiterates the types of emergency situations that justify issuing a vault card and provides a new referral form to be completed by the Case Manager when a vault card issuance is needed.

Control #: 10-08
Subject: Closure of Medicaid Coverage Groups Due To Enrollment in the Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program
Issue Date: 10/29/2009
Effective Date: 10/29/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

On October 1, 2008 the Maryland Medical Assistance Program implemented the new Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) Program. The EID program grants Medical Assistance eligibility to working disabled individuals (and their spouse if living together) if they earn up to 300% FPL and their assets do not exceed $10,000. Certain retirement accounts including 401(k)s, 403(b)s, pension plans, and Keogh plans are not counted. Participants in the program may be billed a monthly premium based on their income.

Control #: 10-09
Subject: Accelerated Certification of Eligiblity (ACE) - LDSS and LHD Procedures for Prioritizing and Accelerating the Medicaid Eligibility Process for Pregnant Women Applying to Medicaid
Issue Date: 10/30/2009
Effective Date: 12/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) have developed new procedures for prioritizing Medicaid applications for pregnant women. The procedures will be implemented to assist the State in meeting the Governor’s initiative to decrease infant mortality in Maryland.

When pregnant women apply for Medicaid at either a Local Health Department (LHD) or a Local Department of Social Services (LDSS), their applications will be screened and the eligibility process will be accelerated. This will enable pregnant women to be enrolled quickly and to access prenatal care as soon as possible.

Control #: 10-09 Attachment
Subject: ACE Certification Section
Issue Date: 11/1/2009
Effective Date: 12/1/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Effective December 1, 2009, The (MCHP) Maryland Children’s Health Program Manual has revised section l000 of the manual to be replaced with the attached revised section of 1000. If you have any questions about these policies, contact the DHMH Division of MCHP at 410-767-1463 or 1-800-492-5231 (select option 2 and request extension 1463). Questions regarding CARES processing should be directed to Debbie Simon at


Control #: 10-09 Attachment 2
Subject: Section 1000: Determining Financial Eligibility
Issue Date: 11/1/2009
Effective Date: 11/1/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

An applicant is financially eligible for the MCHP if the applicant's

countable net family income does not exceed:

„X for child applicants, 200 percent FPL

„X for pregnant women applicants, 250 percent FPL

for the family size involved, which includes all unborn children

Control #: 10-10
Subject: Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Regulation Changes
Issue Date: 10/30/2009
Effective Date: 1/4/2010
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy
Link to Document:

Effective January 4, 2010, Child Care Subsidy is making regulatory and/or procedural changes to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Program. The changes are as follows: 1.Substituting Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for Purchase of Care (POC)

The title Purchase of Care (POC) is replaced by Child Care Subsidy (CCS). 2. Updated and Reorganized Regulations

The regulations are reorganized into like categories to make them easier to use. 3. Increased Weekly Rates to Formal and Informal Child Care Providers

The Formal and Informal Rates are increasing by approximately 2.86%.

4. Transfer of Credentialing Program Quality Regulations

The requirements for Tiered Reimbursement are transferred to the Credentialing Program Regulations.

5. Addition of Hearings and Appeals Chapter in Regulations

A hearings and appeals chapter is included in the Child Care Subsidy regulations.

Control #: 10-11
Subject: Child Care Subsidy
Issue Date: 10/30/2009
Effective Date: 10/30/2009
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy Case Record Documentation
Link to Document:

As of July 1, 2009, the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) program reduced the amount of documentation that is required in a CCS case record. Any documentation that can be viewed through CCATS Documents does not have to be copied and added to the record. Any documentation that is signed or completed by the customer or informal provider must be in case record. Any documents generated outside of CCATS must be in the case record. If you have any questions, please contact Myra White-Gray, Assistant Bureau Chief for the Office of Child Care Subsidy. Ms. White-Gray can be reached by telephone at 410-767-7863 or by email at

Control #: 10-12
Subject: No Change in Utility Allowances or Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 11/16/2009
Effective Date: 11/16/2009
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Although the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/Washington area reflects a decrease in fuel costs, the standard and limited utility allowances will not change for the 2010 calendar year. The telephone allowance will remain the same as well.

„« The Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) is $414 per month.

„« The Limited Utility Allowance (LUA) is $250 per month.

„« The telephone allowance is $37.

Actual utility expenses are used only when a household is billed for just one utility, which does not include heating or cooling, and does not have a telephone expense. All other households are to receive the appropriate SUA or LUA or the telephone allowance. Households with heating or cooling expenses can receive no more than the SUA. Do not enter actual billed amounts for heating or cooling on CARES even if the amount is higher than the SUA. (Section 214.4 in the Food Supplement Program Manual)

Control #: 10-13
Subject: Foster Care Coverage Act—Medicaid for All Independent Foster Care Adolescents Up To Age 21
Issue Date: 11/17/2009
Effective Date: 10/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

House Bill 580 requires the Maryland Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid or MA) to provide coverage for “independent foster care adolescents” who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid benefits and who have annual household incomes up to 300% of federal poverty guidelines (FPG). (Resources are not considered for this population.) Independent foster care adolescents (IFCA) are individuals younger than age 21 who, on their 18th birthday, were in State foster care.

Youth in State foster care receive medical care through Medicaid. However, this coverage generally has terminated when the youth turns 18 and leaves the foster care system. Now, under the authority of House Bill 580, youth continue to qualify for Medicaid up to their 21st birthdays without working with a Foster Care social worker or complying with vocational or educational requirements.

Foster care social workers, known as permanency workers, will include this new Medicaid coverage option when assisting youth with continuing their Medicaid benefits during transition planning. However, qualifying youth who exited foster care prior to implementation of this expanded eligibility will often be unaware of the change. Therefore, a case manager (CM) must check for E-track history for a young MA applicant (18 to 21) to determine whether IFCA E02 coverage is available.

Control #: 10-14
Subject: MA/MCHP Requirement to Lift 5-Year Bar for Children Up To 21 And Pregnant Women; Elimination of The X01 Coverage Group
Issue Date: 11/17/2009
Effective Date: 12/1/2009
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) State Funded Medical Assistance for Ineligible Qualified Children And Pregnant Women Immigrants
Link to Document:

The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) gives states the option to furnish federal CHIP and MA to pregnant women and children who are lawful permanent residents with less than 5 years’ continuous residency in the U.S. This basically lifts the “5-year bar” that abolished federal benefits for pregnant women and children who were legal permanent residents. Therefore, the 100% State-funded X01 coverage group that Maryland created to maintain health care coverage for this population will no longer be necessary.

In addition, the CHIPRA expansion authority makes two changes to the former X01 population. First, Maryland is required to cover eligible lawful permanent residents who qualify as children under the MA standard, which means children aged 19 and 20, who were not included in the X01 coverage group, will be able to apply.

Control #: 10-15
Subject: Exclusion of Earnings From Temporary Census Employment For Food Supplement Program
Issue Date: 12/18/2009
Effective Date: 1/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

In November 2008, we issued action transmittal 09-22 — Census Workers and Earnings from Temporary Census Employment. In this transmittal we outlined the policy about temporary Census income, which excluded the income for all programs except for the Food Supplement Program (FSP). The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently informed us of the opportunity to exclude the income for the FSP as part of a demonstration project. Our participation in this demonstration project will help ease program administration by aligning FSP policy with Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Purchase of Care and Medical Assistance policies. It will also benefit recipients who get jobs as temporary census workers.

Control #: 10-17
Subject: Long-Term Care Facility Stay for Less Than 30-Days Or Medicare Co-Pay Days
Issue Date: 1/5/2010
Effective Date: 1/5/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

In April 2009, action transmittal 09-34 informed local department staff of the new procedures for processing Long-Term Care Patient Activity Reports (DHMH 257) and submission of the DES 501 for recipients of Community Medical Assistance who were admitted to a Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) for less than 30 days or for Medicare Co-Pay days in a LTCF for recipients of Community Medical Assistance who are not receiving Waiver Services. This process would remain in effect until the opening of the Bureau of Long Term Care Eligibility (BLTCE). Effective October 16, 2009, this process is now conducted at the BLTCE. This transmittal obsoletes action transmittal 09-34 and updates procedures for processing DHMH 257 forms for customers on Medicare Co-Pay days. There are no procedural changes for local department staff.

Control #: 10-18
Subject: Child Support Referrals
Issue Date: 1/5/2010
Effective Date: 1/5/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance for Families and Children (FAC)
Link to Document:

In 2007, the General Assembly passed legislation expanding Medical Assistance (MA) eligibility to more low income families with dependent children. As a result, more parents began to apply for MA. The expansion increased the number of automated referrals to the Child Support Enforcement Administration (CSEA) through the Client Automated Resource and Eligibility System (CARES) system for children with non-custodial parents (NCPs). A modification in the procedures for child support referrals of new Families and Children (FAC) “Medical Assistance-only” (MA only) cases was instituted on March 20, 2009. This action transmittal clarifies the changes to the automatic system referral process from CARES to the Child Support Enforcement System (CSES). The automatic system referral for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers and cases referred from the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) remains the same. The automated system referral for FAC – MA only cases was blocked on March 20, 2009.

Control #: 10-19
Subject: Child Care Subsidy Informal Provider Holiday Payments
Issue Date: 1/27/2010
Effective Date: 1/27/2010
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy
Link to Document:

Informal child care providers are not automatically paid for the six holidays to which formal child care providers are entitled. The holidays are: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. However, if an informal child care provider provides care for a child on a holiday and can document that care was provided, payment can be made for that day. Documentation includes, but is not limited to, verification from the customer that he or she participated in their activity on the holiday.

Control #: 10-20
Subject: Exclusion of the Temporary Increase in Unemployment Compensation Payments For The Food Supplement Program
Issue Date: 1/28/2010
Effective Date: 1/28/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

On June 11, 2009, we issued Action Transmittal 09-42, which provided policy about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 $25 per week temporary increase in unemployment compensation (UC). The ARRA excluded this income for all programs except the Food Supplement Program (FSP). On November 6, 2009, President Obama signed the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009. This Act excludes the $25 per week payments from all calculations of resources and income for the FSP.

Control #: 10-21
Subject: Child Care Subsidy Waiting List
Issue Date: 2/1/2010
Effective Date: 2/15/2010
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy
Link to Document:

DHR REMOVED 051512. Due to recent increases in caseload sizes and a lack of available funding, the Child Care Subsidy program is wait-listing Priority 3 applicants, as of February 15, 2010. Priority 1 and 2 applicants, as well as Priority 3 applicants with an SSI child or parent, or a disabled child who is not receiving SSI, are not wait-listed. CCATS will assist with the process. Letters are available to facilitate notification.

Control #: 10-22
Subject: LDSS, LHD AND DEWS Policy Eliminating Mandatory Face-To-Face Interview for Applicants/Recipients in an ABD Coverage Group
Issue Date: 3/3/2010
Effective Date: 3/3/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

: Relaxation of the interview requirement for Medicaid applications and redeterminations began June 30, 2008 with a regulation change (35:13 Md. R. 1179). The amendment removed mandatory language from COMAR section concerning face-to-face interviews. We announced the change for FAC coverage groups, as enlarged by the Governor’s Expansion, in AT 08-32. For LTC coverage groups, we announced the change in AT 09-19. This announcement for Community ABD coverage groups completes our directions for a more flexible Medicaid interview process.

ACTION REQUIRED: Effective with this issuance, case managers should no longer require all applicants/recipients, or their representatives, to participate in a face-to-face interview. Face-to-face interviews should only take place if determined necessary by the case manager on a case-by-case basis, or if requested by an applicant/recipient. DHMH expects that the majority of face-to-face interviews will result from customer requests. If, after reviewing the application, the case manager needs additional information or further explanation of information submitted, the case manager is encouraged, for the applicant’s convenience, to conduct a telephone interview before requiring a face-to-face interview.

Control #: 10-23
Subject: No Change in 2010 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) For MA Coverage Groups
Issue Date: 3/17/2010
Effective Date: 3/17/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Each year, the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is determined by the Department of Health and Human Services. This number is adjusted annually for inflation, using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI freeze for 2010 will result in no change in the FPL for all MA coverage groups. Effective January 1, 2010, all income standards based on multiples of the FPL will remain the same as 2009 income standards. Monthly Income and other MA schedules released in 2010 will indicate that there is no change this year.

Control #: 10-24
Subject: Elimination of The Eight-Month Time Limit For Iraqi And Afghan Special Immigrants
Issue Date: 3/15/2010
Effective Date: 3/15/2010
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Action transmittals 08-30 issued April 28, 2008 and 09-28 issued March 16, 2009 described the immigration status for certain Iraqi and Afghan immigrants. Under this policy these immigrants were treated on the same basis as refugees admitted under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) except this period of special eligibility was limited. The Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2010 (Section 8120, P. L. 111-118) enacted on December 19, 2009, provides that Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants (SIVs) are eligible for federal public benefits to the same extent and for the same time period as refugees. The new legislation supersedes the policy in Action transmittals 08-30 and 09-28, which limited SIVs to refugee status for a specified period. The new legislation provides that SIVs are eligible for all available benefits to the same extent and for the same period of time as refugees pursuant to Section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Provided that other eligibility requirements are met, refugees are eligible for benefits indefinitely.

Control #: 10-25
Subject: Elimination of the Asset Test
Issue Date: 4/1/2010
Effective Date: 4/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Family Investment staff continue to work to simplify TCA and other program eligibility requirements to make the program easier to implement and to reduce the work load on the local department staff. This recent change came at the urging of the advocate community. TCA policy excludes all resources and assets except for cash on hand and money in a savings or checking account. After reviewing available data we found that very few TCA applicants or recipients have countable resources. Fewer still have resources that exceed eligibility limits and those that did, also have income that make their income over scale. The asset test requirement means case managers must request and the customer verify information about bank accounts. In most cases, this does not affect the customer’s eligibility for assistance.

Control #: 10-25
Subject: Elimination of the Asset Test
Issue Date: 4/1/2010
Effective Date: 5/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Family Investment staff continue to work to simplify TCA and other program eligibility requirements to make the program easier to implement and to reduce the work load on the local department staff. This recent change came at the urging of the advocate community. TCA policy excludes all resources and assets except for cash on hand and money in a savings or checking account. After reviewing available data we found that very few TCA applicants or recipients have countable resources. Fewer still have resources that exceed eligibility limits and those that did, also have income that make their income over scale. The asset test requirement means case managers must request and the customer verify information about bank accounts. In most cases, this does not affect the customer’s eligibility for assistance.

Control #: 10-26
Subject: Coding Works Because Of February’s Inclement Weather
Issue Date: 4/1/2010
Effective Date: 4/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

In February, the State had record levels of snow that curtailed many services. All State services except for 24/7 services were closed for two days and included liberal leave for four other days. Garrett and Allegany Counties had an additional day of liberal leave because of snow. Customers in work activities must participate for a specific number of hours per month to be countable in the Federal Work Participation Rate (WPR). The snow in February caused problems with the WPR because there was no time to plan. The Federal, Administration for Children and Families (ACF) provided states with policy guidance in TANF-ACF-PI-2007-08 stating they (ACF) did not have the authority to waive Federal law for TANF eligibility. They gave the same information to Family Investment staff this year because of the snow.

Control #: 10-27
Subject: Confirming Citizenship Using SVES
Issue Date: 4/7/2010
Effective Date: 4/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program
Link to Document:

Effective April 1, 2010, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) will have access to a new component of the SVES system. This service will permit case managers to verify citizenship for new MA or MCHP applicants by means of an overnight search of SSA data.

Control #: 10-28
Subject: New QMB/SLMB Resource Standards
Issue Date: 5/4/2010
Effective Date: 1/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) mandated changes to match the resource limits for individuals eligible for the full Low-Income subsidy (LIS) program benefits under Medicare Part D with those allowed for individuals who are also eligible for medical assistance eligibility under the QMB/SLMB Program. (See 2010 Income/Assets Guidelines chart, and revised QMB/SLMB application, attached.) Effective January 1, 2010, resource limit amounts for QMB/SLMB Program increased to $8100 for an individual and $12,910 for a couple (includes a standard $1500 burial credit). In addition, the cash value of life insurance is disregarded.

Control #: 10-28 Attachment
Subject: Mail-In Application for Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Programs
Issue Date: 5/4/2010
Effective Date: 1/1/2010
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

In this packet is the mail-in application to apply for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and the Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) Programs. To apply for these benefits, you will need to do the following things:

• Fill out this form

• Mail pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 of your completed form to the local department of social services in the county (or Baltimore City) where you live. You will find their addresses on the inside back cover.

Control #: 10-28 Attachment 2
Subject: Explanation of Ineligibility Due to Excess Resources
Issue Date: 5/4/2010
Effective Date: 1/1/2010
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Name: _______________________________ Spouse Name: _________________________

HOH Client ID Number: __________________ Spouse ID Number: _________________________

AU Number: ________________________________


This is to notify you that based on the application/redetermination filed on ___________, you have

been determined ineligible for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Special Low-Income

Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) programs. You are not eligible because your resources exceed the

the maximum allowable amount of $8,100.00 for an Individual or $12,910.00 for a couple.

The amount of excess resources is: $ _____________

You are:

__ Denied Medical Assistance eligibility for ____________________ based on the application filed

on ______________________________.

__ Terminated from Medical Assistance eligibility effective: ____________________________

The following resources were considered:

Type of Resource Amount

_______________________________ $____________

_______________________________ $____________

_______________________________ $____________

_______________________________ $____________

_______________________________ $____________

The Total amount of your Countable Resource is: ___________________________

You may reapply when your resources no longer exceed the maximum allowable amount as of

the first of the month. Your resources may be used for necessary personal or health care needs (e.g., burial plan, nursing facility or other medical bills, home repairs), but may not be given away or otherwise disposed for less than fair market value. When you reapply, you will be required to verify how the resources were used. Keep all receipts for this purpose.

This decision is based on COMAR If you do not agree with this decision, you have

the right to request a hearing within 90 days of the date on this notice. The procedures for requesting a hearing are attached. If you have any questions about this letter, please call your caseworker at the number below.

Control #: 10-28 Attachment 3
Subject: QMB/SLMB Resource Worksheet
Issue Date: 5/4/2010
Effective Date: 1/1/2010
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Date: ____________

Name: _______________________________ Spouse Name: _______________________

HOHClient ID Number: _____________________ Spouse ID Number: __________________

AU Number: __________________________

List Total Assets owned by applicant and/or spouse. Remember to exclude all

Life Insurance policies for QMB and SLMB. Do not enter Life Insurance on CARES.





(Full, Face, Cash)





TOTAL: $_____________ - $___________= $___________

Countable Total Resources: $ ___________

Resource Limit for Individual = $8,100: - $ ___________

Resource Limit for Couple = $12,910: or - $ ___________

Excess Resource: = $ ___________

Note: If over Resource Standard, enter excess amount onto the AST1 screen.

DHMH/OES 008 (QMB/SLMB) 05/10

Control #: 10-29
Subject: End of Federal “Lock-Out” Provisions for Title XXI Maryland Children’s Health Program Coverage Groups: P13, P14, D02 and D04
Issue Date: 5/12/2010
Effective Date: 5/12/2010
Program(s) Affected: Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP); Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal provides clarification based on advice recently received from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), regarding the applicability of Title XXI lock-out provisions for children of State employees eligible to participate in the State of Maryland Health Benefits Plan. Maryland’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (MCHP), established under Title XXI of the Social Security Act, is made up of four coverage groups, the P13 and P14 which are free, and the D02 and D04 which carry a premium. Because both the “free” and premium portions of the CHIP program are operated as a Medicaid expansion rather than a stand-alone Title XXI program or a combination program, we are permitted to apply federal MA (Title XIX) rules for CHIP eligibility, as explained below. Federal law and regulation under Title XXI provided that children of State employees with access to State employee health coverage were excluded from eligibility in CHIP. For CHIP programs operated as Medicaid expansions, CMS has determined that Title XIX eligibility rules apply and Title XXI rules do not apply.

Control #: 10-30
Subject: Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Verification
Issue Date: 5/14/2010
Effective Date: 5/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

The United States Department of Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services (USDHS CIS) recently sent a reminder letter to all Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) user agencies reminding them that all additional verification procedures must be completed when prompted by the system. Failure to continue may deny an immigrant customer benefits they may be eligible for.

Control #: 10-31
Subject: Accelerated Certification of Eligibility (ACE) - LDSS and LHD Procedures for Prioritizing and Accelerating the Medicaid Eligibility Process for Pregnant Women Applying to Medicaid
Issue Date: 5/21/2010
Effective Date: 5/21/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal supersedes AT 10-09 issued October 30, 2009 effective December 1, 2009. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) have revised the October 30, 2009 instruction to “ACE all pregnant applicants” to recommend a processing alternative that results in quick final determinations of eligibility for pregnant women, and to clarify that ACE must be used only to give accelerated eligibility to pregnant women whose applications have insufficient information to allow an immediate final determination of eligibility. Adding the alternative of immediate MA enrollment further advances the Governor’s initiative to decrease infant mortality, and supports Secretary Brenda Donald’s statement of core business processes for local departments of social services to process Medical Assistance applications for pregnant women the same day. The procedures set forth in the ACE Manual attached to AT 10-09 are otherwise unchanged.

Control #: 10-32
Subject: Telephone Lifeline (Tel-Life) Program
Issue Date: 5/21/2010
Effective Date: 5/21/2010
Program(s) Affected: Tel-Life
Link to Document:

This purpose of this transmittal is to provide information regarding the Telephone Lifeline Program or Tel-Life in Maryland. Tel-Life is a program that offers low-cost telephone service to eligible low-income individuals. Telephone Lifeline Service in Maryland is authorized by the Public Utility Companies Article, Title 8, Subtitle 2, Section 8-201. The Lifeline program, however, is nationwide. Lifeline is a federal program created by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1984 and enhanced by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The FCC’s Low Income Program of the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), is designed to ensure that quality telecommunications services are available to low-income customers at just, reasonable, and affordable rates. Lifeline support reduces monthly charges for basic telephone service for eligible low-income consumers. The funding is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Corporation (USAC). USAC administers the telecommunications universal service fund providing communities across America with affordable telecommunication services. The fund is comprised of fees collected from customers and paid to USAC by telecommunication companies. Companies participating in Lifeline programs are reimbursed by USAC for some costs associated with the program.

Control #: 10-33
Subject: End of the Disability Entitlement Assistance Program (DEAP)
Issue Date: 5/25/2010
Effective Date: 6/30/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP) will end June 30, 2010 and will no longer provide any services to customers receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA), or Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) benefits. All existing DEAP operating procedures are obsolete after June 30, 2010 including the distribution of monthly DEAP reports to local departments. After June 18, 2010 do not call DEAP for updates on your customers or for a copy of the DHR/FIA Form 340.

Control #: 10-34
Subject: Shelter Cost Verification
Issue Date: 6/3/2010
Effective Date: 7/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

TCA applicants and recipients must verify the type of housing in which they live to prevent having the $60 housing subsidy counted. We consider customers as living in subsidized housing when they do not verify housing type. We are revising the policy on housing verification requirements.

Control #: 10-35
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance Closures Due To the Child Support Interface
Issue Date: 6/7/2010
Effective Date: 6/7/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Frequently, the CARES Help Desk receives calls about TCA cases that close when Child Support Fiscal enters child support payments on the TCA case. The payments exceed the TCA grant amount, triggering the closing for the next month. The CARES system is programmed to send the customer an Adverse Action notice, allow 10 days adverse action and close the case. This action allows the customer to receive the child support that was collected. The family is also screened for F05 Medical Assistance (MA). If the family is not eligible for F05, the Assistance Unit’s (AU) MA is extended for four months.

Control #: 10-36
Subject: Maryland Senior Nutrition Assistance Program (MSNAP) -A Combined Application Demonstration Project
Issue Date: 6/11/2010
Effective Date: 7/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

The Maryland Combined Application Project, called the Maryland Senior Nutrition Assistance Program (MSNAP), is a 5-year demonstration project approved by the Food and Nutrition Service that will improve the way food assistance is delivered to elderly individuals, age 60 or older, who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). MSNAP will simplify the application process for both participants and local department staff.

Control #: 10-37
Subject: Sanction Process for Cares and Works 2.0
Issue Date: 6/25/2010
Effective Date: 7/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The conciliation and sanction process is an involved procedure that requires the case manager to take many action steps and can be error prone. Our systems were not equipped to track and monitor the conciliation and sanction process when it was initially implemented; therefore several workarounds were created to help case managers in day to day case management tasks. System changes have been added to both CARES and WORKS 2.0 to help implement and track the conciliation and sanction process. However, conciliation and sanction policy has not changed. This action transmittal outlines the new system process for implementing work sanctions in CARES and WORKS. All prior procedures which make reference to the old conciliation and sanction system process (i.e. recording instances of sanction with the codes: GU, VT, or CZ) are now obsolete.

Control #: 10-38
Subject: Elimination of Optional Verification and Over Verification
Issue Date: 6/28/2010
Effective Date: 6/28/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

For many years we have allowed local departments to choose verification options as described in the Food Supplement Program Manual section 408.6. Due to concerns about over verification, with this action transmittal, we are eliminating these options. This action transmittal also provides an overview of mandatory verification requirements.

Control #: 11-01
Subject: Confidentiality and Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Issue Date: 7/19/2010
Effective Date: 7/19/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA), Foster Care (FC)
Link to Document:

The purpose of this Action Transmittal is to provide additional information on the procedures for safeguarding the confidentiality of Interim Assistance Reimbursement (IAR) data, customer personally identifiable information (PII) and the limitations on the use of that data. This AT speaks specifically to IAR information, but is in conjunction with other information on confidentiality and safeguarding information that was previously issued. IAR information is subject to the Privacy Act, the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) (Public Law 107-347, Title III, section 301) as it applies to the electronic storage, transport of records between agencies, and the internal processing of records received by the state under the terms of its agreement with the Federal government. Federal law (e.g., 42U.S.C. subsection 1306(a), 5 U.S.C. subsections 552 and 552a, and implementing regulations 20 CFR Part 401) further protect IAR data.

All employees must properly safeguard PII furnished by SSA under the IAR agreement from loss, theft or inadvertent disclosure. Employees must understand that they are responsible for safeguarding this information at all times, regardless of whether or not the State employee or the contractor/agent is at his or her regular work site.

Control #: 11-02
Subject: Using Telephone Interviews As An Alternative To Face-To-Face Interviews
Issue Date: 7/28/2010
Effective Date: 6/29/2010
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Because of the economic conditions and limited resources, local departments of social services are serving larger numbers of customers. Caseloads have risen drastically, thus case managers are spending increased amounts of time conducting face-to-face interviews. Local departments should use telephone interviews as much as possible. This action transmittal provides brief information on how local departments can use the telephone as an alternative interviewing tool. It also provides information about the CARES migration that will support telephone interviewing. Any local department that wishes to schedule telephone interviewing training should call the University of Maryland School of Social Work, Policy and Skills Training Team at 410-706-4388.

Control #: 11-02 Attachment
Subject: Case Information Form (CIF) Expansion
Issue Date: 1/7/2011
Effective Date: 1/7/2011
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

As you are aware, the Case Information Form (CIF) is currently used for all programs of assistance in the mail-in redetermination cycle except E-track, G-track, H-track, L-track, X-track, and T-track project categories. Also excluded from this process are medical coverage groups P02, P03, P11, P12, S02, S99, and F99. The CIF prints only the information that is required for the program(s) being redetermined, and the customer level data only prints what is applicable for the redetermination. This eliminates the need for customers to supply information already known to CARES, or that is not relevant to the program(s) being redetermined. This form requires that customers either state that the information provided has not changed, or to supply the new and/or changed information. This streamlines the process for both customers and case managers. CARES CHANGE: Effective with redetermination appointments that will be scheduled during the month of January 2011 with February 2011 end dates, the Case Information Form (CIF) will be generated and mailed to customers that are scheduled for face-to-face and telephone interviews in addition to mail-in redeterminations. This change will further streamline the redetermination process, and will allow customers and case managers more options for conducting redeterminations.

Control #: 11-03
Subject: Puerto Rico Invalidates All Birth Certificates Issued Prior To October 1, 2010
Issue Date: 9/7/2010
Effective Date: 10/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Puerto Rico Law 191 invalidates all Puerto Rican birth certificates issued prior to July 1, 2010. On June 28, the Government of Puerto Rico extended the validity of current Puerto Rico birth certificates through September 30, 2010. All birth certificates will remain valid through September 30, 2010. After this date, every birth certificate must have been reissued by the Puerto Rico Health Department Vital Statistics Record Office. The law was enacted to address national security concerns that the U.S. Department of State calculates are the source of approximately 40 percent of its passport fraud cases. Law 191 establishes measures to reduce forgery and fraud, by strengthening Puerto Rico’s vital statistics technology and by making it illegal for any public or private entity to retain an original copy of any Puerto Rico issued birth certificate.

Control #: 11-03 Attachment
Subject: Automated Snap National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) Match
Issue Date: 1/6/2011
Effective Date: 1/6/2011
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

Effective January 2011, the SNAP National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) match process will be automated in CARES. Use of SNAP NDNH data will further assist local departments to reduce the number of incorrect payments caused by unreported income, and will provide information that may help increase work participation rates.

Control #: 11-04
Subject: Continuing Current MCHP Restrictions for Employer-Based Insurance Coverage
Issue Date: 9/8/2010
Effective Date: 9/8/2010
Program(s) Affected: MCHP, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Questions have been raised regarding “anti-crowd-out” provisions in the CHIP program. These provisions deny eligibility for P13 and P14 if a child is covered by employer-based health insurance or if the family has voluntarily dropped employer-based coverage within the last 6 months. Current rules continue in effect.

Current rules are found in the MCHP Manual, Section 600, Subsection G (“Health Insurance”), pages 600-13—600-14 (MR 17 issued August, 2005). Case Managers are to continue applying current rules with respect to employer-based insurance and voluntary termination of such coverage.

Control #: 11-04 Attachment
Subject: Maryland Childrens Health Program Manual
Issue Date: 9/8/2010
Effective Date: 9/8/2010
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

C. Pregnancy -- In order to be eligible for MCHP benefits, a woman who is age 19 or older must be pregnant or be within the postpartum period. She must provide her expected date of delivery. If an applicant claims to be postpartum, she must provide the date of her delivery. A woman is no longer technically eligible as pregnant once her pregnancy is terminated due to an abortion or miscarriage.

Control #: 11-05
Subject: Compliance Issues From Medicaid Audit Findings
Issue Date: 9/8/2010
Effective Date: 9/8/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Each year, the Federal Center for Medicaid, CHIP and Survey & Certification (CMCS) conducts, through contractors, a “Single State Agency” Audit (“Medicaid Audit”). Because Maryland’s Medicaid agency was established as a partnership with DHR for purposes of eligibility determination, and because the Medicaid agency itself has taken on direct eligibility duties for certain programs, the Medicaid Audit reviews sample cases from LDSS and LHD offices.

During the most recent audit, there were no strong trends for particular types of errors. However, as we approach the end of our fiscal year, this Information Memo serves as a reminder regarding errors previously noted in the Medicaid auditors’ findings. We hope this document will provide useful “tips” to avoid common errors in these extraordinarily busy times.

Control #: 11-05 Attachment
Subject: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of Health Demographic Registry Birth Certificate Application by Mail
Issue Date: 9/8/2010
Effective Date: 9/8/2010
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

1. Applicants living out of Puerto Rico send the application to the following address: Demographic Registry PO Box 11854, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00910

2. If the applicant lives in Puerto Rico can visit any Local Registry near his/her house to complete and application.

3. Applicant must send a photocopy of a recent valid photo-identification card.

4. Applicant in Puerto Rico: Please send $5.00 Internal Revenue Stamp for first copy requested and $4.00 for each additional copy for the same person.

5. Applicant out of Puerto Rico: Please send $5.00 Money Order payable to Secretary of the Tresury.

6. Please send a self-addressed-stamped envelope to mail in your certificate.

7. For rush mail as Fedex, Exp. Mail, Registered, UPS, etc. our address is: 171 Quisqueya Street, Hato Rey, PR 00917

Control #: 11-05 Attachment 2
Subject: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico Departamento De Salud Registro Demografico Solicitud De Certificado Nacimiento Por Correo
Issue Date: 9/8/2010
Effective Date: 9/8/2010
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:


1. Si el nacimiento ocurrio despues del 21 de Junio De 1931, Debe Solicitar su certificado A: Departamento de Salud Registro Demografico PO Box 11854, San Juan Puerto Rica 00910 Direccion Fisca: Calle Quisqueya #171 Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918

2. Si el Nacimiento Ocurrio Antes Del 21 De Junio De 1931, Debe Solicitarlo al Registro Local Del Pueblo Donde Ocurrio El Nacimiento.

3. Acompane la solicitud con lua copia de una identificacion reciente (con retrato) del solicitante.

4. Residentes fuera de Puerto Rico: enviar giro postal a nombre del Secretario De Hacienda, El Costo Del Certificado es $5.00 la primera copia y $4.00 la copia adicional Solicitada al Mismo Tiempo.

5. Si reside en Puerto Rico: envie sello de rentas internas de $5.00 por la primer copia y $4.00 por la copia adicional ordenada al mismo tiempo.

6. Debe enviar un sobre con sello y pre-dirigido con la direccion bien Clara Donde Recibira El Certificado

Control #: 11-06
Subject: Cost of Living Adjustment
Issue Date: 9/28/2010
Effective Date: 10/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has issued Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) to the Food Supplement Program (FSP) income eligibility standards and deductions. As a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the maximum and minimum allotments remain unchanged for FY 2011. The FSP income eligibility standards for FY 2011 also remain unchanged.

There were only two changes. The shelter cap value for FY 2011 decreased slightly to $458 and the minimum standard deduction for household sizes 1 through 3 increased to $142 a month. These COLAs are effective October 1, 2011. CARES was modified to support these changes. Attached are the updated Food Supplement Program Manual pages.

CARES automatically generates customer notices for increases and decreases at the time of the mass change. The mass modification takes place on September 11, 2010.

Control #: 11-07
Subject: Categorical Eligibility for the Food Supplement Program
Issue Date: 10/4/2010
Effective Date: 10/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

In an effort to simplify the Food Supplement Program (FSP) eligibility process, we are expanding categorical eligibility to most households with income at or below 200 percent of the poverty level. This policy will also make more households potentially eligible for FSP benefits because there will be no asset test. The only households that are not included in expanded categorical eligibility are those that are excluded by federal rules.

To make this change we are applying federal policy that allows us to use a non-cash Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funded program to confer broad based categorical eligibility to FSP households. TANF funds were used to print the brochure, Family Planning, A Guide for You. This meets the criteria for broad based categorical eligibility. With broad based categorical eligibility, there is no requirement that there be minor children in the household.

Control #: 11-08
Subject: Extension of Suspended Time Limits for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents
Issue Date: 10/4/2010
Effective Date: 10/4/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program
Link to Document:

On February 17, 2009, the President signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. One provision of the law eliminated the special work requirement for able bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs). FIA issued AT #09-29 to implement this provision effective April 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.

Control #: 11-09
Subject: New Codes to Track Work Conciliation and Sanction for Minors
Issue Date: 10/7/2010
Effective Date: 10/7/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

In June 2010, CARES and WORKS 2.0 system updates were migrated to track and monitor the conciliation and sanction process for non-compliance with the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) work program requirements. Action Transmittal 10-37 outlined the new process for tracking and monitoring the conciliation process and instances of non-compliance between CARES and WORKS 2.0.

The WORKS 2.0 system captures only customers who are considered federally mandated to participate in a work activity. Minors who are children in the TCA assistance unit (AU) are not federally mandated for the work program and are not tracked in the WORKS 2.0 system. However, according to state mandates minors must comply with work and education requirements and are therefore subject to conciliation and sanction when they do not comply.

Because there is no conciliation and sanction tracking for minors who are children in the TCA AU in WORKS 2.0, case managers must use a workaround to track the number of instances of non-compliance in CARES. This AT gives new codes to use in CARES, to track instances of non-compliance when a non parent minor or a minor parent who is a child in the TCA AU has accrued an instance of non-compliance.

As stated in AT 10-37, please do not use the old tracking codes GU, CZ or VI to track instances of non-compliance for anyone in the TCA AU, including minors who are children in the AU.

Control #: 11-10
Subject: Food Supplement Program Waiver to Postpone the Interview for Certain Expedited Service Cases
Issue Date: 11/3/2010
Effective Date: 11/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

In an effort to help meet application timeliness compliance standards, we requested a Food Supplement Program waiver that will allow us to postpone the required interview prior to issuing expedited service in certain situations.

Control #: 11-11
Subject: A Change to Temporary Cash Assistance Voluntary Quit Policy
Issue Date: 11/10/2010
Effective Date: 11/10/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

We recently became aware of inconsistencies between TCA policy and the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) for what to do when a customer voluntarily quits a job or reduces work hours.

According to the TCA policy in section 111.4 of the Work Book, when a person voluntarily quits a job or reduces work hours for a job that is included in the customer’s Family Investment Plan (FIP) plan, the case manager closes the case with adverse action for non-cooperation with the FIP plan. The case remains closed for 30 days.

Regulation in COMAR requires us to follow the conciliation and sanction process.

This action transmittal gives the correct procedure for applying sanctions when a customer voluntarily quits a job or reduces his or her work hours without good cause.

Control #: 11-12
Subject: Accelerated Certification of Eligibility (ACE) - LDSS and LHD Procedures for Prioritizing and Accelerating the Medicaid Eligibility Process for Pregnant Women Applying to Medicaid
Issue Date: 12/1/2010
Effective Date: 12/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal clarifies AT 10-31 issued May 21, 2010 effective immediately. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Department of Human Resources (DHR) have revised the October 30, 2009 instruction to “ACE all pregnant applicants” to recommend a processing alternative that results in quick final determinations of eligibility for pregnant women, and to clarify that ACE must be used only to give accelerated eligibility to pregnant women whose applications have insufficient information to allow an immediate final determination of eligibility. Adding the alternative of immediate MA enrollment further advances the Governor’s initiative to decrease infant mortality, and supports former Secretary Brenda Donald’s statement of core business processes for local departments of social services to process Medical Assistance applications for pregnant women the same day. The procedures set forth in the ACE Manual have been clarified to reflect this transmittal.

Control #: 11-12 Attachment
Subject: Maryland Children’s Health Care Program - MCHP
Issue Date: 12/1/2010
Effective Date: 12/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Maryland Children’s Health Program Manual MR-12
Link to Document:

Maryland Children’s Health Program Manual MR-12 Issued March 2004 Re-Issued December 2010 Section 1000: Determining Financial Eligibility An applicant is financially eligible for the MCHP if the applicant's countable net family income does not exceed: - for child applicants, 200 percent FPL - for pregnant women applicants, 250 percent FPL - for the family size involved, which includes all unborn children.

Control #: 11-12 Attachment 2
Subject: Section 1000: Determining Financial Eligiblity
Issue Date: 12/1/2010
Effective Date: 12/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Maryland Children’s Health Program Manual MR-12
Link to Document:

Section 1000 of the MCHP Manual has been revised to clarify the ACE process for pregnant women with respect to the due date. Remove Section 1000 issued as MR-12 in December 2009 and replace it with the attached revised Section 1000.

Control #: 11-13
Subject: LDSS and DEWS Procedures for Applicants and Recipients Filing for Disability in an ABD Coverage Group
Issue Date: 12/13/2010
Effective Date: 12/1/2010
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

There are two entities that make Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD) disability determinations: the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the State Review Team (SRT) of the Family Investment Administration (FIA). The SSA and the SRT use a 5 Step sequential evaluation process to determine disability as defined by the SSA.

The SRT includes physicians, psychologists, disability specialists, and clerks. SRT determines an applicant’s disability based on the SSA 5 Step evaluation process. Effective 12/1/10, Step 1 of the evaluation process to determine disability is the responsibility of the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS).

Control #: 11-14
Subject: Transitional Food Supplement Benefit Change
Issue Date: 12/21/2010
Effective Date: 1/1/2011
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Transitional Food Supplement (TFS) benefit policy was implemented effective January 1, 2003 with Action Transmittal 03-29. This policy was permitted under the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002. The final rule for this act was published on January 29, 2010. It contained several changes to how we operate TFS. Since some of the changes require system modifications, we have requested a waiver; however, we will implement one provision effective January 1, 2011.

Control #: 11-15
Subject: National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) Tips and Questions and Answers
Issue Date: 12/21/2010
Effective Date: 12/21/2010
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

As you know, State and federal laws require local departments of social services to provide every customer who will be 18 years of age on or before the next general election an opportunity to register to vote. These laws require the Family Investment Administration (FIA) to record and track every response given by a customer when voter registration is discussed. The NVRA manual on the FIPNet has been updated. You should refer to the manual for detailed instructions on NVRA procedures; this document provides a summary of the procedures for quick reference. Since the information from the action transmittals have been incorporated into the manual, they will be removed. The following action transmittals and information memos will be removed from the FIPNet:

10-01, 02-04, 08-06, 01-48.

Control #: 11-16
Subject: E-GOV/E-IAR Change in Accessing Interim Reimbursement
Issue Date: 1/5/2011
Effective Date: 11/20/2010
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Medical Assistance (MA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) advised us that they implemented the next phase of e-GOV and the Interim Assistance Reimbursement (E-IAR) process on November 20, 2010. We were also told that this phase affects only the actual reimbursement portion of the process. SSA, Finance and those FIA staff who process IAR reimbursements will begin processing the reimbursements electronically.

With this action transmittal (AT), we are providing information on the new E-IAR reimbursement process and reviewing the IAR process in general. We are also including information about the DHR/FIA 340 form to ensure accurate processing of interim reimbursement funds.

We will send out security access registration forms to FIA local department Assistant Directors (ADs) shortly. They are to be completed identifying staff who need E-IAR access and then sent to SSA. We will provide you with the procedures at that time.

SSA created a training PowerPoint to help states through the new IAR process. Because of the number of slides in the training, we placed it on FIPNET under “Training.”

Control #: 11-17
Subject: Child Care Subsidy Waiting List
Issue Date: 2/8/2011
Effective Date: 2/28/2011
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy
Link to Document:

Due to recent increases in caseload sizes and a lack of available funding, the Child Care Subsidy program is wait-listing all new Priority 3 applicants, as of February 28, 2011. Priority 1 and 2 applicants, as well as Priority 3 applicants with a disabled child/special needs or an SSI child or parent, will not be wait-listed. CCATS will assist with the process. Letters are available to facilitate notification

Control #: 11-18
Subject: Long Term Care Redeterminations
Issue Date: 3/11/2011
Effective Date: 3/14/2011
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) extended the look back period for initial long term care applications (LTC) requiring additional time to process cases. Extra work on applications also adversely affected the timely processing of LTC redeterminations. DHMH and DHR in conjunction with long-term care providers and client advocates collaborated to develop a strategy to address the delayed processing of LTC applications and redeterminations and avoid interruption of Medicaid benefits. First we are making changes to processing redeterminations.

Control #: 11-19
Subject: Medical Assistance Eligibility Determinations for Children in and Leaving the Care and Custody of the Department Of Juvenile Services
Issue Date: 3/14/2011
Effective Date: 4/1/2011
Program(s) Affected: Medicial Assistance
Link to Document:

Medical Assistance (MA) does not pay for services to persons in state institutions. Because of this rule, children in Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) detention cannot apply for MA or receive services under prior MA eligibility when they are waiting to be adjudicated by the Juvenile Court. However, the majority of DJS children go on to be placed in a community setting where the state institution rule does not apply. This Action Transmittal clarifies the circumstances under which children committed to and leaving the custody of DJS may become eligible for MA or have MA eligibility restored, and sets forth procedures to expedite eligibility determinations for these children. This transmittal obsoletes AT 00-02. ACTION REQUIRED: The Local Department of Social Services (LDSS), Local Health Department (LHD) staff, and the Division of Eligibility Waiver Services (DEWS) must promptly follow the procedures outlined in this transmittal when processing MA eligibility determinations for children committed to and leaving DJS custody.

The contact at DJS will be a DJS Case Management Specialist (CMS). The DJS CMS may submit MA applications for children pending placement in a community setting prior to placement or applications for children returning to their home upon release from DJS custody 20 to 60 days prior to their release. All applications received from DJS must be pended upon receipt.

Note: An expedited eligibility decision must be made within 10 days from the receipt of all verifications.

Control #: 11-19 Attachment
Subject: DJS Youth in Foster Care
Issue Date: 3/14/2011
Effective Date: 4/1/2011
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

DJS Youth in Foster Care

(Form to Accompany Medicaid Application)


TO: MA Case Worker

FROM (DJS Case Manager and phone number)

RE (Name of Youth) DOB:

PLACEMENT: (Name of facility) (Address and phone number)






Control #: 11-20
Subject: Aligning Certification Periods for Food Supplement and Temporary Cash Assistance When the Transitional Food Supplement (TFS) Freeze is Broken
Issue Date: 1/1/2011
Effective Date: 1/1/2011
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP) and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 11-14, “Transitional Food Supplement Benefit Change” provided information on the change in the Transitional Food Supplement (TFS) policy regarding households that return to TCA during the five month TFS period. Effective January 1, 2011 households returning to TCA during the five month TFS period are recertified for Food Supplement Program (FSP) benefits under normal FSP requirements and a new certification period is assigned. This includes all TCA cases reopened for any reason (an Agency error closure, TCA reopened pending an appeal, or the customer reapplies) during the five month TFS period. Wait until the TCA case has been approved to break the TFS freeze and complete a recertification of the FSP case. Upon reopening, the TCA case is assigned a 12 month certification period. In most instances when the TFS freeze is broken, the household is recertified and given new six month certification period. The certification periods for the TCA and FSP may not be aligned. When certification periods are not aligned, the customer must be seen more often than necessary, resulting in poor customer service and an increase in agency workload. The Food and Nutrition Service approved a waiver to allow us to align the certifications by completing an early recertification of the FSP case.

Control #: 11-21
Subject: New Interim Reimbursement Assistance Form
Issue Date: 3/23/2011
Effective Date: 3/23/2011
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Medical Assistance (MA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

Since 2001, Maryland has had an agreement with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for Maryland to be reimbursed for assistance paid to long term disabled customers from State General Funds. Long term disabled customers must sign an Interim Assistance Reimbursement form (DHR/FIA 340) and apply for SSI. Parents must apply for SSI and sign the DHR/FIA 340 on behalf of their disabled children.

DHR signed a new IAR agreement with SSA in September 2010. We revised the DHR/FIA 340 to include information that SSA requested and simplified the language used in the form. We attached a copy of the revised form to the AT.

Control #: 11-22
Subject: Mailing Address Change for LTC Processor
Issue Date: 4/7/2011
Effective Date: 4/7/2011
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

In January 2010, Action Transmittal 10-17 outlined procedures for submission of the Long Term Care Patient Activity Report (DHMH 257) and the DES 501 for recipients of Community Medical Assistance admitted to a long term care (LTC) facility for less than 30 days or for Medicare co-pay days for recipients of Community Medical Assistance not receiving Waiver services. Currently the forms are mailed to:

LTC Processor

P.O. Box 13066 Baltimore, Maryland 21203

Control #: 11-23
Subject: Decrease in Utility Allowance
Issue Date: 4/8/2011
Effective Date: 5/1/2011
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility and telephone allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will decrease. A recent survey of telephone service providers indicates that phone rates have gone up this year. The telephone allowance will increase slightly.

Control #: 11-24
Subject: The Work Number Express Service
Issue Date: 4/19/2011
Effective Date: 3/21/2011
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

Recently, FIA entered into an agreement with the TALX Corporation to pay the fee for The Work Number Express Service. Verification of employment through The Work Number will be immediate and you are able to search based on a customer’s social security number. The TALX Corporation operates The Work Number Express employment verification service that most case managers are familiar with. The TALX Corporation has an agreement with 2000 employers, including many federal agencies, Target and Wal-Mart. Most of our employed customers are working for a company associated with the TALX Corporation. Please remember the information that is available via The Work Number Express service is protected under State and Federal privacy laws. Access is granted for information and may only be used to determine eligibility for DHR and DHR related programs.

Control #: 11-25
Subject: Informal Provider Creator Procedures
Issue Date: 4/27/2011
Effective Date: 5/2/2011
Program(s) Affected: Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
Link to Document:

Informal child care providers have been processed by the local departments of social services since 1997. Beginning May 2, 2011, the data entry portion for informal providers will be transferred to MSDE.

Control #: 11-25 Attachment
Subject: Informal Provider Creator Information Form
Issue Date: 4/27/2011
Effective Date: 5/2/2011
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 11-26
Subject: Procedural Changes for The Look-Back Period For Long Term Care Applications and Redeterminations
Issue Date: 5/3/2011
Effective Date: 5/2/2011
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 lengthened the 36-month look-back period for initial long term care (LTC) applications to 60 months prior to the month of the initial application. This resulted in an increased workload for case managers when determining an applicant’s initial eligibility. The extra work on the applications adversely affected the timely processing of the LTC applications. DHMH and DHR, in conjunction with long term care providers and client advocates, collaborated to develop strategies to address the delayed processing of LTC applications and redeterminations to avoid interruption of Medicaid benefits.

The initiative, introduced in this Action Transmittal (AT), will streamline the documentation required to evaluate the 60 month look-back period. The intent of the streamlining effort is to maintain program integrity while reducing access barriers related to documentation and verification requirements. The case manager will continue to evaluate the institutionalized individual’s and the community spouse’s assets to determine if a disposal of assets for less than fair market value occurred during the look-back period.

Control #: 11-26 Attachment
Subject: How to Request Tax Returns from the IRS
Issue Date: 5/3/2011
Effective Date: 5/2/2011
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 11-26 Attachment 2
Subject: Types of Tax Returns Available from the IRS
Issue Date: 5/3/2011
Effective Date: 3/2/2011
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 11-27
Subject: Disregarding Federal Income Tax Refunds as Income or Resource
Issue Date: 5/17/2011
Effective Date: 5/17/2011
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The way income tax refunds and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) funds are applied to determine eligibility differs from program to program. Some programs count tax refunds and exclude the EITC, while others disregard income tax refunds in their entirety. The difference in policies makes it difficult for case managers to apply program specific procedures which can lead to a wrong eligibility determination. The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 (P.L.111-312) was signed into law on December 17, 2010. The law includes a provision that disregards federal income tax refunds received after December 31, 2009, as income and as a resource for a period of 12 months for all programs that are funded in whole or in part with federal funds. This does not affect State funded programs such as Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP). Continue to count tax refunds as income and resources according to policy for State funded programs.

Control #: 11-28
Subject: New Medical Report Form DHR/FIA 500
Issue Date: 5/20/2011
Effective Date: 5/20/2011
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Child Care Subsidy, (CCS) Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 11-13 outlined the referral procedures for applicants and recipients filing for disability in an Aged, Blind or Disabled Medical Assistance coverage group. It also eliminated the DHR/FIA Medical Report form (402 B) for Medical Assistance and State Review Team referrals only. Family Investment Administration (FIA) programs and the Child Care Subsidy program use the 402B to determine a customer’s disability and the need to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or the customer’s ability to participate in work activities. A new medical report form has been created. The new form incorporates all information case managers need when determining disability for TCA, RCA, TDAP, CCS and PAA applicants or recipients. The DHR/FIA 500 combines several forms and obsoletes the need to use the DHR/FIA 402B, the DHR/FIA 402W and the Physician’s Report of Eye Examination, the DHR/FIA 701 for FIA programs.

Control #: 1128 Attachment
Subject: Medical Report Form 500
Issue Date: 5/20/2011
Effective Date: 5/20/2011
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 11-29
Subject: Transitional Food Supplement Benefit Changes
Issue Date: 6/9/2011
Effective Date: 7/1/2011
Program(s) Affected: Food Supplement Program (FSP) and Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) passed the final rule for Transitional Food Supplement (TFS) benefit policy under the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 with an effective date of August 1, 2010. Provisions of the act required states to change how TFS cases are processed to; 1. Provide customers notification when the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) case closes and they are now eligible for TFS benefits; 2.Ensure customers are notified their TFS benefits end when they return to TCA; 3. Have a determination for continued eligibility for regular FSP benefits when the customer is approved for TCA during the TFS period; and 4.Recalculation of the TFS benefit to exclude the income, resources and deductible expenses when an active member of a TFS case leaves the household to prevent duplicate participation. FIA requested and FNS granted a waiver, which allowed for system modifications to implement the provisions above. However, we were able in January 2011, to implement one provision of the act: procedures for processing cases when a TFS household returns to TCA. To provide good customer service and avoid an increased agency workload, FIA also implemented procedures for aligning the TCA and FSP certification periods. The procedures outlined in A.T. 11-14 for processing TFS customers returning to TCA, and procedures in A.T. 11-20 for aligning certification periods and establishing continued eligibility for regular FSP benefits after the TCA case is approved are obsolete.

Control #: 11-30
Subject: PAA Interim Assistance Reimbursement Calculations
Issue Date: 6/22/2011
Effective Date: 6/22/2011
Program(s) Affected: Public Assistance to Adults
Link to Document:

Recently, the Social Security Administration (SSA) contacted us about the new IAR process and expressed concerns about our reimbursement calculation method for the Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) program. FIA reviewed the process to determine whether we issued payments correctly. We discovered our methodology needs adjustment. The PAA program helps customers residing in a protective living arrangement such as a Rehabilitative Residence, a Project (CARE) Home or in an Assisted Living facility. Project Home and Assisted Living recipients receive a grant towards their cost of care. Applicants residing in a Project Home or Assisted Living facility are required to apply for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program administered by SSA, and enter into an agreement to reimburse the State for benefits received once their SSI benefit is approved. All customers receive a Personal Needs Allowance of $82.00 which is not reimbursable. Rehabilitative Residence customers receive only the personal needs allowance. Local departments explain the Interim Assistance Reimbursement (IAR) process and get applicants to sign the (DHR/FIA 340) form. When a recipient is awarded SSI benefits, the signature on the IAR allows the state to get reimbursed. Staff ensure applicants understand that the state must be repaid once the SSI is approved. Case managers enter the IAR date into the system and Local Finance officers work with SSA to calculate the IAR amount and determine what the state is owed. Rehabilitative Residence customers are not required to apply for SSI or sign the Interim Assistance Reimbursement.

Control #: 11-31
Subject: Assistance to Refugees and Asylees: Public Private Partnership and Medical Assistance Eligibility
Issue Date: 6/30/2011
Effective Date: 6/30/2011
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA), Medical Assistance (MA), Food Supplement Program (FSP)
Link to Document:

We recently received clarification from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) that, when a refugee or asylee assistance unit is found ineligible for TCA and “tag along” MA within their first eight months in the U.S. solely because their income exceeds the TCA income standard, they should then be tested for eligibility for Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) which, while time-limited, has a higher income threshold. In addition, they should be provided with a notice that they may be able to qualify for Refugee Transitional Cash Assistance (RTCA), a time-limited, privately-administered, monthly payment available only through the private resettlement agency that referred them to the LDSS/DHHS. Refugees and asylees served by a resettlement center, meeting technical and financial eligibility, can receive services and financial assistance for up to eight months. RMA is limited to the first eight months that the refugee is in the U.S. and the first eight months after the asylee is granted status.

Control #: 93-09
Subject: Cost of Living Adjustments for 10/92
Issue Date: 9/3/1992
Effective Date: 10/1/1992
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Food Stamp Program cost of living adjustments occur annually, to be effective the first of October of each year, as mandated by federal statute. This normally requires some reprogramming to AIMS to update the allotment tables, the eligibility income standards and certain deductions. Allotment amounts and the other cost of living adjustments are tied to market basket prices for certain food items. Then the cost of these items is used to compute the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) which is the basis for the food stamp allo"ment tables. This year is different because the cost of the market basket items used to compute the TFP have actually decreased which would have resulted in a decrease in allotments. A special bill was introduced and quickly passed through both the House and the senate which will keep allotments the same as last year. Eligibility income standards and certain deductions will increase effective October 1, 1992.

Control #: 96-01
Subject: Waiver for Handling Food Stamp Claims
Issue Date: 7/24/1995
Effective Date: 7/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This transmittal is to notify local departments of approval by the Food and Consumer Service (FCS) of a waiver to allow local departments to discard inadvertent household error ( I H E ) and administrative error (AE) claims under $100.

Control #: 96-02
Subject: Form DHR/IMA689 - Choosing your Food Stamp Head of Household
Issue Date: 7/26/1995
Effective Date: 7/26/1995
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #94-33 provided instructions for allowing food stamp households that have a parent with children in the home to select that parent as head of household. The form that the household uses to confirm that choice was printed, but never distributed. The DHR Warehouse will send forms to your agency the week of July 10, 1995.

Control #: 96-03
Subject: AIMS OTO Data Entered on Saturday
Issue Date: 7/31/1995
Effective Date: 8/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: AFDC, AFDC-UP, GPA-PW, FS
Link to Document:

Local Departments of Social Services staff working on weekends are completing OTO issuance ( AIPO , AIPI , AIFO , and AIFI ) transactions. Data entry operators are then processing these OTOs on the weekends. Usually, only one benefit or check is issued. However, this can generate two benefit issuances and an overpayment.

Control #: 96-04
Subject: AFDC Overpayments - ATMS
Issue Date: 8/21/1995
Effective Date: 10/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: AFDC
Link to Document:

At times an ATM will make an error which allows the recipient to receive too much cash. When this happens, there is an AFDC overpayment. This transmittal outlines the procedures for handling these overpayments.

Control #: 96-05
Subject: Food Stamp Mass Change - October 1995
Issue Date: 9/13/1995
Effective Date: 10/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This transmittal is to notify local departments of social services of the increases in some food stamp deductions and maximum allotments. These increases are pending Federal legislation.

Control #: 96-05
Subject: tables
Issue Date: 10/1/1995
Effective Date: 10/1/1995
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:


Control #: 96-06
Subject: Medical Expense Reporting and Verification
Issue Date: 9/18/1995
Effective Date: 9/18/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This obsoletes Action Transmittal OPA 95-11 dated August 1, 1994, which notified local departments of the simplified reporting requirements for eligible households to claim the excess medical expense deduction.

Control #: 96-07
Subject: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disablility Insurance (SSDI) Payments Based on Drug Addiction and/or Alcoholism (DAA)
Issue Date: 9/25/1995
Effective Date: 9/25/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Applicants for SSI and SSDI disability payments must usually wait several months before they are approved to receive payment. The first payment was a lump-sum amount that included retroactive payments back to the month of application. The lump-sum amount for the retroactive payment was counted as a nonrecurring lump-sum payment and excluded as income for food stamps because it was always given in one payment.

Control #: 96-08
Subject: Vehicles
Issue Date: 9/20/1995
Effective Date: 10/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This transmits the increase in the fair market value exclusion for vehicles to $4600.

Control #: 96-09
Subject: Child Support Deduction
Issue Date: 9/25/1995
Effective Date: 10/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This provides policy to implement the child support deduction.

Control #: 96-10
Subject: Changes in the Maryland Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS)
Issue Date: 9/28/1995
Effective Date: 9/25/1995
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

On December 4 , 1995, The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will convert from the current Maryland Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) to MMIS-11.

Control #: 96-11
Subject: Maryland Energy Assistance program (MEAP) FY'96 Operations
Issue Date: 10/16/1995
Effective Date: 11/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: All IMA Programs
Link to Document:

The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) will begin taking applications on November 1, 1995 for the 1995-1996 heating season. This memo will address the major MEAP-related issues that will affect Local Departments of Social Services this year. Please take special note of Part E: "EAFC Interface with MEAP and USPP", Part F: MEAP Outreach through Cooperation Efforts of IMA and LDSS's, and the "Action Required" section at the end of this transmittal.

Control #: 96-12
Subject: Revised State Review Team (SRT) - Procedures
Issue Date: 11/6/1995
Effective Date: 11/6/1995
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines changes in Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) and State Review Team (SRT) procedures and guidelines in the following areas: 1. Establishes client eligibility notification procedures for wwnot disabledfw. 2. Clarifies when to submit HIV/AIDS cases to SRT. 3. Explains when additional documentation is needed for Medical Assistance retroactive period requests. 4. Clarifies appeals procedures involving SRT disability decisions. 5. Establishes procedures for handling the Medical Evaluation Form (DHR/IMA 402B) with a less than 12 month period of disability or evidence of current work activity.

Control #: 96-13
Subject: Child Support Deduction
Issue Date: 10/26/1995
Effective Date: 10/26/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This provides a corrected page to Action Transmittal IMA OPA #96-09 issued September 25, 1995.

Control #: 96-15
Subject: Revised 402 and 4204 Medical Forms
Issue Date: 11/6/1995
Effective Date: 11/6/1995
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

This transmittal will outline the use of revised medical report forms 402 and 4204. These revised forms will reduce time needed to determine individuals disabled for Income Maintenance programs and Supplemental Security Income. These revised forms will collect, at the beginning of the process, pertinent medical information regarding a person's disability to assist in making determinations quickly and accurately.

Control #: 96-16
Subject: Food Stamp Eligibility for Persons Residing in Group Living Arrangements
Issue Date: 11/9/1995
Effective Date: 11/9/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This transmittal supersedes Action Transmittal IMA OPA 95-60 issued June 23, 1995, and IMA OPA 94-43 issued June 29, 1994, and Information Memo OPA 92-04 issued July 1, 1991. An overview of the food stamp policy relating to group living arrangements (GLA) is provided, including specific information affecting recipients receiving Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) households.

Control #: 96-17
Subject: Inaccessible Resources
Issue Date: 11/9/1995
Effective Date: 11/9/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This expands the criteria by which property can be considered inaccessible to households in the calculation of their resources.

Control #: 96-18
Subject: Identifying and Serving POC Self Initiatied Clients and AFDC Recipients Working and Exempt
Issue Date: 11/13/1995
Effective Date: 11/6/1995
Program(s) Affected: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Purchase of Child Care (POC)
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal outlines procedures for identifying and serving AFDC clients in need of Purchase of Child Day Care (POC) services who are POC self initiated or working and exempt from PI participation.

Control #: 96-19
Subject: Decrease in the Standard Deduction
Issue Date: 11/17/1995
Effective Date: 12/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This transmittal notifies local departments of a decrease in the standard deduction

Control #: 96-20
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-of-Living Increases, and Related Increases
Issue Date: 11/22/1995
Effective Date: 11/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: All Categories of Public Assistance, Food Stamps, Non-PA Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security (Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance - RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. Generally, to take these changes into account for grant and Food Stamp purposes, the affected cases are processed according to mass change procedures as described herein. For medical assistance purposes, the impact of these benefit increases is also described in this Action Transmittal.

Control #: 96-21
Subject: MMIS-II Implementation/CARES
Issue Date: 12/4/1995
Effective Date: 12/4/1995
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The following Action Transmittal is an addendum to AT 96-10 issued on 9 / 2 8 / 9 5 regarding changes in the Maryland Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) as they related to Non-CARES transactions. The aforementioned transmittal outlined new procedures effective 1 2 / 4 / 9 5 in Section 111. This action transmittal should be used in conjunction with AT 96-10 in reference to those new procedures as they relate to CARES transactions.

Control #: 96-22
Subject: National Voter registration Act of 1993
Issue Date: 12/18/1995
Effective Date: 12/1/1995
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal restates the requirements of NVRA and makes AT 95-39 obsolete. Additionally, effective December 1, 1995, state level coordination of voter registration activities will transfer from the Office of Policy Administration to the Office of Quality Assurance. Finally, the Voter Registration Report (DHR 779), was modified to capture the full range of voter registration activities taking place in the local department of social services. The expanded reporting format of the DHR 779 is not an indication of incomplete reporting in the past. Instead, the added information demonstrates our comprehensive effort to implement voter registration.

Control #: 96-23
Subject: 1996 Schedule for Bonus Issuance
Issue Date: 12/15/1995
Effective Date: 1/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC, AFCD-UP, and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The schedule for the child support bonus benefit issuance is attached. Local departments that use the PC Diskette Child Support system are to contact Margaret Fowler at 767-7266 if they experience problems with meeting time-lines for submitting the diskettes. In local departments that are up on CARES, the child support bonus benefit will continue to be available on the same date that the AFDC benefit is available during the first week in the month. Resolve any questions or problems by calling the OIM HELP desk at 1-800-347-1350 or (410) 767-7002.

Control #: 96-24
Subject: 1996 Benefit Issuance Schedule and AIMS Cut-Off Dates
Issue Date: 12/15/1996
Effective Date: 1/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Public Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The benefit issuance schedules for 1996 for the AIMS system and CARES system are attached. Also attached is the schedule for the 1996 AIMS cut-off dates for the public assistance and food stamp programs.

Control #: 96-25
Subject: Medical Assistance Decision Dates ("C" Codes)
Issue Date: 12/15/1995
Effective Date: 1/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC, AFDC-UP, and MA
Link to Document:

Whenever action is taken to cancel an AFDC case, action must also be taken on medical assistance. If the ineligible AFDC case is also determined to no longer be eligible for medical assistance, the medical assistance coverage is canceled by entering a "C" in the AIMS field MA DECISION.AFDC cases that are canceled, but still eligible for medical assistance include cases entitled to the AFDC/MA extension, cases that require a NPA/MA redetermination, and cases that have moved to a new jurisdiction and are entitled to have medical assistance benefits continued until a redetermination has been done. These cases have the medical assistance coverage continued by entering a "N" in the AIMS field MA DECISION. Cases coded with a "N" require an 8000 form to close or change the category of medical assistance as part of the redetermination process. If an AFDC case is closed and it is necessary to rescind the closing, an 8000 is required to reopen the medical assistance, if the closing is rescinded after the date that DHMH has been notified through the automated process. The date that DHMH is notified is the 'IC1I Tape Cut-off Date. This Action transmittal lists the 'IC" Tape dates for 1996.

Control #: 96-26
Subject: Disqualification Penalties
Issue Date: 12/22/1995
Effective Date: 2/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This transmittal notifies local departments of a change in policy regarding disqualification penalties.

Control #: 96-27
Subject: TEMHA Redesign
Issue Date: 1/26/1996
Effective Date: 1/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Transactional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal will introduce the redesigned Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) program to be known, henceforth, as TEMHA 11. Contents are presented in a format that approximates the AIMS, CARES and Programs Manuals and will serve to establish the policy guidelines for TEMHA 11. This takes precedence over materials used in training and obsoletes Action Transmittal #95-57.

Control #: 96-28
Subject: Joint Application Processing
Issue Date: 2/7/1996
Effective Date: 2/7/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Maintenance Administration remind all local IM staff of the joint application processing requirements for Food Stamps provided for by the Food Stamp Act of 1977. The Social Security Administration is reaffirming existing procedures to SSA offices also.

Control #: 96-29
Subject: Redeterminations of Medical Assistance Eligibility
Issue Date: 2/5/1996
Effective Date: 2/5/1996
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's (DHMH) System and Operations Administration is experiencing delays in supplying local departments with the monthly runs of labels required to process redeterminations of Medical Assistance eligibility. As a result of these delays, local department staff have been unable to perform the required redeterminations of eligibility prior to the end of customers' certification periods. This has placed the local departments in the position of having to choose to either close cases or allow them to automatically recertify on MMIS-11. In CARES jurisdictions this situation applies to programs not on CARES (i.e., MD. Kids Count, SLIMBY, Pharmacy Assistance, etc.)

Control #: 96-30 revised
Subject: Designation of Demonstration Project Groups 14 day Delay Child Specific Benefit
Issue Date: 5/21/1996
Effective Date: 5/21/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal MA OPA #96-30 issued on March 20,1996, was amended on March 29, 1996. Because of the number of questions received fiom local departments concerning the Child Specific Benefit initiative, that Action Transmittal is being reorganized and revised to include those issues. This REVISED IMA OPA 96-30 replaces the original Action Transmittal.

Control #: 96-31
Subject: Food Stamp Categorical Eligibility for Recipients of Public Assistance to Adults
Issue Date: 3/22/1996
Effective Date: 3/22/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Local departments were informed of food stamp eligibility for certain Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) recipients living in group living arrangements in Action Transmittal IMA OPA 95-60 dated June 23, 1995, which was subsequently superseded by IMA OPA 96-16.The Food and Consumer Service (FCS) recently provided the following clarification regarding categorical eligibility for these customers.

Control #: 96-32
Subject: DHMH and AIMS/CARES Death List Match
Issue Date: 7/25/1996
Effective Date: 7/25/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

As Action Transmittals are distributed tothe local department, they are forwarded to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA recently requested OPA to clarify several Food Stamp instructions given in Action Transmittal 96-32 DHMH and AIMS/CARES DEATH LIST MATCH. The revised text is underlined.

Control #: 96-33
Subject: Referrals to the Central Collection Unit (CCU) , Federal Tax Refund Offset Program (FTROP), and Federal Salary Offset Program (FSOP)
Issue Date: 4/16/1996
Effective Date: 4/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This transmittal discusses ways to improve local departments' use of CCU's services. Additionally, it presents information about the new regulation regarding FTROP and FSOP, which were published at 60 FR 45990.

Control #: 96-34
Subject: Student Eligibility
Issue Date: 4/16/1996
Effective Date: 2/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The Food and Consumer Service provided information about the Final Rule regarding student eligibility. Most of the provisions were implemented effective February 1, 1992, and were included in part 5 of IMA Action Transmittal OPDS 92-33 dated January 14, 1992. The Final Rule includes minor changes related to work study.

Control #: 96-35
Subject: Restoring Food Stamp Benefits to PAA Recipients in Group Living Arrangements
Issue Date: 4/16/1996
Effective Date: 4/16/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This transmittal provides policy and procedures for restoring food stamp benefits to Public Assistance to Adults recipients living in Group Living Arrangements (PAA) (GLA ) .

Control #: 96-36
Subject: MA Extensions and Pregnant Women and Children
Issue Date: 4/19/1996
Effective Date: 4/19/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC, AFDC-UP, MA, MA-PWC
Link to Document:

Eligibility for MA extensions after the first six months is based on the customer's earned income falling below 185% of the federal poverty level. The federal poverty level is adjusted anually in February.

Control #: 96-37
Subject: Update of Food Stamp Manual Section 403
Issue Date: 7/25/1996
Effective Date: 7/25/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal IMA OPA #96-37, issued April 30, 1996, advised of the USDA Food and Consumer Service (FCS) request to update the Client Rights and Responsibilities Section of the Food Stamp Manual.

Control #: 96-37 revised
Subject: Update of Food Stamp Manual section 403
Issue Date: 7/29/1996
Effective Date: 7/29/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal IMA OPA #96-37, issued April 30, 1996, advised of the USDA Food and Consumer Service (FCS) request to update the Client Rights and Responsibilities Section of the Food Stamp Manual. FSC has reviewed the Action Transmittal and based on that review, an amendment to include additional information is necessary. This revised IMA OPA Action Transmittal replaces and obsoletes IMA OPA #96-37.

Control #: 96-38
Subject: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Forms 206N and 216
Issue Date: 6/1/1996
Effective Date: 6/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Maryland Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS-11) is designed primarily for electronic interfaces with the CARES system. As a result, transactions from Non-CARES jurisdictions, which require manual data entry on the MMIS-I1 system, can become extremely cumbersome and time consuming if all pertinent eligibility data for a recipient is not received by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) simultaneously. Specifically, this is in regard to the DHMH Forms 206N and 216.

Control #: 96-39
Subject: Verification of Reported Changes
Issue Date: 5/17/1996
Effective Date: 6/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

When the Food Stamp Act of 1977 was first implemented, Maryland chose the options for verification requirements and change reporting procedures. Because of recent workload reduction efforts, change reporting procedures have been modified.

Control #: 96-40
Subject: Retro Medicaid Copy
Issue Date: 4/1/1996
Effective Date: 4/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Help Desk has identified a problem with the Retro Medicaid Copy function. When an applicant applies for Medical Assistance and requests coverage for up to three months prior to the application month, Retro Medicaid Copy is used. CARES will allow this only for new Assistance Units (AU's). If the screener or worker selects a prior Medical Assistance AU number that was either active or denied on CARES, Retro Medicaid Copy is not allowed.

Control #: 96-41
Subject: Comprehensive Program Review System (CPRS) For AIMS Jurisdictions
Issue Date: 6/3/1996
Effective Date: 6/17/1996
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

A workgroup of local supervisors and DHR staff has developed a CASE REVIEW SYSTEM called the Comprehensive Program Review System (CPRS) to replace the Supervisory Review System (SRS).

Control #: 96-42
Subject: Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Issue Date: 7/5/1996
Effective Date: 7/5/1996
Program(s) Affected: Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA)
Link to Document:

This memo provides reminders and policy clarifications for Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA).

Control #: 96-56
Subject: AFDC-PW Special Needs Benefit
Issue Date: 6/17/1996
Effective Date: 6/17/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC-PW
Link to Document:

In CARES, the calculation of an AFDC-PW grant is based on the GPA-PW standard. The GPA-PW parameter was changed to $125 on June 14, 1996. As a result of the GPA-PW grant reduction, CARES will not correctly calculate AFDC-PW. It will not recognize that a customer should receive the Special Needs Benefit and will subsequently pay only $179 (AFDC grant for 1 person plus Prenatal Need supplement). The AFCD-PW Special Needs and Prenatal Nutrition Benefits will be eliminated effective August 1, 1996, reducing the AFDC-PW grant amount to $165.

Control #: 97-01
Subject: New Release of Information Form
Issue Date: 6/27/1996
Effective Date: 6/27/1996
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Freestate Health Plan, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Maryland HUM, will soon begin using a new form (Authorization of Release For Current Medicaid Members) developed exclusively for local departments of social services. The information will be used by Freestate to provide services under the Medical Assistance program. DHR's Office of the Attorney General assisted in its development and has approved the final version.

Control #: 97-02
Subject: The Family Investment Program Overview - July 1996
Issue Date: 7/27/1996
Effective Date: 7/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

As you are aware, Senate Bill 778, the Welfare Innovation Act of 1996, was passed by the Maryland Legislature and signed by Governor Glendening.

Control #: 97-03
Subject: Availability of Updated AFDC and Food Stamp Manuals, and Other Resource Materials
Issue Date: 7/10/1996
Effective Date: 6/27/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Updated AFDC and Food Stamp program manuals are now available upon request. In addition, resource material from MA PAT as well as material from the April 1996 Food Stamp Investment conference is also available.

Control #: 97-04
Subject: Federal Drug and Alcohol Addiction Policy Changes Affecting Supplemental Security Income and Medical Assistance Benefits
Issue Date: 7/31/1996
Effective Date: 7/23/1996
Program(s) Affected: Transitional Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) sent termination notices on June 28, 1996 to 2,238 Maryland citizens with a drug or alcohol related disability. The notices informed them that their Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medical Assistance benefits will terminate January 1, 1997.

Control #: 97-04cb
Subject: Adverse Action Procedures
Issue Date: 11/20/1996
Effective Date: 11/20/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 97-14 (Released September 4, 1996) notified Local Departments of the new Adverse Action Policy changes effective October 1, 1996. System changes to CARES for implementation of these policy changes were requested and completed for Temporary Cash Assistance cases (non-control) but have not been completed for Food Stamp cases. Food Stamp cases are still using 10 calendar days for adverse action as opposed to the 5 working days outlined in the new policy.

Control #: 97-05cb
Subject: Food Stamp Letters
Issue Date: 12/13/1996
Effective Date: 12/13/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The Clients' Automated Resource and Eligibility System (CARES) does not automatically send Food Stamp Repayment letters to customers that have been overpaid in Food Stamp benefits. Maryland has previously been cited by the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Consumer Service for failing to actively pursue repayment of these benefits. To more effectively track and collect these overpaid benefits, Food Stamp demand letters have been loaded into (CARES).

Control #: 97-06
Subject: CIS Availability for 1997
Issue Date: 12/16/1996
Effective Date: 12/16/1996
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Each year the Division of Program and Systems Support outlines the anticipated days that CIS will not be available.

Control #: 97-06 Revised
Subject: GPA-PW Payment Standard
Issue Date: 6/29/1996
Effective Date: 7/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: General Public Assistance-Pregnant Women
Link to Document:

The GPA-PW program provides benefits to a pregnant woman during the first through the fifth month of her pregnancy. The payment standard is $209 monthly. There is no regulation requirement for GPA-PW minor to live with a specified person.

Control #: 97-07
Subject: Elimination of the Special Needs Allowances for AFDC Pregnant Women
Issue Date: 6/27/1996
Effective Date: 8/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Aid to Families with Dependent Children to Pregnant Women
Link to Document:

Under current policy a $30 special needs allowance and a $14 prenatal nutritional allowance is paid to AFDC-PW recipients. Teh special needs allowances were put in effect because the General Public Assistance to Pregnant Woment (GPA-PW) payment exceeded the AFDC grant amount for one person.

Control #: 97-07cb
Subject: Caseload Reassignment
Issue Date: 12/31/1996
Effective Date: 12/31/1996
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Since the implementation of CARES, there have been frequent requests for caseload and district office reassignments. Completing a mass district office reassignment requires that all of the cases in a district office be reviewed, requiring a substantial amount of processing time. Therefore, the reassignment must be run on a weekend. The system will be unavailable during this period of time. Additionally, each time a reassignment is completed, the system will generate a notice informing the customer of a change in their case manager. This substantially increases the volume of mail, which must be generated by the DHR mailroom.

Control #: 97-08
Subject: Automatic Scheduling of Redeterminations
Issue Date: 2/11/1997
Effective Date: 2/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: All Family Investment Programs
Link to Document:

On the first calendar day of the month, CARES automatically identifies all cases that will expire two months after the current month. An example: On January 1, 1997, CARES identified all cases due to expire by 3/31/97.

Control #: 97-08
Subject: Emergency Issuances During Conversion and Transfer of Cases to Baltimore County
Issue Date: 11/19/1996
Effective Date: 11/19/1996
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Conversion for Baltimore County begins at the close of business on Wednesday, November 17, 1996. During conversion, the CARES system will not be available on Friday, November 29. In Baltimore County only, AIMS and AMF transactions will not be able to be completed on November 27 and 29, therefore, the emergency procedure is effective in Baltimore County on November 27. Do not transfer any cases to Baltimore County between November 25 and November 29.

Control #: 97-08
Subject: Elimination of the Prenatal Nutritional Benefit for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFCD)
Issue Date: 6/27/1996
Effective Date: 8/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Aid to Families with Dependent Children
Link to Document:

This transmittal notifies local departments of the elimination of the $14 prenatal nutritional benefit.

Control #: 97-09
Subject: Emergency Issuances and Case Transfers During Prince and Finance
Issue Date: 1/22/1997
Effective Date: 1/24/1997
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Conversion for Prince George's County will begin at the close of business on Thursday, January 30, 1997. During conversion, the CIS/CARES system will not be available on Friday, January 31 and Monday, February 3, 1997.

Control #: 97-09
Subject: Transitional Assistance
Issue Date: 2/11/1997
Effective Date: 2/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: TCA
Link to Document:

In October 1996, Transitional Assistance was implemented as a way to assist customers who were sanctioned to transition off TCA. In September a new valid value for Transitional Assistance Authorized Representatives was added to the AREP screen.

Control #: 97-09
Subject: Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI) Simplification
Issue Date: 7/8/1996
Effective Date: 7/8/1996
Program(s) Affected: AFDC
Link to Document:

The PPI program is changing. Certain PPI policies and procedures are being simplified to conform with changes being made to the Temporary Cash Assistance Program. Modifications to the program are intended to reduce the administrative burden of operating PPI in preparation for implementing the Family Investment Program.

Control #: 97-10
Subject: Frequency Factors for Unearned Income and Child Care
Issue Date: 2/11/1997
Effective Date: 2/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: TCA and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

In October 1997 the frequency factors for calculating income and deductions changed. FIP policy requires Earned Income and Child Care Deductions to be calculated using a 2 and 4 week month instead of the 4.3 and 2.15 frequencies. This factor is applied equitably across all other income frequencies including monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi annually and annually. Unearned income also uses a 4 and 2 week month frequency calculation however, unearned income received less frequently than twice a month is counted in full. The CARES system has been reprogrammed to accurately determine the correct amount of earned income but not child care or unearned income.

Control #: 97-10
Subject: 1184 Newborn Procedures for Non-CARES Local Departments
Issue Date: 8/16/1996
Effective Date: 8/16/1996
Program(s) Affected: PA and Non/PA Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

All newborns certified for MA by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) in non-CARES jurisdictions are now placed in the MA coverage group of P03 (PWC), regardless of whether the newborn's mother is an AFDC recipient, or receiving NPA/MA. Due to a programming change in the MMIS-II system, DHMH will no longer assign category and scope codes to PWC cases. It is now the responsibility of workers in non-CARES jurisdictions to assign the appropriate category and scope code to newborn cases once eligibility determination is made. Medical Assistance category and scope codes are essential for insuring that newborns receive MA coverage that they are entitled to, and for the successful conversion of PWC cases to the CARES system.

Control #: 97-10
Subject: New Start-Up Date for The Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Program
Issue Date: 1/22/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

On Thursday, January 9, 1997, Martin Wasserman, M.D., J.D., Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), announced that the Maryland Medicaid Managed Care Program, HealthChoice, will be implemented on June 2, 1997, instead of February 1, 1997, as originally planned. At that time, the Department will begin phased-in implementation for 300,000 members. Beginning in June 1997, one fifth of the waiver-eligible recipients will be selected on a random basis and enrolled each month. All 300,000 members should be enrolled by November 1997.

Control #: 97-11
Subject: MA Coverage Groups P03, P04, P05
Issue Date: 2/23/1997
Effective Date: 2/23/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

It has been brought to our attention that there is some confusion with the usage of MA Coverage Groups P03, P04 and P05. Listed below are the MA Coverage groups and the eligibility requirements.

Control #: 97-11
Subject: Minimum and Maximum Spousal Resource Amount and Maximum Spousal Maintenance and Shelter Allowance
Issue Date: 1/24/1997
Effective Date: 1/24/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The spousal impoverishment assest minimum and maximum were increased effective January 1, 1997. The minimum assest level is $15,804 and the maximum asses level is $79,020. The long term care maximum allowance has increased to $1,976.

Control #: 97-11
Subject: Family Investment Program (FIP) Asset Eligibility
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The current asset limit in AFDC is $1,000. The Food Stamp limit is $2,000. If the Food Stamp household has a member age 60 or older, the limit is $3,000.

Control #: 97-12
Subject: TEMHA Policy Update
Issue Date: 2/1/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) was implemented effective July 1, 1995, and updated to TEMHA II in January 1996. Subsequent to TEMHA II, some additional policies have been added for clarification.

Control #: 97-12
Subject: Block Grant Reporting and Motor Voter Fields
Issue Date: 2/24/1997
Effective Date: 2/24/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

On February 24, 1997 new fields were added to the STAT, DEM2 and ALAS screens on CARES in order to meet requirements of Federal Block Grants and Motor Voter regulations. These fields serve as data collection fields from which mandatory reports will be produced.

Control #: 97-12
Subject: Family Investment Program (FIP) Earned Income Eligibility
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Program (FIP) was passed by the Maryland General Assembly and is scheduled for full implementation by the end of 1996. DHR received waivers from the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and the Food Stamp (FS) programs regulations to support the components of FIP.

Control #: 97-13
Subject: Transfer/Disposal Penalty Period
Issue Date: 4/24/1997
Effective Date: 4/24/1997
Program(s) Affected: Long Term Care (LTC)
Link to Document:

LTC policy requires that all transfers/disposals on or before August 10, 1993 are subject to a 30-month maximum penalty period. There is no limit to the length of a penalty for disposals made after August 10, 1993. CARES currently calculates a 30-month period of all transfers/disposals regardless of the transfer/disposal date.

Control #: 97-13
Subject: Assistance Unit Composition
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Program (FIP) provides assistance to families with children while preparing program participants for independence. Assistance, under this program, consists of services and cash assistance to eligible individuals, as well as work experience. FIP reflects a major shift in emphasis: from dependence on income maintainance programs to a Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program leading to independence. Both parents are expected to contribute to the support of their children. Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) is available only as a last resort.

Control #: 97-13
Subject: Naturalization Outreach To Non-Citizens
Issue Date: 2/18/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Food and Consumer Service recently sent notice that President Clinton has directed them to take steps to promote naturalization outreach to noncitizens and, to the extent authorized by law, provide naturalization information to recipients. English and Spanish versions of an Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Fact Sheet about how to become a United States citizen were sent for distribution.

Control #: 97-14
Subject: Multiple Vendors
Issue Date: 4/21/1997
Effective Date: 4/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: Family Investment Program (FIP), Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG)
Link to Document:

Under WAG policy, money can be paid to more than one vendor. CARES will not issue payment to more than one vendor under the same AU number

Control #: 97-14
Subject: Family Investment Program (FIP) Adverse Action
Issue Date: 9/4/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document: a.pdf

The Family Investment Program (FIP) was passed by the Maryland General Assembly and is scheduled for implementation effective October, 1996. DHR has received waivers for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and the Food Stamp (FS) programs to support the components of FIP.

Control #: 97-14
Subject: 1997 Federal Poverty Levels
Issue Date: 3/7/1997
Effective Date: 3/1/997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Federal Poverty Income Guidelines were increased effective March 1997. The change was completed in CARES on March 7, 1997. The seasonal disregard that was allowed for the months of January thru April will be removed from CARES effective April 30, 1997 via mass modification on April 12, 1997. The seasonal disregard is the amount of the Social Security Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for the current year that is normally provided to Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) recipients through the month following the month in which the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are increased.

Control #: 97-15
Subject: Emergency Issuances and Case Transfers During Anne Arundel County's Conversion to CIS
Issue Date: 3/24/1997
Effective Date: 2/24/1997
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Conversion for Anne Arundel County will begin at the close of business on Friday, March 29, 1997. During conversion, the CIS/CARES system will not be available on Monday, March 31, 1997.

Control #: 97-15
Subject: SPA (Scratch Pad Area)
Issue Date: 4/21/1997
Effective Date: 4/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

CARES was designed to put a case on temporary hold by using the PF5 key (SPA). A case may also be put on SPA when an ABEND (abnormal end) occurs during a system failure, or when date commit fails in an overnight batch run.

Control #: 97-15
Subject: Family Investment Program (FIP) Procedures for Processing and Collecting Overpayments
Issue Date: 9/5/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

An overpayment for Temporary Cash Assistance shall begin the first month the unreported change could have been made considering adverse action time. Whenever there is an overpayment and a customer does not verify actual income and the local department cannot get the required verification from the employer, information from secondary sources such as the Income Eligibility Verification System (IEVS), the Maryland Automated Benefits System (MABS), etc., may be used.

Control #: 97-15 Revised
Subject: SPA (Scratch Pad Area)
Issue Date: 7/8/1997
Effective Date: 7/8/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

DHR designed CARES to put a case on temporary hold by using the PF5 key (SPA). A case may also be put on SPA when an ABEND (abnormal end) occurs during a system failure, or when data commit fails in an overnight batch run.

Control #: 97-16
Subject: Child Specific Benefit
Issue Date: 5/7/1997
Effective Date: 5/7/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 97-78 listed the vendor type as "033" incorrectly.

Control #: 97-17
Subject: CARES Alert System Reminder
Issue Date: 5/15/1997
Effective Date: 5/15/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL Programs
Link to Document:

It has been noted that CARES alerts are being transferred to Child Support logon IDs or being generated by someone in CARES to a Child Support logon ID. Also, instances of the 745 worker-generated alert being used for social conversation have been noted. The intention of this bulletin is to reiterate the purpose and use of the CARES Alert System.

Control #: 97-17
Subject: Stepparent Assistance Under FIP
Issue Date: 9/5/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Under current AFDC regulations, there are 3 instances where a stepparent may be included in the assistance unit and receive a portion of the benefit.

Control #: 97-17
Subject: Enrollment of Customers in Healthchoice
Issue Date: 5/20/1997
Effective Date: 5/20/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA) Programs
Link to Document:

In April of 1996, the Maryland legislature passed Senate Bill 750. This bill directed the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) to employ managed care principles to promote patient-focused, accessible services to Medicaid customers and to create a "medical home" for Medicaid recipients through which all medical care will be delivered.

Control #: 97-18
Subject: Block Grant Reporting Requirements: Student/Education Data Fields
Issue Date: 6/26/1997
Effective Date: 6/26/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

The Federal Government requires all states that receive Block Grant funding to report specific information to them. They will impose sanctions if this information is not reported correctly. A review of CARES assistance units reveals that the educational demographic fields are not being completed correctly for many customers.

Control #: 97-18
Subject: Rent Subsidy As Income
Issue Date: 9/6/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
Link to Document:

In July, 1992, we began counting $45 of the rent subsidy received by customers who live in public housing, Section 8 housing, or FMHA Section 515 rental assistance as income. The change was made to reduce some of the disparity between customers who live in federally subsidized housing and customers who must pay market rate rent amounts. The $45 housing subsidy counted as unearned income is raised to $60. All rules regarding who is affected remain unchanged.

Control #: 97-19
Subject: Block Grant Reporting Requirements: New Reason Code for Case Closure Due to Marriage
Issue Date: 7/8/1997
Effective Date: 7/8/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

The Federal Government requires all states that receive Block Grant funding to report specific information to them. There may be federal sanctions if this information is not reported correctly.

Control #: 97-19
Subject: Naturalization Outreach To Noncitizens
Issue Date: 5/30/1997
Effective Date: 6/10/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

President Clinton directed federal agencies to take steps to promote naturalization outreach to noncitizens. The Food and Consumer Service (FCS) Mid-Atlantic Regional Office recently sent out a fact sheet about a final Immigration and Naturalization rule which was published March 19, 1997. The new rule provides procedures that facilitate the naturalization process for individuals with disablities which prevent them from completing the English and civics requirements. The FCS requested that the Fact Sheet be available to food stamp recipients in local departments.

Control #: 97-19
Subject: Deduction for Child Support Payments
Issue Date: 9/3/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Current policy does not permit paid child support as a deduction from income to determine eligibility and the benefit amount for TCA. Only when income was deemed to the unit, such as from a stepparent, was child support an available deduction. In order to encourage payment of child support and to have consistency in the income calculation, a deduction from income will be permitted for paid child support. The policy applies to members in a TCA assistance unit and to all food stamp households. For members outside an assistance unit whose inocme is considered, such as stepparents or ineligible aliens, a deduction for alimony is permitted in addition to the child support.

Control #: 97-20
Subject: Failure to Comply with Federal, State or Local Assistance Program Requirements
Issue Date: 9/3/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food Stamp Program regulations were amended to prohibit an increase in food stamp benefits when a household's benefit from another means-tested assistance program decreases because of a penalty imposed for intentionally failing to comply with a requirement fo the other program. The Food and Consumer Service (FCS) refers to this provision as the Riverside Rule.

Control #: 97-20
Subject: Excluded Income
Issue Date: 6/10/1997
Effective Date: 5/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

IMA Action Transmittal OPA 95-38 (revised), dated April 3, 1995, informed local departments of the income exclusion for payments received under the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 (NCSTA). This Information Memo provides clarification of the income exclusions under the Summer Youth Employment and Training Program of the Job Training and Partnership Act (JTPA) and comparable summer youth employment and training programs under AmeriCorps.

Control #: 97-21
Subject: Tel-Life Low Cost Phone Service
Issue Date: 6/30/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistancte (TEMHA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

In the 1997session the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation for Telephone Lifeline Services that replaces references to obsolete public assistance programs and updates the statue to reflect the current programs. Tel-life is low-cost discount services to anyone who lives in Maryland and receives the following:

Control #: 97-21
Subject: Family Investment Programm (FIP) Medical Assistance and Child Care Extensions
Issue Date: 9/3/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Progam (FIP) was passed by the Maryland General Assembly and is scheduled for full implementation by the end of 1996. DHR has received waivers for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and the Food Stamp (Food Stamp) programs to support to components of FIP.

Control #: 97-22
Subject: Eligibility Periods for Asylees
Issue Date: 6/30/1997
Effective Date: 6/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance
Link to Document:

This Information Memo informs staff how to determine the arrival dates of asylees when calculating their eligibility period. An asylees's period of eligibilty is computed from the date that individual entered the United States. The Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), considers the date of entry to be the date that asylum status was granted. The immigration document (I-94) states the date the asylum was granted.

Control #: 97-22 Revised
Subject: Child Care Option in Lieu of Temporary Cash Assistance
Issue Date: 4/21/1997
Effective Date: 4/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal revises POC information. The "in lieu of" process for the Medical Assistance Extension has not changed and is identical to the information in Action Transmittal 97-22 whicn was effective October 1, 1996.

Control #: 97-23
Subject: Family Investment Program Requirements
Issue Date: 9/3/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Food Stamps (FS) Medical Assistance (MA) Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG) Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC)
Link to Document:

As you are aware, Senate Bill 778, the Welfare Innovation Act of 1996, was passed by the Maryland Legislature and signed by Governor Glendening. This Maryland welfare reform initiative is called The Family Investment Program (FIP). The Family Investment Program will be implemented through a demonstration waiver approved by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or block grant.

Control #: 97-24
Subject: Application and Redetermination Process
Issue Date: 9/4/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Welfare Avoidance (WAG) Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC) Temporary Cash Assisntance (TCA) Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Attached is information on the processing of WAG, EAFC, TCA Applications, TCA Redeterminations, and Verifications under the Family Investment Program. FIP is effective October 1,1996. Control cases continue to follow the current AFDC regulations found in COMAR 07.03.01 and 07.03.02. The WAG program is for treatment/experimental cases only, and the EAFC requirements are statewide with no Control cases.

Control #: 97-25
Subject: Family Investment Program Requirements for Full-Family Sanction and Transitional Assistance
Issue Date: 9/5/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Project Independence (PI) program provides for individual sanctions for the person who fails to comply with PI. The remaining family members continue to be eligible for AFDC benefits. No extension of benefits is paid to a sanctioned person beyond the effective date of the sanction. The Family Investment Program (FIP) was passed by the Maryland General Assembly and is scheduled for full implementation in October 1996. One of the provisions for implementation is a full-family sanction for non-compliance with work requirements with the possibility of transitional benefits paid to a third party.

Control #: 97-25 revised
Subject: Family Investment Program Requirements for Full-Family Sanction and Transitional Assistance
Issue Date: 11/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Project Independence (PI) program provides for individual sanctions for the person who fails to comply with PI. The remaining family members continue to be eligible for AFDC benefits. No extension of benefits is paid to a sanctioned person beyond the effective date of the sanction. The Family Investment Program (FIP) was passed by the Maryland General Assembly and is scheduled for full implementation in October 1996. One of the provisions for implementation is a full-family sanction for non-compliance with work requirements with the possibility of transitional benefits paid to a third party.

Control #: 97-26
Subject: Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) FY'97 Operatins
Issue Date: 9/20/1996
Effective Date: 11/4/1996
Program(s) Affected: All Family Investment Programs
Link to Document:

The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) will begin taking applications on November 4, 1996 for the 1996-1997 heating season. This transmittal will address the major MEAP-related issues that will affect local departments of social services this year. Please take special note of Part E: "EAFC Interface with MEAP and USPP", Part F: MEAP Outreach through Cooperation Efforts of FIA and LDSSs, and the "Action Required" section at the end of this transmittal.

Control #: 97-27
Subject: Hearings and Appeals
Issue Date: 9/20/1996
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: All Family Investment Programs
Link to Document:

Requests for appeals made to the local department are forwarded to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within 5 working days of receipt. That office schedules a hearing date. The local department is responsible for submitting a summary of facts regarding the appeal to OAH and the customer, attempting to resolve the appeal before the scheduled hearing, and attending the hearing. The Office of Planning, Legislation, and Innovation (OPLI) has advised us of the impact Department of Human Resources vs. Thompson, a decision by the Court of Special Appeals, is having on the manner in which administrative law judges (Aws) decide 4 appeals. The case involved the acceptance of additional information at the appeal hearing and the use of that information to decide the "ultimate issue" The "ultimate issue" is the specific issue that was appealed . ALJs no longer simply determine whether or not the local department correctly applied statutes, regulations, and policy, but will examine the local department's decision and all information relevant to that decision to determine the correct decision. ALJs may consider additional evidence or information the customer presents at the hearing that has a bearing on the appeal. This includes evidence or information that may not have been available to the local department when it made its decision. If, the ALJ believes that additional evidence or information received may warrant a finding in favor of the customer, the ALJ will usually offer to remand the case to the local department to make a final determination regarding the issue.

Control #: 97-28
Subject: Food Stamp Mass Change - October 1996 and Change in Homeless Shelter Estimate
Issue Date: 9/20/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. Because of the uncertainty of federal welfare reform legislation, the Food and Consumer Service delayed issuing the information to states. The Food Stamp Program provisions of Public Law 104- 193 , the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 was signed by the President on August 22, 1996. Effective October 1, 1996, the net and gross monthly income standards will increase. The maximum allotments will also increase slightly. The excess shelter deduction and standard deduction will not change. The homeless household shelter estimate no longer applies.

Control #: 97-29
Subject: Purchase of Child Care and Family Investment Forms Consolidation
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

The responsibility of determining eligibility for the Purchase of Care Program has been transferred to the Family Investment Administration. It became apparent that there was a need to merge the forms used by the FIA workers to enable them to accomplish the additional tasks. Attached are draft forms modifications designed by the POCEIA Forms Consolidation Workgroup.

Control #: 97-30
Subject: new Mandatory Field on AIMS
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 9/30/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

On September 14, 1996 a simulated mass modification will be done in AIMS for system changes resulting from the implementation of the Family Investment Program (FP). As a result of the mass modification, there will be a new mandatory field requirement on the AIMS.

Control #: 97-31
Subject: Child Support and Fraud Sanctions
Issue Date: 1/13/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The AFDC program sanctioned the caretaker relative for non-compliance with child support requirements. The children in the unit remained eligible for benefits. The caretaker relative was also sanctioned for an International Program Violation (IPV) decision made by a court of law. The rest of the unit remained eligible for benefits.

Control #: 97-32
Subject: Student Earnings
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Case Assistance
Link to Document:

The Mickey Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act increased the age for exclusion of student earned income. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, reduced it.

Control #: 97-33
Subject: Expedited Food Stamp Benefits
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

One of the food stamp provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, increases the expedited time frames and removes a category of households which are entitled to receive expedited service.

Control #: 97-34
Subject: Combined Food Stamp Allotments
Issue Date: 10/11/1996
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Food stamp provisions of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, allowed several state options. The issuance of combined allotments is now a state option. Action transmittals IMA OPA # 94-19, #95-13, and #95-46 are obsolete. CARES Alert #96-8 is also obsolete.

Control #: 97-35
Subject: Household Composition
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The food stamp provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 signed by President Clinton on August 22, 1996, deletes a current rule that permitted minor children to be separate food stamp households in some situations. Action Transmittal IMA OPA #95-42 is obsolete.

Control #: 97-36
Subject: Proration of Benefits
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Mickey Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act eliminated the proration of food stamp benefits at recertification. Federal welfare reform now requires proration after any break in certification. Action Transmittal OPA 95-05 is obsolete.

Control #: 97-37
Subject: Energy Assistance
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A food stamp provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, changes the treatment of the Energy Heating Need portion of the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) grant.

Control #: 97-38
Subject: Licensed Vehicles
Issue Date: 10/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

As a result of Food Stamp provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (H.R. 3734), the treatment of licensed vehicles was changed slightly. The food stamp waiver to exclude one vehicle per household, which was requested as part of the Family Investment Program, was not approved as originally requested. The vehicle exclusion will only apply to Temporary Cash Assistance households. This transmittal provides the new food stamp policy and clarification of how to handle vehicles in TCA/FS households.

Control #: 97-39
Subject: Update of food Stamp Manual Section 403
Issue Date: 10/15/1996
Effective Date: 10/15/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal W O P A #96-37 was issued April 30, 1996. It advised of the USDA Food and Consumer Services (FCS) request to update the Client Rights and Responsibilities section of the Food Stamp Manual. The Action Transmittal IMA/ O P A #96-37 REVISED was issued July 25, 1996. It made IMA/O P A #96-37 obsolete. Due to printing errors, pages were omitted from IMA O P A #96-37 REVISED, rendering it useless. This FIA/OPA Action Transmittal replaces and obsoletes IMA O P A #96-37 REVISED.

Control #: 97-40
Subject: Medical Assistance -$50 Child Support Disregard
Issue Date: 10/9/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

In determining Medical Assistance eligibility, the first $50 of monthly child support payments is desregarded in determining financial eligibility.

Control #: 97-41
Subject: Immigrants
Issue Date: 5/22/1997
Effective Date: 5/13/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Provisions of the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), change the eligibility of immigrants for the Food Stamp Program.

Control #: 97-44
Subject: New Policies in Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Issue Date: 11/1/1996
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: PAA
Link to Document:

The purpose of this Information Memo is to inform staff of changes in PAA policy to achieve compliance with TCA, MA and TEMHA policy. Also, the current PAA payment levels are presented below for your information.

Control #: 97-45
Subject: Family Investment Program Action Transmittals
Issue Date: 11/1/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance Food Stamps Medical Assistance Child Care Child Support
Link to Document:

Recently, action transmittals were issued to explain FIP and the action(s) to be taken for the implementation, administration, and operation of FIP and all related programs. Some of these transmittals need to be updated due to errors, additions or clarification of the requirements.

Control #: 97-46
Subject: 1997 Benefit Issuance Schedules and Cut-Off Dates
Issue Date: 10/30/1996
Effective Date: 1/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The benefit issuance schedules for Temporary Cash Assistance and for Food Stamps during 1997 for the AIMS system and the CARES system are attached. Also attached is the schedule for the 1997 cut-off dates for AIMS and for CARES.

Control #: 97-47
Subject: Homeless Households
Issue Date: 11/13/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 changes slightly the definition of who is homeless.

Control #: 97-48
Subject: Providing Information to Law Enforcement Officers
Issue Date: 11/22/1996
Effective Date: 12/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and the Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliaiton Act of 1996 require that certain information be made available to law enforcement officers.

Control #: 97-49
Subject: Certification Periods
Issue Date: 11/22/1996
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, permits states more flexibility in assigning certification periods.

Control #: 97-49 Revised
Subject: Certification Periods
Issue Date: 5/28/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, permits states more flexibility in assigning certification periods. In order to accommodate year 2000 processing limitation revised CARES procedures were developed and are outlined in this Action Transmittal.

Control #: 97-50
Subject: Work Requirements
Issue Date: 11/22/1996
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A food stamp provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 increases the penalties for individuals who fail to comply with work requirements. Additionally, one of the food stamp waivers reduces the age at which a child exempts a parent of caretaker from food stamp work rules.

Control #: 97-51
Subject: Food Stamp Waivers
Issue Date: 11/20/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

As part of the Family Investment Program (FIP) food stamp waivers were requested from the Food and Consumer Service. The purpose of the waivers was to simplify policy and to make it consistent with Temporary Cash Assistance. The food stamp waivers are approved statewide for both public assistance and non-public assistance food stamp cases through June 30, 1997. No control cases will be selected.

Control #: 97-52
Subject: Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI)
Issue Date: 11/15/1996
Effective Date: 1/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Under federal welfare legislation, Maryland has the option to continue PPI as part of the Family Investment Program (FIP), rather than under a waiver. Accordingly, the Primary Prevention Initiative demonstration waiver will end on January 1,1997, although the evaluation activities will continue until June 1997. The first step will be to convert the control case designator in the AIMS and CARES to an experimental designator on November 1,1996. The next step will be incorporating the PPI requirements at the next redetermination. This Action Transmittal will explain that process and introduce two new policies pertaining to all customers.

Control #: 97-53
Subject: Age Requirement
Issue Date: 11/26/1996
Effective Date: 12/9/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Under AFDC regulations a child met the technical factor of age if under 18. A child who was a full time student in sedcondary school or an equivalent program was eligible if the child would graduate before the 19th birthday. Under the waiver, a child met eligibility if under the age of 18 or if a full time student who would graduate within the calendar year that he turns 19.

Control #: 97-54
Subject: TCA Certification End Dates
Issue Date: 11/26/1996
Effective Date: 12/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

In AIMS jurisdictions, TCA cases were entered on the system without a certification end date. End dates were used in cash cases such as GPA-PW and TEMHA.

Control #: 97-55
Subject: New State Residents (Inter-State Migration)
Issue Date: 11/26/1996
Effective Date: 12/9/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

There is is no residency requirement in Maryland. Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits are available to eligible customers who move from another state and take up residence in Maryland. This transmittal outlines the procedure for handling elgibility and payment for applicants who move to Maryland.

Control #: 97-56
Subject: New Penalties & Disqualifications
Issue Date: 11/29/1996
Effective Date: 12/9/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, increased the types of violations which would result in disqualifications from the Food Stamp Program and the length of penalties. PRWORA also has penalties which are new to Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Food Stamps (FS).

Control #: 97-57
Subject: Family Investment Program (FIP) Requirements for Reporting Absences of Children
Issue Date: 11/29/1996
Effective Date: 12/9/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program had a variable time period which determined limited absence. However, any absence longer than one year for a child and any absence longer than 3 months for a caretaker relative needed to be reviewed by a case manager. Eligibility for AFDC continued for the child/caretaker relative during periods of limited absence from home. The same allowable limited absence still exist.

Control #: 97-58
Subject: Correction of FIA/OPA #97-45
Issue Date: 12/2/1996
Effective Date: 10/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance; Food Stamps; Medical Assistance; Child Care; Child Support
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-45 was issued to provide corrected pages for previously issued FIP transmittals. During the process of approving and printing the transmittal, the replacement pages were taken out of order. This Action Transmittal provides corrected pages.

Control #: 97-59
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-of-Living Increases, and Related Increases
Issue Date: 12/2/1996
Effective Date: 1/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: All Categories or Public Assistance, Food Stamps, Non Public Assistance, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. Generally, to take these changes into account for grant and food stamps purposes, the affected cases are processed according to mass change procedures as described herein. For medical purposes, the impact of these benefit increases is also described in this Action Transmittal.

Control #: 97-60
Subject: Work Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents
Issue Date: 11/29/1996
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A food stamp provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, impses a strict work requirement on any able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD).

Control #: 97-61
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance Time Limits
Issue Date: 11/29/1996
Effective Date: 12/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

One of the major goals of the Family Investment Program (FIP) is to move customers from dependency to independence in the quickest manner possible. State legislation, Senate Bill 778, provides for time limits to receive TCA if Federal legislation imposes time limits. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 did establish time limits. This action transmittal delineates the time limits that will be used to ensure the customer's transition from TCA to independence, primarily through employment.

Control #: 97-62
Subject: Minor Custodial Parent and Educational Requirement
Issue Date: 12/2/1996
Effective Date: 12/9/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 included two new requirements for minor parents. Maryland had already implemented the requirement that minor parents live with a parent or other adult representative. This action transmittal outlines the policy regarding minor custodial parents and school attendance.

Control #: 97-63
Subject: Food Stamp Mass Change - Excess Shelter Deduction
Issue Date: 12/4/1996
Effective Date: 1/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 increases the excess shelter cap effective January 1, 1997.

Control #: 97-65
Subject: Quality Control 16 Procedures
Issue Date: 12/2/1996
Effective Date: 12/2/1996
Program(s) Affected: All Programs Subject to Quality Control Review
Link to Document:

Quality Control (QC) and the Division of Management Support (DMS) monitor all QC 16 forms that indicate an error discovered during the review process. Local departments are to respond to all QC 16s error forms the date on the transmittal letter and specify the corrective and recoupment/recovery plan as appropriate.

Control #: 97-66
Subject: Data Tracking Requirements for Work Programs
Issue Date: 12/24/1996
Effective Date: 12/24/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Work Programs and Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET) Programs
Link to Document:

In connection with the work requirements imposed by federal legislation, Maryland has developed minimum standards for each local office's collection and maintenance of data on the work activities in which their Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers and Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET) program work registrants participate. Most of the details about the data collection systems used to track work activities can be found in the PI MIS Manual published in February 1996 and in the FSET MIS Technical Assistance Guide, published in April 1996. The standards listed below are the general guidelines on data collection and data entry that have been previously articulated by staff of the Division of Work Opportunities in papers, letters, meetings and phone conversations.

Control #: 97-66 Revised
Subject: Data Tracking Requirements for Work Programs
Issue Date: 2/14/1997
Effective Date: 2/14/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Work Programs and Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET) Programs
Link to Document:

This transmittal replaces #97-66 issued December 24, 1996, which was printed without pages 4 and 6 of the Activitiy Codes.

Control #: 97-67
Subject: Work Requirements Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (Federal Welfare Reform)
Issue Date: 12/24/1996
Effective Date: 12/24/1996
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Under the federal welfare reform legislation, States must meet three different, yet related sets of "work" requirements.

Control #: 97-69
Subject: Overissuances
Issue Date: 1/16/1997
Effective Date: 1/16/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 changed the rules for collecting food stamp claims against households and the calculation of an overissuance due to failure to report earned income.

Control #: 97-70
Subject: Increase in the Minimim Wage
Issue Date: 1/2/1997
Effective Date: 1/2/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Public Law 104-188 provided an increase in the minimum wage from $4.25 to $4.75 for hours worked on or after October 1, 1996. Food Stamp Program change reporting rules require households to report changes in the amount of gross monthly income of more than $25 within 10 days of the date the change becomes known. The Food and Consumer Service has provided states with a waiver to change the date that the change in income has to be reported.

Control #: 97-71
Subject: Medical Assistance Extensions, Work Requirement Exemptions, and Stepparent Clarifications
Issue Date: 1/17/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA ) and Food Stamps (FS)
Link to Document:

Medical Assistance Extensions were provided for up to twelve months when earned income was overscalse or the primary wage earner returned to work. If an absent parent returned to the home and was employed, the case was closed due to no deprivation and the medical assistance extension was not given. A caretaker was exempt from the work requirements indefinitely when providing care for a child under age three. Questions have been raised in these areas concerning the new policies.

Control #: 97-72
Subject: TEMHA Policy Update
Issue Date: 2/1/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) was implemented effective July 1, 1995, and updated to TEMHA II in January 1996. Subsequent to TEMHA II, some additional policies have been added for clarification.

Control #: 97-73
Subject: Interagency Agreements for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Customers Attending JTPA Training
Issue Date: 1/15/1997
Effective Date: 1/15/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

During the 1996 legislative session, the State Legislature recognized that placing Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers into unsubsidized jobs will require a coordinated effort involving agencies outside the Department of Human Resources (DHR). Specifically, the Legislature recognized the value of Service Delivery Area (SDA) agency efforts in preparing Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers for employment. In one of the notes attached to budget legislation, the State Legislature asked the Governor's Work Force Investment Board (GWIB), in cooperation with the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation and the Department of Human Resources, to study the use of federal Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) incentive funds to encourage greater emphasis by SDAs on moving TCA customers to work. Under the incentive policy which was developed, SDAs will be rewarded (with approximately $125,000 of reserved JTPA funds) for exceeding their required placement level for TCA customers. Note also that the federal JTPA legislation continues to require SDAs to serve a sizeable number of welfare recipients in their Title IIA (Disadvantaged Adults) program each year as a maintenance of effort provision.

Control #: 97-74
Subject: Option to Terminate Temporary Cash Assistance for Child Care and Medical Assistance
Issue Date: 1/15/1997
Effective Date: 1/15/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance and Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

One goal of the Family Investment Program (FIP) is to help families independent of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA). Another goal is to give families the opportunity to use alternatives to TCA whenever possible because every month that a benefit is received counts toward the time limits.

Control #: 97-74 Revised
Subject: Option to Terminate Temporary Cash Assistance for Child Care
Issue Date: 4/21/1997
Effective Date: 4/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal revises POC information. The process for opting to terminate Temporary Cash Assistance for medical assistance has not changed and is identical to the information in Action Transmittal 97-74 which was effective January 15, 1997.

Control #: 97-75
Subject: Changes in Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Policy
Issue Date: 1/15/1997
Effective Date: 1/15/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Applicants for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments must usually wait several months before they are approved to receive payment. The first payment has been a lump-sum amount that included retroactive payments back to the date of application for the SSI benefits. The lump-sum amount for the retroactive payment was counted as a nonrecurring lump-sum payment and excluded as income for food stamps because it was always given in one payment. When the individual had signed the Interim Assistance Reimbursement (IAR) and received DALP/TEMHA prior to being awarded SSI, the first check was sent tot he local department. The agency would then reimburse itself from the retroactive SSI check in to the amount that they had expanded in public assistance benefits. The remaining portion of the customer's SSI check in to the amount that they had expended in public assistance benefits. The remaining portion of the customer's SSI was then forwarded to the customer within 10 days.

Control #: 97-76
Subject: Payment Standards from Other States
Issue Date: 1/17/1997
Effective Date: 1/17/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

One of the new Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) provisions affects customers who have resided in Maryland less than 12 months. The lesser of the payment standard from the prior state or the payment standard from Maryland is the benefit amount to be paid to this assistance unit.

Control #: 97-76 Revised
Subject: Payment Standards from Other States
Issue Date: 9/30/1997
Effective Date: 9/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

One of the new Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) provisions affects customers who have resided in Maryland less than 12 months. The lesser of the payment standard from the prior state or the payment standard from Maryland is the benefit amount to be paid to this assistance unit. Once the customer has resided in Maryland for longer than 12 months, the assistance unit is entitled to the payment standard applicable to Maryland.

Control #: 97-77
Subject: Domestic Violence Screening
Issue Date: 1/23/1997
Effective Date: 1/23/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) allows the option to screen applicants and recipients for the occurrence of domestic violence. The option also allows the State to waive certain requirements where compliance with such requirements would make it more difficult for individuals receiving assistance to escape such violence. Recognizing the fact that domestic violence may impact on the ability of the customer to successfully become independent, Maryland selected this option.

Control #: 97-78
Subject: Child Specific Benefit
Issue Date: 1/21/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Child Support Enforcement
Link to Document:

The Office of Policy Administration has revised the original procedure for issuing benefits under the Child Specific Benefit (CSB) provision. The policy has been simplified and the process for determining the CSB benefit streamlined. The primary purpose of the CSB initiative is to provide a benefit which is paid separtely from other TCA benefits for a household when a child is born 10 months or more after the head of household was informed of the CSB provision.

Control #: 97-79
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps
Issue Date: 2/21/1997
Effective Date: 3/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal confirms the March 1997 implementation of a 1.1 percent payment increase for Temporary Cash Assistance applicants and recipients.

Control #: 97-80
Subject: Failure to Comply with Federal, State or Local Assistance Program Requirements
Issue Date: 3/1/1997
Effective Date: 3/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This transmittal replaces Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-20 which was issued September 3, 1996, and the corrected pages included in FIA/OPA 97-45 issued November 1, 1996. The transmittals informed local departments of an amendment to food stamp regulations to prohibit an increase in food stamp benefits when a household's benefit from another means-tested assistance program decreased because of a penalty imposed for intentionally failing to comply with a requirement of the other program. This was referred to as the Riverside Rule. As a result of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), the policy changed slightly.

Control #: 97-81
Subject: Waivers to the Work Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents
Issue Date: 3/27/1997
Effective Date: 3/27/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-60, issued November 29, 1996, informed local departments of the new work requirement for able-bodied adults without dependent children (ABAWDS). A waiver request to exempt jurisdictions from the work requirement was submitted to the Food and Consumer Service (FCS) December 31, 1996. The waiver requested exemptions from the requirement in three parts.

Control #: 97-82
Subject: Standard Utility Allowance - Switching
Issue Date: 4/1/1997
Effective Date: 4/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, requires that in states without a mandatory standard utility allowance, households are allowed to switch between actual expenses and the standard utility allowance (SUA) only at recertification.

Control #: 97-83
Subject: National Voter Registration Act Activities
Issue Date: 4/21/1997
Effective Date: 4/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal supplements and enhances the provisions of FIA-OQA Action Transmittal 96-22, dated December 18, 1996. This transmittal restated the NVRA voter registration requirements and explained the process local department of social services are to follow when reporting NVRA activities. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) became effective on January 1, 1995. The intent of NVRA is to increase the number of citizens registered to vote by greatly expanding the opportunity for persons to register to vote through newly designated voter registration agencies. The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) is the primary public agency offering voter registration, thus the use of the term "Motor Voter Act". The law designates state public assistance offices as voter registration agencies, consequently FIA is responsible to implement NVRA in accordance with the stated guidelines.

Control #: 97-84
Subject: Adoption Subsidy Payments
Issue Date: 5/2/1997
Effective Date: 5/2/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Adoption subsidy payments are made on behalf of adopted children who have special needs. There have been occasions where the adoptive parent needed to file for assistance for themselves and remaining family members. The regulation for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) does not specifically mention adoption subsidy payments.

Control #: 97-85
Subject: Pregnant Women and Children's (PWC) and Maryland Kids Count (MKC) Programs Application-DHMH 1158D
Issue Date: 6/10/1997
Effective Date: 6/10/1997
Program(s) Affected: PWC/Maryland Kids Count
Link to Document:

Presently, the local departments of social services, local health departments, initial processing sites and presumptive eligibility sites are using the DHR/FIA/CARES 9704, DHMH 1158D or DHR/FIA/CARES 9710 paper applications for PWC/Maryland Kids Count determinations if the case is not processed directly in CARES. In addition to the application, the Fraud statement (DHR/FIA 401A), Insurance Reporting Form (DHMH 2583), Assignment of Support Rights (DHR/FIA 903), Citizenship/Alienage Declaration (DHR/FIA 379) and Recoveries form (DHMH 1169) may need to be completed based on the individual circumstance. The implementation of the Maryland Medicaid 1115 Waiver, which was approved by the federal government and the Legislature in November 1996, requires a new simplified application be developed.

Control #: 97-86
Subject: Purchase of Child Care Eligibility and Open Service Cases
Issue Date: 6/10/1997
Effective Date: 5/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care; Child Protective Services, Intensive Family Services; Families Now Levels I-III, Kinship Care
Link to Document:

Before June 1, 1996, children with open child welfare services cases were given first priority for service in the Purchase of Child Care (POC) program. On June 1, 1996, POC regulations were effective that removed children with open service cases in Child Protective Services (CPS), Intensive Family Services (IFS), Family Now Levels I, II, III, or Kinship Care from POC eligibility. This action transmittal provides clarification regarding the policy.

Control #: 97-87
Subject: General Public Assistance-Pregnant Women Program Elimination
Issue Date: 5/31/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps
Link to Document:

General Public Assistance for Pregnant Women (GPA-PW) pays benefits to needy pregnant women who are ineligible for any other State or federal category of direct cash assistance payments. Pregnant women who have no other children can receive $125 a month GPA-PW from the time pregnancy is medically verified through the fifth month of pregnancy.

Control #: 97-88
Subject: Mandatory Rent Vendor Program
Issue Date: 6/9/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

In 1995, the Maryland General Assembly approved a law that required all public housing residents who received Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and had a rent arrearage of 30 days or more to participate in the Mandatory Rent Vendor Payment Program at the request of the Housing Authority. Only recipients whose sole income was AFDC could participate in the program. Under the original legislation, the program was to be in effect for two years. Action Transmittal 95-61 dated July 10, 1995 delineated policy and procedures regarding this Mandatory Rent Vendor Payment program.

Control #: 97-89
Subject: Child Specific Benefit (CSB)
Issue Date: 6/9/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Child Support Enforcement
Link to Document:

Senate Bill 499, the Welfare Innovation Act of 1997, revised the child support retention procedure for CSB children associated with TCA cases. Current procedures in FIA Action Transmittal 97-78 require the deduction of child support payments made specifically for the CSB child from the CSB benefit to determine theh proper benefit to be paid. The agency did not retain the child support payment but instead passed it through to the TCA customer on behalf of the CSB child. Additionally, the worker counted teh CSB child support payment in full when calculating Food Stamp benefits for the household.

Control #: 97-90
Subject: Earned Income Disregard
Issue Date: 5/31/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Currently 20% of an employed individual's regular earnings are disregarded and 50% of their earnings are disregarded if self employed. The 50% allowance includes the cost to produce income.

Control #: 97-91
Subject: Community Spouse Minimum Maintenance Monthly Needs Standard and the Shelter Allowance Increase
Issue Date: 6/30/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Health Care Financing Administration has announced an increase in the community spouse minimum maintenance monthly needs standard (MMMNS) and the shelter allowance effective July 1, 1997. Deducting MMMNS from the income of the institutionalized person enables the spouse to be maintained in the community. The MMMNS applies only to a legal spouse, including a spouse from whom the institutionalized person was separated prior to the institutionalization.

Control #: 98-01
Subject: Invalid District Office Codes
Issue Date: 10/16/1997
Effective Date: 10/16/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

EBT has rejected several cases from receiving food stamp benefits due to invalid District Office Codes (153-Children's Help Center, 165-Center Point, 411-Holly Center and 412-Finance Center). Because individuals in state institutions are not eligible for food stamps, EBT does not recognize the DO code associated with the institution. When the head of household is transferred to a state institution district office, any assistance units (with or without other members) follow the new district office and as a result do not have access to their food stamp benefits.

Control #: 98-01
Subject: Child and Adult Care Food Program Verificaiton Form Interim Procedure
Issue Date: 7/11/1997
Effective Date: 7/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) established a two-tier system for assigning rates of reimbursement to family day care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). One of the provisions allows a family day care provider to qualify for the higher rate of reimbusement if they receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Food Stamp benefits. They must verify this.

Control #: 98-01
Subject: Voluntary Request to Close Case Form
Issue Date: 8/26/1997
Effective Date: 8/26/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program, Food Stamps, Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
Link to Document:

In our attempt to reduce errors and make it convenient for customers to close a specific benefit or their entire case, we are initiating a Voluntary Request to Close Case Form procedure. The usage of this form by local departments is completely voluntary. However, other states have used this form with a degree of success and this technique has been shared at several training conferences including conferences sponsored by USDA/FCS.

Control #: 98-01 Revised
Subject: Voluntary Request to Close Case Form (IDHR/FIA 1810)
Issue Date: 9/15/1997
Effective Date: 9/15/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program, Food Stamps, Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA), Public Assistance to Adults (PA)
Link to Document:

This FIA Information Memo has been revised to include the form number for the Voluntary Request to Close Case Form.

Control #: 98-02
Subject: Pharmacy Assistance Processing
Issue Date: 10/2/1997
Effective Date: 10/2/1997
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
Link to Document:

The CARES Special Procedure has been developed in response to requests from local departments on how to correctly process Pharmacy Assistance when approving TEMHA cases. TEMHA recipients are currently enrolled in Maryland Pharmacy Assistance by forwarding a completed 8000 to DHMH.

Control #: 98-02
Subject: FIA Exprectations in Managing the Workload
Issue Date: 8/22/1997
Effective Date: 8/22/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal OPSDS 92-45 dated May 26, 1992 identified priorities in managing the workload for Family Investment Programs. Federal and State mandates require that each workload task associate with Family Investment Programs be completed in a timely manner. In light of these mandates, Action Transmittal OPSDS 92-45 date May 26, 1992 is NO LONGER IN EFFECT.

Control #: 98-02
Subject: Redeterminations of Medical Assistance Eligibility for Individuals (inlcuding SSI children) Who Lose SSI Benefits
Issue Date: 7/18/1997
Effective Date: 7/18/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

On August 22, 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliaton Act of 1996 (PRWORA) changed the definition for children under the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. For all new claims filed on or after the enactment of the new law, the new definition of disability for children requires a child to have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which results in marked and severe funtional limitations, which is expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for at least 12 months. A child may not be considered disabled if he or she is substantially employed. In addition, the law mandates that maladaptive behavior as a medical criteria may not be used in evaluating mental disabilities in children. The Social Security Administration (SSA) must also complete Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) on the cases of all children currently receiving SSI to determine whether they meet the new definition of disability by August 22, 1997. SSA has already sent notifications to all children who may be potentially affected.

Control #: 98-03
Subject: Social Security Claim Number
Issue Date: 10/10/1997
Effective Date: 10/10/1997
Program(s) Affected: QMB
Link to Document:

The CIS Testing Facility (CTF) has been notified by DHMH that eligibility workers are not properly entering the Social Security claim number on the UINC screen for QMB, SLMB, and MA Assistance Units.

Control #: 98-03
Subject: The National Voter Registration Act
Issue Date: 9/5/1997
Effective Date: 9/5/1997
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Until programming changes are completed on CARES to include the response Took Home, staff are to use a No response on the DEM 2 screen whenever a customer, present at the face to face application or reconsideration interview, or to report an address change, opts to take the Voter Registration Application form home. If the worker were to respond with a Yes on the DEM 2 screen, the Voter Registration Site Coordinator would expect to receive a completed Voter Registration Application form.

Control #: 98-03
Subject: Income Exclusion
Issue Date: 7/28/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Public Law 104-204, dated September 26, 1996, requires that the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs pay allowances to children of Vietnam veterans who are born with spina bifida. The law provides for monthly allowances, based on the degree of disability suffered by the child. The allowance amounts range from $200 per month for the lowest level of disability prescribed, to $700 for the intermediate level and $1,200 for the highest level. The effective date of these allowances is October 1, 1997.

Control #: 98-03 Revised
Subject: Social Security Claim Number
Issue Date: 10/29/1997
Effective Date: 10/29/1997
Program(s) Affected: QMB
Link to Document:

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has advised us that case managers are not properly entering the Social Security claim number on the UINC screen for QMB, SLMB, PAA and MA Assistance Units.

Control #: 98-04
Subject: Invalid District Office Codes
Issue Date: 11/3/1997
Effective Date: 11/3/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps/Public Assistance
Link to Document:

EBT has rejected several cases from receiving food stamp benefits and Public Assistance due to invalid District Codes (153-Children's Help Center, 165-Center Point, 411-Holly Center and 412-Finance Center). Because individuals in state institutions are not eligible for food stamps/public assistance EBT does not recognize the DO code associated with the institution. When the head of household is transferred to a state institution district office, any assistance units (with or without other members) follow the new district office and as a result do not have access to their food stamp/public assistance benefits.

Control #: 98-04
Subject: CARES/IEVS Matching Alert Notices
Issue Date: 12/12/1997
Effective Date: 12/12/1997
Program(s) Affected: All
Link to Document:

The federal government has stipulated that each state must have an Income & Eligibility Verification Systems (IEVS) which performs interfaces with various agencies. Since CARES implementation, these reports have not been generated for CARES counties.

Control #: 98-04
Subject: Change Reporting Waiver
Issue Date: 8/18/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently, the Food and Consumer Service approved a waiver to the change reporting requirements. We requested the waiver in an effort to reduce errors in cases with fluctuating earned income.

Control #: 98-05
Subject: The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
Issue Date: 7/31/1997
Effective Date: 7/31/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal updates the information on the National and Community Service Trust of 1993, and OBSOLETES the Action Transmittal OPA 95-38 Revised that was issued on April 3, 1995.

Control #: 98-05 Revised
Subject: The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
Issue Date: 9/12/1997
Effective Date: 9/12/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal updates the information on the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, and OBSOLETES the Action Transmittal OPR 98-05 that was issued on July 31, 1997. A line in the margin notes the revisions.

Control #: 98-06
Subject: Spenddown Eligibility Procedure
Issue Date: 10/24/1997
Effective Date: 10/24/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Spenddown eligibility considers those paid or unpaid bills for medical care which are recognized under State law and are or will be the obligation of the applicant. The CARES procedure for MA assistance units requesting spenddown eligibility consideration requires the entry of countable medical expenses and recalculation of spenddown results. It has been brought to our attention that the currently programmed procedure for processing spenddown is not appropriately capturing incurred medical expenses both paid and unpaid so that the system can correctly reduce the spenddown amount.

Control #: 98-06
Subject: Intentional Program Violations-Manual Page
Issue Date: 8/28/1997
Effective Date: 9/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This transmittal is to issue a replacement Food Stamp Manual page and does not include new policy. Information about the new and increased penalties resulting from the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 was presented in Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-56. Food stamp manual pages were sent at that time. Section 480.3 contains obsolete information and the penalties for felony drug convictions was left out.

Control #: 98-07
Subject: 1998 Mass District Office Caseload Reassignment Schedule
Issue Date: 12/11/1997
Effective Date: 12/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

The Office of Information Management (OIM) will run the Mass District caseload reassignment on the third processing weekend of each month. Local departments must submit all caseload reassignment requests using form (DHR/CARES 9400.26) by close of business on the second Friday of the month. Any caseload reassignment forms received after the second Friday of the month, will not be entered until the following month. OIM will run the caseload reassignment on the third processing weekend of each month. Caseload reassignment requires a substantial amount of processing time. Therefore, the reassignment must be run on a weekend. The system will be unavailable during this period of time. Please address all caseload reassignment forms to: Ruth Waugh, Maryland Department of Human Resources, Division of Program and Systems Support, 6th Floor, 311 W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.

Control #: 98-07
Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provisions
Issue Date: 8/21/1997
Effective Date: 8/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS), and Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

During its 1997 session, the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 499, The Welfare Innovation Act of 1997. Provisions of this bill set forth requirements for substance abuse screening and treatment for customers receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits under the Family Investment Program.

Control #: 98-08
Subject: Corrected FIA Action Transmittal
Issue Date: 8/28/1997
Effective Date: 8/28/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal corrects page 2 of Action Transmittal 97-22 Revised (Child Care in Lieu of Temporary Cash Assistance), dated April 21, 1997. It incorrectly states that a family is to be recertified for food stamps for 12 months without a face-to-face interview after the initial 3 month certification period, which would effectively give the family a 15-month certification period. The "in lieu of" procedure for the Medical Assistance extension and Purchase of Care as described in Action Transmittal 97-22 Revised has not changed.

Control #: 98-08
Subject: CARES Log Off Procedure
Issue Date: 11/5/1997
Effective Date: 11/5/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

When leaving at the end of the day it is necessary to log off of the system. If the system is not properly closed you cannot log on at a later time because the system thinks you are already logged on.

Control #: 98-09
Subject: Updated Clearing House Worker List
Issue Date: 12/11/1997
Effective Date: 12/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

Periodically the FIA Clearing House Worker List is updated to reflect the current staff performing this function.* The Division of Program and Systems Support (DPSS) should be notified in writing of any updates, corrections, or changes. The list will then be revised accordingly and reissued. See below for mailing address.

Control #: 98-09
Subject: State Verification Exchagne System (SVES)
Issue Date: 8/22/1997
Effective Date: 8/22/1997
Program(s) Affected: Disability Management Operations
Link to Document:

The Department of Human Resources will implement the State Verification Exchange System (SVES) statewide effective August 22, 1997. SVES is an automated IBM data exchange system with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verifying social security numbers (SSNs), Title II Social Security (OASDI) benefits and Title XVI Supplement Security Income (SSI) benefits. Requests for verification are data entered on-line during the day and batch processed to SSA that night (Monday through Friday). Responses are returned from SSA that same night and available the next day for on-line viewing.

Control #: 98-09
Subject: 1998 Poverty Levels
Issue Date: 3/17/1998
Effective Date: 3/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The Federal Poverty Income guidelines will increase effective March 1, 1998. The change will be completed in CARES on March 1, 1998. The seasonal disregard that was allowed for the months of January thru April will be removed from CARES effective April 30, 1998. The seasonal disregard is the amount of Social Security Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for the current year that is normally provided to Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) recipients through the month following the month in which the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are increased.

Control #: 98-10
Subject: Assistance Unit Composition
Issue Date: 8/31/1997
Effective Date: 8/31/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Program (FIP) provides assistance to families with children while preparing program participants for independence. Under FIP, assistance consists of services and cash assistance to eligible individuals, as well as work activities. Under the old Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Program, children had to be deprived due to absence, death, incapacitation or unemployment of one or both parents. Now both parents are expected to contribute to the support of their children. TCA is now available as a last resort.

Control #: 98-11
Subject: Food Stamp Mass Change - October 1997
Issue Date: 9/8/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. Effective October 1, 1997, the net and gross monthly income standards will increase. The maximum allotments will also increase slightly. The excess shelter deduction and standard deduction will not change. The homeless household shelter allowance also remains unchanged.

Control #: 98-11
Subject: Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) Grant Increase
Issue Date: 4/22/1998
Effective Date: 5/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
Link to Document:

The Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) is a State-funded inititative to provide essential medical, housing and other services to low-income disabled adults who are ineligible for other categories of assistance. TEMHA is a capped entitlement for eligible customers.

Control #: 98-12
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Payment Increases
Issue Date: 9/9/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal confirms the October 1997 implementation of a 2.9 percent payment increase for Temporary Cash Assistance applicants and recipients. Senate Bill 778 (Welfare Innovation Act of 1996) requires that the total of Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps be at leat 61% of the established Minimum Living Level. The established Minimum Living Level for State Fiscal ear 1998 is $1163 for a family of three. The key dates for actions related to the benefit increase for this program are noted below.

Control #: 98-13
Subject: New Hire Registry System
Issue Date: 10/1/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 1997, new federal and state laws require employers to report specific information on new employees to the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation within 20 days of the first day of work for the employee. A private vendor has been hired to collect this information and then forward and electronic new hire database file to DHR. FIA is requiring that this list of new hires be compared to the current FIA recipient files for potential matches.

Control #: 98-14
Subject: Pharmacy Assistance Processing
Issue Date: 12/30/1997
Effective Date: 12/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
Link to Document:

This CARES Special Procedure has been developed in response to requests from local departments on how to correctly process Pharmacy Assistance when approving and closing TEMHA cases. TEMHA recipients are currently enrolled in Maryland Pharmacy Assistance by forwarding a completed 8000 to DHMH.

Control #: 98-14
Subject: Discontinuing the PPI Right and Responsibility Form
Issue Date: 5/15/1998
Effective Date: 5/15/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

In January 1997, Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI) requirements for health and education were incorporated in the Family Investment Program (FIP). Accordingly, most forms and related processes pertaining to PPI were made obsolete. Since the PPI policies which have continued are part of FIP, it is no longer necessary to hae a separate PPI Rights and Responsibilities form. This Information Memo makes that form, the DHR/FIA/PPI/1126, obsolete.

Control #: 98-15
Subject: Verification of Forty Quarters for Legal Immigrants
Issue Date: 10/3/1997
Effective Date: 10/3/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 changed the food stamp eligibility criteria for legal immigrants. One of those criteria establishes eligibility for legal permanent residents who have 40 quarters of coverage through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Certification pending verification was allowed for all households who were considered likely to have 40 quarters of work until the SSA's Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS) was operational. QCHS is not currently operational. The projected implementation date is December, 1997. Effective immediately, local departments must request and obtain verifications of earnings from customers before determining eligibility for legal immigrants who claim 40 quarters of work.

Control #: 98-16
Subject: Treatment of Supplemental Security Income Lump Sum Payments When Disbursed in Installments
Issue Date: 9/30/1997
Effective Date: 9/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-75 provided information about a provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 that changed the way large Supplemental Security Income (SSI) lump sum payments are made. The provision requires installment payments for retroactive SSI payments that exceed 12 times the monthly Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) plus the monthly State supplement. After distribution of AT 97-75, the Food and Consumer Service provided a different interpretation of how to treat the lump sum installment payments in determining the food stamp benefit. This transmittal provides corrected and additional information about the treatment of SSI lump sum income paid in installments.

Control #: 98-17
Subject: Certification Process
Issue Date: 10/17/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, permits states more flexibility in assigning certification periods. This action transmittal replaces FIA/OPA 97-49 REVISED. CARES procedures have changed; definitions and AIMS procedures remain the same.

Control #: 98-18
Subject: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Work Activity Guidelines
Issue Date: 11/5/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
Link to Document:

The U.S. Department of Labor has released information regarding the application of the minimum wage provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on TANF work activities. The FLSA minimum wage provisions will apply to welfare recipients who are considered employees, rather than trainees.

Control #: 98-19
Subject: Social Security Numbers for Newborns
Issue Date: 11/10/1997
Effective Date: 11/10/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A final rule effective November 18, 1996 simplified several Food Stamp Program regulatory requirements and increased flexibility. This action transmittal explains the changes in social security number requirements for newborns.

Control #: 98-20
Subject: Immigrants
Issue Date: 11/27/1997
Effective Date: 11/27/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-41 informed local departments of social services of the change in eligibility of immigrant for the Food Stamp Program. The 1997 Balanced Budget Reconciliation Act added new categories of eligible individuals and some of the information in 97-41 is no longer applicable. This transmittal replaces AT 97-41. The new information is in bold print.

Control #: 98-21
Subject: Exemption from Providing Notice of Adverse Action
Issue Date: 12/12/1997
Effective Date: 12/12/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

A final rule, effective November 18, 1996, simplified several Food Stamp Program regulatory requirements and increased flexibility. This is one of several transmittals about the new policy and explains an option for an exemption from sending a Notice of Adverse Action when mail is returned to the local department.

Control #: 98-22
Subject: POC Eligibility for Qualified Aliens
Issue Date: 11/1/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: OPD/Child Care Administration
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsiblity and Work Opportunity Reconciliaton Act of 1996 (PRWORA), P.L. 104-193, restricts the access of certain categories of immigrants to specified Federal benefits, including some benefits administered b the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS). Section 403 of PRWORA bars most qualified aliens who enter the U.S. on or after enactment (Sugust 22, 1996) from eligibility for "Federally means-tested public benefits" for five years beginning on the date teh individual entered the United States with the qualified alien status. As defined in The Federal Register dated August 26, 1997, and effective immediately, HHS is interpreting "Federal means-tested public benefits" to included only those benefits provided under Federal means-tested, mandatory spending programs. The following HHS programs meet this definition: Medicaid (MA) and Temporary Cash Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Therefore no other HHS programs are "Federal means tested public benefits" for the purpose of PRWORA, and all qualified aliens regardless of when they entered the U.S. continue to be eligible to receive assistance and services under the Child Care and Department Fund, if they meet other program requirements.

Control #: 98-23
Subject: Preexisting Child Support Arrangements and Child Support Payment Deductions
Issue Date: 11/1/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

In October 1995 the pursuit of child support became a condition of eligibility for Purchase of Care (POC) applicants. Since that time several local departments have referred specific case situations to our attention regarding applicants receiving child support in a nonmonetary form as a part of informal arrangements or formal/legal arrangements (i.e., the absent parent pays the rent to the landlord in lieu of paying a monetary child support payment). Additionally, effective October 1, 1997, child support paid by POC recipient, or other member of the POC household, for child(ren) residing outside of the house, will be deducted from the gross income in determinng eligibility.

Control #: 98-24
Subject: 1998 Benefit Issuance Schedules and Cut-Off Dates
Issue Date: 12/17/1997
Effective Date: 1/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The benefit issuance schedules for Temporary Cash Assistance and for Food Stamps during 1998 for the AIMS system and the CARES system are attached. The 1998 cut-off dates for AIMS and CARES are also attached. The planned CARES implementation date for Baltimore City is March 1, 1998. Because of conversion and possible problems with specific cases, some cases may need to be carried on AIMS after this date. When Baltimore City has been completely converted to CARES, the AIMS schedules that are attached will become void and all jurisdictions will use the CARES schedules.

Control #: 98-25
Issue Date: 12/19/1997
Effective Date: 1/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: All Categories of Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Non Public Assistance Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. To take these changes into account for grant and food stamp purposes, process the affected cases according to mass change procedures as described herein. For medical assistance purposes, the impact of these benefit increases is also described in this Action Transmittal.

Control #: 98-26
Subject: Definition of Displacement and Local Grievance Procedure
Issue Date: 12/30/1997
Effective Date: 12/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 prohibits states from placing a Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customer in a work activity with an employer who has laid off or terminated a regular employee in order to fill the vacancy with the TCA customer.

Control #: 98-27
Subject: Work Activity Liability Issues
Issue Date: 1/5/1998
Effective Date: 1/5/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Program's primary goal is to assist TCA customers in achieving economic independence through employment. Local Departments have designed many different work activities to accomplish this goal. In any employment or training setting, there is a possibility that an accident will occur. When that happens, the State law provides guidelines for liability and worker compensation to protect the injured individual. This Action Transmittal discusses the State's worker compensation statute and how it is applied to ensure certain basic coverage for customers who are participating in work activities. Additionally, it will define and discuss different areas of liability and explain who is liable under various situations.

Control #: 98-28
Subject: Minimum and Maximum Spousal Resource Amount and Maximum Spousal Maintenance and Shelter Allowance
Issue Date: 1/5/1998
Effective Date: 1/5/1998
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The spousal impoverishment resource minimum and maximum and the spousal maintenance and shelter allowance will increase effective January 1, 1998. The minimum resource level will increase to $16,152. The maximum resource level will increase to $80,760. The long term care maximum maintenance and shelter allowance will increase to $2,019.

Control #: 98-29
Subject: Availability of Dental Services for TCA customers Participating in Work Activities
Issue Date: 1/12/1998
Effective Date: 1/12/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

For the last six years, The University of Maryland (UM) Dental School provided care to AFDC recipients who were participants of Maryland’s previous welfare-to-work program, Project Independence (PI). This program was quite effective in improving the facial appearance and self-esteem of selected PI participants, thereby improving their employability. During that time more than 700 recipients were treated. Care was provided by dental students at the school and the program was very cost effective. This extremely important resource is still available at UM Dental School.

Control #: 98-30
Subject: Family Violence Screening
Issue Date: 12/30/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) allows States the option to screen applicants and recipients for the occurrence of family violence. The option also allows States to waive certain requirements where compliance would make it difficult for individuals receiving assistance to escape such violence. Recognizing that family violence may affect the customer's ability to become independent, Maryland selected this option. This Action Transmittal replaces Action Transmittal 97-77, issued January 23, 1997.

Control #: 98-31
Subject: ISRQ Process
Issue Date: 7/8/1998
Effective Date: 7/8/1998
Program(s) Affected: EAFC
Link to Document:

Emergency Assistance procedures are very similar to working any other case. Four steps are required: Screening, Interviewing, Processing application months and Finalizing. All cases need an eligibility determination. Because an EA case also requires generating a vendor payment, the Financial Management Issuance component must be addressed. However, when the entire process is not completed thoroughly and/or timely, benefits are not properly issued.

Control #: 98-31
Subject: Aged Benefits on EBT
Issue Date: 1/13/1998
Effective Date: 1/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

In the past, auditors from the United States Department of Agriculture identified certain deficiencies in how local departments are handling aged benefits. In an effort to comply with audit findings and to streamline the process, we requested a Food and Consumer Service waiver which permits us to shorten the certification period when a household does not access food stamp benefits for more than 45 days after they were issued.

Control #: 98-32
Subject: Americans with Disabilities Act and Provider Payment Adjustments for Children with Disabling Conditions
Issue Date: 12/14/1997
Effective Date: 12/14/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

The Child Care Administration has in the past established a special subsidy rate for children with disabilities based on a market rate survey. This Action Transmittal addresses the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336), Sections 402 (g) & (I) of the Social Security Act, 28 CFR Part 36, on provider charges used to establish local market rates for child care for children with disabilities. To assure that the Department is not in violation of the ADA due to using costs reported by providers in market rate surveys that may have in the past included charges that are now disallowed, the Child Care Administration eliminated the special needs rate.

Control #: 98-33
Subject: The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
Issue Date: 2/9/1998
Effective Date: 2/9/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance, Purchase of Care and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal updates the information on the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, and OBSOLETES the Action Transmittal OPR 98-05 Revised that was issued on September 12, 1997. A line in the margin notes the revisions.

Control #: 98-34
Subject: Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS)
Issue Date: 2/12/1998
Effective Date: 2/12/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

As you know, one of the provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 establishes eligibility for immigrants who are lawfully admitted for permanent residence and have 40 quarters of work. Action Transmittal 98-15 provided information about how to verify the 40 quarters of work until the Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS) became operational. The QCHS is now operational. This action transmittal supersedes #97-15.

Control #: 98-35
Subject: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents New Waiver County and Policy Examples
Issue Date: 2/19/1998
Effective Date: 2/19/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On August 5, 1997, President Clinton signed the Balance Budget Act of 1997. The Act permits states to exempt up to 15 percent of able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS) from the work requirements. This 15 percent is in addition to our current waivers. The Food and Nutrition Service has informed us that our exemption allowance for federal fiscal year (FFY) 1998 is 515. This transmittal also includes information about the jurisdiction newly exempt from the ABAWD provisions based on the Department of Labor's determination of FFY 1998 labor surplus areas.

Control #: 98-36
Subject: Health and Safety Standards for Informal and Certified Providers
Issue Date: 11/1/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

Prior to August 24, 1996, informal providers were paid through Title IV-A and were not required to be registered or licensed nor were they subject to health and safety requirements. Informal child care providers include relatives of the child(ren), non-related adults who provide care in the child's home and adults who provide care in their home for under 20 hours per month. Informal providers wre paid at the in-home/informal jurisdictional rate. Informal care was limited to POC Priority 2 (Transitional) and Priority 3 (TCA) customers, and working Priority 5 customers. Priority 4 and 5 customers could also select certified providers who were paid under the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG). Certified providers were required to meet basic health and safety standards. Certified care not in the child's home was paid at a regional family child care rate.

Control #: 98-37
Subject: Intentional Program Violations (TCA) And Referrals to The Office of Administrative Hearings
Issue Date: 3/11/1998
Effective Date: 3/11/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
Link to Document:

The purpose of this action is to establish the procedures to be used by the Administration to disqualify individuals from participation in the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program when there is sufficient evidence to substantiate the decision that the individual has committed an intentional violation of the Family Investment Program regulations. The attached penalty comparison chart shows the difference between TCA and food stamp penalties. Customers that had penalties imposed prior to October 1996 are not subject to the full family sanction. Full family sanctions are applicable to sanctions imposed after October 1996.

Control #: 98-38
Subject: Clarification of The Role of Higher Education in The Family Investment Program
Issue Date: 3/12/1998
Effective Date: 3/12/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The successful design of the Family Investment Program includes local flexibility, an employment focus and the use of a careful assessment of the individual customer's skills, abilities and strengths to develop a plan to become independent. Local departments already have the flexibility to allow welfare customers, in accordance with the family independence plan, to take college course alone or in combination with work.

Control #: 98-39
Subject: Legal Immigrants-Temporary Cash Assistance
Issue Date: 3/17/1998
Effective Date: 3/17/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Before the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliaton Act of 1996 (PRWORA), all legal immigrants lawfully admitted into the United States met the citizenship requirement for technical elgibility in all of our programs. The PRWORA does not offer automatic technical eligibility status to legal immigrants.

Control #: 98-40 addendum
Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provisions
Issue Date: 3/24/1998
Effective Date: 3/24/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS), and Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

With the implementation of the FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provision (the DHR Warehouse distributed the needed forms to LDSS on September 1, 1997) several policy and procedural questions have been received in this office. The following is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions and the policy directives in response. In addition, since the implementation of the provisions, some procedural simplifications have been authorized by this office in conjunction with DHMH. These simplifications have also been included in this addendum.

Control #: 98-41
Subject: Claim Management
Issue Date: 3/23/1998
Effective Date: 3/23/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 96-01 issued July 24, 1995, which contained information about a Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) waiver permitting local departments to discard inadvertent household error and administrative error claims under $100, is obsolete. The Food and Nutrition Service provided new options for claims management policy.

Control #: 98-42
Subject: Immigrants - New Interpretation On 5-Year Ban
Issue Date: 3/20/1998
Effective Date: 3/20/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

We recently received a revised policy interpretation from the Nutrition Service about the 5-year ban for immigrants who have 40 quarters of work history. The information in Action Transmittal 98-20 issued November 27, 1997 is correct except for the change that eliminates the 5-year ban for immigrants with 40 quarters of work. This transmittal provides the revised information and replacement manual pages.

Control #: 98-43
Subject: Revised Policy Manual Sections
Issue Date: 3/24/1998
Effective Date: 3/24/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 established new policies and procedures for the Food Stamp Program. These changes have necessitated the revision of the Family Investment Administration's Food Stamp Manual to reflect the current food stamp policies and procedures. FIA is in the process of revising the Food Stamp Manual and will distribute sections of the manual to local departments as they are completed. FIA expects to complete the revision of the entire manual by July 1998.

Control #: 98-44
Subject: New Hire Registry System
Issue Date: 4/7/1998
Effective Date: 4/7/1998
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 1997, new federal and state laws require employers to report specific information on new employees to the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation within 20 days of the first day of work for the employee. A private vendor has been hired to collect this information and then forward an electronic new hire database file to DHR. FIA is requiring that this list of new hires be compared to the current FIA recipient files for potential matches.

Control #: 98-45
Subject: Expedited Naturalization
Issue Date: 4/8/1998
Effective Date: 4/8/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Governor Glendening is concerned that some immigrants who have applied for naturalizationl but have not yet completed all the requirements, may not be able to meet their food needs because they are ineligible for food stamps. Some of these legal immigrants have completed all of the citizenship requirements except for the test and the oath. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) can consider loss or threat of loss of federal benefits as a valid reason for expediting naturalization if the loss of benefits results in extreme hardship.

Control #: 98-46
Subject: Procedures for the Agreement Between DHR and The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS)
Issue Date: 5/15/1998
Effective Date: 5/15/1998
Program(s) Affected: All FIA Programs
Link to Document:

In 1993 the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) signed an agreement with the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) to assist inmates who are terminally ill or chronically mentally ill and in need of hospitalization. This agreement called for the departments to create a mechanism for assisting inmates to access the benefits and programs provided by the Family Investment Administration (FIA) through interaction between Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) staff and Division of Correction (DOC) staff prior to their release from incarceration. A workgroup comprised of DHR, DOC, and LDSS staff developed procedures that spelled out eligibility criteria for referral of these inmates. This included responsibilities for the DOC and LDSS staff in carrying out these procedures.

Control #: 98-47
Subject: Availability of Health Forms for Regulated Child Care and Educational Brochures
Issue Date: 5/18/1998
Effective Date: 5/18/1998
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

Federal Regulations under the Child Care & Development Fund require States to provide comprehensive consumer education material to customers to increase the level of understanding about the features and importance of quality regulated child care. In Maryland one method the Child Care Administration uses to comply with this requirement is through the distribution of the educational brochure "Making The Difference For Your Child: Choosing Regulated Care in Maryland." The brochure is available in English and Spanish and provides customers with tips on selecting and locating a regulated provider.

Control #: 98-48
Subject: Affidavits of Support on Behalf of Immigrants
Issue Date: 5/27/1998
Effective Date: 5/27/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

On September 30, 1996 President Clinton approved enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996. A section of this Act provides that an individual is inadmissible as an immigrant if likely to become a public charge.

Control #: 98-49
Subject: Cancellation of Medicaid During Six-Month Guarantee Period Due to Death or Out-of-State residency
Issue Date: 5/29/1998
Effective Date: 5/29/1998
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal clarifies the CARES procedure to close Medical Assistance on MMIS when a customer dies or moves out of state.

Control #: 98-50
Subject: Interpretation Services For Non-English speaking Households
Issue Date: 6/15/1998
Effective Date: 6/15/1998
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Some households that apply for assistance through local departments of social services are non-English speaking or have limited English language proficiency. This Action Transmittal is to remind local departments that the application process and eligibility determination for these households is the same as for all other households that apply for benefits.

Control #: 98-51
Subject: Payment Irregularities
Issue Date: 7/1/1998
Effective Date: 7/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines and clarifies Child Care Administration policy and procedures for addressing overpayments. Effective October 1, 1997, the Child Care Administration amended the regulation covering payment irregularities. COMAR 1H Payment Irregularities requires local departments administering the Purchase of Child Care Program to attempt to recover any overpayment to recipients or service providers. The regulation specifies that recovery shall be made by repayment or by reduction of continuing child care benefits.

Control #: 98-52
Subject: Revised Policy Manual Sections
Issue Date: 6/29/1998
Effective Date: 6/29/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 established new policies and procedures for the Food Stamp Program. These changes have necessitated the revision of the Family Investment Administration's Food Stamp Manual to reflect the current food stamp policy and procedures. FIA is in the process of revising the Food Stamp Manual and will distribute sections of the manual to local departments as they are completed.

Control #: 98-53
Subject: Family Investment Program Questions & Answers
Issue Date: 7/6/1998
Effective Date: 7/6/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The following is a compilation of recently asked questions and policy clarifications in response. This transmittal also provides corrected answers to questions #7 and #11 in Action Transmittal #98-40, the Questions and Answers on FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provisions. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience those incorrect answers may have caused.

Control #: 98-54
Subject: Denial of Assistance for Certain Drug-Related Offenses
Issue Date: 7/10/1998
Effective Date: 7/10/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps Program, Emergency Assistance and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 97-56 described to new penalties and disqualifications resulting from provisions of the Personal Responsbility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 amended the section that denies assistance to an individual convicted of a drug offense.

Control #: 99-01
Subject: Quarters Earned While Illegally Residing In The United States
Issue Date: 7/31/1998
Effective Date: 7/31/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This action transmittal provides guidance on determining eligible immigrant status when a lawful permanent resident requests to be credited with quarters of coverage that were earned by someone who was illegally in this country at the time the quarters were earned.

Control #: 99-01
Subject: Substance Abuse Treatment As A Work Activity And Eligibility For Purchase Of Care
Issue Date: 7/24/1998
Effective Date: 7/24/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Purchase of Care
Link to Document:

As Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) caseloads continue to decline, local departments are beginning to see more hard to serve individuals with barriers such as substance abuse. While substance abuse screening and treatment remain a requirement for receipt of cash assistance, the individual who participates in a treatment program may require assistance in arranging and paying for the care of their children. Current Purchase of Care (POC) regulations require participation in an approved work activity to meet eligibility. Local departments may consider participation in a substance abuse treatment program as an approved work activity and may offer POC to TCA individuals who are enrolled and actively participating in a substance abuse treatment program.

Control #: 99-02
Subject: Jointly Owned Llicensed Vehicles
Issue Date: 7/31/1998
Effective Date: 7/31/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This information memo is in response to questions from local departments about jointly owned vehicles. Action Transmittal #96-17 issued November 9, 1995, provided policy about determining if a resource is inaccessible. As stated in the Action Transmittal, that policy does not apply to vehicles. Although a licensed vehicle cannot be considered an inaccessible resource, there are certain situations in which we can consider a vehicle as unavailable to the customer. Following are questions and answers to clarify treatment of unavailable licensed vehicles.

Control #: 99-02
Subject: Ensuring Correct Addresses on MMIS-II
Issue Date: 7/31/1998
Effective Date: 7/31/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Since the implementation of HealthChoice in June 1997, the HealthChoice enrollment broker and the Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) have reported a significantly higher number of incorrect addresses than is recorded on the MMIS II. In many cases this is due to Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Medical Assistance (MA) customers not promptly and consistently updating their address with the Local Department of Social Services (LDSS). Since the address has little impact on MA eligibility unless the recipient moves out of state, and TCA payments are paid through electronic banking, there is little incentive for the customer to make reporting a change in address a priority unless they also receive Food Stamps. This means the LDSS does not always have the customer's most current address. As a result, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), the HealthChoice enrollment broker, and the MCOs are unnecessarily expending additional resources because of returned mail. More importantly, customers with incorrect addresses are being auto-assisgned to MCOs without the opportunity to voluntarily enroll. This creates access and service delivery problems for the customers as well as the MCOs. In addition to the many problems created by auto-assignment, incorrect addresses prevent customers from receiving their redetermination packets, which can result in case closure. DHMH has developed a system to provide updated information they receive from various sources to the LDSS to be confirmed and entered into CARES and thereby into MMIS II.

Control #: 99-03
Subject: Treatment of Pension Plans as Resources
Issue Date: 8/13/1998
Effective Date: 8/13/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

This Information Memo clarifies the treatment of pension plans as resources for the Food Stamp Program. Generally, the cash value of pension plans is excluded from consideration as a resource. However, there are two exceptions to this policy.

Control #: 99-03
Subject: Legal Immigrants-Temporary Cash Assistance
Issue Date: 7/31/1998
Effective Date: 7/31/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Before the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), all legal immigrants lawfully admitted into the United States met the citizenship requirement for technical eligibility in all of our programs. The PRWORA does not offer automatic technical eligilibility stateus to legal immigrants.

Control #: 99-04
Subject: Documentary Evidence of Status for Immigrants
Issue Date: 8/13/1998
Effective Date: 8/13/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

This Information Memo provides guidance in the types of documents that immigrants may present to case managers to verify their status. A chart is attached for your easy reference.

Control #: 99-05
Subject: Outreach To Non-Citizens
Issue Date: 10/20/1998
Effective Date: 10/20/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Effective November 1, 1998 many noncitizens will become eligible for food stamps. (See Action Transmittal #99-10). Several governmental agencies, including DHR, have developed strategies to reach the population that will become eligible because of the change in the law. This Information Memo is to inform local departments about several planned initiatives.

Control #: 99-05
Subject: Twenty-Four Month Time Limit Work Requirement Customer Reports
Issue Date: 7/1/1998
Effective Date: 7/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Work requirements under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 (PRWORA) were outlined in FIA/OPI Action Transmittal (AT) #97-67 dated December 24, 1996. The AT included the actions related to the federal work requirements to be taken by the Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS). Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) time limits are delineated in AT #97-61 dated November 24, 1996.

Control #: 99-06
Subject: Residency Requirement For State Funded Food Stamps For Legal Immigrant Children
Issue Date: 8/13/1998
Effective Date: 8/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This transmittal provides information about a new residency requirement for receipt of the state-funded Food Stamp Program.

Control #: 99-07
Subject: Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP)
Issue Date: 8/5/1998
Effective Date: 8/5/1998
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

On July 1, 1998, the Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP) became effective. The new program provides health insurance coverage for children under the age of 19 and pregnant women of any age with family income below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Children who were enrolled in the Maryland Kids Count program were converted to MCHP on June 30, 1998.

Control #: 99-08
Subject: Determination Of Non-Cooperation For Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) And Medical Assistance (MA)
Issue Date: 8/31/1998
Effective Date: 8/31/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

The purpose of this circular letter is to provide policy to clarify which entity is responsible for determination of non-cooperation with child support requirements for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Medical Assistance (MA) applicants or recipients. The policy provides guidance to assist in that determination.

Control #: 99-09
Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamp Mass Change - October 1998
Issue Date: 9/1/1998
Effective Date: 10/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
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Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. Effective October 1, 1998, the net and gross monthly income standards will increase. The maximum food stamp allotments and excess shelter deduction will also increase. The standard deduction and homeless shelter allowance are unchanged.

Control #: 99-10
Subject: Changes in Eligibility For Certain Immigrants
Issue Date: 9/17/1998
Effective Date: 11/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

On June 23, 1998 President Clinton signed Public Law 105-185, the Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 (AREERA). This legislation amends the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliaiton Act of 1996 and changes the eligibility rules for certain immigrants. Children, elderly and disabled immigrants who were lawfully present in the United States on August 22, 1996 will be eligible for federal food stamps. Members of the Hmong and Highland Laotian tribes and cross-border Native Americans will also be eligible. Refugees, asylees, immigrants whose deportation has been withheld, Cuban and Haitian entrants and Amerasians lawfully admitted for permanent residence will have their period of eligibility extended. These changes are effective November 1, 1998. We are providing this policy in advance so case managers can inform customers of this anticipated change.

Control #: 99-12
Subject: Action Transmittals and Information Memos For 1998
Issue Date: 10/20/1998
Effective Date: 10/20/1998
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Office of Policy Research and Systems (OPRS) provides clarification to policy and procedures questions from local departments statewide on a daily basis. When providing that clarification, the caller is usually referred to a specific Action Transmittal (AT) that outlines the policy or procedure in question. Sometimes the caller does not have the AT that has been issued regarding that topic.

Control #: 99-13
Subject: SDX On-Line Addition To The SVES Manual
Issue Date: 11/11/1998
Effective Date: 11/11/1998
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Department of Human Resouces implemented the State Verification Exchange System (SVES) statewide effective August 22, 1997. SVES is an automated IBM data exchange system with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verifying social security numbers (SSNs), Title II Social Security (OASDI) benefits, Title XVI Supplement Security Income (SSI) benefits, and Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS). This Action Transmittal is an addition to #98-34.

Control #: 99-14
Subject: Customers Subject To Time Limits Of Other States
Issue Date: 11/9/1998
Effective Date: 12/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 imposed a 60-month lifetime limit (with some exceptions) on the use of TANF funds to provide cash assistance to eligible adults. States have the option to shorten this time limit. Maryland has selected the 60-month time limit, but some states, including Delaware and Virginia have chosen shorter limits. We have adopted a new residency requirement to make TCA receipt subject to the time limit of the prior state for those who have lived here less than 12 months.

Control #: 99-15
Subject: Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) FY'99 Operations
Issue Date: 11/12/1998
Effective Date: 11/2/1998
Program(s) Affected: All FIA Programs
Link to Document:

The Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) begins taking applications for its program year on November 2, 1998. MEAP will continue to take applications for heating assistance through March 31, 1999.

Control #: 99-16
Subject: Obsolete Forms
Issue Date: 11/1/1998
Effective Date: 12/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: ALL
Link to Document:

FIA has eliminated more than 60 forms since June of 1997. Several factors contributed to this reduction. The CARES system captures much of the information that was addressed via FIA forms. We were able to eliminate most AIMS forms when CARES implementation was completed. The Welfare Innovations Act of 1997 gave us the flexibility to focus on customer independence needs and eliminate unnecessary paper work. Although many discontinued forms were addressed in prior action transmittals, we developed an obsolete forms report to ensure that local offices have the most current information.

Control #: 99-17
Subject: Elimination Of 20-Hour Per Week Work Activity Requirement
Issue Date: 11/23/1998
Effective Date: 11/23/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) requires parents receiving assistance through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to participate in a work activity at least 20 hours a week in federal fiscal years (FFY) 1997 and 1998 and 25 hours a week in FFY1999 in order to count toward the federal work participation rate. PRWORA also requires parents receiving assistance through TANF to be engaged in a state defined work activity by the 24th month of assistance. If appropriate child care is available, there are no exceptions to the 24-month work requirement. Some TCA customers will reach this time limit on January 1, 1999.

Control #: 99-18
Subject: Reminders, Clarifications And New Expectations Regarding TCA Customers Reaching the 24-Month Time Limit
Issue Date: 11/25/1998
Effective Date: 11/25/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #99-05 outlined the expectations of local departments for their Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers reaching the 24-month time limit on and after January 1, 1999. Customers who have received 24 cumulative months of federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funded TCA must be in a state-defined work activity.

Control #: 99-19
Subject: 1999 Benefit Issuance Schedules And Cut-Off Dates
Issue Date: 12/8/1998
Effective Date: 12/8/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Each year FIA provides local offices with an updated schedule of CARES benefits availability and cut-off dates. Attached to this Action Transmittal are the 1999 CARES benefit availability schedules for Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps. We have aslo attached the 1999 CARES cut-off dates.

Control #: 99-20
Subject: Increase In The Utility Allowances
Issue Date: 12/15/1998
Effective Date: 1/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The utility allowances were last increased in October 1994. Periodically we reassess the amount of the utility standards based on the Consumer Price Index for fuel. This transmittal provides information about increases in the standard and limited utility allowances.

Control #: 99-21
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-of-Living Increases, and Related Increases
Issue Date: 12/7/1998
Effective Date: 1/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Categories of Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Non Public Assistance Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits too. The mass change process to take these changes into account for grant, food stamp and medical assistance purposes is described in this transmittal.

Control #: 99-22 Revised
Subject: Deduction For Self-Employment Cost-To-Produce
Issue Date: 1/25/1999
Effective Date: 1/25/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

In developing the Family Investment Program (FIP) every effort was made to make food stamp policy match through waivers approved by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). Local departments were notified of the termination of many of these waivers in Action Transmittals 99-04 and 99-11. Although we submitted a request to continue our waiver for using a 50 percent deduction for self-employment income in lieu of the cost-to-produce and 20 percent earned income deduction, our requesst was denied. We worked with FNS to come up with a policy that would maintain program simplicity and match, as much as possible, treatment of Temporary Cash Assistance self-employment income.

Control #: 99-23
Subject: Census Income
Issue Date: 12/14/1998
Effective Date: 1/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: TCA, FS, MA
Link to Document:

In 1990, states were granted waivers to disregard the earnings from short-term, temporary employment with the 1990 Census Bureau. The waivers allowed recipients of cash assistance, food stamps and medical assistance who were employed by the Census not to report either their employment or their income to their case managers. There will be no federal waivers for this Census.

Control #: 99-24
Subject: TCA Substance Abuse Treatment Forms
Issue Date: 12/28/1998
Effective Date: 12/28/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Medical Assistance (MA)
Link to Document:

Substance abuse reports show that local Family Investment staff now send concent forms (DHR/FIA #1176) to Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) on TCA adults and minor parents at application. The reports also show that staff send screening referrals (DHR/FIA #1177) on TCA customers who are screened positive at assessment or who request referrals for treatment. FIA commends you for these efforts and encourages you to continue.

Control #: 99-25
Subject: Four-Month Certification Periods For Certain Cases
Issue Date: 1/5/1999
Effective Date: 9/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Maryland's Quality Control error rate exceeded the national average for the Federal Fiscal year 1997. The federal government will impose monetary penalties against the State unless the error rate is reduced in Federal Fiscal year 1999. We must increase the payment accuracy of our cases and make a commitment to error free work. A four-month certification period for certain error prone cases in one error reduction strategy we plan to use. This strategy is one that will have an immediate impact on the error rate. Local departments will be monitored to ensure that four-month certificaitons are assigned to these error prone cases.

Control #: 99-26
Subject: New Version of I-551 Card
Issue Date: 2/5/1999
Effective Date: 2/5/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Immigration and Naturalization Service has revised the name of the I-551 (Green Card) from “Alien Registration Receipt Card” to ‘Permanent Resident Card.” The INS has also issued a new version of the I-551 called the Permanent Resident Card. Please see the attached copy of an information release about the new card.

Control #: 99-27
Subject: CARES to WOMIS Exchange of Data
Issue Date: 2/9/1999
Effective Date: 2/6/1999
Program(s) Affected: Work Opportunities Programs
Link to Document:

On or about February 6, 1999, the CARESNO MIS interface will become operational. This interface will replace the current interface between these two systems that has been in place since 1992. The new interface will be implemented through a series of actions, beginning with the registration in WO MIS of all TCA adult customers (18 years or older), and those who are younger than 18 years but are the designated heads of household. The second action to be taken will be the de-registration fkom WO MIS (i.e., the insertion of a De- registration Date and Status code) of all current registrants who are no longer receiving TCA. Finally, the third action will be the initiation of a daily download of information from CARES to WOMIS.

Control #: 99-28
Subject: Conciliation And Sanction Policy And Procedures Guide
Issue Date: 2/16/1999
Effective Date: 2/16/1999
Program(s) Affected: TCA, FS , MA
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal (AT) obsoletes AT #97-25 Revised, #97-31 and #98-07 (sanction procedures), and clarifies the policy and procedures surrounding conciliation and sanction for non-compliance with work, substance abuse and child support requirements, and sanction for Intentional Program Violation (IPV). This AT also provides new policy regarding the number of conciliation processes to which a TCA household is entitled.

Control #: 99-29
Subject: CARES Data Entry Reminders
Issue Date: 2/19/1999
Effective Date: 2/19/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The purpose of this memo is to provide general information concerning CARES data entry issues. The issues include punctuation, deletion of unwanted data, and case status inquiries.

Control #: 99-30
Subject: Uncapped Excess Shelter Deduction
Issue Date: 2/24/1999
Effective Date: 2/24/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

This transmittal provides information aobut a correction to CARES that affects the uncapped shelter and restates the policy about eligibility for uncapped shelter.

Control #: 99-31
Subject: CARES Letter Submenu
Issue Date: 2/26/1999
Effective Date: 2/26/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Three Food Stamp letters, all related to overpayments, have been added to the LETTER SUBMENU, option “F” off of the CARES MAIN MENU. These letters are: - 00114 Disqualification Consent Agreement (FS72) - 00115 Notice to Disqualified Individual (FS 93) - 00116 Waiver of the fight to Administrative Disqualification Hearing (FS 112) The appropriate codes have been added to the valid values for the “letter type” field. Also, letter 0026, Repayment of Food Stamps, (FS 66) has been revised to advise customers that administrative error overpayment BEGS are now subject to involuntary recoupment.

Control #: 99-32
Subject: State-Funded Temporary Cash Assistance Programs
Issue Date: 2/26/1999
Effective Date: 1/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Familly Investment Administration (FIA) has been working with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to change the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) State Plan to better serve certain groups of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customers.

Control #: 99-35
Subject: Rent Subsidy As Income
Issue Date: 3/18/1999
Effective Date: 3/18/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

As part of the AFDC restructuring Action Transmittal # 92-42, local departments were notified that effective January 1, 1993 customers who live in public housing (projects), Section 8 housing, or FMHA Section 515 rental assistance had $45 of the rent subsidy they received counted as unearned income for AFDC. The change was made to reduce some of the disparity between customers who live in federally subsidized housing and customers who must pay market rate rent amounts.

Control #: 99-35 Revised
Subject: Rent Subsidy As Income
Issue Date: 5/12/1999
Effective Date: 5/12/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

As part of the AFDC restructuring Action Transmittal #92-42, local departments were notified that effective January 1, 1993 customers who live in public housing (projects), Section 8 housing, or FMHA Section 515 rental assistance had $45 of the rent subsidy they received counted as unearned income for AFDC. The change was made to reduce some of the disparity between customers who live in federally subsidized housing and customers who must pay market rate rent amounts.

Control #: 99-36
Subject: Action Transmittal and Information Memo Index
Issue Date: 3/19/1999
Effective Date: 3/19/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

As part of our continuing effort to provide supportive services, the Policy and Training Bureau developed an action transmittal and information memo index. We included all active action transmittals and information memos issued since the inception of the Family Investment Program. They are listed alphabetically by subject matter with multiple listings for transmittals and memos that cover more than one policy area or would be commonly recognized under other titles. We hope it serves as a usefid tool for locating policy information.

Control #: 99-37
Subject: Baltimore City Community College Pilot Program
Issue Date: 3/19/1999
Effective Date: 3/19/1999
Program(s) Affected: TCA Program
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration in conjunction with the Baltimore City Community College is conducting a two-year pilot program designed to evaluate the importance of education as a means to financial independence. Temporary Cash Assistance customers who meet the criteria listed below have their educational activities counted as a work activity.

Control #: 99-38
Subject: Calculating Income And Deductions
Issue Date: 3/31/1999
Effective Date: 4/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Effective October 1, 1998 we went back to a 4-week month conversion factor for calculating monthly income and deductions for the Food Stamp Program (FSP). This matches Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA). Action transmittal 99-11 issued September 23, 1998 provided the policy and CARES procedures to local departments. Recently, the Food and Nutrition Service denied a waiver that would have allowed us to continue to calculate food stamp earned income, other than weekly and biweekly income, using the TCA conversion method.

Control #: 99-39
Subject: New Language on the System Generated Eligibility Determination Document (EDD)
Issue Date: 3/25/1999
Effective Date: 3/25/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service informed us of new rights and responsibility language about reporting and verifying deductions that we could insert on the application as an error reduction strategy. This action transmittal provides information about this new language. We are also reminding local departments about a verification option.

Control #: 99-40
Subject: Central Office SSI Clean Up Activities
Issue Date: 4/16/1999
Effective Date: 3/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

In an effort to assist LDSS offices, FIA central staff is reconciling SSI cases. Based on information derived from SDX files as of 2/28/99, assistance units where the SSI recipient is deceased or no longer receives an SSI payment are part of the reconciliation effort.

Control #: 99-41
Subject: Treatment of Reverse Mortgages as Income
Issue Date: 4/22/1999
Effective Date: 4/22/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Reverse mortgages allow certain homeowners to borrow against the equity value of their home to help meet their living expenses. Under these programs, the household receives monthly payments from the lender for a set period of time. The loan holder, in turn, will hold a lien on the property until repayment is made by the homeowner or his estate.

Control #: 99-42
Subject: Military Housing Allowance
Issue Date: 5/13/1999
Effective Date: 5/13/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, the Food and Nutrition Service informed us that the Armed Services began phasing in a new housing allowance on January 1 , 1998 called the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). The BAH is one monthly payment, replacing separately paid Variable Housing Allowance (VHA) and Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ). The BAH is based on civilian rental costs by pay grade, dependency status, and location.

Control #: 99-43
Subject: Allowing A Dependent Care Deduction During A Temporary Absence From Employment
Issue Date: 5/13/1999
Effective Date: 7/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service has provided guidance on when to allow a dependent care deduction during a customer's temporary absence from employment.

Control #: 99-44
Subject: Updated Quarters Of Coverage Chart
Issue Date: 5/18/1999
Effective Date: 5/18/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Family Investment Administration issued a revised State Verificaiton Exchange System (SVES) Manual with Action Transmittal 99-13 (Amended). Page 59 of the SVES Manual provides a Quarters of Coverage Chart used to determine whether certain aliens met eligibility requirements under the forty quarters provision of current immigrant policy. The attached updated chart reflects the amount of earnings needed to qualify for quarters of coverage in 1999. The amount for 1999 is $740.

Control #: 99-45
Subject: Medical Assistance Outreach and Enrollment
Issue Date: 5/11/1999
Effective Date: 5/11/1999
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance & Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

The dramatic changes in welfare laws and policies, and the challenges and opportunities they continue to present, require that Maryland's efforts to ensure that as many children and families as possible retain or obtain health care coverage, continue. to achieve this result, we need to ensure that the policies and procedures in place are carried out efficiently and that we find new ways to reach children and families.

Control #: 99-46
Subject: State Program For Disabled TCA Customers
Issue Date: 6/16/1999
Effective Date: 5/25/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #99-32 notified local departments of the five customer groups moved into state-funded Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) programs. The groups included families with immigrants not eligible for federal TCA, 19-year old school children, victims of family violence, non-parent caretaker relatives included in the assistance unit, and adults and/or children disabled for 12 or more months.

Control #: 99-46 Attachments
Subject: DEAP/TCA Program (AT #99-46) - Attachments
Issue Date: 7/7/1999
Effective Date: 7/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal (AT) FIA/OPRS #99-46 provided a Guide to policy and procedures for the state-funded TCA program for disabled TCA customers who are referred to the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program (DEAP/TCA). Page 10 of the Guide listed the forms used for the DEAP/TCA program. The nine attachments (copies of the forms) were inadvertently omitted from the Guide. This AT provides those attachments.

Control #: 99-47
Subject: Rescnded Maryland Residency Requirements
Issue Date: 6/1/1999
Effective Date: 6/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Effective immediately, local departments are to stop applying the following three durational residency requirements: 1. Families moving from another state with a shorter welfare time limit than Maryland's 60-month limit for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) are subject to the shorter time limit for the first 12 months of Maryland residency. 2. Families moving from a state with lower TCA benefit levels than Maryland's are subject to that lower lever for the first 12 months of Maryland residency. 3. Immigrants moving from a state with no federal or state-funded cash assistance or state-funded food stamps for immigrants are not eligible for Maryland's programs for immigrants for the first 12 months of Maryland residency.

Control #: 99-48
Subject: Increase in Earned Income Disregard
Issue Date: 6/4/1999
Effective Date: 7/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal FIA/OPA #97-90 notified local departments of a two tiered earned income disregard for Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) beginning July 1, 1997, as required by a provision of the Welfare Innovation Act of 1997. An initial 20 percent income test is conducted to determine an applicant's eligibility for TCA benefits. Employed applicants who pass the initial 20% income test are allowed a 26% income disregard.

Control #: 99-49
Subject: Earned Income for School Employees
Issue Date: 6/4/1999
Effective Date: 7/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

School employees who are paid an hourly wage are not paid during the summer months when school is not in session. Salaried school employees have the option of having their yearly income paid over a period of 12 or 10 months. For food stamps, hourly wage earning are calculated as paid. Salaried school employees who receive food stamps have their earnings annualized regardless of whether they choose to be paid 10 or 12 months of the year.

Control #: 99-50
Subject: Income Eligibility
Issue Date: 6/1/1999
Effective Date: 6/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Child Care
Link to Document:

This action transmittal outlines and clarifies Child Care Administration policy and procedures for the pay period required to determine eligibility. The changes contained within are designed to align the Purchase of Child Care policy and procedures in this area with those in the Family Investment Program by reducing the currently required six weeks to four weeks.

Control #: 99-51
Subject: Guidance for Verification of Immigration Status
Issue Date: 6/25/1999
Effective Date: 7/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Attached is a booklet entitled Guidance for Verification of Immigration Status. This booklet replaces the one sent in limited quantities to local departments in June 1998. As before, this guidance includes detailed information about verifying the status of immigrants, but has limited program policy information. Please refer to the appropriate policy manual or Action Transmittal for questions about policy.

Control #: 99-53
Subject: Disqualified Recipient Sub-System/Voice Response Unit
Issue Date: 7/9/1999
Effective Date: 7/9/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
Link to Document:

Food Stamp regulations require that local departments use the data in the Disqualified Recipient Sub-system (DRS) to assess and implement disqualification penalties for Intentional Food Stamp Program Violations (IPV). This system must be used to ascertain that the appropriate penalty is imposed based on past disqualifications and to determine the eligibility of applicants prior to certification if the local department has reason to believe that a household member was disqualified in another jurisdiction. Before adverse action (increased penalty length or denial of benefits) can be taken against an individual based on information obtained from DRS, all such records must be first verified by the State that submitted the record(s).

Control #: 99-54
Subject: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents-A New Way Of Tracking And A New Waiver County
Issue Date: 7/6/1999
Effective Date: 7/1/1999
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Each year Maryland requests an exemption from the special work requirements for able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD) in jurisdiction that have a high unemployment rate or insufficient jobs. This transmittal includes information about an additional jurisdiction, Wicomico County, that the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) exempted from the ABAWD provisions.

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