Fiscal Year 1998: DHR Documents by Subject

Subject: 1998 Benefit Issuance Schedules and Cut-Off Dates
Control #: 98-24

Issue Date: 12/17/1997
Effective Date: 1/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
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The benefit issuance schedules for Temporary Cash Assistance and for Food Stamps during 1998 for the AIMS system and the CARES system are attached. The 1998 cut-off dates for AIMS and CARES are also attached. The planned CARES implementation date for Baltimore City is March 1, 1998. Because of conversion and possible problems with specific cases, some cases may need to be carried on AIMS after this date. When Baltimore City has been completely converted to CARES, the AIMS schedules that are attached will become void and all jurisdictions will use the CARES schedules.

Subject: 1998 Mass District Office Caseload Reassignment Schedule
Control #: 98-07

Issue Date: 12/11/1997
Effective Date: 12/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
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The Office of Information Management (OIM) will run the Mass District caseload reassignment on the third processing weekend of each month. Local departments must submit all caseload reassignment requests using form (DHR/CARES 9400.26) by close of business on the second Friday of the month. Any caseload reassignment forms received after the second Friday of the month, will not be entered until the following month. OIM will run the caseload reassignment on the third processing weekend of each month. Caseload reassignment requires a substantial amount of processing time. Therefore, the reassignment must be run on a weekend. The system will be unavailable during this period of time. Please address all caseload reassignment forms to: Ruth Waugh, Maryland Department of Human Resources, Division of Program and Systems Support, 6th Floor, 311 W. Saratoga Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.

Subject: 1998 Poverty Levels
Control #: 98-09

Issue Date: 3/17/1998
Effective Date: 3/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
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The Federal Poverty Income guidelines will increase effective March 1, 1998. The change will be completed in CARES on March 1, 1998. The seasonal disregard that was allowed for the months of January thru April will be removed from CARES effective April 30, 1998. The seasonal disregard is the amount of Social Security Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for the current year that is normally provided to Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) recipients through the month following the month in which the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines are increased.

Subject: Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents New Waiver County and Policy Examples
Control #: 98-35

Issue Date: 2/19/1998
Effective Date: 2/19/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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On August 5, 1997, President Clinton signed the Balance Budget Act of 1997. The Act permits states to exempt up to 15 percent of able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDS) from the work requirements. This 15 percent is in addition to our current waivers. The Food and Nutrition Service has informed us that our exemption allowance for federal fiscal year (FFY) 1998 is 515. This transmittal also includes information about the jurisdiction newly exempt from the ABAWD provisions based on the Department of Labor's determination of FFY 1998 labor surplus areas.

Subject: Affidavits of Support on Behalf of Immigrants
Control #: 98-48

Issue Date: 5/27/1998
Effective Date: 5/27/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
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On September 30, 1996 President Clinton approved enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996. A section of this Act provides that an individual is inadmissible as an immigrant if likely to become a public charge.

Subject: Aged Benefits on EBT
Control #: 98-31

Issue Date: 1/13/1998
Effective Date: 1/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
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In the past, auditors from the United States Department of Agriculture identified certain deficiencies in how local departments are handling aged benefits. In an effort to comply with audit findings and to streamline the process, we requested a Food and Consumer Service waiver which permits us to shorten the certification period when a household does not access food stamp benefits for more than 45 days after they were issued.

Subject: Americans with Disabilities Act and Provider Payment Adjustments for Children with Disabling Conditions
Control #: 98-32

Issue Date: 12/14/1997
Effective Date: 12/14/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
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The Child Care Administration has in the past established a special subsidy rate for children with disabilities based on a market rate survey. This Action Transmittal addresses the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336), Sections 402 (g) & (I) of the Social Security Act, 28 CFR Part 36, on provider charges used to establish local market rates for child care for children with disabilities. To assure that the Department is not in violation of the ADA due to using costs reported by providers in market rate surveys that may have in the past included charges that are now disallowed, the Child Care Administration eliminated the special needs rate.

Subject: Assistance Unit Composition
Control #: 98-10

Issue Date: 8/31/1997
Effective Date: 8/31/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
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The Family Investment Program (FIP) provides assistance to families with children while preparing program participants for independence. Under FIP, assistance consists of services and cash assistance to eligible individuals, as well as work activities. Under the old Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Program, children had to be deprived due to absence, death, incapacitation or unemployment of one or both parents. Now both parents are expected to contribute to the support of their children. TCA is now available as a last resort.

Subject: Availability of Dental Services for TCA customers Participating in Work Activities
Control #: 98-29

Issue Date: 1/12/1998
Effective Date: 1/12/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
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For the last six years, The University of Maryland (UM) Dental School provided care to AFDC recipients who were participants of Maryland’s previous welfare-to-work program, Project Independence (PI). This program was quite effective in improving the facial appearance and self-esteem of selected PI participants, thereby improving their employability. During that time more than 700 recipients were treated. Care was provided by dental students at the school and the program was very cost effective. This extremely important resource is still available at UM Dental School.

Subject: Availability of Health Forms for Regulated Child Care and Educational Brochures
Control #: 98-47

Issue Date: 5/18/1998
Effective Date: 5/18/1998
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
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Federal Regulations under the Child Care & Development Fund require States to provide comprehensive consumer education material to customers to increase the level of understanding about the features and importance of quality regulated child care. In Maryland one method the Child Care Administration uses to comply with this requirement is through the distribution of the educational brochure "Making The Difference For Your Child: Choosing Regulated Care in Maryland." The brochure is available in English and Spanish and provides customers with tips on selecting and locating a regulated provider.

Subject: Cancellation of Medicaid During Six-Month Guarantee Period Due to Death or Out-of-State residency
Control #: 98-49

Issue Date: 5/29/1998
Effective Date: 5/29/1998
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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This Action Transmittal clarifies the CARES procedure to close Medical Assistance on MMIS when a customer dies or moves out of state.

Subject: CARES Log Off Procedure
Control #: 98-08

Issue Date: 11/5/1997
Effective Date: 11/5/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
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When leaving at the end of the day it is necessary to log off of the system. If the system is not properly closed you cannot log on at a later time because the system thinks you are already logged on.

Subject: CARES/IEVS Matching Alert Notices
Control #: 98-04

Issue Date: 12/12/1997
Effective Date: 12/12/1997
Program(s) Affected: All
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The federal government has stipulated that each state must have an Income & Eligibility Verification Systems (IEVS) which performs interfaces with various agencies. Since CARES implementation, these reports have not been generated for CARES counties.

Subject: Certification Process
Control #: 98-17

Issue Date: 10/17/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1996
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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A provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, permits states more flexibility in assigning certification periods. This action transmittal replaces FIA/OPA 97-49 REVISED. CARES procedures have changed; definitions and AIMS procedures remain the same.

Subject: Change Reporting Waiver
Control #: 98-04

Issue Date: 8/18/1997
Effective Date: 7/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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Recently, the Food and Consumer Service approved a waiver to the change reporting requirements. We requested the waiver in an effort to reduce errors in cases with fluctuating earned income.

Subject: Child and Adult Care Food Program Verificaiton Form Interim Procedure
Control #: 98-01

Issue Date: 7/11/1997
Effective Date: 7/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and Food Stamps
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) established a two-tier system for assigning rates of reimbursement to family day care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). One of the provisions allows a family day care provider to qualify for the higher rate of reimbusement if they receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Food Stamp benefits. They must verify this.

Subject: Claim Management
Control #: 98-41

Issue Date: 3/23/1998
Effective Date: 3/23/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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Action Transmittal 96-01 issued July 24, 1995, which contained information about a Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) waiver permitting local departments to discard inadvertent household error and administrative error claims under $100, is obsolete. The Food and Nutrition Service provided new options for claims management policy.

Subject: Clarification of The Role of Higher Education in The Family Investment Program
Control #: 98-38

Issue Date: 3/12/1998
Effective Date: 3/12/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
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The successful design of the Family Investment Program includes local flexibility, an employment focus and the use of a careful assessment of the individual customer's skills, abilities and strengths to develop a plan to become independent. Local departments already have the flexibility to allow welfare customers, in accordance with the family independence plan, to take college course alone or in combination with work.

Subject: Corrected FIA Action Transmittal
Control #: 98-08

Issue Date: 8/28/1997
Effective Date: 8/28/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
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This Action Transmittal corrects page 2 of Action Transmittal 97-22 Revised (Child Care in Lieu of Temporary Cash Assistance), dated April 21, 1997. It incorrectly states that a family is to be recertified for food stamps for 12 months without a face-to-face interview after the initial 3 month certification period, which would effectively give the family a 15-month certification period. The "in lieu of" procedure for the Medical Assistance extension and Purchase of Care as described in Action Transmittal 97-22 Revised has not changed.

Subject: Definition of Displacement and Local Grievance Procedure
Control #: 98-26

Issue Date: 12/30/1997
Effective Date: 12/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 prohibits states from placing a Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) customer in a work activity with an employer who has laid off or terminated a regular employee in order to fill the vacancy with the TCA customer.

Subject: Denial of Assistance for Certain Drug-Related Offenses
Control #: 98-54

Issue Date: 7/10/1998
Effective Date: 7/10/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps Program, Emergency Assistance and Temporary Cash Assistance
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Action Transmittal 97-56 described to new penalties and disqualifications resulting from provisions of the Personal Responsbility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 amended the section that denies assistance to an individual convicted of a drug offense.

Subject: Discontinuing the PPI Right and Responsibility Form
Control #: 98-14

Issue Date: 5/15/1998
Effective Date: 5/15/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
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In January 1997, Primary Prevention Initiative (PPI) requirements for health and education were incorporated in the Family Investment Program (FIP). Accordingly, most forms and related processes pertaining to PPI were made obsolete. Since the PPI policies which have continued are part of FIP, it is no longer necessary to hae a separate PPI Rights and Responsibilities form. This Information Memo makes that form, the DHR/FIA/PPI/1126, obsolete.

Subject: Exemption from Providing Notice of Adverse Action
Control #: 98-21

Issue Date: 12/12/1997
Effective Date: 12/12/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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A final rule, effective November 18, 1996, simplified several Food Stamp Program regulatory requirements and increased flexibility. This is one of several transmittals about the new policy and explains an option for an exemption from sending a Notice of Adverse Action when mail is returned to the local department.

Subject: Expedited Naturalization
Control #: 98-45

Issue Date: 4/8/1998
Effective Date: 4/8/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance
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Governor Glendening is concerned that some immigrants who have applied for naturalizationl but have not yet completed all the requirements, may not be able to meet their food needs because they are ineligible for food stamps. Some of these legal immigrants have completed all of the citizenship requirements except for the test and the oath. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) can consider loss or threat of loss of federal benefits as a valid reason for expediting naturalization if the loss of benefits results in extreme hardship.

Subject: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Work Activity Guidelines
Control #: 98-18

Issue Date: 11/5/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
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The U.S. Department of Labor has released information regarding the application of the minimum wage provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on TANF work activities. The FLSA minimum wage provisions will apply to welfare recipients who are considered employees, rather than trainees.

Subject: Family Investment Program Questions & Answers
Control #: 98-53

Issue Date: 7/6/1998
Effective Date: 7/6/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps and Medical Assistance
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The following is a compilation of recently asked questions and policy clarifications in response. This transmittal also provides corrected answers to questions #7 and #11 in Action Transmittal #98-40, the Questions and Answers on FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provisions. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience those incorrect answers may have caused.

Subject: Family Violence Screening
Control #: 98-30

Issue Date: 12/30/1997
Effective Date: 2/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) allows States the option to screen applicants and recipients for the occurrence of family violence. The option also allows States to waive certain requirements where compliance would make it difficult for individuals receiving assistance to escape such violence. Recognizing that family violence may affect the customer's ability to become independent, Maryland selected this option. This Action Transmittal replaces Action Transmittal 97-77, issued January 23, 1997.

Subject: FIA Exprectations in Managing the Workload
Control #: 98-02

Issue Date: 8/22/1997
Effective Date: 8/22/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
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Action Transmittal OPSDS 92-45 dated May 26, 1992 identified priorities in managing the workload for Family Investment Programs. Federal and State mandates require that each workload task associate with Family Investment Programs be completed in a timely manner. In light of these mandates, Action Transmittal OPSDS 92-45 date May 26, 1992 is NO LONGER IN EFFECT.

Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provisions
Control #: 98-07

Issue Date: 8/21/1997
Effective Date: 8/21/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS), and Medical Assistance (MA)
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During its 1997 session, the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 499, The Welfare Innovation Act of 1997. Provisions of this bill set forth requirements for substance abuse screening and treatment for customers receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) benefits under the Family Investment Program.

Subject: FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provisions
Control #: 98-40 addendum

Issue Date: 3/24/1998
Effective Date: 3/24/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS), and Medical Assistance (MA)
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With the implementation of the FIP Substance Abuse Treatment Provision (the DHR Warehouse distributed the needed forms to LDSS on September 1, 1997) several policy and procedural questions have been received in this office. The following is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions and the policy directives in response. In addition, since the implementation of the provisions, some procedural simplifications have been authorized by this office in conjunction with DHMH. These simplifications have also been included in this addendum.

Subject: Food Stamp Mass Change - October 1997
Control #: 98-11

Issue Date: 9/8/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
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Each October, the United States Department of Agriculture publishes a new Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) on which food stamp program allotments are based. Effective October 1, 1997, the net and gross monthly income standards will increase. The maximum allotments will also increase slightly. The excess shelter deduction and standard deduction will not change. The homeless household shelter allowance also remains unchanged.

Subject: Health and Safety Standards for Informal and Certified Providers
Control #: 98-36

Issue Date: 11/1/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
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Prior to August 24, 1996, informal providers were paid through Title IV-A and were not required to be registered or licensed nor were they subject to health and safety requirements. Informal child care providers include relatives of the child(ren), non-related adults who provide care in the child's home and adults who provide care in their home for under 20 hours per month. Informal providers wre paid at the in-home/informal jurisdictional rate. Informal care was limited to POC Priority 2 (Transitional) and Priority 3 (TCA) customers, and working Priority 5 customers. Priority 4 and 5 customers could also select certified providers who were paid under the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG). Certified providers were required to meet basic health and safety standards. Certified care not in the child's home was paid at a regional family child care rate.

Subject: Immigrants
Control #: 98-20

Issue Date: 11/27/1997
Effective Date: 11/27/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-41 informed local departments of social services of the change in eligibility of immigrant for the Food Stamp Program. The 1997 Balanced Budget Reconciliation Act added new categories of eligible individuals and some of the information in 97-41 is no longer applicable. This transmittal replaces AT 97-41. The new information is in bold print.

Subject: Immigrants - New Interpretation On 5-Year Ban
Control #: 98-42

Issue Date: 3/20/1998
Effective Date: 3/20/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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We recently received a revised policy interpretation from the Nutrition Service about the 5-year ban for immigrants who have 40 quarters of work history. The information in Action Transmittal 98-20 issued November 27, 1997 is correct except for the change that eliminates the 5-year ban for immigrants with 40 quarters of work. This transmittal provides the revised information and replacement manual pages.

Subject: Income Exclusion
Control #: 98-03

Issue Date: 7/28/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
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Public Law 104-204, dated September 26, 1996, requires that the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs pay allowances to children of Vietnam veterans who are born with spina bifida. The law provides for monthly allowances, based on the degree of disability suffered by the child. The allowance amounts range from $200 per month for the lowest level of disability prescribed, to $700 for the intermediate level and $1,200 for the highest level. The effective date of these allowances is October 1, 1997.

Subject: Intentional Program Violations (TCA) And Referrals to The Office of Administrative Hearings
Control #: 98-37

Issue Date: 3/11/1998
Effective Date: 3/11/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program
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The purpose of this action is to establish the procedures to be used by the Administration to disqualify individuals from participation in the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) program when there is sufficient evidence to substantiate the decision that the individual has committed an intentional violation of the Family Investment Program regulations. The attached penalty comparison chart shows the difference between TCA and food stamp penalties. Customers that had penalties imposed prior to October 1996 are not subject to the full family sanction. Full family sanctions are applicable to sanctions imposed after October 1996.

Subject: Intentional Program Violations-Manual Page
Control #: 98-06

Issue Date: 8/28/1997
Effective Date: 9/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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This transmittal is to issue a replacement Food Stamp Manual page and does not include new policy. Information about the new and increased penalties resulting from the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 was presented in Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-56. Food stamp manual pages were sent at that time. Section 480.3 contains obsolete information and the penalties for felony drug convictions was left out.

Subject: Interpretation Services For Non-English speaking Households
Control #: 98-50

Issue Date: 6/15/1998
Effective Date: 6/15/1998
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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Some households that apply for assistance through local departments of social services are non-English speaking or have limited English language proficiency. This Action Transmittal is to remind local departments that the application process and eligibility determination for these households is the same as for all other households that apply for benefits.

Subject: Invalid District Office Codes
Control #: 98-01

Issue Date: 10/16/1997
Effective Date: 10/16/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
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EBT has rejected several cases from receiving food stamp benefits due to invalid District Office Codes (153-Children's Help Center, 165-Center Point, 411-Holly Center and 412-Finance Center). Because individuals in state institutions are not eligible for food stamps, EBT does not recognize the DO code associated with the institution. When the head of household is transferred to a state institution district office, any assistance units (with or without other members) follow the new district office and as a result do not have access to their food stamp benefits.

Subject: Invalid District Office Codes
Control #: 98-04

Issue Date: 11/3/1997
Effective Date: 11/3/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps/Public Assistance
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EBT has rejected several cases from receiving food stamp benefits and Public Assistance due to invalid District Codes (153-Children's Help Center, 165-Center Point, 411-Holly Center and 412-Finance Center). Because individuals in state institutions are not eligible for food stamps/public assistance EBT does not recognize the DO code associated with the institution. When the head of household is transferred to a state institution district office, any assistance units (with or without other members) follow the new district office and as a result do not have access to their food stamp/public assistance benefits.

Subject: ISRQ Process
Control #: 98-31

Issue Date: 7/8/1998
Effective Date: 7/8/1998
Program(s) Affected: EAFC
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Emergency Assistance procedures are very similar to working any other case. Four steps are required: Screening, Interviewing, Processing application months and Finalizing. All cases need an eligibility determination. Because an EA case also requires generating a vendor payment, the Financial Management Issuance component must be addressed. However, when the entire process is not completed thoroughly and/or timely, benefits are not properly issued.

Subject: Legal Immigrants-Temporary Cash Assistance
Control #: 98-39

Issue Date: 3/17/1998
Effective Date: 3/17/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance
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Before the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliaton Act of 1996 (PRWORA), all legal immigrants lawfully admitted into the United States met the citizenship requirement for technical elgibility in all of our programs. The PRWORA does not offer automatic technical eligibility status to legal immigrants.

Subject: Minimum and Maximum Spousal Resource Amount and Maximum Spousal Maintenance and Shelter Allowance
Control #: 98-28

Issue Date: 1/5/1998
Effective Date: 1/5/1998
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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The spousal impoverishment resource minimum and maximum and the spousal maintenance and shelter allowance will increase effective January 1, 1998. The minimum resource level will increase to $16,152. The maximum resource level will increase to $80,760. The long term care maximum maintenance and shelter allowance will increase to $2,019.

Subject: New Hire Registry System
Control #: 98-13

Issue Date: 10/1/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
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Effective July 1, 1997, new federal and state laws require employers to report specific information on new employees to the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation within 20 days of the first day of work for the employee. A private vendor has been hired to collect this information and then forward and electronic new hire database file to DHR. FIA is requiring that this list of new hires be compared to the current FIA recipient files for potential matches.

Subject: New Hire Registry System
Control #: 98-44

Issue Date: 4/7/1998
Effective Date: 4/7/1998
Program(s) Affected: ALL
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Effective July 1, 1997, new federal and state laws require employers to report specific information on new employees to the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation within 20 days of the first day of work for the employee. A private vendor has been hired to collect this information and then forward an electronic new hire database file to DHR. FIA is requiring that this list of new hires be compared to the current FIA recipient files for potential matches.

Subject: Payment Irregularities
Control #: 98-51

Issue Date: 7/1/1998
Effective Date: 7/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
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This action transmittal outlines and clarifies Child Care Administration policy and procedures for addressing overpayments. Effective October 1, 1997, the Child Care Administration amended the regulation covering payment irregularities. COMAR 1H Payment Irregularities requires local departments administering the Purchase of Child Care Program to attempt to recover any overpayment to recipients or service providers. The regulation specifies that recovery shall be made by repayment or by reduction of continuing child care benefits.

Subject: Pharmacy Assistance Processing
Control #: 98-02

Issue Date: 10/2/1997
Effective Date: 10/2/1997
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
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The CARES Special Procedure has been developed in response to requests from local departments on how to correctly process Pharmacy Assistance when approving TEMHA cases. TEMHA recipients are currently enrolled in Maryland Pharmacy Assistance by forwarding a completed 8000 to DHMH.

Subject: Pharmacy Assistance Processing
Control #: 98-14

Issue Date: 12/30/1997
Effective Date: 12/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
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This CARES Special Procedure has been developed in response to requests from local departments on how to correctly process Pharmacy Assistance when approving and closing TEMHA cases. TEMHA recipients are currently enrolled in Maryland Pharmacy Assistance by forwarding a completed 8000 to DHMH.

Subject: POC Eligibility for Qualified Aliens
Control #: 98-22

Issue Date: 11/1/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: OPD/Child Care Administration
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The Personal Responsiblity and Work Opportunity Reconciliaton Act of 1996 (PRWORA), P.L. 104-193, restricts the access of certain categories of immigrants to specified Federal benefits, including some benefits administered b the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS). Section 403 of PRWORA bars most qualified aliens who enter the U.S. on or after enactment (Sugust 22, 1996) from eligibility for "Federally means-tested public benefits" for five years beginning on the date teh individual entered the United States with the qualified alien status. As defined in The Federal Register dated August 26, 1997, and effective immediately, HHS is interpreting "Federal means-tested public benefits" to included only those benefits provided under Federal means-tested, mandatory spending programs. The following HHS programs meet this definition: Medicaid (MA) and Temporary Cash Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Therefore no other HHS programs are "Federal means tested public benefits" for the purpose of PRWORA, and all qualified aliens regardless of when they entered the U.S. continue to be eligible to receive assistance and services under the Child Care and Department Fund, if they meet other program requirements.

Subject: Preexisting Child Support Arrangements and Child Support Payment Deductions
Control #: 98-23

Issue Date: 11/1/1997
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Purchase of Care
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In October 1995 the pursuit of child support became a condition of eligibility for Purchase of Care (POC) applicants. Since that time several local departments have referred specific case situations to our attention regarding applicants receiving child support in a nonmonetary form as a part of informal arrangements or formal/legal arrangements (i.e., the absent parent pays the rent to the landlord in lieu of paying a monetary child support payment). Additionally, effective October 1, 1997, child support paid by POC recipient, or other member of the POC household, for child(ren) residing outside of the house, will be deducted from the gross income in determinng eligibility.

Subject: Procedures for the Agreement Between DHR and The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS)
Control #: 98-46

Issue Date: 5/15/1998
Effective Date: 5/15/1998
Program(s) Affected: All FIA Programs
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In 1993 the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) signed an agreement with the Secretary of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) to assist inmates who are terminally ill or chronically mentally ill and in need of hospitalization. This agreement called for the departments to create a mechanism for assisting inmates to access the benefits and programs provided by the Family Investment Administration (FIA) through interaction between Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) staff and Division of Correction (DOC) staff prior to their release from incarceration. A workgroup comprised of DHR, DOC, and LDSS staff developed procedures that spelled out eligibility criteria for referral of these inmates. This included responsibilities for the DOC and LDSS staff in carrying out these procedures.

Subject: Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS)
Control #: 98-34

Issue Date: 2/12/1998
Effective Date: 2/12/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance
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As you know, one of the provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 establishes eligibility for immigrants who are lawfully admitted for permanent residence and have 40 quarters of work. Action Transmittal 98-15 provided information about how to verify the 40 quarters of work until the Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS) became operational. The QCHS is now operational. This action transmittal supersedes #97-15.

Subject: Redeterminations of Medical Assistance Eligibility for Individuals (inlcuding SSI children) Who Lose SSI Benefits
Control #: 98-02

Issue Date: 7/18/1997
Effective Date: 7/18/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
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On August 22, 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliaton Act of 1996 (PRWORA) changed the definition for children under the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. For all new claims filed on or after the enactment of the new law, the new definition of disability for children requires a child to have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which results in marked and severe funtional limitations, which is expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for at least 12 months. A child may not be considered disabled if he or she is substantially employed. In addition, the law mandates that maladaptive behavior as a medical criteria may not be used in evaluating mental disabilities in children. The Social Security Administration (SSA) must also complete Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) on the cases of all children currently receiving SSI to determine whether they meet the new definition of disability by August 22, 1997. SSA has already sent notifications to all children who may be potentially affected.

Subject: Revised Policy Manual Sections
Control #: 98-43

Issue Date: 3/24/1998
Effective Date: 3/24/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 established new policies and procedures for the Food Stamp Program. These changes have necessitated the revision of the Family Investment Administration's Food Stamp Manual to reflect the current food stamp policies and procedures. FIA is in the process of revising the Food Stamp Manual and will distribute sections of the manual to local departments as they are completed. FIA expects to complete the revision of the entire manual by July 1998.

Subject: Revised Policy Manual Sections
Control #: 98-52

Issue Date: 6/29/1998
Effective Date: 6/29/1998
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 established new policies and procedures for the Food Stamp Program. These changes have necessitated the revision of the Family Investment Administration's Food Stamp Manual to reflect the current food stamp policy and procedures. FIA is in the process of revising the Food Stamp Manual and will distribute sections of the manual to local departments as they are completed.

Control #: 98-25

Issue Date: 12/19/1997
Effective Date: 1/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: All Categories of Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Non Public Assistance Medical Assistance
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Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. To take these changes into account for grant and food stamp purposes, process the affected cases according to mass change procedures as described herein. For medical assistance purposes, the impact of these benefit increases is also described in this Action Transmittal.

Subject: Social Security Claim Number
Control #: 98-03 Revised

Issue Date: 10/29/1997
Effective Date: 10/29/1997
Program(s) Affected: QMB
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The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has advised us that case managers are not properly entering the Social Security claim number on the UINC screen for QMB, SLMB, PAA and MA Assistance Units.

Subject: Social Security Claim Number
Control #: 98-03

Issue Date: 10/10/1997
Effective Date: 10/10/1997
Program(s) Affected: QMB
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The CIS Testing Facility (CTF) has been notified by DHMH that eligibility workers are not properly entering the Social Security claim number on the UINC screen for QMB, SLMB, and MA Assistance Units.

Subject: Social Security Numbers for Newborns
Control #: 98-19

Issue Date: 11/10/1997
Effective Date: 11/10/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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A final rule effective November 18, 1996 simplified several Food Stamp Program regulatory requirements and increased flexibility. This action transmittal explains the changes in social security number requirements for newborns.

Subject: Spenddown Eligibility Procedure
Control #: 98-06

Issue Date: 10/24/1997
Effective Date: 10/24/1997
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance
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Spenddown eligibility considers those paid or unpaid bills for medical care which are recognized under State law and are or will be the obligation of the applicant. The CARES procedure for MA assistance units requesting spenddown eligibility consideration requires the entry of countable medical expenses and recalculation of spenddown results. It has been brought to our attention that the currently programmed procedure for processing spenddown is not appropriately capturing incurred medical expenses both paid and unpaid so that the system can correctly reduce the spenddown amount.

Subject: State Verification Exchagne System (SVES)
Control #: 98-09

Issue Date: 8/22/1997
Effective Date: 8/22/1997
Program(s) Affected: Disability Management Operations
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The Department of Human Resources will implement the State Verification Exchange System (SVES) statewide effective August 22, 1997. SVES is an automated IBM data exchange system with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verifying social security numbers (SSNs), Title II Social Security (OASDI) benefits and Title XVI Supplement Security Income (SSI) benefits. Requests for verification are data entered on-line during the day and batch processed to SSA that night (Monday through Friday). Responses are returned from SSA that same night and available the next day for on-line viewing.

Subject: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Payment Increases
Control #: 98-12

Issue Date: 9/9/1997
Effective Date: 10/1/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Food Stamps
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This Action Transmittal confirms the October 1997 implementation of a 2.9 percent payment increase for Temporary Cash Assistance applicants and recipients. Senate Bill 778 (Welfare Innovation Act of 1996) requires that the total of Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps be at leat 61% of the established Minimum Living Level. The established Minimum Living Level for State Fiscal ear 1998 is $1163 for a family of three. The key dates for actions related to the benefit increase for this program are noted below.

Subject: The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
Control #: 98-33

Issue Date: 2/9/1998
Effective Date: 2/9/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance, Purchase of Care and Food Stamps
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This Action Transmittal updates the information on the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, and OBSOLETES the Action Transmittal OPR 98-05 Revised that was issued on September 12, 1997. A line in the margin notes the revisions.

Subject: The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
Control #: 98-05 Revised

Issue Date: 9/12/1997
Effective Date: 9/12/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance and Food Stamps
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This Action Transmittal updates the information on the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, and OBSOLETES the Action Transmittal OPR 98-05 that was issued on July 31, 1997. A line in the margin notes the revisions.

Subject: The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993
Control #: 98-05

Issue Date: 7/31/1997
Effective Date: 7/31/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance, Medical Assistance and Food Stamps
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This Action Transmittal updates the information on the National and Community Service Trust of 1993, and OBSOLETES the Action Transmittal OPA 95-38 Revised that was issued on April 3, 1995.

Subject: The National Voter Registration Act
Control #: 98-03

Issue Date: 9/5/1997
Effective Date: 9/5/1997
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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Until programming changes are completed on CARES to include the response Took Home, staff are to use a No response on the DEM 2 screen whenever a customer, present at the face to face application or reconsideration interview, or to report an address change, opts to take the Voter Registration Application form home. If the worker were to respond with a Yes on the DEM 2 screen, the Voter Registration Site Coordinator would expect to receive a completed Voter Registration Application form.

Subject: Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) Grant Increase
Control #: 98-11

Issue Date: 4/22/1998
Effective Date: 5/1/1998
Program(s) Affected: TEMHA
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The Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA) is a State-funded inititative to provide essential medical, housing and other services to low-income disabled adults who are ineligible for other categories of assistance. TEMHA is a capped entitlement for eligible customers.

Subject: Treatment of Supplemental Security Income Lump Sum Payments When Disbursed in Installments
Control #: 98-16

Issue Date: 9/30/1997
Effective Date: 9/30/1997
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance
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Action Transmittal FIA/OPA 97-75 provided information about a provision of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 that changed the way large Supplemental Security Income (SSI) lump sum payments are made. The provision requires installment payments for retroactive SSI payments that exceed 12 times the monthly Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) plus the monthly State supplement. After distribution of AT 97-75, the Food and Consumer Service provided a different interpretation of how to treat the lump sum installment payments in determining the food stamp benefit. This transmittal provides corrected and additional information about the treatment of SSI lump sum income paid in installments.

Subject: Updated Clearing House Worker List
Control #: 98-09

Issue Date: 12/11/1997
Effective Date: 12/11/1997
Program(s) Affected: ALL
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Periodically the FIA Clearing House Worker List is updated to reflect the current staff performing this function.* The Division of Program and Systems Support (DPSS) should be notified in writing of any updates, corrections, or changes. The list will then be revised accordingly and reissued. See below for mailing address.

Subject: Verification of Forty Quarters for Legal Immigrants
Control #: 98-15

Issue Date: 10/3/1997
Effective Date: 10/3/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance and Food Stamps
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Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 changed the food stamp eligibility criteria for legal immigrants. One of those criteria establishes eligibility for legal permanent residents who have 40 quarters of coverage through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Certification pending verification was allowed for all households who were considered likely to have 40 quarters of work until the SSA's Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS) was operational. QCHS is not currently operational. The projected implementation date is December, 1997. Effective immediately, local departments must request and obtain verifications of earnings from customers before determining eligibility for legal immigrants who claim 40 quarters of work.

Subject: Voluntary Request to Close Case Form
Control #: 98-01

Issue Date: 8/26/1997
Effective Date: 8/26/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program, Food Stamps, Transitional Emergency, Medical, and Housing Assistance (TEMHA), Public Assistance to Adults (PAA)
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In our attempt to reduce errors and make it convenient for customers to close a specific benefit or their entire case, we are initiating a Voluntary Request to Close Case Form procedure. The usage of this form by local departments is completely voluntary. However, other states have used this form with a degree of success and this technique has been shared at several training conferences including conferences sponsored by USDA/FCS.

Subject: Voluntary Request to Close Case Form (IDHR/FIA 1810)
Control #: 98-01 Revised

Issue Date: 9/15/1997
Effective Date: 9/15/1997
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program, Food Stamps, Transitional Emergency, Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA), Public Assistance to Adults (PA)
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This FIA Information Memo has been revised to include the form number for the Voluntary Request to Close Case Form.

Subject: Work Activity Liability Issues
Control #: 98-27

Issue Date: 1/5/1998
Effective Date: 1/5/1998
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
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The Family Investment Program's primary goal is to assist TCA customers in achieving economic independence through employment. Local Departments have designed many different work activities to accomplish this goal. In any employment or training setting, there is a possibility that an accident will occur. When that happens, the State law provides guidelines for liability and worker compensation to protect the injured individual. This Action Transmittal discusses the State's worker compensation statute and how it is applied to ensure certain basic coverage for customers who are participating in work activities. Additionally, it will define and discuss different areas of liability and explain who is liable under various situations.

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