Fiscal Year 2007: DHR Documents by Control Number

Control #: 07-01
Subject: Out of State Contacts for Information on Customers Who Moved From Another State
Issue Date: 7/20/2006
Effective Date: 7/20/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal #05-15 contained a TANF Information Contact List. This Information Memo provides an updated contact list. All procedures remain the same. Local departments must continue to count any months that TANF benefits were received in other states, as well as in Maryland, toward the sixty-month time limit on all TCA cases.

Control #: 07-02
Subject: Medical Report Supplement Forms
Issue Date: 7/5/2006
Effective Date: 7/5/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
Link to Document:

As part of the Family Investment Administration’s efforts to meet and surpass the federal work participation rate, we are adding a supplement called the DHR/FIA/TCA 402-W (attached) to the Medical Report Form DHR/FIA 402B for disabled TCA adults. On this supplemental medical form the health care provider reports on the customer’s ability to work or attend educational or vocational training courses. Using this form, we move the focus from what the customer cannot do, to what the customer is able to do.

Control #: 07-03
Subject: New Primary Adult Care Program (PAC)
Issue Date: 7/1/2006
Effective Date: 7/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA); Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

Beginning July 1, 2006, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) will offer a new Medical Assistance program known as the Primary Adult Care Program (PAC). PAC will cover primary care, pharmacy, and outpatient mental health benefits for adult, low-income Maryland residents.

DHMH combined two of its programs – the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Program (MPAP) and the Maryland Primary Care Program – to create PAC. Between July 1, 2006 and September 1, 2006, DHMH will transition into PAC the current recipients from the Maryland Pharmacy Assistance Program and the Maryland Primary Care Program.

Control #: 07-04
Subject: Interview for Expedited Service Cases and the Notice of Missed Interview
Issue Date: 8/10/2006
Effective Date: 8/10/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Recently, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) notified us of the following two changes that affect the Food Stamp Program immediately:

• Interview before approval of benefits for all cases - The local department must interview all households before issuing benefits. We can no longer issue expedited food stamps without an interview. See section E below for policy about interviews.

• Scheduling an Interview and Notice of Missed Interview - The Quality Control review of denials now must look at whether the local department scheduled an interview for a particular date and time and sent the household a notice of missed interview if the customer did not keep the appointment and was not interviewed. The requirement for local departments to schedule interviews and to send notices of missed interview is current and ongoing policy. The inclusion of these requirements as part of the QC negative review is new. See Section C for policy about scheduling an interview and the notice of missed interview.

Control #: 07-05
Subject: Medicaid Citizenship and Identity Requirements
Issue Date: 8/10/2006
Effective Date: 9/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Medical Assistance (MA); Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP), and Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Link to Document:

Effective July 1, 2006, due to federal regulatory changes based on the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, all persons declaring to be U.S. citizens must provide documentation of their citizenship and identity at the time of initial application or annual redetermination for Medicaid. In Maryland, this federal change applies to Medical Assistance (MA), Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Long-Term Care, Primary Adult Care (PAC), HealthChoice, Women's Breast and Cervical Cancer Health Program, and all waiver programs. It does not apply to Medicare beneficiaries, presumptively eligible newborns and SSI recipients. At this time, due to implementation and delinking problems, it also does not apply to TCA applicants and recipients. DHR and the LHDs will be notified when the TCA applicants are subject to this regulation. However, customers receiving TCA should not be discouraged from providing the documents when available.

Control #: 07-06
Subject: Food Stamp Program And Temporary Cash Assistance Mass Changes - October 2006
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program And Temporary Cash Assistance
Link to Document:

Each August, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes the updated Thrifty Food Plan, which determines the maximum food stamp allotments. The USDA also publishes the new income standards for the year. The income standards, the maximum food stamp allotments, standard deductions and excess shelter deduction have increased. The homeless shelter deduction did not change.

Control #: 07-07
Subject: Separate Household Status For Disabled Persons
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) recently provided guidance for situations involving disabled persons, the household definition, and the policy for elderly disabled households living with others (Food Stamp Manual 109.4). FNS is concerned that past guidance has not provided a consistent message on the policy. This transmittal is to ensure that local departments are applying policy consistently.

Control #: 07-08
Subject: Updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 9/12/2006
Effective Date: 9/12/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Attached is an updated Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide that local departments may use to inform food stamp applicants and recipients about their reporting requirements. The guide reflects the increase in the 130 percent of the federal poverty guidelines income limit for simplified reporters.

Control #: 07-08 Attachment
Subject: Food Stamp Change Reporting Guide
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Section 1 - Simplified Reporting Group

„Ï Most families who get food stamps are in the simplified reporting group. The families that are not included in the simplified reporting group are listed in Section 2 ¡V Change Reporting.

„Ï When your family is in the simplified reporting group:

„« You are required to report only when your family¡¦s entire gross monthly income is more than the amount listed in the chart for your household size.

„« You are not required to report any other changes for your food stamp case. (But, if you think a change will increase benefits for your family, you should report it.)

„Ï If you receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Medical Assistance (MA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) or Public Assistance to Adults (PAA) you must report all changes within 10 days.

Control #: 07-08 Attachment 2
Subject: Guia Para Registrar Cambios En El Programa De Cupones Para Alimentos
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 10/1/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Sección 1 – Grupo de Informes Simplificados

 La mayoría de las familias que reciben cupones para alimentos se encuentran dentro del grupo de informes simplificados. Aquellas familias que no se encuentran en este grupo figuran en la Sección 2 – El Grupo que Debe Rendir Informes sobre Cambios.

 Cuando tu familia se encuentra dentro del grupo de informes simplificados:

 Se requiere que haga un informe únicamente cuando los ingresos brutos totales cada mes exceden la cantidad que figura en la tabla para el tamaño de su hogar.

 No se requiere que haga un informe sobre cualquier otro cambio con relación a su caso de cupones de alimentos. (Sin embargo, si cree que algún cambio resultará en un aumento de beneficios para su familia, debe informarnos sobre ello.)

Control #: 07-09
Subject: Preparation For Hearings
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, some local departments advised us they have had difficulty with administrative hearings that involve the Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) and State Review Decisions (SRT). To attempt to resolve the issues the local departments are requesting that SRT come to the hearing or be available for a telephone conference.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment
Subject: Sample Contact Letter
Issue Date: 8/11/2005
Effective Date: 8/11/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Stevens:

We have received your request for a hearing and forwarded it to the Office of Administrative Hearings. I would like to go over with you in this letter what I understand to be the reason you requested a hearing. I tried unsuccessfully to call you several times.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 2
Subject: Withdrawal Of Request For Hearing
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

I, (Name)of (Address)(County) have filed a request for hearing. I now withdraw this request (choose one below):

Because the Department of Social Services (“Social Services”) has agreed to address the specific reason I am appealing by doing the following:...

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 3
Subject: Hearing Summary
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)
Link to Document:

Program (Please check appropriate program)

Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)

Summary (Concise Details)

Basis for Decision:


Control #: 07-09 Attachment 4A
Subject: Sample 1: Hearing Summary
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Program (Please check appropriate program)

Temporary Cash Assistance(TCA),Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical ssistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)

Summary (Concise Details)

See attached

Basis for Decision:

COMAR : Food Stamp income Food Stamp calculations Schedules for Income and Deductions Medical Assistance eligibility

MA Schedule 1

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 4B
Subject: Sample 1: Hearing Summary Details
Issue Date: 9/29/2006
Effective Date: 9/29/2006
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamps, Medical Assistance
Link to Document:

Mr. and Mrs. Able are appealing the closing of their Food Stamp benefits for them and their two children and the denial of their application for Medical Assistance for themselves. The children receive Medical Assistance under the Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP). Mrs. Able was seen for redetermination of the family’s Food Stamp benefits and the MA application on April 3, 2005.

Mr. Able is self-employed. His gross income before deductions was $64,772. The case manager entered incorrect income information into the eligibility system when she was determining the household’s financial eligibility at redetermination. The information was taken from the 2003 income tax return forms. However, based on the incorrect income information, which was less than the actual income, the household was ineligible for benefits.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 5A
Subject: Sample 2: Hearing Summary
Issue Date: 4/8/2005
Effective Date: 4/8/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Program (Please check appropriate program) Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Maryland Children’s Health Program, Other (specify)

Summary (Concise Details)

See Attached

Basis for Decision:


07.03.05 Temporary Assistance to Disabled Program (TDAP) State Review Team (SRT) Definitions of Disabled

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 5B
Subject: Sample 2: Hearing Summary Details
Issue Date: 4/8/2005
Effective Date: 4/8/2005
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Ms. Johnson is appealing the Cecil County DSS decision to close her Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP) benefits. Ms. Johnson has been receiving assistance for herself only each month since February 2004 under the Temporary Emergency Medical Housing Assistance Program (TEMHA). Ms. Johnson ‘s TEMHA certification was for six months, through July 30, 2004.

TDAP replaced the TEMHA program, which ended on September 30, 2004. The Department of Human Resources (DHR), which oversees the TDAP program decided to allow recipients to receive assistance under the TEMHA program until the individual’s existing certification expired. On and after October 1, 2004, TDAP applications were processed. Ms. Johnson stated she did not want to apply for Medical Assistance at the time of her re-application in August 1, 2004. She stated she had health care coverage through her former employer.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 6
Subject: Maryland Medical Assistance Program Disability Determination Notice of Action
Issue Date: 5/1/2007
Effective Date: 5/15/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

In deciding whether your illness or injury is disabling, the State Review Team (SRT) used the medical and social evidence you presented. SRT used the Federal Disability rules found on the back of this form. After careful review of this evidence, the SRT is unable, for Federal Medical Assistance purposes, to find you disabled. Enclosed is a SRT Medical, Vocational, Educational Assessment stating the reason (s) for the decision.

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 7
Subject: Hearing Procedures Guild
Issue Date: 5/1/2007
Effective Date: 5/19/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Hearing Procedures

A Guide to Administrative Hearings

For all appeals filled on or after September 18, 2006

Control #: 07-09 Attachment 8
Subject: Sample Contact Letter
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/15/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

Control #: 07-10 Revised
Subject: Service Access and Infomation Link (SAIL)
Issue Date: 12/4/2006
Effective Date: 12/4/2006
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA,) Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP), Food Stamp Program (FSP), Medical Assistance (MA), Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Long Term Care, Office Of Home Energy Programs (OHEP), Child Care Subsidy Program (CCSP, Formerly POC)
Link to Document:

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) awarded a grant to DHR to develop an on-line system for customers to file applications for benefits, report changes, and to submit their completed redetermination Customer Information Forms (CIF).

Ten states already successfully use on-line systems similar to SAIL. These states have found the systems to be a time saver and convenience for everyone.

Control #: 07-11 attachment
Subject: State-Funded Aliens or Emergency Medical Services for Ineligible or Illegal Aliens
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/15/2009
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

You have the right to appeal this decision within 90 days from the date of this notice. If you think the decision if wrong, you may:

•Call your Eligibility Case Worker at the telephone number on the other side of this notice to ask about the decision.

•Request a hearing or ask for help to make this request by:

•Calling your Eligibility Case Worker;

•Calling the State’s help line at 1-800-332-6347;

•Visiting your local department office; or

•Mailing or giving a written request for a hearing to your local department office.

The hearing will be scheduled at a time and place that are convenient for you. You will be expected to be present. If for any reason you cannot be present, you must notify the Office of Administrative Hearings to reschedule the hearing or to identify the person who will attend in your place. You may represent yourself, or if you wish, you may be represented by legal counsel or by a relative, friend or other person. It is not necessary, however, that someone represent you. You may bring any witnesses or documents you desire to help you establish pertinent facts and to explain your circumstances. A reasonable number of persons from the general public may be admitted to the hearing if you desire.

Control #: 07-11 attachment 2
Subject: Notice of Ineligibility - Financial Reasons
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/17/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

You have the right to appeal this decision within 90 days from the date of this notice. If you think the decision if wrong, you may:

•Call your Eligibility Case Worker at the telephone number on the other side of this notice to ask about the decision. •Request a hearing or ask for help to make this request by:

•Calling your Eligibility Case Worker;

•Calling the State’s help line at 1-800-332-6347; •Visiting your local department office; or •Mailing or giving a written request for a hearing to your local department office.

Control #: 07-11 attachment 3
Subject: Services For Ineligible Or Illegal Aliens
Issue Date: 7/1/2007
Effective Date: 7/15/2007
Program(s) Affected:
Link to Document:

This is to notify you that based on the application you filed on ___, you have been determined ineligible for full Medical Assistance or Maryland Children’s Health Program benefits or for coverage of emergency medical services for the reason(s) checked below:‪ You are not a resident of the State of Maryland. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene determined that you do not have an emergency medical ondition.‪ The Department of Human Resources State Review Team determined that you are not disabled.

Control #: 07-12
Subject: Changes To Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Work Requirements
Issue Date: 10/1/2006
Effective Date: 11/27/2006
Program(s) Affected: TCA
Link to Document:

In December 2005, Congress passed the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 reauthorizing the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program. The United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families issued regulations effective October 1, 2006 redefining the TANF work participation rate requirements and expanding the number of recipients who are included in the calculation of the State’s rate.

Control #: 07-13
Subject: Increase In Utility Allowances And Increase In Telephone Allowance
Issue Date: 11/29/2006
Effective Date: 1/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Every year we review the utility and telephone allowances to determine if they should increase, decrease or stay the same. Based on the most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Baltimore/ Washington area, the standard and limited utility allowances will increase. A recent survey of telephone service providers indicates that phone rates have gone up this year. The telephone allowance will increase slightly.

Control #: 07-15
Subject: Social Security (RSDI) and SSI Cost-Of-Living Increase
Issue Date: 12/20/2006
Effective Date: 1/1/2006
Program(s) Affected: Cash Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical
Link to Document:

Historically, Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits have increased each year. This is usually true for Railroad Retirement and Veterans Benefits also. The mass change process to take these changes into account for cash assistance, food stamps and Medical Assistance purposes is described in this transmittal

Control #: 07-16
Subject: Service Access and Information Link (SAIL) Application Processing
Issue Date: 2/1/2007
Effective Date: 2/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

December 4, 2006. We developed SAIL as a strategy to increase access to benefits. In the beginning of SAIL development we planned to use an electronic signature. The date the applicant submitted the application on-line was to be considered the date of application. This policy was included in Information Memo 07-10 Revised.

In the later stages of SAIL development, we found that we cannot use an electronic signature at this time. As you know, we implemented SAIL, a web based screening, application and interim change system, on Until we can use an electronic signature the applicant must print a signature page, sign it and mail or fax it to the local department. This causes a delay between the date the applicant submits the online SAIL application and the date the local department receives the signature page. Because of questions and concerns raised by local departments we have re-evaluated the date we consider a SAIL application as received by the local department.

Control #: 07-17
Subject: Clarification Of Action Transmittal #07-04 And Suggestions For Telephone Interviewing
Issue Date: 3/2/2007
Effective Date: 3/2/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

As stated in Action Transmittal 07-04, effective October 1, 2006, case managers must interview all households before issuing food stamp benefits. We can no longer issue expedited food stamps without an interview. This requirement places a workload burden on local departments, which must meet policy requirements and still maintain timeliness standards. Action Transmittal 07-04 also states that if the food stamp applicant cannot be interviewed on the day of application, we must give him or her a scheduled appointment for a specific date and time. If the food stamp applicant misses the scheduled appointment, we must send a notice of missed interview (NOMI).

Local Departments have expressed concern over the 102 alert “Application due - enter delay reason” and coding the MISC screen with a “CD” when there is a customer delay. There was also concern about how to enter narration on CARES and how to ensure accurate compliance data on Datawatch reports. This action transmittal clarifies those issues.

Action Transmittal 07-04 also states that if the household does not keep the interview, the household is not eligible for expedited benefits. We have received clarification from the Food and Nutrition Service about this policy

Control #: 07-17 Revised
Subject: Clarification Of Action Transmittal #07-04 And Suggestions For Telephone Interviewing
Issue Date: 3/2/2007
Effective Date: 3/2/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

As stated in Action Transmittal 07-04, effective October 1, 2006, case managers must interview all households before issuing food stamp benefits. We can no longer issue expedited food stamps without an interview. This requirement places a workload burden on local departments, which must meet policy requirements and still maintain timeliness standards. Action Transmittal 07-04 also states that if the food stamp applicant cannot be interviewed on the day of application, we must give him or her a scheduled appointment for a specific date and time. If the food stamp applicant misses the scheduled appointment, we must send a notice of missed interview (NOMI).

Control #: 07-18
Subject: Applications For Prison Inmates Prior To Release – Updated Lists Of Local Department Liaisons And Department Of Public Safety Social Work Contacts
Issue Date: 3/7/2007
Effective Date: 3/7/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Action Transmittal 05-33 Revised, on Applications for Prison Inmates Prior to Release, issued June 9, 2005, included lists of liaisons in the Local Departments of Social Services and the Department of Public Safety Social Work Contacts. Attached are updated versions of those lists as well as an updated list of Local Departments of Social Services mailing addresses and telephone numbers for your information and use.

INQUIRIES: If you have questions about these lists, please contact Dorothy Strawsburg, (Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services) at 410-585-3371, or Deborah Weathers, (FIA Policy), at 410-767-7994.

Control #: 07-19
Subject: Gift Cards
Issue Date: 3/20/2007
Effective Date: 3/20/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program, Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program, and Child Care Subsidy Program
Link to Document:

Current policy does not address how to treat gift cards. Gift cards are usually restricted to purchasing a limited range of goods, and are similar to household goods that we exclude from resources by longstanding policy. Gift card amounts are also usually insufficient to affect a household’s ability to purchase food or other household goods.

Control #: 07-20
Subject: National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)
Issue Date: 3/27/2007
Effective Date: 3/27/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance And Food Stamps
Link to Document:

The State New Hires process does not include information on federal government employees, people who have jobs in other states or people who work in Maryland for employers with home offices in other states. In Federal Fiscal Year 2005, states participated in a match against the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH). Recently, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (DHHS, ACF) enhanced the NDNH. Now included are: W-4 (new employment), Quarterly Wage (QW), and Unemployment Insurance (UI). Use of NDNH information helps local departments reduce the number of incorrect payments caused by unreported income and provides information that may help increase work participation rates.

Control #: 07-21
Subject: Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS
Issue Date: 3/28/2007
Effective Date: 1/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (FS) and Medical Assistance (MA
Link to Document:

The Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) shares public assistance data among States wishing to maintain program integrity and detect and deter improper payments. Maryland has been a member of the PARIS Project every quarter since August 1999. Using the Social Security Number of recipients as the key, the match process compares benefit payouts made by States for TANF (TCA), Food Stamps and MA against various databases. There are three parts of the PARIS data match process. The Veterans Administration (VA) database match determines if an individual is collecting VA benefits. The Interstate match compares participating States data against each other and determines if an individual is collecting benefits in more than one State. The Federal match determines whether anyone receiving benefits is also collecting a salary or retirement pension as a current or former U.S. military or civil service employee. The federal PARIS computer facility performs the data match and provides any hits to the State. State staff verify the data and follow appropriate verification procedures and adverse action. The Family Investment Administration has added three new Alert screens in CARES for the receipt and filtering of the three types of PARIS matches: VA, Interstate and Federal. The federal government does not maintain a PARIS file for the data sent to a state. All electronic data submissions are destroyed after the quarterly run. There are currently 42 states sharing data in the PARIS match.

Control #: 07-22
Subject: Changes to QMB/SLMB Mail-In Application - Updated Lists of Local Departments and Department of Aging Senior Health Insurance Coordinators
Issue Date: 3/28/2007
Effective Date: 3/28/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Updated contact lists.

Control #: 07-23
Subject: Medical Report Forms DHR/FIA 402B and 402W
Issue Date: 4/14/2007
Effective Date: 4/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Disability Assistance Temporary Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance Programs
Link to Document:

This Action Transmittal clarifies who may sign the Medical Reports DHR/FIA 402B and DHR/FIA 402W. The Local Department of Social Services obtains medical reports on individuals that have a physical or mental disability. Evidence of the disability is required from acceptable medical sources to establish whether the customer has a medically determinable impairment. The local department case manager completes the Medical Assistance Vocational, Educational and Social Data (DHR/FIA 4204) form with the customer and gives the customer a 402B form for each of the treatment providers the customer lists on the 4204. The case manager also gives TCA customers a 402W form.

Control #: 07-24
Subject: System Security Reminder
Issue Date: 4/17/2007
Effective Date: 4/17/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

Recently, several system security issues have come to our attention. Some of the issues include people sharing logon ID’s and passwords and unauthorized use of a coworker’s computer to finalize their own cases. When employees are hired, they sign a system software agreement. This agreement requires signers to acknowledge that they understand what will happen when infractions to system security occur (see the attached Employee Security Advisory form). This information memo is a reminder of the importance of DHR system security rules. Sharing logon ID’s or passwords not only violates our system security rules, but also compromises case integrity. The CARES system is designed with software to ensure that two staff members touch every case for security reasons. Infractions to the process violate security requirements and complicate the tracking process.

Control #: 07-25
Subject: Allowing the Standard Utility Allowance for Households That Receive Maryland Energy Assistance Program Payments (MEAP)
Issue Date: 4/26/2007
Effective Date: 4/11/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

According to food stamp policy, a household that is billed separately for heat or cooling receives the standard utility allowance (SUA). Federal policy states that households receiving direct or indirect assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (LIHEAA) are also eligible for the SUA. LIHEAA funds the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP). In most instances, households that receive MEAP are billed separately for heat or cooling and, because of this, are eligible for the SUA. We recently learned that MEAP does make payments for eligible households when heat is included in the rent. These households are eligible for the SUA even if their heating or cooling expense is not separate from the rent cost. When the landlord receives a MEAP payment on behalf of the renter, the landlord is supposed to reduce the rent to reflect the MEAP payment.

Control #: 07-26
Subject: Clarification of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) System Procedures
Issue Date: 4/27/2007
Effective Date: 4/27/2007
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program and Temporary Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, Temporary Disability Assistance Program
Link to Document:;pdf

Recently, local departments have asked questions and raised concerns about the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system policy for proof of identity and how to issue aged and abandoned benefits. This information memo will clarify the questions about identity verification needed to pick up the EBT card, issuing aged and abandoned benefits and issuing a Welfare Avoidance Grant (WAG). It will also remind staff of the correct way to change an authorized representative in CARES so that the information is transmitted to EBT.

Control #: 07-27
Subject: Automatic Citizenship Under The Child Citizenship Act Of 2000
Issue Date: 4/27/2007
Effective Date: 4/27/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
Link to Document:

The Child Citizenship Act (CCA) of 2000 was effective February 27, 2001. This Act declares that certain children who are younger than 18 years of age and have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization, will acquire automatic citizenship. Under the CCA, qualifying children who immigrate to the United States with a U.S. citizen parent automatically acquire citizenship upon entry. Children who live abroad acquire citizenship on approval of an application and the taking of the oath of allegiance. This information memo is about the children who obtain automatic citizenship under the CCA.

Control #: 07-28
Subject: Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance in Certain Counties
Issue Date: 5/18/2007
Effective Date: 5/18/2007
Program(s) Affected: Refugee Cash Assistance, Refugee Medical Assistance and Food Stamp Program
Link to Document:

Generally refugees, asylees and victims of trafficking must apply for benefits in the area in which they live, with certain exceptions. The Baltimore Resettlement Center (BRC) serves refugees and asylees and victims of trafficking who reside in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Carroll County, Howard County and Harford County. The BRC is located at 3516 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore MD 21224. The phone number for the administrative manager of that center is (410) 558-3191.

Recently, two more refugee resettlement centers have opened to serve three jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are Washington, Prince George’s, and Montgomery Counties

Control #: 07-29
Subject: Adjustment to Lawful Permanent Resident Status for Refugees and ASYLEES
Issue Date: 6/15/2007
Effective Date: 6/15/2007
Program(s) Affected: All Programs
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Recently, local departments have asked about eligibility for immigrants who are lawful permanent residents (LPR) but who had a prior status of refugee or asylee. This information memo is to remind staff that immigrants admitted in any of the following statuses are eligible immediately and indefinitely, even after they adjust to LPR status:

•Admitted under §207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) as a refugee; A victim of severe trafficking in persons; Granted asylum under §208 of the INA; Deportation or removal withheld under §§243(h) or 241(b)(3) of the INA; Admitted as a Cuban and Haitian immigrant as defined in §501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980; Admitted as an Amerasian under §584 of the Foreign Operations, Export, Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1988.

Control #: 07-30
Subject: Changing the Focus On Work Participation Requirements
Issue Date: 6/1/2007
Effective Date: 6/1/2007
Program(s) Affected: Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)
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When we implemented universal engagement in November 2004, we also implemented the requirement for customers to participate in work activities for 40 hours per week. By simulating an average business work week we are best able to prepare customers for employment. Requiring 40 hours of participation also prepared us to meet anticipated changes to federal rules under TANF Reauthorization. With the recent passage of TANF Reauthorization legislation that did not raise the minimum hourly requirement for the federal Work Participation Rate, the 40-hour per week participation requirement has come under reconsideration. While our work participation rate continues to increase slowly, to avoid federal penalties we need to do better, and to do that, we need to work with the customers who are not participating at all or are participating for less than the required number of hours. Our goal is to encourage employment and work activity participation that leads to employment.

Control #: 07-31
Subject: Application for the Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) and the Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
Issue Date: 6/29/2007
Effective Date: 6/29/2007
Program(s) Affected: MEAP and EUSP
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On July 1, 2007 the Maryland Office of Home Energy Programs (MD OHEP) begins its new program year. Eligible families across Maryland may now apply for energy related programs and services. MEAP provides heating assistance grants to fuel suppliers and utility companies on behalf of eligible applicants. EUSP provides assistance with electric bills. The EUSP will also assist a household in paying some past due electric bills. In certain instances both MEAP and EUSP can assist customers in weatherizing their home (e.g., insulation, furnace repair, window replacement, etc.). Weatherization of homes is now completed via an inter-agency agreement with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The OHEP state office wishes to strongly encourage our partners within the local departments and other community agencies across the state to refer their customers to the local OHEP office. For your convenience, a list of the local OHEP office telephone numbers is attached. As an additional reference for your use, the ‘Income Eligibility Standards’ for fiscal year 2008 is likewise attached. Applications, brochures and posters are available from the OHEP State Office or local offices and an application for energy assistance programs is also on SAIL at The OHEP web site includes additional program information. The address is

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