1824 - By 1824 David Hoffman had spent over five years trying to place his Law Institute at The University of Maryland on firmer financial ground, with little success. While there was continued interest and support on the part of both the Trustees and the bar in Baltimore for Hoffman's course of study; which he called "a union of practical and theoretical knowledge," students were still lacking. Hoffman, to the detriment of his program and to the dismay of his backers at the University, continued to gather and publish his lectures in pamphlet form. This made it exceedingly easy, not to mention less expensive, for potential students to gain access to Hoffman's knowledge and experience without paying the high costs of tuition and living expenses in Baltimore.
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3 | Pages 4-5 | Pages 6-7 | Pages 8-9 | Pages 10-11 | Pages 12-13 | Pages 14-15