Fiscal Year 1993: DHR Documents by Control Number

Control #: 93-09
Subject: Cost of Living Adjustments for 10/92
Issue Date: 9/3/1992
Effective Date: 10/1/1992
Program(s) Affected: Food Stamp Program
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Food Stamp Program cost of living adjustments occur annually, to be effective the first of October of each year, as mandated by federal statute. This normally requires some reprogramming to AIMS to update the allotment tables, the eligibility income standards and certain deductions. Allotment amounts and the other cost of living adjustments are tied to market basket prices for certain food items. Then the cost of these items is used to compute the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) which is the basis for the food stamp allo"ment tables. This year is different because the cost of the market basket items used to compute the TFP have actually decreased which would have resulted in a decrease in allotments. A special bill was introduced and quickly passed through both the House and the senate which will keep allotments the same as last year. Eligibility income standards and certain deductions will increase effective October 1, 1992.

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